How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

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Postby Letha » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:52 am

Morning all,
I’m doing well today. On plan and planning to stay that way. I posted my menu over in Roberta’s Corner. I’ve been experiencing some lightheadedness this morning. I believe I’m getting enough food and water. I have four suspects. Inner ear as I’ve had some tinnitus this week. Runamuck hormones as my monthly visitor is a week late which is unusual for me. Something to do with blood pressure or circulation as the swelling in my feet has dramatically decreased in the past few weeks. Generic over the counter sleep aid, Diphenhydramine HCI , that I took last night. It’s been over a year since I took one of these. For some reason I have trouble sleeping when I reduce calories. But I'm not planning to take another one any time soon. I just had a huge bowl of multigrain hot cereal and so hopefully this will pass and not return. I’ll check back tomorrow. Take care everyone.
Last edited by Letha on Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kobfa2 » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:04 am

Another new week...I've been feeling like I may actually get the hang of eating this way--such a relief. My partner is traveling for work this week, so my mom insisted on driving down to help me out for a few days--I think she just wants to see the kids! They don't know she is coming, so it will be a surprise for them. LauraA, so far I haven't heard an official cause of my friend's death, but several people have mentioned thinking it may have been an aneurysm. It's so unsettling when death occurs so suddenly with no obvious reason. Letha, I hope that your lighteheadedness resolves quickly. Dale, my thoughts are with you and your family as well. Hope everyone has a great day!
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Here I am in Washington and already having issues

Postby Mommylut » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:31 am

So, I decided that while in DC I would not make myself crazy and would follow the regular program. What a cop out. I took a 3 hour train ride here and right before getting on the train I bought a whole wheat bagel with jelly. I had made myself baked oatmeal to eat on the train, so I don't even know why I did it. I am beating myself up unbelievably over this. I brought potatoes to make in the microwave for lunch. I can see I can't give myself this latitude. Words of encouragement greatly accepted.

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Postby LauraA » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:54 am

Hello Everyone - It is so great that we are all here for each other!
Letha - I hope that your lightheadedness has gone, and won't return. Melissa - if it was an aneurysm that your friend had, that is what my daughter's close friend just died of. She was about 40 - very healthy, and it was so sad. I was in Seattle babysitting grandkids while my daughter and her partner went to DC for the funeral and to be with the woman's partner - so sad.
Marion - All I can say is, your bagel story is exactly what I do if I give myself an inch! This is why, when reasonable people recommend easing into McDougall, or not being so strict, I know that it doesn't work for me. I'm much more like the explanation in The Pleasure Trap. I'm better off with no bread than with a small amount. I'm having a very easy time with MWL, and I just have to keep reminding myself that I can't have bread, nuts, etc. Just knowing that I'm going to be posting and checking in here is a good reminder! Take care all, LauraA
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Re: Here I am in Washington and already having issues

Postby Letha » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:57 am

Mommylut wrote:Hi-
So, I decided that while in DC I would not make myself crazy and would follow the regular program. What a cop out. I took a 3 hour train ride here and right before getting on the train I bought a whole wheat bagel with jelly. I had made myself baked oatmeal to eat on the train, so I don't even know why I did it. I am beating myself up unbelievably over this. I brought potatoes to make in the microwave for lunch. I can see I can't give myself this latitude. Words of encouragement greatly accepted.


With all the temptations out there you managed to stay on the McDougall plan. I say well done!
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Postby Mommylut » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:36 am

Thanks. I needed to hear that.
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Postby Vegeloon » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:24 pm

Hello Everyone,
I made Letha's Potato Salad and it turned out great - I substituted frozen peas for the relish which was an interesting twist.
The rest of the weekend wasn't that great for me staying on MWL. See what happens when I don't check in here over the weekend...
I could have done a lot better with my food choices but we ended up being on the road more than I expected and I didn't plan ahead.
I will be going to curves today. I had my oatmeal with banana this morning and will have a mcdougall soup cup and 1/2 yam and green beans for lunch. Tonight I'm going to make baked delicata squash and huge salad!
Ok, back on track Monday here I come....
Have a good week everyone.
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Postby Letha » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:51 pm

Vegeloon wrote:Hello Everyone,
I made Letha's Potato Salad and it turned out great - I substituted frozen peas for the relish which was an interesting twist.

That sounds yum. I make a similar pasta salad with peas (not MWL) that works well for potlucks. Good to see you posting today.
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Postby kpolninja » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:06 pm


I totally know what you mean!!!! Compliance is the key, especially if you've already planned for yourself. Shake it off and make your next meal perfect, you will feel better.

