October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Eat4health » Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:56 pm

Hi Everyone!

Weight: 181
Goal weight: ?
My day one is also my first weigh-in.
I was able to comply with 2-9 on the checklist so far today.

Last night, after reading the orientation information, MWL Guidelines and 10-Point Checklist I did the following:
1. Started changing my kitchen environment to support this healthy journey
2. Removed all non-MWL foods, oils, butter from pantry, refrigerator and freezer
3. Removed spices used for meat
4. Sorted kitchen utensils, removed things like ice cream scooper, pizza cutter, etc. triggers causing cravings (out of sight- our of mind)
5. Continue to educate myself. The drmcdougall website is loaded with decades of information.
Planning - Menu, shopping lists, food prep, cooking, cleaning & time management
Exercise - Start walking. I am an expert at making excuses for this topic. The temps are still above 100 in Arizona. Survived the hottest summer in Arizona history! Looking forward to cooler temps!

This journey is a change for life not a 50 yard dash. I remind myself that every sport, job, relationship, hobby, etc. requires time to learn, make adjustments and continue to improve. I'm also changing my mind set to look at weigh-in as a positive bench mark (not dread) to make corrections like a job performance evaluation. It is not a pass or fail. Stop the automatic thinking of all-or-nothing...quit!

Thank you for this opportunity!
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby wildgoose » Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:57 pm

texaslil wrote:Any suggestions to keeping leafy greens around all week, typically by W/TH/F mine have all gone soggy, IF I have any left :-D

@texaslil, I’m not the salad expert (hoping Mark will chime in here :) ), but one thing I have found is that moisture is the enemy of green leafies. If you store them at all damp, they turn into green slime. I never have any luck with bagged greens. I do better with the ones that come in plastic tubs, and better still with whole heads of things like romaine hearts. I wash and spin them right before I eat them — never in advance. If I have to get the bagged stuff, I take it out of the bag and store it in a plastic container, with a paper towel on the bottom and another one on the top.

Hope that helps.

My story: MWL works!
How I determined my "goal weight"
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Mark's Replies for October 2 - Part 1

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:02 pm

If I've missed anyone, please let me know - I'm doing my best to keep up! :lol:

Let me extend a warm welcome to CUgorji22, mrsmike84, cmjens , rsmallen, ReadyForChange, Pdx.gordon, Eat4health, KayVee, chowbby, Naartjie, cmcavazos, wakelandcj, and celebrate the happy return and continuing efforts of louie3084 and emmycaitlin.

Expat in NZ - Down 2.2 more pounds! Well done not letting that single deviation with bread turn into a pattern, Lindsey. I typically only eat 2 meals each day (based on when I'm hungry), usually around 10am and 5:30pm. I used to have breakfast early each morning, but over time, I found I was just no longer hungry really early in the day; that frequency works for me, but more meals is fine, too, provided they are driven by hunger - Jeff covers the topic in this post.

LesleyMills - Goodbye to another 2 lbs and cheers to a lower BMI! I think you are quite wise to abstain from alcohol, both for the disinhibiting effect, and all the reasons Jeff outlines, and certainly MWL directs us to eliminate liquid calories. One idea for that conversation about chocolate - would it work to present the question with openness and some vulnerability? You could explain that you find that food particularly challenging to resist, and you want to enlist his help in avoiding it, to better achieve your goals. No judgement about his own personal lifestyle, just seeking help to do what is best for you right now. I'm sure that opportunity to spend time with your daughter was a real delight! Onward and downward!

whereamac - Kudos! That is a substantial loss! How are you feeling about the week with respect to the MWL 10-Point Checklist?

PonysPlants - YES! Your close attention to adherence has definitely made a difference; congratulations on attaining a BMI in the healthy range! You are exactly right about taking daunting challenges day by day; that next milestone, just like your most recent results, will be achieved as the culmination of the pattern of behavior you establish over the duration. :D

tommy - Getting off to a solid start! When you can tolerate more physical activity, add that in gently, as you are able - getting the food right is the most important piece. Keep in mind that soup is also an easy, affordable option as a starter; as Jeff explains in On Salad, Soup, and Success. A sprinkle of salt on the surface of one's food is completely acceptable within the MWL guidelines. :thumbsup:
JeffN wrote:In regard to added salt and added sugar, we recommend buying and preparing food without either and if any are to be used, to add them at the table on the surface of the food. If either one is troublesome and create uncontrollable cravings for you, then leave them out.

