Push-ups Club

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:56 pm

LynnCS wrote:Hi push-ups club. I've been spending the last 6 weeks in a rehab facility with a broken ankle. Yesterday I got the cast cut off and got issued a "Space Boot." It's a big challenge, but am glad things are healing. Now the big deal is learning to walk again and climb stairs.

So last night I did push ups while sitting in the wheel chair, on the edge of the bed. Believe it or not,it was hard, but good to do, no matter what. Rehab is working on my walking, but I have a couple light weights and Therabands in the room and did a lot of strength training also in the room last night.

I didn't count the push-ups, but wanted to check back in and be present. I'll keep posting so I don't give up again. Don't need to get depressed through all this and talking with you all and hearing your progress is so needed and appreciated. What I'm doing isn't much, but I was only doing wall and counter top pushies before. Still I need to be part of this in order to recognize progress of any kind. Thanks for being there and sharing your ups and downs...lol! :nod:

Wow, very serious injury. Especially in that it puts you out of commission for such a long period of time at age 75.
That is exactly the kind of setback I was talking about as to why many seniors just fall off the fitness wagon.
Even my short flu + cold for a couple weeks put me into a vulnerable place where it would be easy to not re-start.

I think you need a long term outlook so that even the micro-improvements will be noticed and from which you can gain motivation for the goal way out in the distance.

I use a simple cheap calendar dedicated to only exercise. A month a page. Then I choose a few exercise markers for progress.
So when I do my push ups I mark down how many of each type and the total.
You could mark down those from the chair, then later, those against a wall, then perhaps against a few stairs or a couch.
Then eventually girl push ups and way down the road perhaps few full standard push ups.
You can even mix a few of several types into the same day.
The key is something where you can view and draw inspiration from even very gradual steps.
I do that then look back through the pages and even years to see where I was.
Also the calendar can be a visual reminder when we've let a few too many days go by between sessions.

I do this kind of calendar marking for my push ups, other floor exercises, and also for my bike riding, with times at each of 5 points in my route.

Since I exercise on my own, this is how I draw motivation and it gives me the feedback to keep improving.
I also make yellow highlights of any special days where I do well or pass a milestone in progress.
Then as I flip back I can see those points.

For your situation you'll be starting at such a low level that only your own progress steps will make much sense.
You won't find much satisfaction in many of the charts and such where folks won't have begun from such a handicapped level.
So you'll have to make your own victory advances for several months.
I'd guess that 9 months to 12 months out you can feel good about your progress even if it isn't that of those who have been doing so for years or who are much younger.

Lastly I would suspect that you can not only get back to normal but eventually do far more than the average person your age.
Surprise your doctor some day by getting down on the floor and doing 10 push ups.

Heck, as I indicated in the videos I chose, I am most impressed by those seniors who can get down on the ground and up to standing with the most ease. Like that 100 year old man in the video.

So find a motivator of some type and begin the long journey.

Not sure how you broke your ankle. Falls are most serious for all of us as we age. Those in Asia seem to find stability in doing Tai Chi. I'm sure one can do similar exercise without doing a formal course.

Micro steps to your goals will get you back and beyond just plain average results for your age.
I think the same thing about eating and weight loss, but everyone is so focused on big numbers each month.
Keep letting us know about your small improvements.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:08 pm

Wow, more great videos.

I agree that it is so very important to stay active so you don't lose your mobility and your ability to
be independent and care for your own needs when you are older.

I have been a caregiver to two elderly parents, and I know things would have been different if they would have
made that a priority earlier in life, along with the healthier eating we learn about here on the McDougall forums

I had tried the website 100 pushups a day, but it moved too fast for me, so I am just doing my own program,
and trying to slowly add one or two more each time. I am alternating pushup days with squat days and
I'm only doing them twice a week. Pushups twice a week and Squats twice a week.

Hope everyone keeps posting their workouts. I find it motivating seeing what everyone else is doing

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:52 am

Pushups today 5x10=50
Wow, made it to 50
I'm sure it's poor form, but I do feel like I am getting stronger.
I tried to start in the full position and lower down and I'm not even able to do that yet
so sticking with the knee pushups til I get a little stronger.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:12 pm

Just checking in. Last did push ups on 21st... then 4 days off... doing them again on the 26th. I normally take 3 or even 4 days off. Works for me. Feeling better after my flu and cold had me off for the first 15 days of the month.
Today almost felt back to normal.
Warm up. 20 girl pushups, followed by 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 (total 30 real push ups during warm up...then I rest for about 10 minutes)

Regular workout 37 in 1:00, then added 3 to round up to 40. Then 30 in :54, then three sets of 20 each (60).
I rest about 10 minutes between sets. A bit less between the sets of 20.

Total 160 regular push ups. A year ago I wasn't doing nearly as many, but now 160 feels normal.

Here is something you may find useful

A Navy fitness chart for women of all ages


(please note, the page will say "male" but when you click on the age category it will take you to the female chart for the specific age range. Also note, that those test numbers are for a 2 minute test I believe, not a 60 second test)
Also be aware that the top levels are as described --- above "excellent" for "outstanding".
We don't all have to be in those upper areas to be very fit. Took me about a year just to get to the top of the "Good" category.

