How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby kpolninja » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:43 pm

Well I'm doing well today. I snacked on a few rice cakes last night but nothing crazy. I bought a large thermos and brough more of my left over sweet potato black bean chili for lunch at jury duty today. I also brought an apple and several boiled potatoes to snack on later since I'm in class from 6-9 today. By the time I get home I will stick to veggies for the evening!

The month is ending soon! Let's make the most of it!
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Postby Casey » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:34 am

Hi everyone,

Well, I haven't been in here since the beginning. I guess signing on to this challenge didn't work as I'd hoped. The first week was not so great, this week has been good (is this the 2nd or 3rd week? Either way, it's been good since the first week). BUT ... I realize exercise is critical for me! I can eat better than a saint, and I still don't lose unless I exercise. I know that because basically I am not losing. Oh, there's a smidge here and there, but basically I am still at the same point. I must move my butt!!
So, I'm reading posts now and then, and I'm happy to be McDougalling. I'm just not MWL McDougalling. :-(
Congratulations everyone on your successes.

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Postby LauraA » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:16 am

Good morning Everyone! Kathryn, it sounds like you did great with a very busy day - jury duty/class. Good for you!
Casey - thanks for checking back in with us, this is our third week, and it is great that you've done well since week one. Also, I appreciate the reminder of exercise. I am walking pretty much most days, because I'm visiting New York City, but I know that I need to do more.
I'm doing well with my eating - actually surprisingly well for me. While I'm on track, I need to really keep giving thought to how easy it is for me to consider this all a diet to go "off and on." I really need to eat this way forever! It seems really easy when I'm on program. I just need to stay here. Take care, LauraA
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Postby Love the Lorax » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:52 am

LauraA wrote:Good morning Everyone! Kathryn, it sounds like you did great with a very busy day - jury duty/class. Good for you!
Casey - thanks for checking back in with us, this is our third week, and it is great that you've done well since week one. Also, I appreciate the reminder of exercise. I am walking pretty much most days, because I'm visiting New York City, but I know that I need to do more.
I'm doing well with my eating - actually surprisingly well for me. While I'm on track, I need to really keep giving thought to how easy it is for me to consider this all a diet to go "off and on." I really need to eat this way forever! It seems really easy when I'm on program. I just need to stay here. Take care, LauraA

I know EXACTLY what you mean! I am still at the point that this seems more like a diet than a new way of life, although I'm working to wrap myself around the idea that it is a way of life. Doesn't make sense to me that I would have trouble making such a healthy way of life a life choice rather than a diet, but I guess a few decades of SAD eating is hard to erase. We will keep at it though!
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Postby Letha » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:22 am

Good morning!

LauraA & Kobfa2, Thanks for the well wishes.

Vegeloon, .8 pounds = 3 cubes of butter fat. I say good job!

Kpolninja, your sweet potato black bean chili sounds yummy. Where can I find that recipe?

Hi Casey, good to hear from you. Let us know how the new exercise routine goes.

Love the Lorax, You know you are a McDougaller when…you start to carry cold baked potatoes in your pockets. :D

I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Still spending time posting food photos on my blog and now I found a new way to waste time. There is a McDougall photo group over on Flicker. so I’ve been posting some of my photos over there too. Actually I’m having fun with it. But it’s making me want to learn how to take better photos. I posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. See ya tomorrow.
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Postby Dale Jackson » Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:05 am

Love the Lorax wrote:
LauraA wrote:Good morning Everyone! Kathryn, it sounds like you did great with a very busy day - jury duty/class. Good for you!
Casey - thanks for checking back in with us, this is our third week, and it is great that you've done well since week one. Also, I appreciate the reminder of exercise. I am walking pretty much most days, because I'm visiting New York City, but I know that I need to do more.
I'm doing well with my eating - actually surprisingly well for me. While I'm on track, I need to really keep giving thought to how easy it is for me to consider this all a diet to go "off and on." I really need to eat this way forever! It seems really easy when I'm on program. I just need to stay here. Take care, LauraA

I know EXACTLY what you mean! I am still at the point that this seems more like a diet than a new way of life, although I'm working to wrap myself around the idea that it is a way of life. Doesn't make sense to me that I would have trouble making such a healthy way of life a life choice rather than a diet, but I guess a few decades of SAD eating is hard to erase. We will keep at it though!

I'm in the same spot. I have got to quit thinking of this as deprivation and embrace the idea that it is better eating than the SAD way of eating. My mind accepts the idea but my MOUTH does not!
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Postby Vegeloon » Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:20 am

LauraA wrote: While I'm on track, I need to really keep giving thought to how easy it is for me to consider this all a diet to go "off and on." I really need to eat this way forever! It seems really easy when I'm on program. I just need to stay here.

Laura - Thanks for that reminder that this really does have to be a 'lifestyle' change. I know if I go back to my old way of eating, the weight just comes right back on. Also, the more I waver away from following the MWL guidelines, the closer I get to my old way of eating. So I will stay here with you!
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Still Loosing!

