June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby jan_npr » Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:05 am

Zoey wrote:
AnnetteW wrote:
OMG, this is me to a T. Not having things in the house in the first place is most important. I absolutely can not have wine in the house. Nuts at minimum need to be frozen and hidden in the back. (Note to self, hide that full bag of walnuts, hide it well). And of course the Chinese food sodium content sticks around for days. And fruit, summer fruit is so divine, I too have had a little too much, but I'm not stressing over a little fruit.

Hang in there, get past those things, and move forward.

Thanks, Annette! It's good to have a kindred spirit. Normally, I can resist the nuts in the house, and don't need to tell my husband to hide them. It's the pretzels and crackers that I can't be near. But that night I had the wine again, I may have been better off with pretzels! And I may have to move to no wine in the house, period, like you. How long have you adhered to this?

And yes, I think summer fruit is a gift from God, which is why I've decided to savor it with the attention it deserves. :nod:

On the subject of wine I made a handshake bet with my daughter (who is doing the same) that I would drink (which means wine) only on 8 days for the next year. We started in March. It really is going well and I have lost my craving. We report to each other and if I go over the 8 then I told her I would pay her $50 each time. Good motivation for me. Also I feel like I am setting a good example for her. She never really liked to drink much because of the negative health effects.

On the subject of handshake bets, I also made a handshake bet with a person at the McDougall 10 day program. We both had a terrible time with potato chips and the bet was to not eat them, ever. It's been well over a year since I have had them and again, craving GONE.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Zoey » Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:24 am

jan_npr wrote:
On the subject of wine I made a handshake bet with my daughter (who is doing the same) that I would drink (which means wine) only on 8 days for the next year. We started in March. It really is going well and I have lost my craving. We report to each other and if I go over the 8 then I told her I would pay her $50 each time. Good motivation for me. Also I feel like I am setting a good example for her. She never really liked to drink much because of the negative health effects.

On the subject of handshake bets, I also made a handshake bet with a person at the McDougall 10 day program. We both had a terrible time with potato chips and the bet was to not eat them, ever. It's been well over a year since I have had them and again, craving GONE.

Good deal! I wonder if I went without it completely for a couple of weeks, if maybe the benefits would be obvious enough to keep me off it for good?

And as for the chips, I'm with you there. It's probably also been over a year since I've had any. No urge for them at all. Darn crackers on the other hand...
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby GreenFroG » Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:24 pm

HI, I am back to recommit. I started in April and then could not stay on the program. I have gained 6 pounds and need the accountability on a weekly basis and a support group. I am trying to get motivated for the hard work and journey ahead and realize it is a lifestyle change that I am shooting for...first step - coming back!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:02 pm

GreenFroG - Welcome back! Now is a great time to work on making those changes in lifestyle and behavior! You are right that making these changes is definitely hard work, but so is anything worth doing, right?
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby AnnetteW » Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:50 am

I'm struggling this week. I don't know why to be honest...I just get bored and tired and then I want to eat. I'll probably go ramble in my journal instead of here though.

I need to pull myself out. I will give myself a good talking to for now.

Hope everyone else is feeling stronger than I am.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby gracezw » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:02 am

This only means that you are just human. You are just fine. As JeffN says, give yourself a lot of time to adjust to the new way of eating and living. You will do better at a time. If you are mindful, you will notice it. That has been my experience over the past 5 years.

The new part of the brain has been having battles with the older part of it. It is OK that we lose some battles along the way. We will eventually win the war with persistent self practice and group support.

Yesterday Tuesday was my weekly grocery shopping day for the whole family. I planned it well, but the execution was always less. Since I log what I eat everyday, I know that I did better this Tuesday than last Tuesday.

Yesterday as I was extensively wiping grocery items down and cooking some of them, I ate along the way too. I couldn't help not doing it. I also have discovered that I am capable of eating two day's worth of foods/calories in one day, and I can also either water fast or eat very little on the next day. So it averages itself out. My plan for today is to be really mindful, the best being waster fasting, and the second best being eating just a little with non-starchy veggies and starches from cooked kabocha of 0.35 cal/g.

AnnetteW wrote:I'm struggling this week. I don't know why to be honest...I just get bored and tired and then I want to eat. I'll probably go ramble in my journal instead of here though.

I need to pull myself out. I will give myself a good talking to for now.

Hope everyone else is feeling stronger than I am.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby gracezw » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:12 am

Also, how much I eat today really depends on how much I weigh this morning. I will weigh myself later right before I am thirsty for water or hungry enough to eat something.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby JeffN » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:48 am

Greetings everyone. it is great to see so many of you participating in the MWL group. A special thanks to Mark for an incredible job as moderator.

Just a reminder, there in only one requirement to join this thread, and that is that you follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss program as defined by the two links below.

MWL Guidelines
MWL guidelines

10 Point Checklist
MWL 10-Point Checklist

If you are not familiar with them, please review them again.

