Push-ups Club

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:21 pm

Did 50 push ups today 20 + 30 (not a regular day)

I did find a interesting group who do push ups together. Just get the group and practice

These three guys are from bottom to top age 55, 64, and 68. I just wish they'd make a video.

http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/clDXn ... 30x418.jpg

http://sg.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/fit-to ... 51797.html
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:30 am

Week 1, Day 3. Today's sets: 11, 15, 9, 9, max (min 13)

I did 12, 15, 9, 9, 30. So my max set went from 28 last session to 30 this time.

Between sets I did crunches as well as some stretches for my back.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:21 pm

Reporting in. In my 4 "off" days I have been doing some push-ups. wed 70, thurs 10, fri 20, and sat 15. Just a few here and there.

Today, Sunday, was my regular workout day for push-ups.
Begin with 20 girl push ups.
Then regular push-ups... 10 + 10 + then 40 (in 1 minute) + 5 more sets of 20, each set under 30 seconds.
Total regular push ups, 160

Seems like a good number for a workout along with throwing in a few in on my off days. I don't want to over do and build up to too many. After age 60 I don't think it wise to work the joints and tendons too hard. Perhaps as time goes along and if the push ups become too easy, I'll boost it to 200. I think that would be max.

I think doing 1 minute planks in the off days may help me because I find near the end of 1 minute of push-ups that my legs begin to shake a bit on the last few. Much more so if I slow it down and do 2 minutes of push ups.

Now, in the last post I showed you a young woman just starting out.
Here below is her 6 week video. She is doing girl push-ups but has advanced a fair bit, from doing about zero to something like 34 or 35 girl push ups. She doesn't go all the way down to 3 inches, but its easy to see her improvement.


Soon, we'll all be doing more push ups than we probably could in high school.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:23 am

Week 2, Day 2
Sets 14, 16, 12, 12, max (min 17)

I did 25 on the last set and it was pretty tough! I thought for sure I was going to end up repeating today's sets the next time, but I still made it past the minimum on the last set.

I did 10 crunch and holds between push up sets.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:51 am

So, I have now completed week 2 and just did my first exhaustion test. I was able to complete 38 push-ups.

On to week 3 starting on Tuesday.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:47 pm

JuicerJohn wrote:So, I have now completed week 2 and just did my first exhaustion test. I was able to complete 38 push-ups.

On to week 3 starting on Tuesday.

Wow, that's pretty good progress.

A few questions about your posts.
Example, on the 18th you said

Sets 14, 16, 12, 12, max (min 17)----- then you said "I did 25 on the last set"...

I can't quite understand those numbers, the max(min17) thing, followed by 25 in the last set. Very confusing.

For my own exercise today, I had taken 5 days off, but did 20 push ups prior to my showers on 4 of those 5 days off.

Then today, my regular work out.

20 knee push ups, plus 10 + 10 full push ups to warm up. Then my full exertion 40 push ups in 1:00, followed by 4 sets of 25 push ups ranging in time from 44 seconds down 36 seconds for each set of 25.
Total regular full push ups 160
Seems to be getting easier to hit my 40 in 60 seconds, but doubt I could do 42, certainly not 43 in 60 seconds. The last 5 really slow down.

Here is a video of a woman doing push ups.
She does a very good job for a woman of any age.
Its hard to tell exactly how far down she is going due to her clothing, but her arms get fairly close to the 90 degree angle.
All in all, not a bad job for a 1 minute test.
I would note though, it appears that her arms are placed wider than is optimal. I think you can see that.

From what she says, she is training for the PT test that the military requires. However the 37 she does would seem to more than fullfill the requirements for a woman, even at the fairly young age she appears to be.
Her form, while not perfect, is better than many of the lame videos on youtube.
Also, she is hardly a slender individual and as such has to push up more weight.


BTW, that rest arching that she does is allowed in some testing situations. I think the military allows the type of brief arch resting she does as long as the actual push ups are correct when resuming, and if she doesn't touch the ground during the arching.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:52 pm


Sorry if that was confusing, I didn't know how to say it any better.

What I meant was, for the six week challenge, the last set is always as many as you can do, but they gave a minimum as well.. So in the example you gave, the minimum was 17, but the number I actually did was 25, so 25 was the most I could do before my muscles gave out.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby JuicerJohn » Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:18 am

Today was week 3, day 3. Last Saturday I did 38 pushups for my exhaustion test.

Thursday I did 40 for the final set and a total of 115 over 5 sets.

Today I did 34 for the final set and a total of 126 over 5 sets.

So, slowly increasing in endurance.

