For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby liam13 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:17 pm

:-D I'M IN!! Had a rather physical day yesterday and ate well, and the weight this am (given thursday's weight is what I want to go by), was 236.6. Today I'll be working outside and turn some sod later this afternoon. Have a great month. Liam
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Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:18 pm

Letha- great for you with the exercise! I'll join you and post exercise results on Sunday rather than on Thursday. Since Sunday is my day off of exercise, my exercise week really ends on Saturday, so that makes more sense. Would anyone else like to join in on posting exercise results on Sunday? There won't need to be any calculating, but we may motivate some people for the upcoming week.
This week I did Curves plus stretching on Mon, Wed and Fri, and I did the elliptical for 30 minutes on Tue, Thur and Sat. On Friday I also did the treadmill for a few minutes.
My next goal will be to mix things up a bit. I'm sticking with Curves for now, but I'll try to add in biking, swimming and more outside walking. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby petalpusher » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:47 pm

I'll post on will be easier with my schedule.
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Postby Karen in FL » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:50 pm

Great idea to post exercise on Sundays.

Letha - I've found stickers in the greeting card or school/office supplies section of my grocery. I look for the little ones - like little smiley faces or such. A pharmacy might have them, too. If all else fails, you can look at a K-Mart or a craft store like Micheal's. Or an office supply store - they often have an educational supply section.

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Postby potatolicious » Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:59 pm

I'm in for March too. I'd like to get more exercise in and would be happy to post those results as well. I'm hoping that the weather will warm up enough that my neighbor and I can start walking again - we go at 6am for 30 min. It's the only time we can both go, and having an exercise buddy means that I actually do it! March has started off well, and I think it's going to be a great month. :-D
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Postby Terry in FL » Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:02 pm

I'm definitely in for March!

I'm back from my two week vacation. It was a diet disaster. Needless to say I succumbed to the SAD lifestyle. Too many temptations, too little willpower even though I thought I was psyched and prepared to fend off the slings and arrows of SAD food.

The first week we were in Minnesota at our son's wedding. Too many parties and dinners.... not enough vegetable lovers.

The second week I spent here in FL with my mother and siblings. Again, too many feasts and BBQs, too few vegetables.

I'm scared to get on the scale. I know it won't be good news.

I feel so guilty for not being able to say NO. But after seeing myself in my son's wedding pictures I'm more determined than ever! I guess the 20 lbs I lost before the wedding didn't make as big of a dent in my side and rear view as I'd thought. I feel like I've ruined my son's wedding pictures. But at least I'll be able to use them as a "before" and "after" photos when I become a star McDougaller! *wink
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Postby Riva » Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:39 pm

Hi all...I am so happy to be purely mcdougall again. And NO nuts or seeds and no fake meat. My husband and I just returned from a vegan cafe in Seattle called Chaco Canyon. I ordered the hippie bowl without sauce and without sesame seeds. It came with the seeds. I almost gave in just to not cause trouble but NO...I pulled myself together and requested another bowl. Then I was happy. in a big way life is easier when being absolutly in a state of adherence. There are no decisions really. It not, hmmm, shall I eat this "just this once" or ok, I will order the pizza even though it has oil all over it...blah blah blah....It is all very clear what to do and I like that.
It is peaceful. I got through my cranky stage and now I feel peaceful.
Back to my happy self of brown rice, steamed vegetables, beans and cut up fruit.

Love to all - Riva
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Postby toadfood » Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:48 pm

Terry, you didn't ruin your son's wedding pictures, so please don't think that way. I'm sure your son wants you to live a long, healthy life, though -- and McDougalling is the way to do it.

Welcome back!


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Re: successes

Postby Letha. » Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:00 pm

Riva wrote: in a big way life is easier when being absolutly in a state of adherence. There are no decisions really. It not, hmmm, shall I eat this "just this once" or ok, I will order the pizza even though it has oil all over it...blah blah blah....It is all very clear what to do and I like that.
It is peaceful.

I agree. I think it’s easier to be 100% then to be 95%. No decisions. No struggle.
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I am In

Postby Twinkle » Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:23 pm

I am in ofcourse...I cant even imagine my life without this group....I am in for the long haul..and I could not do it without the suppourt that you all have given me..Looking forward to a wonderfull month and sterling results..
Together we can.."melt our behinds in 2009"
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Postby rotemmay » Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:49 pm

Hi there! I'd love to join as well. I think I need encouragement :D.