We have over 30 years experience fine-tuning them to where they are. If you do not want to follow the MWL program as outlined in the 2 links, or do not feel like you can fully commit, that is fine, you are welcome to follow the regular program and create a journal to track your journey. This group (posting and weigh-ins) however, is only for those following the MWL program. We know that not every day will be perfect but planning to not eat or to eat off plan is not part of the MWL program.

Also, remember that we are in this for a long-term solution that you can live with and live well with, not short term weight loss. Some of you have set goals that, based on averages, are most likely unrealistic. The most important goal is adherence to the program and the guidelines. That will produce your best chance for success.

In regard to weight, the average loss, over time, is about 1% of your current weight per week. You will most likely lose more in the beginning, if you are male, if you are under under 50 and if you are taller. The numbers just tend to work in your favor.

If you are hungry, eat. We do not recommend skipping meals, fasting, going hungry or eating only vegetables (or fruit) at a meal. We do not recommend intermittent fasting but eating when hungry.

When you eat, make sure your choices always include a minimally processed starch. This is 100% true for MWL too. The starch should be about 50% of the volume of the food you eat. Do not wait an hour to eat the starch after the vegetables.

Just reaching for vegetables, salads or fruit is not going to do it in the long run and you will most likely end up overeating later in the day, or week. This is because the satiety from vegetables, salad and fruit is not the same or as long lasting as the satiety from starch and can set you up to overeat/binge later. This may happen within the day or it may happen after several days. Then you end up wondering why you are eating salads and vegetables and not losing weight and often think, I just need to eat “more” salad, veggies or fruit. To break the cycle, always eat starch with your veggies and/or fruits.

If you have any questions or concerns, just post them and either Mark, Wild Goose or I will respond

I wish you all continued success.

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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby AnnetteW » Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:40 am

Okay @JeffN, I will really continue to try harder. I really do want to be able to stick to it, sometimes I don't think my head is screwed on tight enough, it's constantly whipping left and right, everything always looks so good.

One meal at a time, I'll keep focusing only one meal at a time.

Thanks for the pep talk, I need it.

Oh, and I have been at this since February 2019, and I still struggle.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby taymariekay » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:01 pm

Thanks for the info, Jeff! Actually, lately I've been wondering if the regular program would work better for me long-term, as I've seen results using MWL as my foundation with the addition of small amounts of regular program foods.

Is there a summary/checklist for the regular program like there is for MWL?

Perhaps instead of continuing on this forum, I should start my own journal and weigh-in progress elsewhere. I don't mind! I have been mostly MWL, but definitely not 100%. Probably 90%. However, I could see myself needing to lean more toward 100% MWL when I get close to my goal weight. Right now I'm still about 50 lbs away from that, though.

Thanks :)
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby JeffN » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:08 pm

taymariekay wrote:Thanks for the info, Jeff! Actually, lately I've been wondering if the regular program would work better for me long-term, as I've seen results using MWL as my foundation with the addition of small amounts of regular program foods.

Is there a summary/checklist for the regular program like there is for MWL?

Perhaps instead of continuing on this forum, I should start my own journal and weigh-in progress elsewhere. I don't mind! I have been mostly MWL, but definitely not 100%. Probably 90%. However, I could see myself needing to lean more toward 100% MWL when I get close to my goal weight. Right now I'm still about 50 lbs away from that, though.

Thanks :)

We only ask you do your best, not perfection.

You are also welcome and encouraged to keep your own journal here, where you can follow the regular program. The 10 point checklist would be almost the same, the only difference is the plate is up to 90% starch and the calorie dense foods and higher fat foods are allowed in limited amounts.

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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:15 pm

Here is the checklist for the regular program - It’s the Food! A 10-Point Checklist for The McDougall Program

Quite similar to the MWL 10-Point Checklist, with the variances Jeff mentioned.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby taymariekay » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:22 pm

I think I will do that :) Thanks so much, Jeff and Mark!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby josietheschnauzer » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:36 am

Thank you, Jeff. On another topic, what vegetables should one eat when on antibiotics? Or does it matter?
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby laurag » Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:08 pm

Hi there people! I am still struggling with getting the nighttime behavior together. But I have made headway! I made Jeff's fast food and if I am hungry after dinner plan have that. I also have frozen or canned fruit for dessert. Adding a lot of green leafy vegetables for my side before 50\50 plate that has been going better. I have had my walk nothing too long like 20 minutes and doing yoga more regularly again nothing too long just ten min but I am working on making these good behaviors stick. I also had a huge thing on scale I made it under 140 I was so stuck at 148 and that scale is at 138! I am waiting to post it on Friday so hopefully the scale will still say the same. If not it's ok I will just keep going no worries. This does work so that is pretty cool! I ha d had slip ups too but I am really excited about how I can do this! I am focusing on having a plan and having prepared food together. Thanks to Jeff and Mark Goose and all the people here I am so glad to have all this information and support. I love reading everyone's posts
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