Daniel35 - No matter where we are starting from, our journey begins (and continues the same way); the recommended changes in behavior, practiced consistently, over time, deliver results. Keep looking forward!

CindyD - Great progress!
CindyD wrote:the time it takes to enjoy the thing is massively eclipsed by the amount of time spent regretting that thing.
:nod: I agree! Keep steering clear of "things you don't need!"

Abe - Maintaining resolve in the face of stress and adversity is not easy; I applaud your efforts and that you didn't let trying circumstances serve as an excuse for choices that are incongruent with your aims! I'm sure that upcoming wardrobe switch will be an exuberant occasion!

Jrjazzyjack - Hi, Jack! Cheers to the success and hope you've been finding in recent weeks! If you are interested in practicing MWL and participating in the weekly weight change and behavioral reports, be sure to review the orientation information for the group; all the foundational information is included therein.

courtneywagasky - Welcome back! My warmest congratulations on your engagement and upcoming nuptials! It will be exciting to see where adherence to the MWL guidelines will take you on your ongoing adventure!

mandybee - Today seems like an excellent time for your exciting new start! How are you doing adjusting to the behaviors recommended in the MWL 10-Point Checklist?

Wfpb2020 - Ongoing progress, and you made the best use of the other 4 days of the week! Travel and vacationing (or any big change from our habitual environment and routine) nearly always bring significant challenges; try to look at those 3 days as presenting a really important lesson, and instilling that newfound appreciation for just how much planning, preparation and effort will be necessary to maintain adherence under similar circumstances in the future. That subjective knowledge, when retained and applied, has real value moving forward.

jan_npr - Hurrah for getting back in the saddle! Placing some of those repeating cues and reminders within your daily routine seems like a useful way to set some anchors for your desired behaviors. :nod: Having the recommended foods prepared and ready helps so much, as does selecting those recommended foods that you find the most appealing. Keep doing your best!

Kappagator_96 - Congratulations on your efforts and the results you are seeing already! I'm assuming that weight loss number is cumulative since the start of September, so I'll log this weigh-in as your starting point for this group. You are clearly off to a solid start, and your assessment with the checklist offers some direction and opportunities for furthering your progress, where you feel able to make adjustments. Jeff offers some general tips to help increase iron levels in this post. Are you including the flaxseed based on any particular directive or concern?

Ziara - You got your day off to a great start! Now just keep doing your best to practice the behaviors outlined in the MWL 10-Point Checklist. :D

potatohead55 - Nice loss! This month's thread is indeed quite active! When we're cohabitating with family who don't necessarily practice this way of eating, it can definitely make for a more challenging daily environment; speaking as someone in similar circumstances, something I found helpful was to request that the selection of non adherent "snacks" not include the particular items I found most tempting. Carry on taking things "one bite" at a time, and learning as you go. :-D

Rebecka22 - Hitting all 10 points from the checklist makes for an excellent start! Since MWL eliminate all flour products (excepting whole grain pasta) nixing the maple syrup for baking shouldn't present too much of a challenge, right? One easy way to have prepared food that automatically satisfies the 50/50 guideline is to use the SNAP Template, or Jeff's Basic Recipes.

oneesotericgirl - Hang in there! Making our way through those tough times when our circumstances and emotional responses don't work in support of our adherence, facing setbacks, doing our best to learn from them, and refocusing, getting back on track, and continuing to show up and put in the work is DEFINITELY an important part of the process. Try to take a moment to think through what you might do to better manage a similar situation in the future, be compassionate to yourself, and get back to the basics with the recommended pattern of behavior. :)

wstokes - You are making some headway! From my view, it is helpful to think of the points from the MWL 10-Point Checklist in a binary fashion - did I adhere to this point or not? Don't aim for being perfect, but when focusing on a particular point try to see the steps that will move you toward being adherent to that point, and put them into action as you are able. Aim for continuing progress, from day to day and week to week. Just to clarify, for the benefit of all participants, when making salad a full meal, you should be sure to include an adequate volume of starch as part of the salad.

