Debunking Michael Greger

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

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Re: Debunking Michael Greger

Postby Acura » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:19 am

Jumpstart wrote:most in the US don't know what a vegetable is.

They do, it's called 'French fries', America's favorite vegetable!
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Re: Debunking Michael Greger

Postby openmind » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:35 am

Jumpstart wrote:I don't understand listening to Dr. Greger or for that matter anybody else let alone reading or following a study, any study. There are only two results: either they support our way of eating and that might make you feel a bit better but doesn't provide any new information, OR the other side is it points to something outside what Dr. McDougall teaches and will be ignored, "debunked" as is this nut tread, explained away, or simply derided. The reality is that after over half a million studies completed since Dr. McDougall started his program 35 years ago it hasn't been modified one bit as a result of those studies and I don't as a result expect it to no matter what any individual study or groups of studies concludes. So why bother wasting a lot of time reading and then talking about all this so called scientific stuff: follow the program if you believe in it and get on with the rest of your life instead of fixating on diet research or conflicting opinions. it's almost as if many on the program have doubts about it and need constant reassurance that what they're doing is right.

I think a lot of us just like getting into arguments with friends, family, people on other forums, etc., which is why we try and parse the studies.

In my mind, there is no doubt this WOE is the healthiest. Since following the Starch Solution, I've never had to count a calorie and yet have lost over 20 pounds while vastly improving my biometrics.
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Re: Top Health-Promoting Programs

Postby suchy » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:00 am

openmind wrote:Martin,

I hope you don't mind me jumping in here, since you didn't address this question to me, but I don't think you need to worry too much about the debate about which doctor's approach is better (Fuhrman, McDougall, Esselstyn). The differences amongst all these doctors is relatively small. They all want you to eat mostly whole plant foods, and they all want you to avoid or minimize processed foods and animal products. They all understand that decreasing your calorie density is the way to get to and maintain your ideal weight.

I started with Fuhrman myself in 2010, and I made great strides, dropping about 25 lbs. initially. I found it difficult to maintain his Way of Eating though, and my weight started to creep back up. Sometimes I just wasn't in the mood to make a salad or eat beans, and started to allow too much animal products back into my diet.

Then I came across the Starch Solution, and I've found long term adherence much easier. I cut animal products completely, except for rare special occasions, and made starch the center of my diet, and I lost and additional 10-15 pounds while eating as much delicious food as I've wanted.

Thank you openmind; I appreciate your reply; I'll look at the Starch Solution. Just to reiterate, I'm not concerned with losing weight; I'm concerned with optimum weight and longevity, especially "treating" and avoiding cancer. A year ago my father died of pancreatic cancer, and I was diagnosed with DFSP in January this year. According to my surgeons the cancer is all gone now (and the chance it'd return is less than 2%), but I'm now obsessed with healthy lifestyle and maximizing overall health.

Thank you for your opinion on the best expert,
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Re: Top Health-Promoting Programs

Postby GeoffreyLevens » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:04 am

I'm concerned with optimum weight and longevity, especially "treating" and avoiding cancer. A year ago my father died of pancreatic cancer, and I was diagnosed with DFSP in January this year. According to my surgeons the cancer is all gone now (and the chance it'd return is less than 2%), but I'm now obsessed with healthy lifestyle and maximizing overall health.

Thank you for your opinion on the best expert,

Of course no guarantees in life but you might find this latest from Dr Greger quite encouraging
The Best Kept Secret in Medicine
Even though the most widely accepted, well-established chronic disease practice guidelines uniformly call for lifestyle change as the first line of therapy, physicians often do not follow these guidelines. Yet, lifestyle interventions are often more effective in reducing heart disease, hypertension, heart failure, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and deaths from all causes than almost any other medical intervention...
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