I felt a little tired, even beginning this morning and it was a struggle making it through the sets. I wasn't at all sure I would be able to complete the last set until I got into it.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:53 am

Wow, good for you John
You are doing well

I have taken a break from pushups. I was sick with a cold and just didn't feel like it and now 5 sets of 10 seems daunting
So I will probably start with sets of 5 and see how many I can do.

Maybe later today or tomorrow.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:19 pm

Weekly check in.

Monday and Tuesday 2 sets of 25 on each day for total of 50 each day.
Then 3 days off.

Today, Warm-up with 20 girl push ups, plus 3 sets of 10 regular push-ups.
Then 39 regular in 1:00, followed by sets of 31, 20, 20, 25, and 15.
For total of 180 regular push ups.
Newly developing chest muscles seem to be making it easier. Has taken forever to see more muscles develop.

Now for your weekly push-up video treat and inspiration.

This man is 85 and looks it when you see him stand up. Notice he grabs for his cane at the end.
Now, his push-ups are not perfect (he does not go down far enough), but the fact that he does 50 at age 85 and does not appear to be winded, makes the performance quite inspiring. Says he's been doing them all his life.

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:03 pm

You're an inspiration wainapu

Thanks for the video

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:54 pm

Checking in. Went three days with no push ups, then a variation of my normal workout on Wednesday.

I did no ususal warm-up girls push-ups because I didn't expect to do a full workout.

So I began with standard regular full push ups. Sets of 25+25+25+5+30+20+20+15+15 for a total of 180.
Did these with much shorter rest between sets. Still I think it took me about half a hour or more.

Note, had a brief scare starting on Saturday evening. I started to see flashing lights in my left eye in the dark.
After thinking about detached retina's etc, and the fact that strain can sometimes induce such things, I thought my life as a push up artist was over. Called the Kaiser Advice nurse, but she said to not come in to Emergency Room. No eye doctors are there anyway.

So Monday I got a early appointment, dreading the worst. Eye surgeon took a look.... a really long look at both eyes.
Said it was wise to come in, but that as we age some floaters can be attached to the back of the eye and can tug on the retina making the flashing lights. Said normally they break free and cause no damage but may still continue to make flashing lights until that is settled. Told me to "keep a eye on it" and come back in should anything substantial change... such as really big flashes, like a camera flash, or vision loss or other events.
But my eye is OK and my career as a push-up pro is not over.

Oh yes, he told me to always breathe regularly while doing push ups... Not to strain like weight lifters where your eyes feel like they will pop out. Something to keep in mind for all activities, especially as we age.

Speaking of aging---- Today's inspirational video for your enjoyment and motivation

"Dad's 91st Birthday celebration and push up demonstration"


His push ups aren't bad and he gets up afterwards with relative ease... Something for all of us to aim for.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby waingapu » Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:05 pm

OK, did three sets for a total of 100 regular push ups on Friday.. no warm up.

Today, Monday, warm up consisting of 20 girl push ups, plus 10+15+5 regular push ups.

That followed by sets of regular push ups as follows 46+24+20+20+20+20 for a total of 180 regular push ups.
I put about 5 to 6 minutes of rest between each set.

Don't fall off the wagon, even if you only do 10 or 20 every couple days. Just keep the muscles on alert so they don't regress, thinking they'll not be called upon for demands. Even a few push ups on those days you don't feel like it will keep you from going back to the start. Really, 10 or 20 only takes a minute or two. Anytime, anywhere.

Here is a video of a 70 year old man that we shouldn't try match or hold as our example..
He is just too strong.
Now, his push ups during his 1 minute test are not perfect. He is going so fast he doesn't come all the way up except on a few near the end. Also it is hard to tell if he goes down far enough...eg. 3"

However, overlooking those minor flaws, the output he accomplishes is remarkable for his age.


I have no plans to match that kind of performance, even though I am 6 years younger than he is.
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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby ~Beth~ » Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:54 pm

Wow, you are an inspiration Waingapu
Keep up the good work
You remind me I need to get back into it

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Re: Push-ups Club

Postby docscience » Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:34 am

RE: the video 2 posts before this.
Would someone watch the video and do a recount.
It sure looks like a someone can't count, or I maybe I mis-counted.
I will count again, in case it is me.
It is easier to turn the video sound off and do a count of pushups.
I counted 72 pushups in 60 seconds.
I watched the seconds counter on youtube, while counting.

Also see the 85 year old in the video at this post, several posts above that.
The video is =
Just a curious note in that people have trouble counting. I counted 9 pushups when
the female said 10, but she was correct for the rest of the count.

I just tried 2 pushups in a row, and see that I really need to work on this.
I really HATE my profile picture, but it reminds me to watch my eating. For me, that is a good motivator.
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