October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:08 am

Cathmc wrote:Thanks for the welcome Amy.
Well, I got on the scale for the first time in 23 days and have gained nearly 2 lb. ( I think it would have been worse if I´d weighed myself last week mind you). You are right about the numbers on the scales, I´ve been thinking about it a lot this morning.
I´ll weigh myself again next Friday but I don´t want this to be just another way to lose weight. I want this to be my way of eating always and I worry about focusing only on the weight ( which has been my main thing for too many years ). Time I learned to accept myself and appreciate what I have.
Eating in the WFPB way has been very on and off for me these last few months but I feel I have turned a corner and am ready to really commit now.
I feel so much better in body, mind and spirit when I follow it correctly.
Anyway.... I think I may take the pressure off myself for the next few months till I really get the swing of it by only weighing in once a month or so.
:roll: Unless of course I suddenly gain loads of weight next week. LOL

Karen - If you like coriander I´ll post a recipe of a dip I bought in to work today to have with my veggies at lunch time.

I had " Golden Gravy" on my potatoes last night ;-)

Going to listen to the " The Cram Circuit " later on.

Good luck with the weigh ins everyone.

Cathmc - yes please! I love coriander. I had to remember that it's called cilantro out here in CA. I buy fresh cilantro regularly and LOVE how it makes my apartment smell. It's cheap, too. I can get a small bunch at Walmart for around 38 cents. I usually buy 3 at a time and chop it up to put into my morning tacos.

I want to apologize for being a whiner lately. For some reason, I'm just grumpy this week. I think part of it is the fact that I have a lot more energy, but when I started walking a lot more, my knee started bugging me again. Then, I thought swimming would work, but I am too broke to pay for classes right now. Just frustrated. I am losing the weight and as I do, I know the knees will get better and I'll be able to exercise as much as I want to.

Then, you know how it is, when you get frustrated over one thing, your brain - or at least mine - starts to see every little frustration about everything. Wah wah I'm poor, wah wah I'm fat and it makes my knees hurt when I walk too much, whatever.

So, deep breath. Instead of feeling frustrated about wanting butter and mayo to put on certain things that still seem weird to me without it - I'll just not eat those things. That's how I started and I am just going to go back to that. And not worry about losing weight more quickly.

Thanks for putting up with my grumpiness and for all of the great recipe ideas. I am keeping them handy and will eventually try them all. I love that we have this resource for support. We need a big heart emoticon :-)
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Werner1950 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:41 am

I've been 'exhorted' by Jeff N to join the MW Weigh-in. Hope it's not too late.

So this morning I weighed 171.6.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Roxy59 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:20 am

An intense week at work - 5 full days of internal strategic planning meets & professional development - translated to skipping breakfast, catered meals every day at lunch and a staff dinner out. Early days, late nights & not enough sleep. Also another family birthday dinner. Impact of that was up two pounds this week. Pressing reset today & looking forward to digging into the Dr McDougall books I ordered online, which also arrived this week. Good timing. Frustrating experience for week two but not unexpected. And some positives including avoiding all the treats on the tables this week and sticking 100% to plant-based, which did require some navigation and extra effort. Good work this week everybody! Hoping to report more positive results next week.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:25 am

Roxy59 wrote:An intense week at work - 5 full days of internal strategic planning meets & professional development - translated to skipping breakfast, catered meals every day at lunch and a staff dinner out. Early days, late nights & not enough sleep. Also another family birthday dinner. Impact of that was up two pounds this week. Pressing reset today & looking forward to digging into the Dr McDougall books I ordered online, which also arrived this week. Good timing. Frustrating experience for week two but not unexpected. And some positives including avoiding all the treats on the tables this week and sticking 100% to plant-based, which did require some navigation and extra effort. Good work this week everybody! Hoping to report more positive results next week.

Wow! Well done sticking to plant based during that marathon.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
BP WAY down right away. In 3 months: Cholesterol down 26pts, Triglycerides down 27pts. Next 3 mos way back up ???
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:39 am

This morning I was 192 again, so I don't feel like I cheated yesterday after all :-)

Okay, Amy, you wanted more photos, here you go!

This is what I started with: I got a bunch of free food from the food bank yesterday. The crockpot is my usual ongoing mix of legumes, rice, corn and veggies. Yesterday, I got a bunch of yellow summer squash, so added some to my mix for more veggies.

Got the whole wheat tortillas, too, and later realized they have a little honey and oil in them - oh well, I'm eating them anyway LOL. Out of 110 calories, there is 10 calories of fat. I can live with that. I would have cried if it had been eggs - but honey and plant oil weren't evil enough to keep me from eating them.

