June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Thu May 31, 2018 7:57 pm

Welcome to the June Weigh-In Thread for Dr McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program.

For the program details visit the MWL Guidelines thread in this forum. Please check out as many of the links as you have time for, there is so much here to discover!
A couple of other great resources, for those just starting out, are from Jeff Novick the staff dietician for the program: The Ultimate Guide to Free Calorie Density (MWL) Resources and his 1 hour video explanation on Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer.

Welcome to Everyone!

It's that time again...a new month. :)

That means it's time to reaffirm your commitment to giving yourself the best possible health.

It's a fresh start.

Don't wait another day to get started; commit right now!

Here are some example goals that will suit different types of people:
I am going to remove dairy and processed junk food from my diet over the course of the next 2 weeks - put an X on your calendar - and then create another goal.

Or maybe: I am going to reflect over the weekend and see if I can understand why I have been plateauing without having reached my goal, and on Monday I will institute 1 or 2 changes that I feel will improve my trajectory.

The most effective goal would be: I am going to follow the MWL guidelines for the next 30 days, without exception. This is the most difficult of the goals listed, and will take a bit of planning, but it can absolutely be done!

Choose your goal wisely; at the appropriate level to your desire, commitment, ability and environment. You can upgrade your goal when you are satisfied with your current progress. It always feels great to exceed your own expectations, so this type of staircase goal can be motivating with less of a chance of ending up in the ego trap.

If you've now committed, but don't know where to begin, start clicking on the links embedded in this post. The beauty of this site is that everything you need to know to follow the McDougall MWL plan can be found within its pages. Watch the calorie density video (again). Read the Maximum Weight Loss guidelines (again). Pick out 3 recipesto tide you through a few days of reading and exploration. Take a look at Dr McDougall's Newsletter Article Index or Jeff Novick's forum,both of which contain links and commentary on the accompanying research for which the guidelines are based. Or maybe visit the lounge for some social time and see what scores of others, who have been eating this way for quite some time, are chatting about; I have read the most interesting discussions in that forum from some very articulate people. If you have a question type it into the search box at the top right of the page. If you can't find the answer you need, crowdsource it, here or in any of the more specific forums.

I wish you all the best on your quest for health and weight loss!

Amy :)


Here are the standard monthly instructions for participating in this thread:

Our weigh in's are on Fridays and you have until 12 PM PST on Saturday to report.

Anyone is welcome to join the weekly weigh in group as long as they follow the McDougall principles. We recommend following the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) plan or the Mary's Mini's Plan.

There is a sticky at the top of this forum on the guidelines for the MWL program.

In order to tally the results please submit your results by posting the total pounds you have lost or gained that week. You don't have to share your total weight if you'd rather keep that to yourself. This is an honor system so we take the gain, loss or maintain you give us in order to tally. (Please make a new post each week)

If you are a new member and would like to join but don't have a weight to be counted for the week then you will be counted either as a body with a zero starting weight, or when you check in for the weekly weigh in the following week. Large amounts of weight lost over a period of months or weeks, prior to joining the weekly weigh in group, will not be counted towards the weekly total.

If you measure your weight in something other than pounds please convert the measurement to pounds.

All gains will be counted towards the total to encourage weekly participation. Posting is encouraged whether it's a gain, a loss, or a maintain.

You are welcome to share as little or as much as you want on your weight loss journey here in this thread. We encourage members of the group to talk to each other, cheer each other on and set goals together.

This thread is for the mutual support of all who wish to participate.
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby landog » Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:03 am

Happy month of June!
As noted previously,we have 5 Fridays in June. Plenty of opportunity to progress towards our goals.

I'm reporting a 2.5 lb. loss this week.


That puts me at a goal I had of a 20 pound weight loss. I just might be ready to join Sue on her maintenance thread.

Feb. 2: 167.5 lbs.
June 1: 147.5 lbs.

I have a 12 day trip coming up. I will be traveling for the next two Fridays. My next check in will be on June 22.

If I don't follow the MWL guidelines to the letter, at least I follow this:


Also, put alcoholic beverages and sugary beverages in that 'Avoid' section. (I drink water.)

Don't cross that line for a few months, you'll make progress, you'll develop new habits and it becomes second nature.

All the best,
- dog
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Arewethereyet » Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:35 am

Excellent advice, both of you, and congratulations Land Dog! I had started after my trip wanting to perfectly follow MWL for a certain time, but it has ended up being stepwise changes...still tracking food for a certain time to better observe myself. So far, so good!

200 even (down 1.6)

Super hot here already...in the 90s quite often.

Enjoying our CSA. Plenty of lettuce this week with some herbs, carrots are small yet. Had salad all week for lunch with heavier dinners to suit my husband. I diluted those with more veg or fruit for me.

