June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Sue Ancora-imparo » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:07 am

-1.2 for the week (-3.6 for month)

1, Start w/ salad 5/7
2. 50/50. Yes.
3. Greatly reduce s & s. Yes
4. Eliminate dairy 5/7
5. Eliminate higher fat plant. Yes
6. Eliminate added oil 5/7
7. Eliminate flours 6/7
8. Don't drink calories 4/7
9. Eat til comf. Full Yes
10. 30 min exercise daily. Yes

Honestly, this MWL is really hard, so KUDOS to all who are sticking with it! I read Jeff's post about who should be on this post and I think I should go to the regular McDougall blog spot. I agreed to try June with my sister. And while I have learned so much! I'm not on board a 100% with the MWL. I am making progress but am feeling like my precarious attitude makes it not compliant with the nature of this board. I'm certainly watching out for "the pendulum effect." And catch that in my attitude. I did watch the "Pleasure Trap" by Dr. Lisle and found that helpful too. Mark, do you want me to finish out the month? Thanks, Sue
Sue Ancora-imparo
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby kirstykay » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:24 am

Weight Change: -1.1 :D

I'm VERY excited to be over a pound down this week! I feel like I am almost back to normal, eating wise! I got my stitches out on Wednesday and doctor said my mouth is healing well, although I still have some tenderness and have to be careful while eating. She still recommends soft foods, but when I asked her about it, she said to stay away from hard crunchy things like chips and pretzels... Well, no problem there! So, I've been able to eat much of my normal fare, other than raw veggies, cooked are fine as long as they are soft enough. I tried eating a salad and that's a bit too much.

I am also walking again, and actually found a walking buddy in my neighborhood. We kept seeing each other on our walks and decided to walk together! We're both relatively new to the area, so it's been really nice getting to know her. And the real bonus is, I walk longer and farther simply because we get to talking and loose track of time! Haha!

As far as the 10-points, I feel like I was doing really well toward the end of the week. I still have to be conscious about making my plate 50/50, especially breakfast. I tried adding zucchini to my oats but it was less than amazing. I can do it, but didn't enjoy it very much. I'm wondering how other people handle that principle for breakfast, or if anyone has ideas for me. I do enjoy berries and always use 1/2 a banana to sweeten it, and am wondering if I should just let the veggies be lunch and dinner.

The other fine-tuning I can do is to ALWAYS start with soup/salad/veg. I must admit, this is the one area I can improve. Still struggling with that one. I think when I can eat more raw veggies, I will try to munch on those before lunch and dinner, especially during these hot South Carolina summer days. Soup is easier for me in winter. I did make an excellent white bean and kale soup that I ate this week, but it was too filling, so eating it before a meal isn't practical because it really IS a meal. I have to make a good brothy soup with lots of veggies that isn't too filling for this to really work. I think I'll try that this week.

Those are the only two points that I really struggle with, so I feel like I'm doing really well. The only other one that gets me sometimes is making sure that I'm not overeating...especially when I make very tasty meals (like last night...lentil loaf, garlic mashed potatoes and green beans). It was all so delicious that I ate past full. Should I take smaller portions to start with and go back for seconds if I'm still hungry? Use smaller plates? The urge to finish what's on my plate is strong when I am enjoying my food. I need to work on this one.

I really appreciated Jeff's comments this week.
Also, remember that we are in this for a long-term solution that you can live with and live well with, not short term weight loss. Some of you have set goals that, based on averages, are most likely unrealistic. The most important goal is adherence to the program and the guidelines. That will produce your best chance for success.

I am truly and for the first time taking this to heart, and it is paying off. I have struggled with my weight literally my whole life (my mom took me to my first weight watchers meeting at 9 yrs old). The dieting mentality was deeply entrenched in my psyche, and I have believed that I was "broken" and unable to lose weight because of my dieting history. Even when I lost 100 pounds several years ago, I believed the only way my body would release weight is with some form of restriction. The first 40 pounds came off easily while following McDougall the first year, but then stalled. I then fell into a restrict/binge cycle and it took me another two years to lose the next 60 pounds, until I just couldn't do it anymore. Once I stopped, I unfortunately and not surprisingly quickly regained those 60 pounds. Interestingly I never regained the initial 40!