Amberlina - Another pound disappears! Sometimes those cravings come back unexpectedly, but they will subside with time, Jeff's recommended approach is the surest way through.
JeffN wrote:If you experience cravings for unhealthy foods, you can beat these cravings by choosing healthy foods to eat and knowing that these cravings will eventually pass and stop. However, you can not beat your biology (hunger) and your biology/hunger will eventually win.
Keeping doing your best to stay active, and continue your excellent attention to the recommended behaviors. :thumbsup:

Valeen - Welcome and kudos on what you've achieved already! Since that loss of 4.2 lbs occurred before joining the group, I'll record today's weight as a baseline, just to keep everything on a weekly basis. The pattern of behavior outlined in the MWL 10-Point Checklist is very effective for achieving healthy, sustainable weight loss; the better we attend to the recommended behaviors, the better progress we are likely to see. Keep at it!

chowbby - Just in case you missed it, Jeff responded to your question here.

earthmonkey - Kudos, Tina! Do the best you can to begin adopting the recommended behaviors; when time and personal energy is in short supply, keeping things as simple as possible really helps - the SNAP Template, or Jeff's Basic Recipes are delicious, quick and very easy to prepare.

salbers - The surest path to the eventual achievement of that goal is the pattern of behavior described in the MWL 10-Point Checklist- it will reward your efforts. Just to clarify, for everyone,
JeffN wrote:The fundamental basic principle of the MWL Program and the principles of calorie density is "whenever hungry, eat until comfortably full of the recommended foods."
For a comprehensive rundown of the reasons why MWL and the principles of calorie density generally are preferable to the various forms of fasting, see Jeff's thread Reflecting On The 5:2 Diet & Intermittent Fasting.

wavingwheat - Down 5.4 lbs! Fantastic result, Carol! Cheers to seeing the underside of 160! Great attention to the checklist, keep making your best effort to adjust your behavior to the recommendations, where and when you see the opportunity to do so. Your diligent attention, planning and preparation is clearly paying off!

Noella - So long to 2 more pounds! Fantastic attention to the recommended behaviors! I feel for what you are suffering with that painful inflammation in your knees, and you continue to make your best effort under those circumstances. Being able to wear that red dress for the first time seems like a very joyous event! I applaud you for taking time to appreciate those non-scale victories and improvements in quality of life - it seems important to notice the "fruits" of our labors, where and when we find them. :D

GreenFroG - Woo-hoo! Traveling successfully! That is no small achievement; I remember very well the first time I was able to stay strictly adherent while vacationing - it felt like a real point of enlightenment for me. As you say "the work continues." Onward!

rlechols - The reading from your scale continues to drop, Rachel! Being able to take a vacation, without going "off the rails," is a wonderful and rewarding experience, for sure.
rlechols wrote:One thing I have come to realize is that for me, switching from MWL to the Starch Solution is not going to be "permission" to start allowing myself to freely consume things that were previously off limits. There is a reason why some things, even on the Starch Solution, are yellow light foods. So enjoying moderate portions on occasion might be ok, but is not permission to have them every day or in large quantities. Also, being in tune with what items start the Pleasure Trap and cravings with the associated downward spiral, is important.
You make an important, and well taken point here; I think your observation is borne out by a comparison of the respective checklists for the regular program and MWL - It’s the Food! A 10-Point Checklist for The McDougall Program as compared to MWL 10-Point Checklist. The differences for which the McDougall Program allows are meals comprising up to 90% minimally processed starches, and the allowances for LIMITED amounts of calorie dense foods and LIMITED amounts of higher fat plant foods. (Additionally, it omits the recommendation to begin meals with soup and/or salad and/or fruit.). I'm grateful to have your perspective as a veteran of the group, and I'm happy to have your participation continue for as long as MWL continues to serve your goals. :D

MelissaM - Welcome and congratulations on the remarkable progress you have achieved following the Starch Solution! Losing 120 pounds is no easy feat! The adjustments within the MWL guidelines can be just the thing for attaining further progress when we're feeling stuck. Check out this post from Jeff, explaining Why We Hit Plateaus and What We Can Do About Them.