I had lunch out then dinner is a slippery slope. I didn't gain any weight from my vegan pizza out last night, but I didn't loose either. I was feeling bad about it last night but I was so good today that I feel much better.

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Postby Mommylut » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:25 am


At least I know I am OK for breakfast. I don't mind if I have to do regular program while I was away. What bothered me was that I had brought breakfast with me and bought and ate the bagel anyway. At least today I am off to a good start.

Lunch was fine yesterday since I brought potatoes and raw veggies from home. Dinner was another story. I checked in to the hotel and went to work out. The "gym" was a very small room right next to wear the staff clocks in and out in the basement. I did 22 minutes on the eliptical and then decided to get out of there.

Feeling somewhat proud of myself for chosing to work out, I looked at the room service menu ---- mind you I had already noted that there were no restaurants around and I didn't want to go exploring in the dark. The ONLY thing I could order was the shoe string potatoes, grilled veggies and a fruit salad. I am going to buy something at lunch time to take back to the room.

Hope all is well with everyone.

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Postby Letha » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:58 am

Morning all,
I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. Came across some steel cut oats yesterday which I haven’t had in a few years so I got some and I’m going to eat a bowl for breakfast. Nice texture change from the rolled grain cereals I’ve been eating. I was planning to phase out snacks to further speed up the weight loss process but a few days ago I finally got my new copy of the MWL book and McDougall recommends snacks or frequent small meals. So I think I’m going to keep the snacks for a while. A banana mid morning, an apple mid afternoon, and a rice cake in the evening when I’m watching TV. Oh, and the lightheadedness from yesterday morning went away. All is well with me. Until tomorrow.
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Postby LauraA » Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:09 am

Hi Gang - good morning to everyone!
Debbie R - it sounds like you are doing well - trying new recipes and planning ahead. Letha even makes me want to get home to try recipes!
Kathryn - Eating out is a challenge for me too, but it looks like you've done no harm. I've avoided eating out since Saturday night, but I'm sure that this coming weekend will be a challenge for me again. I finally go home on Sunday.
Marion - You are definitely making the best of your travel situation. I don't know what else you are near, but someone said that Starbucks has great oatmeal also.
Everybody enjoy your day. Take care, LauraA
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Postby kobfa2 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:39 am

Good morning! All is well here. My partner made it to NY and my mom made it here--all are safe, which is such a relief! LauraA, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. Things like that are so scary and deeply sad. Letha, I'm glad your lightheadedness is gone--that can be unnerving! Take care today, everyone!
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Postby Vegeloon » Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:14 pm

Good Morning everyone. I did my Tues morning weigh in today and only lost .8 of a pound. I'm a little disappointed but not surprised considering my wavering off MWL over the weekend. Since I did so well after the first week when I stayed strictly on MWL, I realize that if I want to get consistently good results - I have to stay on the program. Duh!
I had my oatmeal this morning with chopped apple and cinnamon. I add the cinnamon for its thermogenic (helps burn more calories) properties, plus I like it.
I brought a salad, 1/2 yam and green beans for lunch again.
Not sure about dinner yet. I think something with rice and beans....
Marian - good for you for working out. I'm really working on keeping to my workout commitment of 3X per week at Curves. So far so good in November. I am also starting to use my treadclimber at home - my goal is to work up to 30 min per day. So far I can do 15 min at a time.
Letha, your menus, food pictures and sense of humor continue to inspire me
- Thanks.
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Postby LauraA » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:23 pm

Hi again - Letha, it looks like you posted right before I did this morning, but when I posted your post wasn't showing up yet. I just want to say that I'm glad that your lightheadedness is gone, and I'm so inspired by how well you stay on program. I'm doing better than usual myself, and I feel good about it. I go back and forth about snacks - I try to have no more than two a day- otherwise I'd just keep eating!
Melissa - I hope that you're having a good day - good to hear from you, and yes, someone dying so young is very sad. I don't think that there is anything that can be done about aneurysms.
Debbie R - .8 pounds sounds good to me! As long as the numbers are going in the right direction. Since I won't be able to weigh until Monday morning , and I will have been three weeks on MWL while traveling, I'm trying to make sure that I don't expect too big a loss. I just need to stick with my plan and let the weight take care of itself. Also, though I'm walking plenty in NY, I haven't gotten to Curves. Once I get home I will really get back to Curves three days per week, and keep up with alternating walking, biking or elliptical. In NY it has been just walking. Take care all, LauraA
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