This time has been different. It has been a process to learn to trust not only myself around food, but also to fully trust this program...I am beginning to. I want to thank you for continuing to call out the lies and repeat the truth tirelessly...sometimes that's what it takes for someone like me. I am seeing the fruit of this slow and steady approach, changing my expectations about what constitutes success, and truly feeding my body with whole nutrient dense, calorie dilute food. I have great hope that it will take me all the way to regaining my best health and a fit body, no matter how long that takes. I am honestly amazed and delighted that I am continuing to lose even small amounts of weight each week and seeing my health improve! So thanks, once again for all you do, Jeff and Mark! You are really helping me, and I am grateful.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Hope410 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:51 am

Hello All,

Weight Loss this week: -.2 LBS

All points at 95% - 100% this week.

Point # 1: Missed preloading before meals 3X.

Point # 3: Made stir fry on Wednesday evening with tamari and sweet chili sauce, which may account for the low loss this week.

Point 10: Walked 6X this week, 5X for 30-45 minutes and 1X for 15 minutes. Also was getting a lot of exercise by planting my garden, finally.

So, the plan for this week is to keep following the MWL guidelines and look for a better loss next week.

Have a great week and enjoy your MWL food!!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Tian-De » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:31 am

One silly thought came to mind all week: "The McDougall Program For Ridiculous Weight Loss"

I was completely shocked when I weighed in.

June 5th: 161.3
June 10th: 158.4
June 16th: 155.3

Loss this week: 3.1 pounds! (THIS IS RIDICULOUS!)

I did three things differently this week.

#1: I stopped running, and walked instead. As a result, I wasn't as hungry. Maybe only needed to eat 75% as much.

#2: I Looked at my 10-Guidelines poster more often. As a result I had more fruit for snacks and always ate my veggies.

#3: Started using Dr. Lisel's "Continuum of Evil" concept to grade each meal. The thought of giving myself an A+, A, B, C, D, or F for my actions have been really helpful for improving my self-awareness, not only with eating, but also in other areas of my life.

My average grade this week was probably a B+ or A-.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby moonlight » Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:44 am

Weight change: 0 lbs
Points from the MWL Checklist where I succeeded this week
I haven't eaten any bread in 7 days!! :D I'm celebrating finally getting that off my radar. I'm just not allowing myself to give in to the craving for it. When I want to go for bread, which is usually during the middle of the night, I am eating bulgur. I don't eat much - less than 1/2 cup. During the night when I can't sleep I want to eat something...
Points from the MWL Checklist that need greater attention
The two areas that I usually fail to meet are the processed food and consistent daily exercise. I have eaten corn chips a couple of times and white pasta a couple of times this week. Those are now my challenges.
General impressions & observations / resources to share / sources of excitement / requests for input & support
I think using my journal to record my daily food intake and to check off the 10 pt. daily have been very helpful. It's painful to write down the food that's not on plan. As long as I don't quit, I get tired of the failure and eventually get more compliant. With just a little success, I am encouraged to continue. It is such a mix of emotions and strategies to keep it going.

Thank you Mark, Jeff, and Wildgoose for your helpful advice and guidance. Thanks to all that participate. Your accomplishments and struggles help to inspire me to keep with the program. I hope everyone has a great week. :)
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby abible » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:12 pm

Last week: 192.4 pounds
This week: 192.1 pounds
Weight Lost: -0.3 pounds

Not a good week for me. If it were not for the miracle of digestion I would have had a gain.
Did not get a lot of sleep this week -- could not be avoided -- so I felt hungry on several days.
I know it's not real hunger, but that does not make it feel any better. And I always have some
belly-bombers in the house -- they're for my wife, but in moments of weakness I decimate them --
and that is exactly what I crave when tired. Having done some short-term fasts in the past I know
tired-hungry and food-hungry feel the same even though they aren't, but the answer is the same
for both: COOKIES! :-\ This time the orange sweet potatoes saved me, but just barely.

I am going to try to be more organized in following the magic 10. I think I do okay, but I do not
check off each item for every meal. Some of them are not a problem. I very seldom eat animal
foods, and that has been true for quite some time. I don't use added oils. I mostly boil/steam
the cooked foods. My two main meals are usually garden salad, sometimes with some beans,
potatoes or brown rice with legumes and cooked veggies or oatmeal, and fruit for dessert. My
snacks are usually too big to be snacks and too small to be meals -- sneals? -- but they are
typically within protocol. The 50-50 rule is sort of difficult to follow since don't eat off a plate.
I usually eat my meals out of a big bowl, and the starch portion is eaten out of the same bowl
as the salad -- one less dish to wash :) However, I am going to start trying to be more
organized in my approach to meals starting today. It's not in my nature, so we shall see how
it goes.

