The November MMC is here!

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall


Postby dawn7 » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:45 pm

This is my first post but I've been working on sticking with Mary's Mini and Maximum Weight Loss program for 4 weeks now. I've lost 9 pounds and am hoping to lost 13 more by December 18 (my birthday!)
I'm really excited with the results so far. I have a lot more energy, I'm saving money and I haven't been sick since I started! This is big news since last year at this time, I was sick for many weeks straight.
Anyways, I just wanted to post and say I'm here. I've been reading these posts but I'm excited to participate!
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Re: Newbie!

Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:53 pm

dawn7 wrote:This is my first post but I've been working on sticking with Mary's Mini and Maximum Weight Loss program for 4 weeks now. I've lost 9 pounds and am hoping to lost 13 more by December 18 (my birthday!)
I'm really excited with the results so far. I have a lot more energy, I'm saving money and I haven't been sick since I started! This is big news since last year at this time, I was sick for many weeks straight.
Anyways, I just wanted to post and say I'm here. I've been reading these posts but I'm excited to participate!

Hi Dawn7! Welcome! Wow! You are doing really, really well! Congratulations on your loss and your success with the program.

Isn't not getting sick such a great bonus?! My sinuses usually have me on antibiotics several times a year, but since I went from vegetarian to vegan, no infections! I have had a few sinus headaches, but just minor things and only about 3 so far this year and NO meds needed .

We are so happy to have you join us here. We are a great group and I can tell you will fit right in!

WE can do this.

Stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:41 pm

I strayed from MMC today, but You guys would do it, too ...and I'd say good for you! :D

A dear friend made me lunch today...tacos..with gimme lean "ground meat" ( a first for me) and sprouted corn tortillas..the rest was beans, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, jalapenos ( I'm in heaven) and some corn...

I brought the gimme lean home and fed it to my omni hubby for dinner...he had no clue!


We can do this!

stay safe,

P.S. I bought a pair of jeans that were way too small and expensive, but on sale today Yippee..ANYWAYS, THEY ARE MY cHRISTMAS GOAL!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:30 pm

cowgirrlup wrote: I bought a pair of jeans that were way too small and expensive, but on sale today Yippee..ANYWAYS, THEY ARE MY cHRISTMAS GOAL!

Good for you. With the intensity with which you are moving, I'm sure you'll reach all of your goals.

What an inspiration!
Last edited by proverbs31woman on Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:49 pm

How is everyone doing?

I hope everyone is doing great and is staying motivated.

Remember, if you deviate a bit, just start fresh at the next meal.

Its all about us! We can do this!

Stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:29 am

hasanismom wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote: I bought a pair of jeans that were way too small and expensive, but on sale today Yippee..ANYWAYS, THEY ARE MY cHRISTMAS GOAL!

Good for you. With the intensive with which you are moving, I'm sure you'll reach all of your goals.

What an inspiration!

Aw shucks, thanks. I get my inspiration from allof you here on the boards. What an awesome group we have!

I am down 3 took forever and then kind of fell off overnight. :D

I had a baked potato covered with roasted carrots & parsnips this morning ...and then I smothered it in salsa... :D

WE can do this!

Stay safe,
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:17 am

cowgirrlup wrote:
hasanismom wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote: I bought a pair of jeans that were way too small and expensive, but on sale today Yippee..ANYWAYS, THEY ARE MY cHRISTMAS GOAL!

Good for you. With the intensive with which you are moving, I'm sure you'll reach all of your goals.

What an inspiration!

Aw shucks, thanks. I get my inspiration from allof you here on the boards. What an awesome group we have!

I am down 3 took forever and then kind of fell off overnight. :D

I had a baked potato covered with roasted carrots & parsnips this morning ...and then I smothered it in salsa... :D

WE can do this!

Stay safe,

Congrats on the 3 lbs., Karyn! Just wondering, how much weight do you need to lose?
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:32 am

Well, I haven't posted in a while because I fell off the wagon. :o I knew it was inevitable with the way my family eats. However, I'm back at it today. I'm going to try to continue doing MM, tweaking it to meet my needs here and there. I do like beans so I will eat 1/2 to 1 cup per day, as needed. My main problem is not getting enough exercise. I'm a member of a gym only 7 minutes away, but I've not been going lately. I intend to get back at it today!

Well, I think I need to update my goals:

Go to the gym at least 3 times a week, doing 40-45 minutes on the elliptical.

Eat MM as closely as possible.

Only weigh once a week (I have an obsession with the scale that REALLY needs to stop)

I will add that on Thanksgiving Day and the day after we will be eating meals at family members' homes. It will be nearly impossible for me to stay on MM those days (actually, it will only be lunch on Thursday & dinner on Friday). I will give myself some leeway then, and not expect perfection.

I weigh 170 lbs. now. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. (hopefully more but at least 20) by July 4th (the day we leave for the beach). I refuse to weigh what I do now when we go to the beach.

