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I wanta too but need help!

Postby Losing Linda » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:47 am

I looked in my book MWL at the 21 day menus part and need help in planning my May menu because I always fail when I don't plan. It seems to have soup for lunch; salad or veggies for snacks; and for dinner the combination of soup and salad. What are you eating that makes you succeed in this and do you plan out your meals like the sample menus. I am at 159.4 pounds and want to make it to 120 this year. I had an injury to my ankle which makes exercise but plan to go to gym on May 1. Thank-you for your help.
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more mom talk

Postby Riva » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:50 am

It is not so much my mom herself that calls out to me...more like the certain kinds of foods I used to love in Pittsburgh...certain restaurants...certain kinds of rolls and blah blah. They all seem to miss me and are calling out, "Riva, you're glad...come eat me up."
Sigh....I am developing new habits and routines here too. It is all about habit...
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Postby toadfood » Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:40 am

I'm in. I really need support right now. Here's what I posted in my journal for today:

Well, bleargh. Today is the last day of April. I didn't lose any weight this month. I weighed 218 at the end of March, and today I weighed in at 222.2. All month I've been losing and regaining the same five pounds. This week I've been eating too many pretzels (calorie dense + salty = bad for weight loss, duh!), and last night for dinner I had a noodle-vegetable-tofu dish at a restaurant that had way too much oil and salt in it.

I am recommitting to MWL for the month of May. I have a modest weight loss goal for the month -- to get below 218 pounds, and stay there. My health goal is more ambitious -- to get my fasting blood sugar consistenly below 100.

So here's the plan for May:

--Stay on plan. That means no flour products and no oils!
--Weigh once a week, for the Thursday weigh-in.
--Check my fasting blood sugar every day. I should also test two hours after a meal every once in a while, but I have a hard time remembering to do that.
--Post every day, in my journal and on the MWL thread.
--Exercise 6 days a week, for at least 45 minutes a day.
--Journal everything I eat.


I have to stay with my turtle energy. Slow and steady wins the race. -- Letha
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Count me in

Postby green jeanne » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:07 pm

I'm in for the month of May! I'm new here and very excited to get the final 40 #s off my frame, so MWL it is.
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Postby txveggie » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:11 pm

I'm here! :)
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Postby Bambie113 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:15 pm

I've missed reading your posts here!! You've done great so far, and always make me smile reading your posts. Don't let whatever held you back from succedding in April pull you down in May! You can win this challenge!!
I'm really glad you're recommitting, thats basically where I am also. Good luck!
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Postby eaufraiche703 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:30 pm

Your plan sounds perfect, Toadfood!

May should be way good to you & your health!

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weigh in Thursday

Postby Riva » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:11 pm

Down 1 pound.
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Count Me In...from the "Marcher" Forum

Postby Lisa-Anne » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:01 pm

Hello Everyone!!

I am also very new to the group and just completed the March 10 day class. So I am green in more than just my new lifestyle diet :lol:

I am so excited to join this group and I hope to learn from you all.

I started the McDougall March Forum to encourage our March 2009 team and others to keep Marching on to great health. I will be sure and let them know what you all are doing and hopefully bring some of our group over here too. There are many looking to loose weight and have accountability.

So count me in!!!
"I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal..."
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Postby beanie » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:06 pm

I'm in for May too.

Like Slugmom, this will be my first full month. I really am going to dedicate myself to the plan. I will weigh in every Thursday and post my exercise for the week on Sundays. After reading Toadfood's post, I've decided to keep a food journal this month too. I hope it will help me really stay on track and be more conscience of everything I put in my mouth.

So, my goals for the month are to keep on plan 100%, write everything down, exercise consistently, report in here on Thursdays and Sundays, get to know you all a little better and help out with some support and kind words whenever I can.

Happy May to you all! Be well
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Postby MaryW » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:15 pm

I'm in for May too. I'm going to be gone most of this coming week, and don't expect to have computer access. I'll try to poke my head in though.

Speaking of moms, mine has tried to understand my way of eating for years without much success. When I went veggie, she KNEW I wasn't getting enough protein. And when I first started McD-ing a few years ago, she just KNEW I needed more fat in my diet. (HELLO?!!? I carry around all the fat I will ever need!) But as you may know, she is now McDing with me. After a pre-diabetes scare, she decided to try this diet. So far, so good for her. She has a dr appt later in May. She is going to see how this diet has helped her numbers. I'm sure they will be much better, and that will encourage her to keep going. Also she is traveling with me this week, so we will be able to support each other. When I'm traveling alone, it's much too easy for me to choose unhealthy things, such as take out dinners and snacks at the gas station. So here's hoping we BOTH have a successful week. And everyone else here too! : )
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Re: New to the Group

Postby LauraA » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:13 pm

Marpiedra wrote:Hi! My name is Joan and I am new to the group. Started the MWL program this week. I started at 163.5 pounds and have lost 1.5 as of this morning. I am glad to have found this discussion board as I am hoping it will help to keep me accountable and motivated.


Hi Joan, and welcome to our group! Sounds like you're doing great so far. Take care, LauraA
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Postby LauraA » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:16 pm

eaufraiche703 wrote:I'm in!

My son is out of Iraq, and out of the Army (unless something bad happens in the next 3 years - cross fingers!) and WHEW it's time to exhale, relax and get me back on track!

Doing Mary's to get rolling (and down 7 pounds - woo hoo) but transitioning to MWL in about a week!

Now's the time - yippee!

Wonderful news about your son, and your weight!! I think you'll have a great month! Take care, LauraA
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Re: I wanta too but need help!

Postby LauraA » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:22 pm

Losing Linda wrote:I looked in my book MWL at the 21 day menus part and need help in planning my May menu because I always fail when I don't plan. It seems to have soup for lunch; salad or veggies for snacks; and for dinner the combination of soup and salad. What are you eating that makes you succeed in this and do you plan out your meals like the sample menus. I am at 159.4 pounds and want to make it to 120 this year. I had an injury to my ankle which makes exercise but plan to go to gym on May 1. Thank-you for your help.

Hi Linda, and welcome. Others will have replies, but I'll tell you what I usually do. My breakfast is exactly the same everyday -oatmeal with cinnamon, ground flax seed, fruit, and homemade rice milk. Lunch is almost always veggie soup - my son's recipe (Paul's two cup soup) and a small salad. Dinner is more variety, and there are about 6 recipes that I make in big batches and freeze. I just pick out something, defrost, and usually eat with salad, rice or potato. I hope this helps. Take care, LauraA
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Postby LauraA » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:24 pm

Bambie113 wrote:I'm in ofcourse, I mostly just read others posts and linger but I've been here since January plugging away and trying to stay on track. I got lost in February and spent March trying to get my head back in the game. I'm back to the weight I was at when I posted the ticker at -10lbs so thats exciting!

Also I'm very excited I ordered the DVDs that are 70$ with everyone's different lectures and also the protien one from Mcdougall and I can't wait to watch them.. As soon as I find time to sit infront of the tv!!

I'm glad that you're still with us! The DVD's should be great! Take care,LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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