Someone else had a bad week-- sorry, I'm terrible with names -- and she said she hoped no one
else did. I'm sorry she had a bad week, but I appreciated the company. Sort of like not being the
only kid on detention for throwing snowballs. :)

Congratulations to everyone for still being here and still trying find your way through the maze of
food traps each day. There's good days and there's bad days; most are somewhere in between.

Cheers to all,
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby lmggallagher » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:34 pm

SW: 241.9
CW: 220.2
GW: 150.0
Total Lost: 21.7
Last Week: 221.2
This Week: 220.2
Lost : 1.0 lb

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. :thumbsup:
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. :thumbsup:
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. :thumbsup:
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). :thumbsup:
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). :thumbsup:
6. Eliminate any added oil. :thumbsup:
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit :thumbsup:
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages) . :thumbsdown: I had another kale smoothie. I know I am not to drink my calories but when I am super fatigued a kale smoothie with chia is my go to reliable immediate pick me up.
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.:thumbsup:
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).:thumbsdown: Again not a possibility - I'm having trouble with the toes of my left foot. Not terribly painful but swollen and if I put shoes on I have major tingling and numbness.

Observation for the week -- I have to be more mindful when preparing food. I made a wonderful bok choy stir fry that was spiced up with plenty of ginger and onions. As I have been cleaning my cupboards I've run into jars and bottles of condiments that are still good and never opened. I reached for a low sodium soy sauce I'd just found and splashed it on my dinner without regard to the fact that soy and I don't get along and low sodium isn't the least bit true in the case of this sauce! I'm still retaining water and my blood pressure is up noticeably! Now is the time to weed those bottles and jars with due attention to labels!

Good progress to everyone and stay healthy - Michelle
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Noella » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:56 pm

Hi Mark,
Sorry!!! My apologies for not posting for June 12th, I meant to post but I was feeling sick, then I realized I had missed the deadline. However, I had no change in my weight that week.
June 12th, 2020—181lb.
June 19th, 2020— 180 lb.
Weight Change since last week— -1 lb. :nod:
Started McDougall Starch Based Diet December 29, 2019 at 240 pounds
Started McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Diet April 1st, 2020 at 198 pounds
:nod: I have lost 60 pounds :nod:

My Goal: I plan on not giving up! I plan on continuing to lose weight (another 40 pounds at least!) until I am at healthy normal weight of about 130-140 pounds (I will follow Wild Goose’s suggestions on how to know when I have reached my goal weight, thanks for sharing that link. Way to go Wild Goose! I am inspired by your success!)

Why do I want to lose weight? Not vanity, not competition. I am in pain. Losing weight to Reduce the pain I feel in my knees With each step I take is my main motivator. So far, losing sixty pounds has helped to reduce the pain quite a bit. But it’s still there. I have heard that each pound of excess weight places somewhere between 3 and 5 pounds extra pressure on the knee joint, depending on activity. Going up and down stairs is definitely getting easier for me and I'm also starting to walk at a faster pace. So, MWL is helping me a lot. I am having less pain in my knees, hands and less eczema on my hands and legs is less, too. I’m interested in making permanent lifestyle changes that improve my health. I hope that as I lose each pound , I will have even less pain.

MWL Checklist/ Successes:
Point #1: I love eating salad, raw veggies or fruit before each meal.
Point #10: For exercise each day this week I’ve been doing two hour beach walks. It used to be that my husband would walk on his own, because he wasn’t willing to walk so slowly. Now I’m ALMOST able to keep up with his pace — I’m just a couple minutes behind him! It’s wonderful to see myself making progress in this way.

MWL checklist Challenge: salt!! I have learned to avoid salt in my cooking but I still add salt at the table. Lately I have been adding more and more salt...shake, shake, shake, I do think that salt worsens my joint pain so I REALLYI want to avoid salt completely. Help!!! I need some practical ideas on how to avoid salt!

Source of excitement: Being part of this group. Thank you, everyone, for sharing your stories. Being part of MWL is an inspiring for information and support.