Creaky - Another week of solid adherence and ongoing progress! My compliments on your successful rollout of that major project! That seems like an event that inspires pride!

Beeshell - Knowing the behaviors that take us off track helps light a path back in the right direction, but that doesn't make it easy. Times of struggle seem to inevitably arise, and I think the best we can do is try to plan and prepare to the extent we can, so that it is easy to reach for the recommended foods when we're hungry. Be kind to yourself, try to take a little time to think about any changes in your environment, routine, circumstances, or level of preparation that could be contributing to the challenges you feel, and address those where you are able. Kudos for not giving up - each day (and meal) is a fresh opportunity to make choices that serve our important goals.

Pdx.gordon - Down a pound! How does it feel like things are going with the MWL 10-Point Checklist?

Hope410 - So long to 1.2 lbs! SNAP meals were and are an absolutely crucial component of my own daily practice. Keep raising those last few %, when and where you can.

texaslil - Another week and another pound gone, Laila! To answer your questions: as you suspected, soy curls are not recommended for MWL, as they are a higher fat plant food.
JeffN wrote:Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).
Drinking plant milks, or any caloric liquids is also not recommended for MWL.
JeffN wrote:Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).
If those leafy greens are for salad, I have pretty good success keeping my greens fairly fresh by cleaning and storing them in the refrigerator, all in my salad spinner, it is key to keep them as dry as possible. Frozen greens work great for most other dishes, and, as Jeff noted, are probably the best solution. Keep in mind it is completely fine to have a second 50/50 helping at a meal, provided the impetus is hunger. Noticing those pleasant differences in the fit of clothing is a fun, non-scale victory. When it feels like our rate of progress isn't at the pace we would like, the best approach is a focused review of the fundamental principles, and increased attention to adherence.

Dot - Woo-hoo! My congratulations on achieving your initial goal! You are doing great and that looks like a very good week, to me! When practicing the recommended pattern of behavior, it isn't unusual to eat what might seem like a very significant volume of food; since the overall calorie density of the diet is low, eating in response to hunger, without worrying about number or size of portions shouldn't be a problem. To get a sense of the volume of food some of us eat, take a look at the food pictures in my journal, (although I admit that I'm a bit of an outlier ;-) ). Carry on!

VivianS - Your scale just made a big swing back in the preferred direction! Keep plugging away at those remaining 3 points to best support continued success. I'm sorry to hear you are suffering with that lung infection, and I wish you a speedy recovery! While you are doing your best to rest and recover, just keep doing the best you can to behave in a way that supports your goals.

Eat4health - Fantastic work taking immediate action to get yourself and your environment prepared to support success! Here's hoping that cooler weather arrives sooner than later. :D

Reminder for new group members who have not yet reported, Friday is our weigh-in day, and participants have until noon pacific time (19:00 UTC) on Saturday to post a report of their result for the week.

Best to all; I'll be back with the remainder of my responses and summary tomorrow evening.
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Mark Cooper
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby NancyNancyR » Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:10 pm

I started this week on Mary’s mini and then on Oct. 1 MWL.

I did read the orientation material, I apologize for not mentioning that in my initial “I want to join the group” post.

So, since this past Monday I have dropped 6 lbs. Yay!

I have not started my meals with the soup or salad as I find it makes me too full to enjoy my starch and veg. I do have my 50/50 plate with potatoes and veg or rice and beans and a veg. Typically one, maybe two, servings of fruit /day. I usually eat 2 meals a day unless I experience great hunger.

I started the week by adding some salt to my meals but the past couple days I have not added any. Yay!

I eliminated animal-based foods and fat including nuts, avocado and all oils, etc.

Two cups of coffee in the morning because no one would want to be around me otherwise, and water the rest of the day. Maybe a cup of tea but only one this week. I really, really wanted Diet Pepsi but felt like it might sabotage the process, so I just said no!

I eliminated all bready things bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes, puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.

