Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

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Re: Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

Postby jeffrhodes » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:16 am

I am not a crank and i do eat small amounts of modern wheat but I feel extreme hybridization techniques can be as dangerous as gmo's. I am looking into places to buy some of the older varieties. I have no training in medicine, but I know when I eat bread my joints hurts and I do not feel good. Rice makes me feel awesome and so does potatoes and beans.
I went on vacation with relatives for about five days. I was pressured into eat meat. It was my late wife's family and I didn't want to cause any confrontations. However, I felt terrible and my stomach became upset again. My body started aching. I was pondering to myself have I have been sick for my entire adult life(I am 44) eating this way since I was 22 I have been obese(bmi 30 plus except for a brief time in 2007; 2 days back on McDougall's plan I feel awesome again. It is difficult to eat a ton of vegetables while on vacation. I lost 3 lbs of the 7 lbs(I am now 286)I gained on the trip. One good thing is that usually when I am over at friends to eat they ask "no meat" and I say I am on a new diet and they cool hope that works for you.
I wanted to share with Dr. Mcdougall what a great debt I owe him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting all those wonderful videos on youtube and audio podcasts. That is hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of free material. Again thank you very much.
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Re: Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

Postby ulialen » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:37 am

jeffrhodes wrote:ulialen,
I am not a crank and i do eat small amounts of modern wheat but I feel extreme hybridization techniques can be as dangerous as gmo's. I am looking into places to buy some of the older varieties. I have no training in medicine, but I know when I eat bread my joints hurts and I do not feel good. Rice makes me feel awesome and so does potatoes and beans.
I went on vacation with relatives for about five days. I was pressured into eat meat. It was my late wife's family and I didn't want to cause any confrontations. However, I felt terrible and my stomach became upset again. My body started aching. I was pondering to myself have I have been sick for my entire adult life(I am 44) eating this way since I was 22 I have been obese(bmi 30 plus except for a brief time in 2007; 2 days back on McDougall's plan I feel awesome again. It is difficult to eat a ton of vegetables while on vacation. I lost 3 lbs of the 7 lbs(I am now 286)I gained on the trip. One good thing is that usually when I am over at friends to eat they ask "no meat" and I say I am on a new diet and they cool hope that works for you.
I wanted to share with Dr. Mcdougall what a great debt I owe him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting all those wonderful videos on youtube and audio podcasts. That is hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of free material. Again thank you very much.

I dont know in your country, but here in every shop i can find easily whole pasta and whole bread. They have inside only whole wheat four. It is tested and confirmed.
Maybe you have some type of wheat intolerance.
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Re: Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

Postby veggylvr » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:22 am

I thought the interview was great, and Dr. McDougall was terrific. As a former low-carber myself, who became disenchanted, I'm sure there are plenty of readers and listeners to his forum who may begin to question the "science" they are getting.

Almost everyone has an initial honeymoon period with low-carb. They don't realize that they've actually cut out calories, lost glycogen stores and water, so the quick weight loss is like a gateway drug, getting them hooked on this unhealthy way of eating.

Then, they inevitably stall or struggle to lose, as the weight loss gets harder due to all that meat and fat ruining their metabolism. But it's like someone in a bad marriage who clings to the past memories of early romance. They can't give up on what they believed in so much at first.

Jimmy Moore is the perfect example of this. Even worse, he's made it his living, so now he's kind of trapped. But, hopefully, some of his listeners will begin to critically evaluate what he's selling. It's scary because the low-carb gurus actually preach so much about carbs causing weight gain that most low-carbers are terrified to try an alternative. How many times have we heard people say, "I'm just scared to eat potatoes?"

And, at first, weight gain does occur with many low-carbers when transitioning back to carbs because the glycogen stores are being refilled. That freaks them out, and some won't stick with it. I'm so glad people here on this board assured me that this would happen, and I would begin to lose after the initial bump upwards.
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Re: Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

Postby ulialen » Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:44 am

What i dont understand is this:
before to meet these paleo people in internet i have never and never met a person that think that meat is an healthy food.
i explain:
here all people eat meat and they like meat very very much but they are very aware that meat is not healthy food and that vegetables are healthy. All people know this but they still eat very much meat because they like.
The most positive thing that people say about meat is that a few of meat is necessary for the iron and that a few of milk is necessary for calcium.
But almost everyone know that very much meat is unhealthy.

So i was very surpriced when i read about these paleo people on internet.
Here i have never met a person that follow paleo diet.
I have met very often people that follow lowcarb diet with the aim of loose weight but all of them are aware that it is a dangerous diet and that they make only for a short time (however also in usual diet that they follow there is much meat and that because they like).
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Re: Dr. McDougall on the Livin' La Vida Low Carb Show!!!!

Postby colonyofcells » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:19 pm

I have listened to Dr McDougall on the Jimmy Moore show and the main debate seems to be if the starch diet is for everyone. There are known short term and long term problems with ketosis and other high fat diets but for some people, the benefits might outweigh the risks of ketosis. Ketosis is still used with epileptics. Some type 1 diabetics are also using ketosis and high fat diets to reduce the amount of insulin needed to try to increase life expectacy. Current type 1 diabetics enjoy a life expectancy close to that of other people so experimenting with ketosis and high fat diets might not be necessary. There are type 1 diabetics like Dr Richard Bernstein who got fed up dealing with overdosage and underdosage of insulin and find improved quality of life by using less insulin via ketosis and high fat diets. For the insulin resistant, an unprocessed vegan diet might be able to improve insulin sensitivity and there is probably no need to surrender to insulin resistance and just claim that insulin resistance is incurable and people need to stay in ketosis and high fat diets forever. I have seen some videos of high fatters and they seem to talk about insulin resistance as if it is an incurable condition so they have to forever stay in ketosis and high fat diets and there is no other way left. The high fatters do claim that a high fat diet or ketosis is the best for everyone who is insulin resistant. Diabetes is rising in America and could reach about 1/3 of the population, so there are certainly lots of potential customers for the high fat preachers and lots of money to be made.
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