Push-ups Club

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:35 am

Werner1950 wrote:I am up to a whopping 6 push-ups per day!

Do you guys go until you can't anymore? Is there a method to this?Six is my maximum, at which point the biceps turn to jelly..
I am 63 and am 5'4 and weigh 162 lbs

Oh, you seem to be in the perfect spot since you can already do some. Now, I don't know if you are male or female and whether you are doing full (guys) push-ups or modified (girl) push-ups.

Either way, you can do some which means you are all set for progress.
Now begin to think in terms of 12 to 24 months of gradual increases.
As I've indicated, I began at age 62 only able to do between 12 and perhaps 15 with hard struggle.
(I had no extra weight to deal with)
Two days ago I did 50 in 2 minutes and earlier in that same week I did 40 in 1 minute.
But that took a year of slow progress. At our age you don't make rapid increases as the muscles take longer to adjust and grow.

Look at the push up charts here and see where you and others are (the percentile)

As to your question about doing the maximum or what in various sets.

#1. I always warm up with some less strenuous girl push ups on my knees. A couple sets.
#2. After some rest, I will do a good number of push ups but not my maximum every day.
For example if you can do only six maximum. Make your first set be 5, then follow up with sets of 4 or 5, then perhaps a couple sets of 3.
#3. Add up the total for perhaps 15 total (not counting the warm up ones).
#4. Do that total for a couple weeks, then you can raise it a bit to 20, then 25, then 30 for the total number in your group of sets.
#5. So after a few months you might be doing 30 in a day (with at least one day off)...
Those 30 might come in sets of 10 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 30

Adjust as your body lets you know. Pay close attention to any aches and pains in the shoulder region.
Slow steady progress is the way to go.
I'm now up to about 40 girl warm ups + 120 regular push ups for my days. But I now take off 2 days between exercise days. And about once a week I test my maximum in 1 minute or 2 minutes to see my progress.

If you get sick and miss a week, don't worry, just start doing them again. You won't have slipped much if anything at all.

Best of all, you can do push ups almost anywhere and they take up very little time. You seldom enough to get sweaty.

BTW, they'll do wonders for much more than your arms, chest and shoulders. Your entire core will get stronger as will your legs.

Keep thinking of progress out 12 to 24 months. Like clockwork you will be guaranteed a good outcome if you persist. Plus you can keep it for life and not become a weak helpless senior.

Also, you have the added bonus that as your weight drops, the push ups will also become easier.
With the exercise and weight loss, your progress could be dramatic. :nod:

PS, try to keep proper form when doing the push ups. With emphasis on a straight line from head to back to legs. (not always easy when doing the last few and shaking can begin) You'll get better with time.
Last edited by waingapu on Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:37 am

amgmmg wrote:What is teh benefit of doing push-ups? I am not keen on them

The benefits of push-ups are far more than just for the arms, chest and shoulders.

The have a great impact on your entire core as well as your legs and back.

When doing them properly with a straight back, you exercise the entire length of your body.

http://www.livestrong.com/article/25511 ... s-pushups/
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:04 am

I have gotten sidetracked and "too busy" the first two mornings this week already. I like the idea of the calendar. I need to do something to get into a routine. I have been in a "sleep-in" mood the past two weeks. I think I am almost out of it.

I will do some when I get home. I might try to do some at work. Hard to say...

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:11 pm

JohnLarson wrote:I have gotten sidetracked and "too busy" the first two mornings this week already. I like the idea of the calendar. I need to do something to get into a routine.

Push ups take so little time. 60 seconds here and there during the day, and not every day.

Just get a simple calendar that you can pick up almost everywhere, often for free.
Keep it just for exercise. Push ups , walking, etc.

The after each session or activity, enter your output.
This act of entering the item or items, is a essential part of creating the mindset.
It allows you to see your progress even when its slow.
It allows you to see the days you have been off. I don't do push ups ever day. I normally skip a minimum of 1 day and most often 2 days between push ups.
So you only end up doing 3 days maximum a week. Each day only take few minutes. If you choose to you can spread it out during the day. 1 minute here, then 1 minute there. Perhaps 5 sets for a total of 5 minutes every 3 days.

Very minimal when you think about it. Yet after a year of that you'll be amazed at your progress.

The simple plain calendar will help keep you focused and not let the concept drift away.
You will actually come to enjoy the process of adding on a new day.
I usually ad on my warm-up push ups, then put down each set of real full push ups.
Then when I do some real good set,, perhaps a new record, I highlight it in yellow marker.
That makes my review easy to see where I have been by flipping back the months.

All these acts cement the concept in your mind, making following your program not only easy but enjoyable.

I look forward to filling in the dates.
I also keep looking at where I stand on the percentile scale, inching upward month by month.

It becomes game. Just keep the 12 month to 24 month framework in mind.
If you stay with it you'll amaze yourself. Just like in diet, you'll advance, then have plateaus , then a sudden advance.
Think of it as a adventure to fitness.
After months, you'll even begin to see changes in the mirror after you shower. Slow but eventually pronounced changes in your arms and shoulders. Looking more athletic.

Also always keep in mind the future you at age 75, 85, 95. Still able to get up off the ground. Still able to do a minimal number of push ups. To have that future you can't wait until you hit 80 to begin.

OK, now look around and find that calendar. At this time of the year, they are almost free.
(one note, month by month calendars are better as opposed to the one day types. Month by month enables you to flip back and view entire months easier)
And save the 2013 calendar even after you get a 2014 calendar.

