February Mary's Mini Challenge

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

1st February weigh-in

Postby LindaC » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:47 pm

Keep up the good work!!!!

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My Weight to day is

Postby storm20 » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:51 pm

85kg. 187 pounds that makes me feel great, my I have been on McD since last October, and have only started to lose
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I am really late but can I join this challenge?

Postby safords » Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:42 am

I did a potato ten days in Jan and lost a few pounds then I did another 10 days of simple foods - more variety and lost a couple pounds and I am ready to start another 10 days today! I am also challenging myself to get a whole lot more exercise during this ten days and made myself an exercise ticker. :? I need every bit of motivation possible in the winter :oops:

Today I start with rice and winter squash. Not sure how that is going to go since squash isn't my fav... but I have a huge pile of it from the garden so have to do something with it.
Angela - starting date Jan. 19/09 at 142 pounds
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Postby nomikins » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:39 am

Weight today is 191 - down two pounds from last week. I'm very satisfied with that. I think I'm doing a hybrid of the mini, MWL and regular program. I'm becoming more and more active - crossfit workouts 3x-4x per week, walking/running, and getting the garden started. I need to fuel myself so I can keep going and feeling energetic!

How are y'all doing? :-D
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Hello Everybody!

Postby Dogmom33 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:25 pm

Are you all going to do another Mary's Mini Challenge next week?? I would love to participate, and it looks like I am late for this week. Starting Tues I am going back to McD. Thanks for any info!!
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Mary's Mini Life

Postby mizdizzy » Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:26 pm

Hi! I'd like to join your group if that's okay. The huge size of some of the others is intimidating; I can't find time to read all the posts, let alone make my own comments! I guess I'm a "small town" kind of girl, at heart... Anyways, I have done MWL several times in the last five years and it is the only method that has ever made me feel healthy while losing weight. I have battled issues with my weight since childhood and tend to yo-yo. For instance, around this time last year I was getting ready for my wedding in May. Using MWL and exercise, I lost 36 lbs, going from 180 to 144. Success! I looked beautiful on my special day! After the wedding, however, I commenced SAD eating (and beer drinking) and stopped exercising. Brilliant, I know. Well, 20 lbs and a lot of humility gained- here I am ready to lose again. This time for good!! I have been busting my tush and eating (mostly) good, and have lost 4 lbs in the last month. This is not so good, but is typical for me. My first month is usually slow-going. Fortunately, I am committed. I am doing a modified Mary's Mini, which I will explain later. Time for class!! :)
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