Also got the spring mix of greens - nice! I did buy the tomato. Pretty much all other ingredients I got for free from the food bank over time that I had in the cupboard - we always get beans and rice, and often canned corn.


Final breakfast:


The orange bowl on the side with the mix in it - is my dog's brunch today. She got kibble when I first got up around 3:30am :shock:

Went to bed super early last night, and was wide awake at 3:30. Went back to bed, got up at normal time, weighed myself and was 192 again. Yay!

Went for our long walk version and just took it slow. Knee handled it so far.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
BP WAY down right away. In 3 months: Cholesterol down 26pts, Triglycerides down 27pts. Next 3 mos way back up ???
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:59 pm

Hello Everyone,
Thank you so much for checking-in. I hope you all had a lovely week. :)

At the beginning of the month I highlighted Jeff's summary of the MWL program in hopes for each of us to take a quick mental inventory of how we are doing because we are all here for the same reason: to lose weight (and maintain the loss), potentially more quickly than on the regular McDougall program. There can be a bit of a learning curve to getting this right. As we get going and begin to adopt the suggested guidelines it can be easy to make teeny tiny changes to fit our lives and preferences. Sometimes little changes can veer quite far away from the original guidelines because we may base our newest inclusion or tweak on our latest adjustment instead of the actual original guidelines that we're trying to adhere to. This widens the gap between what's recommended and what we're actually doing.
That's why I am always trying to ensure that I reflect on how I have done over a recent period of time. This week, for example, I probably wouldn't have realized how light I went on the vegetables on a couple of days if I hadn't photographed it. I am highly aware of my covetous of fruit and continue to look for little strategies that I can live comfortably with in order to keep the amount down to a more reasonable level. Things like that can be discovered in a variety of ways, from very simply sitting quietly and actively trying to remember what you ate that day, or periodically journaling about it, to the more time consuming and ludicrous photographing of every morsel of food that you eat for a month. :lol:

Now eating this way isn't truly only about weight loss, it's also about improving our health. So my next stage of reflection will be on the other healthy lifestyle factors associated with aging well and how best to prioritize them while I gently attempt to change the multitude of longstanding patterns I am already burdened with. So far this month I did well minimizing alcohol at one of the few venues that I consistently imbibe. As some of you may have read, I went to a wedding and didn't have a single drink. I can't say its comfortable yet, and know that I'd have to repeat that at a number of future weddings for it to become my new pattern, but I still managed to enjoy myself. :) Now that I've pat myself on the back for that, I'd be remiss if I didn't also reflect upon my sporadic intentional exercise this month. I have not been hitting the very minimal criteria of 30 min/d of consistent moderate activity. I have a few roadblocks making this very slightly more difficult to just jump back into but I will continue to figure this out.

Here is an excellent thread in Jeff's forum discussing these lifestyle factors with references and his thoughts: Triage Your Health Efforts: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I don't think this is the kind of thing that should be tackled all at once. Choose the most negative pattern and start there. Dr. Lisle answered a question about how to go about tackling this in his podcast this past week. If you're still getting the diet thing right, keep working on that. But if you think you've mastered that step, maybe you too will want to consider other areas that could use a little improvement.

Have a lovely week!


PS. I thought I'd share the view out of my kitchen window. I've got a little territorial battle going on outside at the bird feeder. We put a suet cake in the feeder cage yesterday which drew a number of dark-eyed juncos, small and pretty black headed sparrows. Unfortunately today the cake was discovered by the bigger stellar's jays (British Columbia's provincial bird) and they chased away all of the other birds. They even fought amoungst themselves over the food even though there was more than enough for everyone.
The bird in the bottom right of the photo keeps all of the other birds away while the other two eat (and fight, one of those two gets to eat first and only begrudgingly lets the other have anything). Its all quite interesting to observe.

Here are the results for the third week in October:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, October 27th, 2017

Total group loss reported in 2017: 659.76 pounds

October 2017 Weight Loss Group :: Monthly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss in January 2017: 137.25 pounds
Total group loss in February 2017: 102.91 pounds
Total group loss in March 2017: 111.3 pounds
Total group loss in April 2017: 56.1 pounds
Total group loss in May 2017: 41.8 pounds
Total group loss in June 2017: 44.4 pounds
Total group loss in July 2017: 34.9 pounds
Total group loss in August 2017: 59.6 pounds
Total group loss in September 2017: 41.9 pounds
Total group loss in October 2017: 29.6 pounds