I just posted about my disappointment with being 2 weeks on the plan and not seeing anything on the scale. But I did lose inches, which I'm happy about, and I'm trying to focus now on how I feel. I'm really enjoying the plan, not feeling cravings at all (except for chocolate... still trying to get over that one...) and feeling energetic. I thought I would miss the olive oil I used to add to sauteing and salad dressings but I find I actually like my veggies roasted with veggie broth and no oil - eggplant and zucchini are my favorite!

I've been keeping to a good level of exercise (for me, that is). I'm also a huge Leslie Sansone fan and I love her Walk and Firm DVD. I try to "jazz up" my exercise by doing that and doing a 1 mile walk on alternating days with some abs exercises thrown in. It comes to about 30-35 minutes a day but I do sweat :D. I've also been keeping to 40 minutes of yoga a day, mainly to balance anxiety and stress (Crunch Candlelight Yoga DVD - I highly recommend it for anyone looking for some stress-relieving yoga) but I can feel it's made a difference.

I'd like to post my weight and measurements, since weight seems to be a problem right now for me. I know if I just focus on the weight number, I'll get discouraged.

So as of yesterday:
Weight: 149
Bust: 40 (down 1/2 inch from 2 weeks ago)
Waist: 39 (down 1/2 inch)
Hips: 40.5 (down 1 inch)

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Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:59 pm

Terry in FL wrote:
I'm scared to get on the scale. I know it won't be good news.

I feel so guilty for not being able to say NO. But after seeing myself in my son's wedding pictures I'm more determined than ever! I guess the 20 lbs I lost before the wedding didn't make as big of a dent in my side and rear view as I'd thought. I feel like I've ruined my son's wedding pictures. But at least I'll be able to use them as a "before" and "after" photos when I become a star McDougaller! *wink

Can't wait to see you as a star McDougaller. When that day comes, we'll all say that we knew you when! As for the scale, why not wait to weigh in on Thursday - that will give you a few days on plan before you get on the scale. Just use Thursday's weight as a new starting weight for March. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby mairead11 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:07 pm

Hi all. I am certainly all in for March! [and April, and May, and June, and...) :D

LauraA, I like the idea of posting exercises on Sundays, that too, is my day off, so count me in!

I had a good week of exercise, it felt real good. I take a lot of 1 hour cardio classes, but have to work in more strength training time, to balance it out. Problem is, I love the classes I take, and am personally challenged to be able to jog—this is completely new to me. Seriously, I couldn't run to catch a bus, so I'm excited with every minute I manage to complete. By the time I hit the ten minute mark, I'm shot, so I have to walk for about 5 mins to get a little break. And then try to do it one more time. It's really awful, and I'm sure I'm quite the sight, however, when I'm done, I really feel proud. This may be really silly, but title song to The Biggest Loser really inspires me! "What have you done today, to make you feel proud?"

M: Treadmill—walking for 45 mins & 2x 10 min interval jogging
Tu: Spin class;
Wed: Highest intensity cardio class ["BodyAttack"];
Th: Kickboxing
Fri: Treadmill—walking for 35 mins & 3x 10 min interval jogging [first time in my life to be able to do this!]
Sat: Highest intensity cardio class ["BodyAttack"];
Sun: R+R [if you can count a day in the kitchen as R+R!] :D

As for meals...I made a pot of chili, broc+cheez soup, breakfast potatoes, salad, and brown rice. All set to hit the week running [pardon the pun].

Thanks everyone for showing up again for March! I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone through the sharing of our trials and tribulations. March is going to be the best month yet!!

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whole wheat pasta: Esselstyne

Postby Riva » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:00 pm

Tonight I made the Esselstyne pasta with cannelini beans, kale, fresh basil, onions, garlic, tomato paste, cut up canned tomatoes, oregano. It was so delicious and I recommend it. I don't like WW pasta so much so I am thinking of making it some day without the pasta!

I also had a side of orange beets that I pressure cooked and sprinkled a little plum vinegar on. Wow! EAT MORE BEETS!

You exercisers are so impressive. My plan is to get through tax season with my 10-15 minutes a morning with the Joyce Vedral tapes and then increase after. I am very proud that I established this tiny habit and stuck with it for 4 weeks.

Have a great MONDAY everyone.

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Postby Bambie113 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:36 am

Goodmorning! I'm in for March. I went window shopping yesterday and fit into a size 6 for the first time in almost 3 years! I'm very happy! But I didn't buy because I want to wait until I get to my goal weight! yay! Happy Monday!
Oh and I love the idea about posting exercise! I'll be posting also!
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