I have been doing water aerobics for the past month and a bit of walking but have had foot issues recently so taking it slow on that per doctors orders.
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby chowbby » Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:39 pm

Thank you, Mark, for welcoming me and letting me know Jeff answered. Thank you, Jeff, for your help. I am very grateful for this forum and all of you.
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby jkcook » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:11 pm


Starting off the month right! I only have a few more pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight! Of course, my kids are 30 years old, but it’s never too late! :-)
Discovered my favorite Mexican restaurant actually has decent salads, so I can get that as a Yummy side with my rice and beans. Also found a place that has really yummy power bowls with garbanzo beans and quinoa and a delicious vegan sauce.
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby tinathescreamer » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:12 pm

Weight 187.4 lbs. I'm surprised it's not more. No loss so far.
I got off to a bad start. I was going thru my pantry to sort out the non compliant foods and I wound up eating all the canned tuna and instant noodles and half a packet of raisins. Talk about disordered eating! The flour and milk powder has gone to the food bank. I still have plenty of oatmeal and potatoes so will do better in future. I also took a long walk and will do so every day, weather permitting.
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby NorthwestGnome » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:23 pm

214 lbs Monday Sept 28th (freak out day - bp was way up, the mexican food and chips and all the salt I had the day before was the straw that broke the camels back lol - started back on Starch Solution and lower salt)

Initial Weigh In: 211.5 lbs Friday Oct 2nd (weight loss due to water weight - less salt)
Age 52

Eating pretty simply this first week. Beans or potatoes + veggies . I'm getting used to it, and I am also getting used to the flavor of veggies without salt again. Especially beans! Oatmeal for breakfast (1/2 cup dry oats, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, cinnamon). Lunch usually beans with salsa. Need to make homemade salsa this weekend, just about out of store-bought salsa. I am limiting as it does have salt in it. (Thanks for the pico recipe!)

frozen blue berries for dessert works great - almost like ice cream!
No added sugars. No other added salt, except what comes in Rotel tomatos (1 can Rotel tomatoes for a pound of dry beans in pot with 6 cups water, so I count that as lower salt)

I had decaf instant coffee this morning with a splash of 1/2 and 1/2. I switched to decaf a couple years ago, I will switch this next week to coffee substitute starting this weekend.

 No meat, no eggs, no animal products. No seeds, avocado, added oil - using parchment paper
I had one bowl of whole wheat cereal - low sugar - with plant based milk two days ago for dessert. When not eating MWL plan, and just starch solution, a bowl of cereal was my treat. I will focus on the frozen blueberries next time. 

No sweetened bevs
walking 3 miles a day and started light weigh training/ pushups/ sit ups again.

action items: No more cereal, No creamer, Move from decaf coffee to Pero, stock frozen veggies for emergency snacks (brocolli), have baked potatoes already baked\steamed for faster microwaving if needed.
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby MaryP » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:33 pm

October 1 starting weight: 215

Back on the wagon. I've reread all the materials.

Boy, it's hard getting back into the swing of things after not following the program strenuously for several months. I am committed and really being strict for a month by doing just potatoes and vegetables to get back on track.

The last two days I've eaten a salad and followed the 50/50 plate at each meal. I've been a vegetarian for 50 years and vegan the last two years. I never drink anything but unsweetened herbal tea and water. I limit my fruit.

I'm slowly getting back into exercise, too. Some new meds I was put on for two months have made me really tired, so I have to push to get my walk in.

One of the issues I have is having a husband who is a snacker and loves sweets. I have started wearing an ear plug in my ear to block his crunching noises so that I am not tempted!

Another issue, you probably can't help me with. I sit on a team of people who create recipes for a website. I have to taste those recipes. So far, I've only submitted recipes that fit our guidelines (no oil, no sugar, low sodium) but we are coming into the Holiday season and I have to submit cookie recipes. My plan is to give them to a friend. My husband can't eat them because he can't have gluten. Wish me luck!

Thanks for making this forum available!
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby SueV » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:02 pm

Happy first weigh in day! I have had some success but after some time away it is time to get back on track!. My start weight is 239.0. I stocked up on some vegetables last night and made a big pot of black beans and vegetables to get me started. Also cooked up some potatoes to have on hand. I love being part of a group and look forward to seeing all of your success!

