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Re: up two pounds!

Postby cowgirrlup » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:38 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:I blew it on Thanksgiving. I was tired. Failed to plan (planned to fail?) Went to my mother-in-law's place and did sort of ok with dinner, but ate a couple bites of some lumpia my nephew made. Only a couple of bites. But the stuff is deep fried. Then I ate some of every dessert I saw.

And the next day, I ate lunch at a vegetarian Chinese restaurant, and I knew perfectly well that they cooked with oil. So I'm up 2.2 pounds. How could I be so stupid??? :angry:

You are not stupid at all, Honey, you are just human. Now come on over and climb back up on the wagon with ya go, here's a hug for you, too.

We will all start over with you in the morning. It will be OK, we can do this.

Stay safe,
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Re: up two pounds!

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:20 pm

cowgirrlup wrote:
Vanilla Orchid wrote:I blew it on Thanksgiving. I was tired. Failed to plan (planned to fail?) Went to my mother-in-law's place and did sort of ok with dinner, but ate a couple bites of some lumpia my nephew made. Only a couple of bites. But the stuff is deep fried. Then I ate some of every dessert I saw.

And the next day, I ate lunch at a vegetarian Chinese restaurant, and I knew perfectly well that they cooked with oil. So I'm up 2.2 pounds. How could I be so stupid??? :angry:

You are not stupid at all, Honey, you are just human. Now come on over and climb back up on the wagon with ya go, here's a hug for you, too.

We will all start over with you in the morning. It will be OK, we can do this.

Stay safe,

Thanks. I'm glad you have a big wagon!
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:24 pm

Yes, there are many Baskin Robbins in my area. Not sure I can trust myself inside one unsupervised though. I'd head straight for the Jamoca almond fudge. On a sugar cone. Maybe a double.

Must get ahold of myself.

Potatoes are my friends.
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Who's out there?

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:20 pm

How many of us are still on this thing?

I'm doing better, but struggling. I keep wanting to eat even though I'm not hungry.
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Re: Who's out there?

Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:04 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:How many of us are still on this thing?

I'm doing better, but struggling. I keep wanting to eat even though I'm not hungry.

I'm still hanging in there...I lost 12 pounds in November...but it was the same 4 pounds over and over again...

December will be better!
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:31 pm

Do we need a December MMC thread? or should we stay here?? or join the December MWL thread?

Come on! WE can do this! Just let me know if ya want a new thread!

stay safe!

Love you all soooo much.
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Postby busymomof4 » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:41 pm

cowgirrlup wrote:Do we need a December MMC thread? or should we stay here?? or join the December MWL thread?

Come on! WE can do this! Just let me know if ya want a new thread!

Well, I've moved over to the MWL thread because it's busier, but also because I am having trouble staying on MM. I need my beans. :D
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:06 pm

Well, frankly, I'm not exactly doing Mary's Mini either. Sticking with one starch only for this long is more than I can take. If I can vary the starch, I can deal with the rest of it pretty well, though.

My usual pattern is:

some kind of cereal with fruit and a little soy milk for breakfast

Either potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, barley, or some combination of along with some kind of vegetable and/or a huge salad for either lunch, and or dinner.

And, my remaining fruit for dessert (sometimes frozen and made into sorbet in a food processor.)

I guess that's not boring enough for Mary's Mini, but it keeps me compliant better.

I don't know if we need another thread or not, but I sure do appreciate the support of a group.
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:07 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:Well, frankly, I'm not exactly doing Mary's Mini either. Sticking with one starch only for this long is more than I can take. If I can vary the starch, I can deal with the rest of it pretty well, though.

My usual pattern is:

some kind of cereal with fruit and a little soy milk for breakfast

Either potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, barley, or some combination of along with some kind of vegetable and/or a huge salad for either lunch, and or dinner.

And, my remaining fruit for dessert (sometimes frozen and made into sorbet in a food processor.)

I guess that's not boring enough for Mary's Mini, but it keeps me compliant better.

I don't know if we need another thread or not, but I sure do appreciate the support of a group.

You and I are pretty much doing the same thing...we are both eating the foods that are on MMC, but making some variety out of keeps me legal, too.

I think this new thing needs a name! :D

I totally love the support I get from all of you, too.

I guess until we think of a name for our semi MMC we can stay here...ok with you guys??

WE can do this!

stay safe,
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Modified Mini

Postby Bunnylover » Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:31 am

Hi Karyn,

I am new to this thread (but not new to McDougalling). I have been posting in the MWL thread, but I just wanted to say that I am doing basically the same thing as you and Vanilla Orchid. I have oats for breakfast, then potatoes (white or sweet) for lunch and dinner. This is working well for me.

I am not sure if I might be missing the whole point of the mini by cooking my potatoes so many different ways and having such a variety of veggies. It seems like the Mini is really designed to have you eating the same thing every day. But I like my version and it is working for me...a little simpler than MWL, but not quite as monotonous as the strict Mini.

So far I've made spicy roasted potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, hashbrowns, potato patties, smashed potatoes with chickpea gravy, fried potatoes with onions, teriyaki potatoes, curried potatoes with spinach, oven fries, baked sweet potatoes, and roasted sweet potato chunks. I am enjoying it. I guess some of us succeed better with a little variety, even if it is less variety than the full MWL program.

Anyway just wanted to say hi! I enjoyed lurking and reading your Nov challenge thread. It helped inspire me to stay on track with my McDougalling.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:28 am

Bunnylover's menu sounds like something I could live with long-term. Mary's Mini does not. Of course, it wasn't designed to be long-term. The boredom factor in Mary's Mini is what stops a person from eating when s/he's not actually hungry. But, for some of us "emotional eaters" we just add in an unfortunate food choice instead.

So, it looks as though at least the three of us have found a good alternative. Perhaps we could pick a new name so nobody gets the idea that what we're doing is the real Mary's Mini?

Bunnylover, could you post some of your recipes for the way you are preparing your potatoes? They sound yummy!
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Are we done?

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:57 pm

November is gone, but I still have some weight to lose. Do we still have a challenge? Who's till with us?

Do we need a new thread?

I've lost and gained the same three pounds several times this month, but the net is still down just a touch, so I'll take it.

I'm really having a hard time getting any exercise. It's cold and dark in the mornings and evenings (OK, I'm a wimp, I'm in the SF Bay area where we don't get REAL cold, so imagine how I'd be complaining elsewhere!) I just want to stay indoors and sleep before and after work. Curl up with my cat.

And there are baked goodies in my environment. I have a bite here and there.

But, still, not doing too bad.

Last we checked in we were all doing a sort of modified MM. It works for me when I stick to it.

Last night went to my mother-in-law's home for her birthday, and had a few forkfulls of stuff I knew contained oil, along with a few bites of some kind of a whipped cream/creampuff/cakelike concoction. Had heartburn all night.

Tomorrow is a retirement party lunch for a colleague, and this weekend two winder solstice gatherings. Monday evening a dinner birthday party, and ----well, it goes on and on.
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Postby LauraA » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:09 pm

Yes, everyone, there is a Dec MWL group, and it is very active. Check it out, if you haven't found it already. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:54 pm

LauraA wrote:Yes, everyone, there is a Dec MWL group, and it is very active. Check it out, if you haven't found it already. Take care, LauraA

I have been sooo sick for the last few weeks I haven't posted..sorry everyone! I miss you all!

I guess I'll head over to the MWL challenge...I think what I do is kind of a cross bewteen the MMC and the MWL..

who wants to head on over there with me? or did everyone already go?

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