Postby kpolninja » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:31 am

I found a recipe for a lentil black bean chili in one of Drena Burtons books...I just kind of adapted because I didn't have the lentils.

I've found that nearly all of the recipies I have in my library of vegan cookbooks (I love cookbooks) can be mcdougalized. I used to have to veganize everything now I have to mcdougalize!

It made a huge pot of chili, seriously I've been eating it for a week or something! I think I'll try to strech it out by throwing in some broth and some more beans too....economize, veganize, and mcdougalize! :D
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Postby Mommylut » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:07 am

:oops: So I made it through the entire three day trip without another mishap. However, I was exhausted. I left the office in DC at 2PM and didn't walk through my front door until after 8. I had picked up some veggie sushi at the train and also had a side order of rice - this was my lunch. When I got home, I made more rice with veggies since that is what I was taking for lunch for the next day. I ate the some of the rice for dinner.

I am not sure why this happened but at 10PM I found myself walking into the kitchen and eating a bagel which was only slightly defrosted from the freezer. Any how, I am home and happy to be back to normal. No more slips for me. I hope we do this again in December.
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Postby Letha » Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:55 am

Mommylut, Get some rest. I’d like to do this again in December too.

Kpolninja, I agree that recipe adaptation is a very useful skill.

Vegeloon, I’m glad you’re hanging in there with us.

Dale, Just keep trying. I promise you it gets easier.

Weigh in day for me. Looks like I had a good week.

November 20th, 2008: Weight 491.6 (-4.6)
November 13th, 2008: Weight 496.2 (-2.6)
November 6th, 2008: Weight = 498.8 (-2.6)

October 30th, 2008: Weight = 501.4 (-3.4)
October 23rd, 2008: Weight = 504.8 (-5.2)
October 16th 2008: Weight = 510.0 (-1.4)
October 9th, 2008: Weight = 511.4 (-2.0)
October 2, 2008: Weight = 513.4 (-3.4)

September 25th, 2008: Weight = 516.8 (-5.8 )
September 18, 2008: Weight = 522.6

I’m happy. Good results will keep me motivated for another week. I’ve posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. Being part of this group has been helpful to me. Thank you to everyone for participating.
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my mantra...

Postby McManiac » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:05 am

economize, veganize, and mcdougalize! I love it!

Thanks for that, kpolninja! :D
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Postby LauraA » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:21 am

Hi Everyone - Letha and Mommylut - I can't wait to do this again in December! I plan to keep doing it each month, and get to goal weight and stay there.
Letha - your success is wonderful, and so helpful to all of us. I'm so glad that you are part of this group.
Kathryn - you've got quite a way with words - and with recipes too, I guess!
LoveTheLorax, Debbie R and Dale Jackson - I'm glad that you identified wiht my comments about diet and way of life. We can all help each other. I just think that posting here will really help me to remember that this is a way of life - and that I will stay on program.
Everyone - have a great day. We're almost ready for our December thread!! Take care, LauraA
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Postby Love the Lorax » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:28 am

Way to go on the weight loss Letha!!! 4.6 pounds!!!! I've read that many people can lose fast in the beginning, guess you are right there with them!!

Letha wrote:Mommylut, Get some rest. I’d like to do this again in December too.

Kpolninja, I agree that recipe adaptation is a very useful skill.

Vegeloon, I’m glad you’re hanging in there with us.

Dale, Just keep trying. I promise you it gets easier.

Weigh in day for me. Looks like I had a good week.

November 20th, 2008: Weight 491.6 (-4.6)
November 13th, 2008: Weight 496.2 (-2.6)
November 6th, 2008: Weight = 498.8 (-2.6)

October 30th, 2008: Weight = 501.4 (-3.4)
October 23rd, 2008: Weight = 504.8 (-5.2)
October 16th 2008: Weight = 510.0 (-1.4)
October 9th, 2008: Weight = 511.4 (-2.0)
October 2, 2008: Weight = 513.4 (-3.4)

September 25th, 2008: Weight = 516.8 (-5.8 )
September 18, 2008: Weight = 522.6

I’m happy. Good results will keep me motivated for another week. I’ve posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. Being part of this group has been helpful to me. Thank you to everyone for participating.
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Postby LauraA » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:28 am

McManiac - Welcome with your new name! How cool!! Who was the winner?
Take care, Laura
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Postby Love the Lorax » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:30 am

Oh Letha, how funny! Seriously, last night - the kiddos and I had to eat out between activities since there was no way to get home. They wanted to go to a pizza place (they and their Dad are not McD's at all) and I took a plastic container with cooked potatoes in it to the pizza place so I wouldn't be as tempted to eat pizza! Basically I DID have my baked potato in my pocket!

Letha wrote:Good morning!

Love the Lorax, You know you are a McDougaller when…you start to carry cold baked potatoes in your pockets. :D
See ya tomorrow.
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