Have a nice week, everyone!
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:20 am

Woot another good week. 296.5 to 291.4 for 5.1 pounds gone.
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby squealcat » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:23 am

I would like to join in for the month of June ! Count me right now at zero as I have no loss to report . Will report in next week Friday and maybe a couple of times during this week. I DID do MWL in April and lost almost 10 pounds ! It really gave me a boost both weigh-wise and mood-wise. I hope to make new friends here and get encouragement while on this journey. :-D
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Vegasveglovr » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:34 am

Hi , 269.8 and trying to add some accountability to my McDougall plan lifestyle. I’ve been trying and cheating and trying and cheating for far too long glad to have this resource to help. Thanks
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Randee.fluffy » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:00 am

Hi everyone! I would love to join the June program please. I have been following Dr McDougall since the beginning of the year (along with some of the other doctors in this area), but I absolutely love McDougall the most and have been following his starch solution and MWL for the past month or so. I’d love to lose my last 5-7 pounds. Having a support forum would be ideal!!
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lonewalker » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:57 am

Was on vacation the last week so didn't have a scale. Weighed today and had gained 1 pound. :mad: Thought I had done really well while out of town.
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby plantsalot » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:12 am

Hi, I'm new to the discussion board. I've been attempting to move over to a McDougall WOE for the past 9 months. I did better at the first and have failed greatly as of late. I'm hoping that reaching out and getting support will be the key to success in staying strong.

As I'm new to the MWL weigh in thread I will report 0 for this week. I'm encouraged to see the results for this month after committing anew to be dedicated to the program. :D
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Starting in June

Postby dbassett » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:58 pm

First I want to express gratitude for this group. :-D

I'll log in as "zero" today since I am just starting. I will log what I eat and will plan my meals.

I have so much hope. Happy to be here.
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby warren404 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:17 pm

I would like to join for the month of June as a new member with a weight report of zero.

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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:08 pm

Hi everybody! Welcome to all those joining this month! It's so exciting! I can feel all the great energy!

Congrats to all you that have lost weight! Thanks Amy for the great links.

I lost 1 lbs this week!! :D
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby WannaBeRosie » Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:24 pm

I would like to join as well! I’ve previously McDougalled, lost my way and now have returned. I have been doing well this week but didn’t weigh this morning, so i will count a “zero” and start my weigh ins next week.
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:46 pm

Landog - Congratulations on reaching your goal and best wishes navigating 12 days away from home. I look forward to hearing from you and how it went when you return. :) 5 Fridays eh, its gonna be a good month!

Jennifer - I'm glad to hear you are doing well, great loss! Following the program very closely is a great goal to have, eventually we will get to that top step. :) Please send some of that heat my way...it's rain galoshes and cozy sweaters this week in my neck of the woods.

Rosey - So inspiring! Great diligence this week. XO

Squealcat - Welcome, we are always happy to meet new friends and help encourage each other. Let's make this April all over again! (I wholeheartedly agree that there's nothing better for a mood boost than working towards and reaching a goal.)

Randee.fluffy - Hi and welcome! Don't tell Mary, but I kinda love him too (LOL). I hope the camaraderie and extra accountability can help you lose this last little bit. Best wishes this week.

Lonewalker - I bet you did do really well while out of town. If you ate out more than usual you are probably just retaining a bit of extra water because of the higher sodium in restaurant food. Keep up the adherence and this week will prove it to you. :)

Plantsalot - Hello! Many of us have been through a similar cycle to what you describe, I'm so happy that you've decided to renew your commitment. It's an important step. Dr. Doug Lisle, the staff psychologist, did a webinar recently on why change is difficult and gave strategies to help promote better success called Secrets to Positive Change.

Diane - XO. Keep planning those meals and your hope will blossom into belief! Glad to see you back. :)

Warren - Welcome, thank you for joining us.

Moonlight - The energy in here is pretty fantastic this month! Congrats on your loss this week. It is well deserved.

Wannaberosie - Hello, I'm so glad to hear that you've found your way back. This is definitely a process which requires much practice to become proficient at. Jeff Novick wrote a wonderful piece this week called Creating Healthy Habits where he reiterates that habits developed through consistent repetition are one of the keys to changing behaviour. Keep coming back, keep practicing, keep up the great effort!
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Re: June 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:56 am

0.1 loss this week! Hardly worth mentioning, but I'm thrilled the scales are going in the right direction.

We're finally having a bit less rain, so I've been able to trade my rain boots for walking shoes. With that, and eating less fruit than I was before, I expect to see continued success. Lot of the greenway and walking trails around me are still closed due to the danger of mud slides and falling trees. Last week a reporter and his videographer were killed by a falling tree onto their news van. So very sad. But, a real hazard around here when we have persistent rain as we've had the past few weeks. It's still raining daily, but this week we'll have a few dry mornings. That should help with exercise and my mood! :)

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