Week ending 10/20/2017: 17 participants reported a total loss of 3.8 pounds
Cathmc - 2.0
Suey51 - 0.4
Sirdle - 0.5
Galooop - 0.8
Qwerty988 - 0.8
Roxy59 - 2.0
Total gains: 6.5
Zsilent1 - 0.0
Katie3 - 2.8
Sedrexel - 1.0
Talita8 - 0.5
BeHealthy - 1.0
Bougainvillea - 1.0
Peach1 - 0.0
Purposive - 4.0
Svenja - 0.0
Werner1950 - 0.0
amandamechele - 0.0
Total losses: 10.3

Total group loss in October 2017: 29.6 pounds
Week ending 10/20/2017: 17 participants reported a total loss of 3.8 pounds
Week ending 10/13/2017: 19 participants reported a total loss of 15.4 pounds
Week ending 10/06/2017: 23 participants reported a total loss of 10.4 pounds
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:11 pm

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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:35 pm

I was just taking a peak at the conversations going on in the Lounge of this website and there is an active thread discussing one of the healthy lifestyle factors - smoking - that some of you may be interested in. It is recommended to, if you're able, tackle that issue ASAP! (This was also mentioned in the Dr. Lisle podcast).

Any Ex-Smokers?
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:08 am

I admit I'm more about "consistent weight loss" than "maximum weight loss" for me. I'm working on lifestyle changes I can stick with for life. But, this group is just so much fun, I have inserted myself here anyway. :wink:

I guess I can be the example of - you can still lose weight consistently, even if you are a tad naughty.

Yesterday, for instance, I finally did go ahead and just buy an avocado, because I couldn't quit obsessing about it. I found a small one for 89 cents, so I bought it. Lately, the stores have only been carrying those enormous ones for around $2.00 and I would have ended up eating avocado for a couple days. With the small one, I figured I would get it out of my system and it would be gone. It was soooo good! And I ate a little less for lunch and still weighed 192 this morning. So, so far so good. I may just tell myself I can "party" with an avocado sandwich on Saturdays.

So, this is how I "boogie down" (nyuck nyuck) as a vegan on this diet now. In my past life, I would have eaten most of a large pizza and a bunch of beer. So, this is a big improvement for me. Funny, how if you have denied yourself something even mainly healthy like an avocado, it ends up tasting like Nirvana.

Note the cheap gin and diet ginger ale for my cocktail, and my avocado/tomato sandwich is on corn rye bread I got at the foodbank (Trader Joe's makes it and it's to die for!). I just toasted it, so it didn't matter that it was a tad stale. Otherwise, I just put a little salt and hot sauce on it:


What a treat!

For lunch, I had a small amount of tomato, lentil soup and dipped dry toast in it, using it as dip instead of eating it like soup. Forgot to take a photo. I like dipping toast or crackers into something, as it makes the meal last longer and kind of tricks me into thinking I ate a lot. I did this instead of eating a large bowl of soup, so I could party down with my avocado for dinner.

Was hungry before bed, so had a bowl of cereal and banana and almond milk - mostly banana:


The cereal and banana came from the food bank. Along with a lot of fruit flies that are trying to take over my apartment lol.

And, even after eating and being full and having a cocktail, I still stayed at my lowest weight yet - 192. I love this way of eating.

I know that once I hit a lower weight, at some point, I will need to change up what I'm eating, as I will plateau. But, for now, this is working to keep a pound a week coming off pretty consistently.

I'm going to try to take pics of everything I eat, too, but not post entire chapters of blabbing along with them. :-)

When I was first looking into what I could eat, it was helpful to see what people actually eat all day long, so I'm hoping my posts can be helpful for someone else - as well, as help to keep me on track.

Thanks for such a great support group!
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
BP WAY down right away. In 3 months: Cholesterol down 26pts, Triglycerides down 27pts. Next 3 mos way back up ???
61 yrs, 5'5" tall
Starting weight 8/13/17 : 204 lbs As of 2/14/18: 186 lbs
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:14 pm

Qwerty988 - Enjoy your company! See you next week.

Svenja - I hope your colleague feels better soon so you can get back to studying. Thank you for the well wishes, I'm looking forward to that day too! :nod:

Karen - I didn't think you sounded like you were whining. Just sharing how things were going so far...and that's what we're here for. I agree a heart emoticon would be lovely!

Welcome Werner! I'm glad Jeff encouraged you to stop by. How are you doing? What kind of challenges are you having? I hear the weather in your part of Canada is way nicer than where I am right now. My in-law and friends keep sending me pictures of themselves hiking or playing tennis in t-shirts in the GTA while I shiver through the beginning of the rainy season here.

Roxy59 - Sounds like a tough week, and you did pretty ok. Those books arrived just in time for a little inspiration. Good for you for remembering some of the things that you did well this week!

