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Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:02 pm

cowgirrlup wrote:I have a it possible for me to lose 10 pounds by December 13th??

(if I remember to not eat beans??)

Cowgirrlup, I believe you can do it even with beans. I was aware of the bean rule in regards to MM while I was following it, but I couldn't do without my beans so I'd usually have my refried beans mixed with dried oatmeal with my meals. On my "good" weeks, I'd lose between 2 - 3 lbs., and on my okay weeks, I'd lose a pound. Exercise can really make a difference as well.

You can do it, girl!
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Postby busymomof4 » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:14 am

Well, I'm finally over my virus & ready to start back. It's difficult to stay on MM, isn't it? I'm going to add a cup of beans each day to my eating. I'm back to the gym, too. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical last night.

I learned something very sad last night. A lady I met years ago, who had had her daughter enrolled in the same playschool with my boys about eight years ago, committed suicide last week. I'm guessing she was in her mid 30's. She was also the owner of a gym I had thought about joining last April. Well, she had had to close down her gym because of the economy the week before she died. Then, I found out her husband had left her a while back. She didn't even have custody of her two daughters. I guess she felt like she had lost everything. :-( How very sad! You just never know, do you!

I hope you all are doing well.
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Re: Stay with us...

Postby dcfit » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:35 am

VanillaOrchid: I second your staying---this is a board of support not perfection---we're down to earth McDougaller's here, here to support each other!

You're not a dork--I was told on another thread that we should be eating beans to get protein to fuel our weight loss--so I don't think it hurts but I think you have to watch quantity to maintain a steady loss. I'm having about 2 tbsp of homemade hummus with baby carrots a day--it really helps me mid-morning or mid-afternoon when the horrible hungries hit. So don't knock yourself.
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that is sad...and yes

Postby dcfit » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:38 am

busymomof4 wrote:Well, I'm finally over my virus & ready to start back. It's difficult to stay on MM, isn't it? I'm going to add a cup of beans each day to my eating. I'm back to the gym, too. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical last night.

I learned something very sad last night. A lady I met years ago, who had had her daughter enrolled in the same playschool with my boys about eight years ago, committed suicide last week. I'm guessing she was in her mid 30's. She was also the owner of a gym I had thought about joining last April. Well, she had had to close down her gym because of the economy the week before she died. Then, I found out her husband had left her a while back. She didn't even have custody of her two daughters. I guess she felt like she had lost everything. :-( How very sad! You just never know, do you!

I hope you all are doing well.

Sorry to hear about that lady. Life can bring such challenges---and one never knows how they'll respond. Makes you thank God for your life, good/bad and ugly, doesn't it? I think it's hard to stay McD--but the rewards seem to outweigh the effort.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:55 pm

hasanismom wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote:I have a it possible for me to lose 10 pounds by December 13th??

(if I remember to not eat beans??)

Cowgirrlup, I believe you can do it even with beans. I was aware of the bean rule in regards to MM while I was following it, but I couldn't do without my beans so I'd usually have my refried beans mixed with dried oatmeal with my meals. On my "good" weeks, I'd lose between 2 - 3 lbs., and on my okay weeks, I'd lose a pound. Exercise can really make a difference as well.

You can do it, girl!

Thank you!
Ok, I am gonna go for it! I need to get back to the gym, but it won't be til next week when Tink can be left alone...

2 to 3 pounds a week...dang, I'd be in heaven!

I will probably still eat some beans then, too...they fill me up and they have protein...... But I am taking Thanskgiving off.. :D

I bought a Tofurkey roast today...they were on sale :D

Anyone ever had one?? its the stuffed roast, not the turkey kit.

we can do this.

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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:04 pm

busymomof4 wrote:Well, I'm finally over my virus & ready to start back. It's difficult to stay on MM, isn't it? I'm going to add a cup of beans each day to my eating. I'm back to the gym, too. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical last night.

I learned something very sad last night. A lady I met years ago, who had had her daughter enrolled in the same playschool with my boys about eight years ago, committed suicide last week. I'm guessing she was in her mid 30's. She was also the owner of a gym I had thought about joining last April. Well, she had had to close down her gym because of the economy the week before she died. Then, I found out her husband had left her a while back. She didn't even have custody of her two daughters. I guess she felt like she had lost everything. :-( How very sad! You just never know, do you!

I hope you all are doing well.

I'm glad you are feeling better...40 minutes on the elliptical is great! Good for you.

That is so sad about that woman. I will add her family to my prayers.

Stay safe,

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Re: Stay with us...

Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:09 pm

dcfit wrote:VanillaOrchid: I second your staying---this is a board of support not perfection---we're down to earth McDougaller's here, here to support each other!

You're not a dork--I was told on another thread that we should be eating beans to get protein to fuel our weight loss--so I don't think it hurts but I think you have to watch quantity to maintain a steady loss. I'm having about 2 tbsp of homemade hummus with baby carrots a day--it really helps me mid-morning or mid-afternoon when the horrible hungries hit. So don't knock yourself.

I was eating them sometimes at lunch and dinner...I didn't gain any weight, but the losing stopped..and yeah, I am a dork, but its OK.. :-D

I love hummus! Hummus & baby carrots used to be my favorite thing to eat..its not fattening, so I don't think it should be a problem and my gosh...2 tbsp is not a huge amount. Enjoy!

We can do this!

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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:01 pm

I managed to go a whole day without eating something I wasn't supposed to eat! :D

I'm still hungry, but I'll make sure its legal food.

Howz everyone else doin?

WE can do this!

Stay safe my friends.

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I've had a great day

Postby dcfit » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:46 pm

Even with friends visiting from out of state, I've been able to stay true to my plan. We spent the day at the beach and swimming was wonderful. I took McD legal food so all was not lost. Yeah!
Here's to tomorrow!
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Postby storm20 » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:05 am

e MWL and you will,
do th

cowgirrlup wrote:I have a it possible for me to lose 10 pounds by December 13th??

(if I remember to not eat beans??)
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Re: I've had a great day

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:26 am

dcfit wrote:Even with friends visiting from out of state, I've been able to stay true to my plan. We spent the day at the beach and swimming was wonderful. I took McD legal food so all was not lost. Yeah!
Here's to tomorrow!

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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:27 am

storm20 wrote:e MWL and you will,
do th

cowgirrlup wrote:I have a it possible for me to lose 10 pounds by December 13th??

(if I remember to not eat beans??)

I am going to guys can kick me in the beehind if I don't stick to the plan. :D
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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:48 pm

Ok, so far today I had a baked potato for breakfast..w/some salsa

snack was a banana

lunch was a baked sweet potato diced onto a green salad

snack was 2 clementine's (they are teeny this year)

dinner might be some hash brownd with roasted veggies or just some salsa

if I get hungry later on....hmmm dunno yet...maybe an apple

ya know what I am craving??? tortillas! Everything I eat I am thinking 'HMMM this would be good in a wrap".... :D
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:33 pm

Thanks for letting me stick around. My mother-in-law is out of the hospital, and on dialysis 3x per week. She seems to be doing pretty well, and can still get up the stairs to her third floor apartment. Not bad for 84! But it's sad that she has to go through this. She has been diabetic for years.

So, that's been part of my stress. And, I'm still losing. I have not taken time to exercise for about a week, and I do plan to walk this weekend no matter what else. And I want to catch up on reading this board and see how the rest of you are doing.
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Re: I've had a great day

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:35 pm

dcfit wrote: "We spent the day at the beach and swimming was wonderful."

You swam at the beach in ALASKA in November? Has global warming come to this? Or am I missing something?
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