7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby viv » Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:04 pm

Atheria wrote:Are you all sitting down?........

And yes, her doctor is overweight and unhealthy herself besides being a moron.


Now that's a funny line, if it wasn't so tragic. This doctor should not be practicing medicine. She's basically telling your mom to stay sick because she's going to get cancer any day now, so like what's the point in even trying? And this woman is getting paid.....for what??
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Atheria » Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:10 pm

Exactly! I told mom that of course the doc doesn't want her to get healthy because she makes a fortune off my mother.
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Chikiwing » Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:11 pm

Atheria wrote:Are you all sitting down?........

My mom is overweight and needs to lose 30-50 lbs. Her MD told her not to lose weight (despite the fact she's very diabetic, has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad knees, fibromyalgia, has had 2 heart attacks with stents, etc.) because......wait for it.....wait for it......

"If you get cancer you'll lose 50 lbs. so you need to be overweight in order to withstand the weight loss."


And yes, her doctor is overweight and unhealthy herself besides being a moron.


Oh my gosh.

I'm very sorry to hear about your mothers health problems. The comment about your mothers weight from the doctor seems silly to me. What if your mother never gets cancer? Why even think that? (confused)
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby dlee » Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:21 pm

That is so incredibly dumb and so dangerous to your Mother's health.
Does your mom listen to your advice? I have had no luck with any of my family and my very obese brother doesn't give this way of eating any credibility. He'd rather replace hips and knees rather then reduce weight. Experiencing a lot of pain, carrying around a lot of sacks of potatoes! dlee
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Atheria » Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:25 pm

Mom has already had numerous organs removed she didn't need to have removed too.

I get so exasperated because she says the doctor has been useless regarding numerous things (mom was having severe full body spasms and the doctor was clueless.....I looked up ONE of the 11 meds she's on and saw that one of the side effects was muscle spasms) yet she still listens to the woman! She only gave in and watched Dr. McDougall's webinar last week and ordered his book because I gave her my blood sugar numbers to prove to her that I'm improving eating this way.

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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby rickfm » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:20 pm

Atheria wrote:Rick,

You are right. I went off on an ex coworker a year or two ago who insulted actor Claire Danes after an award show saying that she had no breasts because she was anorexic and looked awful.

I love Claire Danes. She's one of my favorite actors.


Your coworker was a moron. Good for you for "going off" on him.

Skip wrote:Which one is more apt to hit a home run and not have to worry about being thrown out at first base?

Oh, I don't know... how about... Ali Aguilar?


(yes, you just gave me an excuse to brag about my Huskies. GO DAWGS! :P ) Number 4 for home runs in 2016, and only down by 2 from the leader. And yes, I've seen some of the "heavy" girls knock one out of the park, but to be honest, I almost feel embarrassed watching them run around the bases. Sorry, again, don't mean to be judgemental, but they just look... awkward.

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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Risto » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:27 pm

Atheria wrote:"If you get cancer you'll lose 50 lbs. so you need to be overweight in order to withstand the weight loss."

Can this kind of thing be reported to some authority or something? It's clearly harmful advice.

My father died a year ago from cancer. He lived with it for eight years and he was obese the whole time. He received very heavy courses of chemo more than once, and they did make him lose weight, but never ended up at a normal weight, and he'd put on weight like anyone else when the cancer was in remission and he wasn't being treated. And the extra weight was definitely not helpful to the recovery from the treatments, or to his mental state. He was overweight or obese for most of his adult life. He was also the type that would go on long hikes in a forest to clear his head, and he was very used to doing that with the weight he carried. When you're recovering from chemo and don't have all your strength, but most definitely do need your head cleared, the extra weight really becomes a hindrance. (Not that it always stopped my father - he'd walk to his brothers' houses and they thought they were seeing things, because they expected him to be bedridden.)
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Skip » Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:12 pm



This is a picture of Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers. He is arguably one of the best baseball hitters of all time. He is 6'-4" tall and he weighs 255 pounds which, according to the BMI charts, makes him obese with a BMI of 31.

I don't think these BMI charts are accurate for big strong people/athletes. I don't think one should judge a book by it's cover.
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Atheria » Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:24 pm


I was so incensed I almost called up the woman doctor and told her off. I actually accused mom of lying so that she could justify eating junk food, but she swears to God the doc said it. Her doctor has said other dumb things. The ironic thing is that mom doesn't want to relocate to a better climate because "It's taken me so long to find a decent doctor"......what?!

Just the fact the doctor assums cancer is going to happen to everyone makes me ticked.