Source of knowledge: I learned the hard way to avoid restaurant meals. I decided to go out for dinner for the first time in four months, as our province has done well and has started to gradually open things up. But going out for dinner was a mistake. I ordered a vegan burger with fries and the result was that I felt more pain all last week. It was a dramatic response and it had to be related to the restaurant meal. The joint pain in my hands, knees, flared. So did the eczema... I now know that I feel best eating wfpb SOS!

Thank you for your support, Mark, Wildgoose and Jeff. I can’t wait to read everyone’s posts later today and tomorrow.

Best regards,
Last edited by Noella on Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby wstokes » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:35 pm

-2.2 lbs
This was after a medium workout, usually I weigh first thing in the morning. I debated whether to report the early morning or this. Pre-workout I was +.2 for the week. I decided to go low and then NOT do it this way next week. So for the last data point in June, my "delta" will be based on today's lower weight minus the "right out of bed" weight on the morning of 6/26. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
I do confess that I may be drifting from the MWL spirit of this board. I am mostly following the MWL and I am very, very focused on having a good report to post every Friday. To that end this Board and Mark's weekly encouragement have been fantastic for me...I am down 38 lbs since 12/31/19!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:06 pm

carwex - Congratulations! Your attention to the MWL 10-Point Checklist paid off! It sounds like you are figuring out a method and routine for consistently assembling adherent meals; I totally agree that one is better off when that process is as effortless as possible. :D

Abe - Kudos on your continuing dedicated adherence! Just keep doing the best you can putting the principles into practice, focus on the areas where you feel you have an opportunity for further improvement, and give yourself time.

josietheschnauzer - No problem about the question posts! I misread things all the time. :D Sounds like you had a very successful week! Congratulations on all your exciting achievements thus far. :thumbsup:

jan_npr - I'm so glad to hear you're feeling well! Those topsy turvy weeks happen, I'm sure dealing with that health concern was stressful! With that week in the past, you know exactly where you can make efforts to support a great week to come. :)

Ren1999 - It looks like you did an excellent job executing 7/10 points from the checklist! That isn't easy! Specific factors of one's age, sex, activity level, how much weight one has to lose, height, &c. all contribute to that balance between intake and output of energy. The best opportunities to favorably alter that balance are those behaviors outlined in the MWL 10-Point Checklist. Would you be willing / able to try working on putting together 50/50 meals, and starting those meals with soup or salad or fruit? Making these changes in behavior is rarely easy, but it is the most effective approach for sustainable weight loss. :)

AnnetteW - I'm sure this week felt really arduous, but in reviewing the checklist, you did great with over half the points! So far, you're averaging -1.5 lbs / week, which seems reasonable; 12 weeks at that pace would be 18 lbs. Changing behavior can feel REALLY difficult, most especially in the early stages. If some extra fruit seems helpful to avoid reaching for more calorie dense choices, that might be a reasonable tradeoff as you get into the swing of things. Almonds are ~2600 calories / lb and 72% calories from fat vs. watermelon at ~136 calories / lb and 4% calories from fat. When you feel like you are overeating, are you uncomfortably full? And on which foods do you feel you're overeating? Keep in mind it is really important not to neglect including an adequate amount of starch in each meal, for the best lasting sense of satiety. On to next week!

Miss Kim - I'm so glad that you, your husband and your son are all together and all well! Doing your best to stay on track while away from home or on the road is definitely something in which to take pride. It is great that a day practicing this way of eating is starting to feel like a regular, normal day for you. Keep at it, keep doing your best, and it will likely feel more and more "normal" as the days go by. :nod:

chaz01 - If you can, try not to feel too discouraged, Chuck; maintain a dedicated focus on adhering to the MWL guidelines as closely as possible, strive to improve where you have the opportunities to do so, and you'll see that 70 lb total loss again in the future. :) Jeff addresses the concept of muscle vs. fat / changes in body composition in his response to this post.
JeffN wrote:The human body naturally can change several pounds a day in weight from water balance alone. This is not fat or muscle weight. This is why if you choose to micro-manage your weight and weigh yourself very frequently, you may see fluctuations that have nothing to do with changes in fat and/or muscle. Weight yourself before going to bed, and then weight youself in the morning when you wake up. You may see a 2-5 lb difference. :) I have seen the actual weight of someone change around 20 lbs in a day just from changes in fluid balance. Granted it was a very large person on a very hot summer day who had been working out all day in the sun. This is also why I do not recommend anyone weigh themselves more than 1x a week when losing weight and when they do weight themselves to do it on the same scale at the same time of the day wearing the same clothes. Weighing yourself naked in the early morning after voiding is the best and most accurate weight

However, if your weight stayed exactly the same and we theoretically took off 5 lbs of fat from you and replaced it with 5 lbs of muscle, you would weigh exactly the same, but because muscle is more "dense" than fat, the 5 lbs of muscle takes up less space and so you would appear slightly leaner and/or thinner.