Use your age. See where you currently stand. Then progress.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:45 pm

Still doing push ups here. Just did some, but fell 1 short of 40 in a minute. Only 39 in 0:59. Over 40 in a minute on some exercise days, but our bodies vary from day to day.
I'm up to about 130 total push ups each day, but only do them about twice a week. Allowing the muscles and tendons to rest and recover. At age 63, avoiding injury is most important. Thus I no longer do daily exercise of the same muscles. Bike about 3 times a week. Pushups twice a week.

Anyway, saw some senior examples of fitness to aim for as we age.
Some inspiration for those of us wanting to keep fit past age 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90.

Woman age 72 doing push ups
(she could go down just a bit further in her push ups, but given how many she does in 1 minute, it is still very impressive


Also vegan man age 72


They show him and mention his diet.
(must note though, he was a former champion. I don't normally show former champions because they aren't the "everyman" role model, however I thought the inclusion of his diet was important)

90 year old dancing woman who does the splits.


Can't prove she is 90, but it seems like a family video and I can't imagine they wouldn't tell the true age.
Most impressive is how easily she gets up at that end of the video.

We'd all better start practicing now if we hope to be agile at 90.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:30 pm

OK folks, the New Year is here and time to get going on those push ups.

I've been doing them about twice a week, allowing a good deal of time between each session for tendons and such to refresh and heal up. As you age, daily muscle and tendon strain may get in the way fitness. Allow for more time between sessions, especially if you feel soreness.

So today was the final day of the year and I just turned 64 a few days back.
Time for a final "stamp" on 2013 to close the books.

I warmed up with the following

21 "girl" push ups.
10 full push ups
10 full push ups
5 full push ups
5 full push ups
Then going for a new personal record in 60 seconds
41 full push ups in 1:00 :D

Then, sets of
34 full push ups in 1:00
20 full push ups in 0:30
15 full push up in 0:25 (after only 1 minute rest from the prior 20)
20 full push ups in 0:28

Total 160 full push ups, (plus 21 "girl' push ups during warm up).

That is my regular number each time, about twice a week.

Again, if you want to see where you are relative to the general population for 1 minute of push ups, go to this site and scroll down for the push up brackets...for both men and women of various ages.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:39 pm

I am just starting doing push-ups again. I think I might warm up with "girl"-push-ups. My first few are pretty bad form. I don't count them.

I have been sliding back the past four months on this WOE and exercising. Push-ups of any type are better than none. I still remember when I couldn't even do one.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby dlee » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:28 pm

JohnLarson wrote:I am just starting doing push-ups again. I think I might warm up with "girl"-push-ups. My first few are pretty bad form. I don't count them.

I have been sliding back the past four months on this WOE and exercising. Push-ups of any type are better than none. I still remember when I couldn't even do one.

I'm with you John. sliding back a bit ....I can't do one real push up but I'm doing a few "girl" push ups to start Dlee :D
PS you can do it John you have lots of support here. -sorry your family isn't there for you.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby amgmmg » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:32 pm

Thanks for this link. I think I will try it. I want to tone my body . I hate seeing myself in photos
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby amgmmg » Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:29 pm

I had done the initial test for the 100 push ups challenge, but I never know if I am doing a good push up or not. With teh classic push up, I cannot get down low enough. So I think I will do them on my knees and build from there.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:15 pm

I just started doing pushups again last week. I'm not following the 100 pushups a day program. It was too much pressure
I'm just keeping a journal and trying to increase it every day
I'm up to 22 today (the girl pushups from the knees)

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JohnLarson » Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:51 am

~Beth~ wrote:I just started doing pushups again last week. I'm not following the 100 pushups a day program. It was too much pressure
I'm just keeping a journal and trying to increase it every day
I'm up to 22 today (the girl pushups from the knees)


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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:46 am


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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby viv » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:37 pm

waingapu wrote:OK folks, the New Year is here and time to get going on those push ups.

I've been doing them about twice a week, allowing a good deal of time between each session for tendons and such to refresh and heal up. As you age, daily muscle and tendon strain may get in the way fitness. Allow for more time between sessions, especially if you feel soreness.

So today was the final day of the year and I just turned 64 a few days back.


I'm joining the Push Ups Club! Thanks Waingapu for the encouragement. For the last few years I would occasionally get down on the floor and do 100 sit-ups, flip over and then do 30 push ups (from the knees). When I injured my knee some months back it was too difficult to even get down on the floor and then get up again. But now, thanks to Dr. Mc. I can get down on the floor again. We are the same age Waingapu 64! So here's to my New Year's resolution. Get fit in 2014!!
5'8", Started March 2013
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60lbs gone--for good!
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby eXtremE » Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:11 pm

Good for you Viv. Man, I just got on the floor and could only do 8 pushups :D . I have kept my cardio up over the years but the weight training has gone by the wayside slowly over the years. I use to be able to do 50 tricep dips in the gym. A dip is merely an upright pushup. Now, I bet I would have trouble cranking out 2 or 3. I am gonna get on the floor every other day and do the pushups too for fun. I will bookmark this thread.
On 7/8/2013, I decided to change my diet to a "mostly" WFPB diet. I have always been somewhat lean and muscular due to being a lifelong exerciser. Change in diet due to feeling crummy all the time despite a healthy outward appearance. Image
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