Yep, Claire is beautiful and talented and healthy looking!

Sigh again,
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby ETeSelle » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:25 am

It really is crazy. And if you say anything, even just generally, about it, you're accused of "fat shaming." I'm sorry, but no. It's NOT like being gay or female or black or disabled, or any of the other things that might make someone "different." Those are all things you cannot change-they are who you ARE. Being fat is something over which 99.99% of the population has total control, and the fact that they do not wish to give up their doughnuts really is deserving of a little shaming, IMHO.

It is not OK that overweight and obese is the new normal. Everyone is sick and sapping the healthcare system. So far I haven't needed the healthcare system in my 54 years (except when I broke my ankle), but eventually I will. And it may be in so disheveled a state by then, thanks to the pressures that all the fat, sick people have put on it, that it won't be there to help me. I don't appreciate that one bit. :(
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby roundcoconut » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:29 am

Skip, you would at least agree that -- at best -- there's a bell curve with size and speed?

If you take a 5'4" female, is she fastest at 120 lbs? At 130 lbs? Does she get faster as she increases her BMI all the way up to 150?

Even if it were true that a BMI of 25 tends to be the fastest size for an olympic sprinter, what happens to humans generally as they gain and lose body fat, relative to their speed?

In distance running, most of the faster runners are not carrying 30 pounds of stored body fat. There are athletes like Magda Boulet or Shalane Flanagan (sp?) who are noticeably lean. It makes sense that they can go fast and far -- they are light as a feather. They are carrying two potatoes, rather than two sacks of potatoes.

But regardless, even if a human could be a fast sprinter despite 20 pounds of extra fat (because the girls playing softball DO seem to have extra fat -- that is not 170 pounds of muscle, to MY well-trained eye!) :) -- very few humans can be a fast sprinter despite 40 pounds of extra fat, or despite 60 pounds of extra fat.

It's kind of a silly avenue of discussion, but I kinda wanted to point that out. There are limits to speed, as stored body fat increases! :)
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby roundcoconut » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:36 am

Re Claire Danes, despite the posted picture, that woman is REALLY, REALLY flat-chested. I actually have a very similar body shape, and notice all the celebrities that have that body shape.

If you look at pics of Claire Danes from her teen years (the pic posted looks like her teen years), she is a little bit fleshier and at least has an ounce or two of breast tissue. In years when she was leaner, she doesn't even have that.

I've kept an eye on the super-flat-chested celebrities and there are a few who plainly flaunt their AA chests (Kate Moss, Kiera Knightley), and others who neither flaunt nor hide their small chests (Claire Danes, Kate Hudson), and yet others who stuff their chest with implants (Gwyneth Paltrow, for example).

Don't get me started. I'll go on a whole rant on this one topic!

On a total unrelated side note, women with super-flat chests are stupidly perceived as having "lost" their chest due to losing too much weight. To your co-worker: Duh, but no. Like, do you suppose I was a C-cup before I discovered broccoli? Nope. People like Claire Danes are have a mere few ounces of breast tissue, even if they are carrying extra weight, and then have even less than that, when they are lean. People who misunderstand this are kinda silly! :P
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Atheria » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:55 am

I have tiny boobs even when heavier. That's genetics. When I was 22 lbs. fatter, not one ounce went to my boobs. I will say that some women do lose/gain quickly in the chest area...but not all of us. And some very thin women look "healthier" (in some people's eyes) because they get implants. They are DDs up top but a size 0 jeans.
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Skip » Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:02 pm

roundcoconut wrote:Skip, you would at least agree that -- at best -- there's a bell curve with size and speed?

If you take a 5'4" female, is she fastest at 120 lbs? At 130 lbs? Does she get faster as she increases her BMI all the way up to 150?

I think the important point here is that the best way to be healthy is to eat a plant based diet. I've seen thin people with great BMI's that are alcoholics and heavier athletic people who are overweight/obese according to the BMI charts but are world class athletes.

Your 5'4" female may get faster as she adds weight if that weight is from increased muscle, not fat.
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Re: 7 in 10 people are overweight and in denial

Postby Chikiwing » Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:36 pm

ETeSelle wrote:Being fat is something over which 99.99% of the population has total control, and the fact that they do not wish to give up their doughnuts really is deserving of a little shaming, IMHO.


And it's not politically correct but a little fat shaming can do a lot of good. Telling people (mostly females) big is beautiful and they are healthy at every size is toxic. Telling a friend to stop eating junk food and get off their fat butt and walk a few miles with you is not so bad. At least to me it isn't.
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