A person can not add actual true muscle weight though without being in a calorie excess. A starving person who lifts weight is not going to build much muscle if at all and they are not going to gain weight without having the extra raw material available for the muscle to be build. You can't build something from nothing. They may become leaner looking. Now, if they were able to build some muscle, they will do at the cost of some other tissue as you can not violate the laws of physics. So, it is possible that they may burn up some of their fat and use those calories to help build some muscle but it would not be much muscle at all.

No one builds just muscle and/or fat or loses just muscle and/or fat. So, if you are truly gaining weight is is because you have added some fat, muscle and/or water.

The actual amount of muscle someone may gain in a year on a truly healthy diet without supplements/medication and/or excessive protein, is actually quite small and for a women may be 8 lbs in a year and for a man a little more. Divide that by 52 and that is about what you may be gaining in a week, on average.

Now, there is something else that can happen that will result in a weight gain and will show up in the muscle tissue and may increase the size of the muscle and it is not more muscle. It is glycogen (which is 75% water). Glycogen is stored glucose and the body stores about 2-6 lbs or more and does so in muscle tissue. So, if you are glycogen depleted in any way and go on this program, you will fill your glycogen stores and you may see yourself gaining a few lbs and appear a little leaner and/or muscular. There are actual studies documenting this phenomenon and showing changes in muscle weight and size (and % Body Fat) coming strictly from increased glycogen stores.

The answer is, keep doing the right thing and keep your eyes on the bigger picture. If you are not losing weight as fast as you would like (though slower weight loss is best, especially for body composition issues), then adjust the calorie density of your meals and/or your activity levels and do not worry about minor fluctuations in weight along the way.
This thread also has links to some great resources. Keep at it and have a great week.

NateKruse - However "low-focus" this week felt, I would say it looks pretty good based on your assessment of the MWL 10-Point Checklist! Way to go working at reducing your added salt and sugar. :thumbsup: The volume of food that some of us consume while following MWL can be quite substantial - I typically eat my meals out of a giant stainless steel mixing bowl. Like I wrote last week, if that cheese sauce contains nutritional yeast, just be mindful of the concerns and recommended daily limits for that ingredient. Keep attending to the checklist and keep working on those points where you see an opportunity for improvement. :D

rlechols - Kudos, Rachel!
rlechols wrote: I am not perfect, but the places where I sometimes don't achieve all 10 MWL guidelines are lack of including something, not a lack of excluding something, if that makes sense.
That makes complete sense to me. :-D
rlechols wrote: I just plan on continuing with MWL and focus on my exercise routine and being fit and seeing what happens.
That seems like a very wise approach to take, you are in a groove that is worth preserving. Travel away from home certainly presents challenges, but it sounds like you are going into that situation well-prepared and ready. :thumbsup:

GreenFroG - I think recognizing that making these changes is real work, and setting about getting started doing that work is an astute approach. You made a great "re-start" successfully implementing the majority of the guidelines and you've identified the exact areas that will benefit from greater attention moving into next week. Both feeling and being prepared makes adherence more easily attainable. Apart from serving as motivation, I don't think it is necessary to have a specific goal weight - make your goal adhering to the checklist and you'll arrive at a weight that is right for you in the end. I think wildgoose's story about how she arrived at her goal is particularly instructive. Keep on working!