I can now do "outstanding" at the low level for age 60-64, but not sure I could do the top "outstanding-high" level which is 57 in two minutes. Can do over 50 but 57 may be a goal for me. Or I can wait until Dec when I turn 65 and then the Outstanding-high drops to 48 for age 65+

I think keeping motivated after you reach reasonable goals is important without needing to go ever higher.
That is why I always emphasize older individuals 80+ who can easily get up and down off the floor.
If we can turn that agility into some type of goal, that would be excellent to aim for.

Oh yes and a Navy fitness chart by age for the men also

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:50 pm

Don't neglect your push ups...

Just did mine after my usual 3 to 4 days off.

20 girl push ups to warm up. Then regular push ups 10, 10, 10, 36, 4, 30, 20, 20, 20 for a total of 160 regular push ups.

For motivation I have a new odd video from Russia showcasing a 72 year old lady. Not exactly attired in sleek spandex, yet she gets the job done on various exercises (though no push ups)

Showing that as you age, anyone, anywhere, can do things to stay in shape.


Oh, and don't forget this chap, at 102

http://www.sfgate.com/news/world/articl ... 193071.php
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:36 pm

Well, I let over a week go by but yesterday I did 10 sets of 10 squats and today I did 5 sets of 10 pushups.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:50 pm

~Beth~ wrote:Well, I let over a week go by but yesterday I did 10 sets of 10 squats and today I did 5 sets of 10 pushups.

Good work, 5 sets of 10 is getting there. It will get easier and easier, but really 50 is quite a good number.

I did something different. On my three off days I did a couple sets 10, for 20 on each of those days.

Then today I did my usual 160. I'll try doing 20 on off days if I don't feel some injury or hurt in my shoulders.
Normally I've been taking 3 or 4 days off between exercise to allow my older tendons to heal up anything.
Today 10+10+33+7+25+25+20+20+10 for the 160. Feel a little sore. Will keep a eye on that and will take days off if it becomes more pronounced.
As we get older we have to listen to our bodies so we don't exacerbate any small strain or injury.

Video of the day "Woman under 50 doing push ups"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32nE0eOHYuU ;-)
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:36 pm

Enjoyed this video about the sit to rise to sit test being important to predicting early mortality

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:41 pm

Then today I did my usual 160

Wow, that's great!
Keep up the good work

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:13 pm

Whew! Well, that was a humbling experience! I haven't done any upper body exercise in years. For the past few years my exercise has been walking only. And I probably haven't attempted a push up since high school.

So, on Friday I did the 100 push up evaluation and found that I cannot perform even a single normal form push up. :( But I have decided that I want to attempt the 1000 push up challenge, so I decided to start with knee push ups and switch to regular once I build up my strength a bit.

So I did the evaluation using knee push ups and petered out at 19.

Today was week 1 day one, I was to do 10, 12, 7, 7, max (min 9). I did all that was required but I found that by the time I got to the fifth set 9 was all I was able to do. I am not sure if I will be able to finish day 2 on Tuesday, but I will do what I can and push to make it at least to the minimum for the last set.

LOL! This was harder than I thought for starters.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:30 am

Good job getting started. You'll be surprised how quickly you gain strength.
But I found the 100 pushups app pushed me a little too fast. I found out you can go in and reset it to a different week
if it's moving too fast for you.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:55 pm

Good to see new people joining in. Most of us don't realize that over the years and decades, we've lost far more muscle than we had imagined.
The first few weeks must begin with baby steps. Girl push-ups are a excellent way to begin.

In fact each day I do my regular exercise group, I begin with 20 girl push ups to warm up. I advise in doing that even after you have graduated to regular push ups. Also note that official push ups don't need to go all the way to the floor. The official lower mark is either fist height or 3"... I use some phone books for a base of 2.75 inches.

After three days off, yesterday I did 10+20+10 = 40 (not my regular day)
Today I did 20 girl warm ups... then 20+ 39(in 60 seconds)+1 + 20+20+20+20+20 for a total of 160 regular push ups. My standard workout.... but only after about 1.5 years.
I'm not muscular... BMI 19.7 and age 64. Although being light weight makes it much easier, I'm sure.

Now for some new video of others who were just beginning.

Initial test

Part 2 (next week)
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:45 am

Thanks for the links. Those videos were pretty entertaining.

Did 10x10 squats and 5x10 pushups today
The last set of pushups was hard because my pomeranian kept licking my face every time I would come
down to the floor and I was laughing so hard I had to keep stopping
I'll have to lock him in another room next time :lol:

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:37 am

Week 1, Day 2, (knee push ups)

Today's sets were 10, 12, 8, 8, max (min 12)

I really surprised myself today, I guess Sunday served to shake a lot of dust off of the muscles.

As soon as I started I noticed that it felt easier, and I wasn't tiring after the second or third sets as I found myself doing on Sunday. And here was the real surprise, for the last set I did 28!

During the time between sets did 2x10 squats and 2x10 crunches where I flex and hold on each crunch.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:27 pm

Hey John, that's great how on just your second day you noticed so much improvement

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