Hope everyone is doing well! Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:01 pm

busymomof4 wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote:
hasanismom wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote: I bought a pair of jeans that were way too small and expensive, but on sale today Yippee..ANYWAYS, THEY ARE MY cHRISTMAS GOAL!

Good for you. With the intensive with which you are moving, I'm sure you'll reach all of your goals.

What an inspiration!

Aw shucks, thanks. I get my inspiration from allof you here on the boards. What an awesome group we have!

I am down 3 took forever and then kind of fell off overnight. :D

I had a baked potato covered with roasted carrots & parsnips this morning ...and then I smothered it in salsa... :D

WE can do this!

Stay safe,

Congrats on the 3 lbs., Karyn! Just wondering, how much weight do you need to lose?

I'd like to lose maybe 15 or 20 lbs now...I will go by how I feel and how my clothing looks (vanity thy name is woman :D ) more than what my scale says..
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Postby cowgirrlup » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:06 pm

busymomof4 wrote:Well, I haven't posted in a while because I fell off the wagon. :o I knew it was inevitable with the way my family eats. However, I'm back at it today. I'm going to try to continue doing MM, tweaking it to meet my needs here and there. I do like beans so I will eat 1/2 to 1 cup per day, as needed. My main problem is not getting enough exercise. I'm a member of a gym only 7 minutes away, but I've not been going lately. I intend to get back at it today!

Well, I think I need to update my goals:

Go to the gym at least 3 times a week, doing 40-45 minutes on the elliptical.

Eat MM as closely as possible.

Only weigh once a week (I have an obsession with the scale that REALLY needs to stop)

I will add that on Thanksgiving Day and the day after we will be eating meals at family members' homes. It will be nearly impossible for me to stay on MM those days (actually, it will only be lunch on Thursday & dinner on Friday). I will give myself some leeway then, and not expect perfection.

I weigh 170 lbs. now. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. (hopefully more but at least 20) by July 4th (the day we leave for the beach). I refuse to weigh what I do now when we go to the beach.

Hope everyone is doing well! Have a blessed Thanksgiving.


Ok, I moved my big old behind over and you just come up and sit next to me on the wagon.
We can hang on to each other so we don't fall off. :-D

I like your idea of eating MM with a few tweaks...I kind of feel that same long as its still MWL, I will occasionally deviate from MMC.

Good goals! I need to get to the gym more, too. I also need to drink more water!

I think we can do this, girlfriend.

WE will succeed!

Stay safe and have a super holiday!

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Postby busymomof4 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:18 am

Well, I did exercise yesterday, but I was only able to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. I had my youngest son with me, and he was running out of patience. I ate very well, though. :-D AND I drank 48 oz. of water. Yippee! That is BIG for me because I really don't like to drink water, but I made myself.

Hope you all are doing well. Where's everyone who initially joined the challenge? Hope you all are hanging in there!

Oh, and Karyn, thanks for making room for me on the wagon. Maybe I won't fall off again. :lol: Btw, I don't *think* we can do this, I KNOW we can!
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:10 pm

When I go out shopping or doing errands and stuff, I like to treat myself to some little snack in one of the zillions of little cafes around town. Pre-McDougall, this would have meant a cup of decafe mocha and a brownie, or something similar. Or some ice cream. I'm not into fast food. Never was. And I'm not a fan of herbal tea.

Any ideas?????
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up two pounds!

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:18 pm

I blew it on Thanksgiving. I was tired. Failed to plan (planned to fail?) Went to my mother-in-law's place and did sort of ok with dinner, but ate a couple bites of some lumpia my nephew made. Only a couple of bites. But the stuff is deep fried. Then I ate some of every dessert I saw.

And the next day, I ate lunch at a vegetarian Chinese restaurant, and I knew perfectly well that they cooked with oil. So I'm up 2.2 pounds. How could I be so stupid??? :angry:
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Postby cowgirrlup » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:33 pm

busymomof4 wrote:Well, I did exercise yesterday, but I was only able to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. I had my youngest son with me, and he was running out of patience. I ate very well, though. :-D AND I drank 48 oz. of water. Yippee! That is BIG for me because I really don't like to drink water, but I made myself.

Hope you all are doing well. Where's everyone who initially joined the challenge? Hope you all are hanging in there!

Oh, and Karyn, thanks for making room for me on the wagon. Maybe I won't fall off again. :lol: Btw, I don't *think* we can do this, I KNOW we can!

There is always room for you on the wagon! You are right, we CAN do this! We will!

stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:36 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:When I go out shopping or doing errands and stuff, I like to treat myself to some little snack in one of the zillions of little cafes around town. Pre-McDougall, this would have meant a cup of decafe mocha and a brownie, or something similar. Or some ice cream. I'm not into fast food. Never was. And I'm not a fan of herbal tea.

Any ideas?????

Hmmm ok, can you get a decaf soy mocha?? or latte?? Do you have a Baskin Robbins? They have a vegan item there now...its called Tropical Ice..tart and yummy and creamy, not icy like it sounds...not McDougall, but it is vegan..for a once in a while treat.

Let me think some more and get back to you...
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