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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby moranjacqui » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:07 pm

OK I started the program on Monday at 175 lbs. and weighed 169 today. Those 6 lbs. came off super fast but went on almost as fast, but I’m still thrilled. I’m hoping to lose 29 more pounds.

I did great with all the guidelines except #6 (no oil). I realized I need to do a better job label reading as I bought 2 items that actually had some oil in them. I typically exercise 45 minutes 6 days a week. This week I didn’t exercise due to back problems. I started physiotherapy today, so will be able to rectify that soon.

My granddaughter is visiting next Thursday through the following Tuesday. This was her 16th birthday wish. She has already put in a request of wiener schnitzel and chocolate velvet cake. I decided to indulge sparingly on that day, but stick to plan the other days she is here with us in Tennessee.

I am extremely motivated to make this life style change. I don’t mind eating this way since I never really cared for meat. My downfall is sugar. I promised myself to read daily at least one of the extra materials and videos available to us. I got a kick out of the “Pleasure Trap”.

I made several of the recipes in the MWL book and really enjoyed them. I’m extremely lucky that my husband has been on board with changing our eating habits as well.

I wish everyone a successful week. Stay well!
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Shereenz » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:34 pm

Lovely to see there are a couple of other Kiwis on the board (NZ not the fruit). I struggle a bit with using pounds instead of kg but here goes - with the help of Mr Google.
Height 5’4
BMI 26.2
Start weight 155lb
Goal weight @132lb
Commenced MWL 30 September 2020
Today’s weight 153lb

Going ok against the plan - been PBWF for 18 months. Main non compliance is exercise but I’m about to go out and plant potatoes which involves a fair amount of digging!
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby squealcat » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:34 pm

Another difficult week for me but reading Goose's comments on all of her struggles before she finally reached goal was uplifting for me. There IS hope ! If Wild goose can do it then I can !
Last week: 203.2
This week: 205

Gain of 1.8 #

Most of the MWL points were difficult for me except exercise. Staying away from sweet treats , bread and high fat foods will be what I will stress this coming week. I feel that I have made a habit of eating these things and also eating almost constantly even when not hungry. I need to stop looking at recipes and cooking shows, keeping my mind on the path ahead and thinking about other things that I enjoy doing.

Anyway, here I go onto another month! The support here is amazing !

-squealcat (Marilyn)
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby wischbone » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:44 pm

Hello everyone!

I am so very grateful for being here and hope that you are all well :-D

My weigh in yesterday was 152.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 145 lbs.

This is coming from a max weight of 230 lbs back in 2015. I've changed my way of eating significantly and most of it is due to Dr. McDougall, Jeff Novick and other like minded individuals!
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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby CUgorji22 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:51 pm

Hello, everyone! I enjoy reading through your posts for motivation, inspiration AND real-talk (lol!)...happy to know I'm not alone in this (sometimes it feels that way)!

Anywho...here's my info!

Weighed 169.8 June 15, 2020 - the day I decided to get more serious/disciplined about eating WFPB
Weighed 166.4 Sept 1, 2020 - the day I started Mary's Mini
Weighed 154.4 TODAY, Day #2 of MWL...Yay :D

Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.
- My mind is still stuck in Mary's Mini mode; I did it for 30 days! It's hard to eat a soup and/or salad with my meal...I tried last night & just knew my 50/50 plate was going to be enough...it was! I am used to eating soup as a meal. I stopped eating fruit for the Mini...I have not ventured back into that world yet. Hard to remember I can eat it now. This will be a work in progress thing!

Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. :thumbsup:

Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.
- I am now trying to just sprinkle salt on top of my food, as directed, rather than adding it into my recipe.

Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). :thumbsup:

Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). :thumbsup:

Eliminate any added oil. :thumbsup:

Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. :thumbsup:

Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). :thumbsup:

Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.
Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).
- I have a Personal Trainer & workout with her 1 hour, 2Xs/week but we focus mostly on anaerobic exercise. My husband & I just bought an indoor exercise bike to ensure I also have a cardiovascular exercise option! With MWL, I'm now considering 30mins/day on my bike...oh boy :shock:

Keep up the good work everyone :-D

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