Karen (again) - I'm glad your knee is doing well. I'm also happy that you're showing me what you are eating. :) It can be a tricky process as you move closer to the recommended guidelines. I was wondering, have you had a chance to read through the summary update that Jeff wrote at the beginning of the month? It can help guide your purchases, so you don't waste any money on foods that may not be recommended. (I am like you, if its in my house, I'm going to finish it - I'm having that issue with my Sam's Club sized Spinach tub this past week - it just won't end!!...lol). Here is a link to Jeff's post, just in case you haven't seen it: MWL Summary Guidelines. Best wishes this week, let me know how it goes.

Here's my latest journal post: Day 22 Amy's MWL Challenge.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Werner1950 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:31 am

Thanks for the greetings, Amanda. My biggest challenge is surviving our church meetings. I'm the pastor, so i am present at a lot of functions where junk food is served. Or i get invited out to meet someone over lunch.
Sundays are the hardest. There are always "refreshments".

Potato chips, cookies, cheesies, etc. I have still yet to totally resist the temptation of grabbing "just a handful" or "just one cookie!".

At home, i am a champion.

Anywaya, things are getting better. Thanks for asking.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Bougainvillea » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:29 am

Thanks for the link to Jeff Novak's summary of the MWL guidelines, Amy. Yes, I did see it. It's too restrictive for me right now. Especially the reference to "it's okay to be hungry." Uh - no. That will not work for me. Might as well be on Weight Watchers. I need something that will work forever, and that means not being hungry. At least for me. I know that's just one of many guidelines, but that's the one that tries to make me give up.

It's funny, in a recent live webinar with Gustavo, Dr. McDougall actually said he kind of wished he'd never written the Maximum Weight Loss book, and as I recall, it was because he was afraid it would not be sustainable and turn people off to the starch based, whole food way of eating.

When I look at a plate full of cooked or raw vegetables - all dry on the plate, I just want to cry. I'd lose weight just because I couldn't gag it all down.

I think the way you are eating right now is a goal for me to strive for, but I'm not there yet. You are the inspiration! ;)

I know I'm not the ideal example of the MWL plan, also, because I am eating bread and tortillas. But, for someone as heavy as me, who can still lose weight while eating these, perhaps it will help them to know that if I can eat them and lose weight, they can too. Or maybe I'm just still justifying me joining this thread? LOL

I am making a real effort to add more veggies to my meals. Because of my budget, it's kind of feast or famine for me. When I first come back from the food bank, I often have a bunch of fresh produce - that's all about to go bad LOL. So, I feast on it while I can, then it's slim pickin's until I go again. But, I am making the effort and am now sprouting lentils, too, so I can always add those when this latest batch of fresh greens give up the ghost.

So, here's what this naughty vegan consumed yesterday:

Coffee with almond milk and real sugar. I decided I can't stand Stevia. I quit using Splenda. Will try agave next, but I had some white sugar in the cupboard:


Breakfast was whole wheat tortillas with bean/rice/veggie mixture and fresh greens and tomatoes, with a little salt and hot sauce on top:


Lunch was this yummy fast-food Spanish rice mix I found at Walmart, that's like Rice-A-Roni, but with no fat. The sodium is pretty high, but all I had to do was boil water and throw this into it, and it was good and only around 80 cents:


For dinner, I had homemade organic corn tortillas made on the "new" griddle I got for a total score at Good Will for only $9! It also makes paninis - I'm so excited. Anyway, corn tortillas, my bean/rice/veggie mix - same ingredients as breakfast, but on corn tortillas:


My naughty vegan gin and diet tonic water evening cocktail:


My evening snack of pears that I shared with my dog. I actually only ate one:


Woke up and still weigh 192, which is fine with me. Stayed at my new low, without fluctuating back up - yay! :-D
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
BP WAY down right away. In 3 months: Cholesterol down 26pts, Triglycerides down 27pts. Next 3 mos way back up ???
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Starting weight 8/13/17 : 204 lbs As of 2/14/18: 186 lbs
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby JeffN » Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:51 am

Bougainvillea wrote:Thanks for the link to Jeff Novak's summary of the MWL guidelines, Amy. Yes, I did see it. It's too restrictive for me right now. Especially the reference to "it's okay to be hungry." Uh - no. That will not work for me. Might as well be on Weight Watchers. I need something that will work forever, and that means not being hungry. At least for me. I know that's just one of many guidelines, but that's the one that tries to make me give up.

Just to clarify...

One of the basic principles of the McDougall Program is that you don't ever have to go hungry, EVER!