Sue Ancora-imparo - You are absolutely right that making these behavioral changes within the context of the broader food environment is REALLY HARD! I would encourage you to pursue whichever plan feels like what you are willing / able to work toward following intently. From my perspective, we don't expect perfection, but we do want people to concentrate on and put effort into doing their very best. I think it's important that participants are headed in the same direction, making an honest effort to work toward adhering to the guidelines vs. intentionally planning not to be adherent or not making efforts to improve where there is an opportunity to do so. If the regular McDougall program is what you would prefer to put your energy into pursuing, no worries and no hard feelings. :) Conversely, if you would like to devote the remainder of June to working on the behaviors outlined in the MWL 10-Point Checklist, you are welcome to continue here. You are the best judge of what you want to do.

kirstykay - Exciting! I'm delighted to hear your are recovering so well, and things feel like they are moving back into your normal groove. How wonderful that you found a walking buddy! You get to enjoy the company of a new friend AND get your exercise; that is a win. From my perspective, an equal visual volume of oatmeal and berries is a perfectly adequate way to constitute the 50/50 plate (or bowl, in this case) at breakfast. Personally, I do always eat a salad before each meal, but I love salads; I think wildgoose often uses raw or steamed vegetables to serve as a preload (e.g. steamed broccoli to start a meal) if I'm remembering correctly. Soup works best for many - just keep honing in on what will best suit you. I think you're doing great! As far as eating past the point of being comfortable, you could try modestly reducing your overall "serving size" while maintaining the 50/50 ratio, and have seconds if needed, and see how it goes. I very much relate to what you shared about gradually, but finally learning to trust the program and viewing success in light of that - that was a game changer for me, too.

Hope410 - Kudos! It looks like you had a very successful week practicing the MWL guidelines. I think your plan is the right one - keep following the MWL 10-Point Checklist, improve where you are able, be patient, enjoy your meals and have a great week!

Tian-De - I love that! MWL can indeed be "ridiculously" effective! I'm a fan of Jeff's take on the "grading" system - foods that meet the MWL guidelines get an A, foods that fit the regular McDougall program (with a clear understanding of that program's guidelines) are a B, everything else is an F, the less the better. :D Although I would say the "plate test" is the best metric of all.

Moonlight - Woot!!! Way to go eliminating bread for the whole week! Having that "off your radar" is worthy of celebration. And you've identified your next challenges on which to focus, so you've set some clear next steps. I can say that a daily journal was essential to my own process in building both adherence and confidence that my changes were durable. Those daily and weekly measurable and noticeable successes are very good fuel for forging ahead. Keep fine-tuning those strategies and overcoming those obstacles. :D

abible - In my experience, "belly-bombers" that are within easy reach tend to get eaten, particularly when circumstances conspire to put us in a state that is less than our best. I think some planning, organization and preparation is a crucial component of durable adherence; each of us has to figure out how we can assemble meals that fulfill the guidelines on a consistent, ongoing basis, and effort exerted to that end is very well-spent. I also typically eat my meals out of a big bowl (the same one I use for my salads), I just "eyeball" the 50/50 putting in half non-starchy vegetables and half minimally processed starches, before I mix them together. Nearly all of Jeff's Fast Food recipes and the SNAP template fulfill the spirit of the 50/50 rule, as well. Because our society is riddled with those "food traps" you mention, some days will always feel like a struggle, but by following the MWL 10-Point Checklist consistently to the best of our ability, we're certain to have more days that are good than bad.

lmggallagher - Way to go, Michelle; another week, another pound! Sorry your foot is still causing trouble. It is very true that even "low sodium" soy sauce isn't that low - a single Tbsp contributes about the same amount of sodium as 1/4 tsp of salt. As Jeff says, always read the Nutrition Facts label and the Ingredient List. :nod: I wish you the best with your "weeding" of the cupboards.

Noella - Hi! I'm sorry you were feeling poorly, but very glad to have you back this week! A big congratulations on everything you've achieved thus far! Doing the best job you can working on the appropriate behaviors and not giving up is the whole ball game. During the periods when I have chosen to include added salt in my diet, I would usually measure 1/2 tsp into a small salt cellar, and sprinkle pinches from that onto my food at the table. Managing it that way, I was always sure I'd be limiting added salt to 1/2 tsp or less for the whole day. Often, I wouldn't even end up using all the salt I had allotted. Presently, I don't use any added salt - Mrs. Dash Table Blend or Kirkland No Salt Seasoning fill that role pretty nicely, and I use those liberally. Being generous with herbs and spices can go a long way toward making meals flavorful with no (or minimal) added salt.

wstokes - Congratulations on your 38 lb loss since the start of the year! That is quite an achievement! It's nearly impossible to change behaviors that we aren't consciously and deliberately attending to, so assessing our day to day actions against the checklist (and putting our focus where it is needed) makes us much more likely to succeed at building the habits we are seeking. Use the checklist to highlight where you have the chance to do more, and keep on doing the best you can. :)
Last edited by Mark Cooper on Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Noella » Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:27 pm