My post was not about my guidelines and recommendations or about my summary of the guidelines/recommendations of Dr McDougall's MWL program, but about some refinements that Dr McDougall himself made to the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program, which is what he recommends for those wanting to lose weight. The 11 points are only an Table of Contents and the post recommends that you clink on the link to read the full description. When you do for the one about hunger, which is the last one, you find this....

It’s OK to be Hungry:

Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where there is no healthy food available – like when you are out shopping, at a party, or dining with friends. You don’t have to eat. No harm will be done. You won’t starve to death by waiting a few hours until something healthy is available. Delaying gratification is the smart thing to do and when you do finally eat the right foods they will taste extra delicious.

Program Protocol: No one went hungry during the 10 days with us. One of the lessons of our program was successfully taught – “You can eat as much as you want of delicious foods and lose weight.”

Practical Tips for Home Compliance: After leaving the program, people will not have multiple-course meals served to them 3 times a day with snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon – and thus, they are expected to lose even more briskly at home. If you get stuck with nothing healthy to eat, your best choice in most cases is to go hungry – when you finally do eat, the foods will be even more delicious than usual.

Elsewhere in the Newsletter, you find the following three comments by Dr McDougall

Our guests never suffered a moment of hunger and they thoroughly enjoyed the tastes of the meals we served to them.  That was obvious; they ate 2, 3, 4 and more servings at each meal.”

“Starches are low in calories (calorie dilute), low in fat (the fat you eat is the fat you wear) and high in carbohydrate (which satisfies the hunger drive).  Most importantly, there are sufficient calories in starches to meet your needs for energy and to satisfy your powerful hunger drive.”

“However, be careful that you do not eat so many of these low-calorie vegetable foods that your meals are no longer enjoyable and satisfying for your hunger drive.  You need the starchy selections for sustaining satisfaction.”

As you can see, the basic guidelines are to not go hungry and the comment about "it is ok to be hungry" was only in reference to most cases and when they were nothing else to eat. So, if your only option was fried chicken (which I don't think you have faced yet), then Dr McDougall's recommendation was that you might be better off going hungry then eating the fried chicken.

Part of the reason I posted those refinements was to clarify what Dr McDougall was recommending vs other "hacks" out there being recommended as part of his program, most of which will result in you being hungry.

Now, if you would like to know my specific guidelines, just walk on over to my forum and you will find them clearly laid out here...


And, when you go there, you will find this as my number one guideline ...

1) Hunger & Satiety - Whenever hungry, eat until you are comfortably full. Don't starve and don't stuff yourself.

So, there you have it.

A few months ago, I was swamped with emails because someone sent out a newsletter saying that my recommendation to them in how to lose weight was to "eat less."

This is my 30th year of teaching this publicly and professionally and I have never, ever told anyone to eat less, ever. In fact, the point i make in my presentations, over and over, is that by following my recommendations, you can eat about 67% more food if you keep the calories the same, or you can eat about 33% more food while consuming about 33% less calories. In both cases, you are eating more, not less. I also searched and searched all my old files, all my old websites, all my emails and messages with the person, did google searches and used the Wayback Machine and couldn't find my saying "eat less" ever. :)

But, this is what happens with misunderstandings or when things are taken out of context or seem out of context.

I have always said, time and adherence at the two most important principles. I think I will add a third. Time, adherence and PUA (proper understanding and application).

Good luck with your weight loss journey and let me know if I can be of help.

In heath

PS excuse my intrusion in the group but understanding this hunger issue is so important to success.
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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby katie3 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:11 pm

Thanks for chiming in, Jeff. I always find your posts so helpful.

I especially like this reminder:

I have always said, time and adherence are the two most important principles.

Sometimes I get impatient because I have tried other methods that lead to water weight loss and in the short-term experienced what felt like dramatic weight changes. Of course, the water weight returned and then some. I've been having an impatient feeling couple of days.

To counteract that impatience I'm practicing reminding myself what Dr. Lisle has called the "Slow Fast Way" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vbeHVecDlM for anyone who is interested). Compared to a low-carb (water-weight loss) plan, the McDougall Plan or even MWL can feel "slow" because you're not going to drop 10 pounds in a week. Well, at least I'm not because I'm pretty close to my goal weight. But, what you lose really is fat and the loss is sustainable and with long-term adherence (as you mentioned) the fat loss is maintained.

So, along with telling myself "Slow Fast Way" I'll remind myself to "give it time." Give it time, give it time, and enjoy the process of adopting long-term, life-enhancing healthy choices.
First goal: use McDougall & MWL principles to reach 120 lbs. (check!)
Second goal: MAINTAIN with healthy habits and reach 115 lbs.
Current weight: 118.2

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Re: October 2017 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:18 pm

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