Hi Mark,
Thanks so much for these ideas on how to use less salt. I will need to go shopping for a no salt seasoning. I like your idea of measuring out 1/2 tsp. per day to know that I am staying within the allotted amount...that’s brilliant! :nod:
Best regards,
Mark Cooper wrote:
During the periods when I have chosen to include added salt in my diet, I would usually measure 1/2 tsp into a small salt cellar, and sprinkle pinches from that onto my food at the table. Managing it that way, I was always sure I'd be limiting added salt to 1/2 tsp or less for the whole day. Often, I wouldn't even end up using all the salt I had allotted. Presently, I don't use any added salt - Mrs. Dash Table Blend or Kirkland No Salt Seasoning fill that role pretty nicely, and I use those liberally. Being generous with herbs and spices can go a long way toward making meals flavorful with no (or minimal) added salt.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Judy_Bell » Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:30 pm

Hi all!
Surprising week this week, with a loss of 1.5 pounds. I suspect that I show my weight loss in a delayed fashion, as I didn't do too well strictly adhering to the guidelines this week. I suspect that I will either have no loss or a slight gain next week. Do other folks show weight loss late?
This week I did so-so adhering to the guidelines. I struggled with point 7 - (bread!), and point 10 (exercise, who would have guessed :-P ). Also did make an aquafaba/cashew mayo last night, that was the best copy I have tried so far. I am not missing meat, really, but I used to make a delicious America's test Kitchen chicken salad, with tarragon, that was so yummy. So I recreated it with jackfruit, and the aquafaba/cashew mayo and it turned out great. My husband asked what was in it when he came home and I offered it to him, and I answered, "try it first, and then I'll tell you" :unibrow: Well, we both liked it quite well. Where does jackfruit fall in the MWL plan? I guess it's a fruit, but the young jackfruit isn't sweet at all. I probably should have looked harder at the can. :roll:
My only other problem might be fruit. I have been using it as a snack, so am exceeding the 2/3 pieces a day. That may catch up with me, but in retrospect, it is a lot better than how I used to snack. Not bad for me, as such, just not as good as it could be.
Hope all of you enjoy success this week!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby Belana » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:15 pm

Normally, I post in the morning, but my evening plans fell through, so I'm posting Friday evening.
I'm still on the road and imbibing, but I haven't gained any weight. I have lost a little.
However, although I lost a teeny-weensy bit of weight, it's still insignificant enough, that I'm not counting it as legitimate weight-loss.
I will say this...
Eating this way is definitely going to be lifelong for me. I just don't feel good if I'm not eating like this.
Athletically, it does benefit me to eat this way.
Weight: 109.6
Loss: .4 lbs.
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby pootsy » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:24 am

Hi all,
I am posting before I read your posts but will come back to them....I am always inspired by this group.
weight- no change
Laid up with lower back pain. Difficult, stressful, painful week. this too shall pass. Rest, meds, gradual exercise- this has been an issue for years from an injury and herniated discs. Gonna just do a brief posting this week.
Luckily I had made a big pot of Longevity soup (that turned into Longevity stew I added so many veggies!) and I had easy meals ready. I had bought a pretty journal to keep with me and copied the guidelines and checklist along with my daily ramblings...I am a hands on book person and like to have it available at all times! Its been a real help these days.
See you all next week. Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there!!!!
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Re: June 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

Postby taymariekay » Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:27 am

Hello all,

After thinking on it a couple of days, I've realized my diet, and even preference, is way more leaning toward MWL guidelines. So I am going to stay :)

This week's loss: .5

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. Will be trying this with soup next week
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. 100%
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. 95% - still using homemade cheese sauce and coconut aminos in small amounts
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). 100%
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). 95% - small amount of hummus for thickening dressing
6. Eliminate any added oil. 100%
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. 95% - bread and tortilla made a rare appearance but won't be doing that again for a while
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). 100%
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. 100%
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). 50% - active at work, but haven't been walking much due to a condition flare.

Not as huge of a loss as last week, and I think it's due to less activity. Will be getting back on my walks next week and hope to see a bigger loss! I am also really prone to water retention from sodium, and I may have overdid it on the coconut aminos. Not sure though.
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