MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Lacey » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:51 pm

Congratulations on your watch, MaryW! Isn't it a great feeling when things that were too tight start to get loose? My goal is to be able to wear my wedding ring all year long. I have a very pretty ring I wear on my left hand but I can only wear my real wedding ring when it is extremely cold. My weight has been too high this winter to wear it at all. My DH has asked me to get it sized but I feel like that is admitting defeat! I will get thin enough to wear it even in July.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby desertwind56 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:33 pm

Oh my its February already! :shock:

I'm not going weighing in every week. At least that is the plan. I'm only going to weigh myself monthly. I'm also checking my body fat % and measurements. I need to get away from obsessing over the number on the scale.

I have the fear that if I don't step on the scales the weight will all come back. All I have to do is stick to the plan, and the weight will leave and not come back. But, stepping on the scales everyday isn't making it happen any faster.

We have a vacation planned next month. I'm hoping to lose another 6-7 pounds by then. But, it's coming off a little slower. I keep telling myself, time and adherence, time and adherence.

So, I'm on plan and planning to stay that way!

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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Love the Lorax » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:20 am

Vegeloon, I'm right there with you. My son became ill at the beginning of November, and between the stress of that and the holidays... I fell off the wagon and into the ditch. Needless to say, pulling myself up from the ditch involved bringing along about 15+ extra pounds that I had worked SO SO SO hard to lose. YIKES!!!!

I'm doing much better now - not 100% perfect, but way improved and continuing to strive to do better.

Vegeloon wrote:I'm back again too after taking most of December and January off plan. (I meant to get back on January 1st - but somehow that didn't happen)
I weighed myself this morning and am now officially at my highest weight ever. So - I'm back. I listened to my affirmation cd on healthy eating this morning. I have my food planned for the day and I'm ready to take the bull (or veggies) by the horn and get to it. Times been a-wasting too much already. This is my year to get healthy and I've already wasted a month!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Darleha » Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:29 am

Hi, everyone! I still have yet to spend a day being fully compliant on MWL, but, as Kathy Freston would say "I'm leaning in" to MWL. Yesterday I went out to eat with some coworkers at a BBQ place. I had Hoppin' Jack sans cheese (Rice, black beans, tomatoes, onions, lots of BBQ sauce), green beans, but then I had waffle fries. I've informed my coworkers that I won't be going out again this week.

I have a question--is brown rice pasta OK on MWL? I think it's OK on McDougall, but I'm not sure about MWL.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby debable » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:44 am

Just checking in.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby NatureRabbi » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:58 am

Good morning
So many wonderful posts. A good way for me to start this day.
Still getting used to working evenings -- my husband wanted us to start going to the gym again and I just looked at him and said, "do we have to...." yawned and got a cup of coffee.

with our goal of 8 Lard Birds this month -- I know the answer -- YES, I gotta shake my booty.

Our next "gym date" is calendared for Thursday. Hopefully I will be more up for it. We used to motivate each other to go, now we can easily discourage each other.

I am lucky he wants to join me (and probably need a push in the tush)

My shift is 4 to Midnight or later if there are traumas in the hospital. Last night I ate prior to going in and brought 2 bananas and 2 tangerines. Too much fruit, I guess because the scale bump a point or two.

Tonight I guess I will take a baked potato with some sort of topping like salsa and/or beans. My goal this week is to lean toward Mary's Minis with the potato and cut back the fruit.

good day to all.

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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Love the Lorax » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:28 am

I understand. While I'm not in the 60's yet, I'm certainly NOT in my 20's. Much harder to recover as I get older, and the pounds are harder to lose. Eating a SAD so much has resulted in losing a gallbladder (really bad pain...), long term acne, migraines, hypertension, etc. So much I could have avoided by eating well from when I was younger, and thought none of that bad stuff could happen to me. Yeah, well, it can. A rather good motivator... I'm not immune to cancer, heart attacks, etc. and I need to realize that and stay the course of healthy eating.

Vibrant wrote:I'm really rootin for some of you younguns. When I think about what I have done to myself with food I shudder, more than shudder. The older you get the longer it takes to feel better again. Although I want to be a nice looking senior, I mostly want good health, energy and vibrancy. I feel better than I felt six months ago but not as good as I thought I'd feel. My body is so toxic.
So girls... I'm rootin for you. I'm happy you found this lifestyle at a younger age. Keep that slim body in mind but don't forget about health. The years pass and you can be so sorry about years lost.
Of course, I'm rootin for you 60 plussers too.
Have a great day.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby freckles12 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:11 am

I am ready to get serious about MWL. I have recently been maintaining following the regular program but I have about 25 pounds to loose. I need all of your support to do this.
I posted some background information on the MWL 12 day challenge thread. I plan to weigh myself on Fridays and I will post here.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Vegeloon » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:18 pm

debbie wrote:Has anybody bought a new scale and had to "adjust" their wieght? What did you do?

debbie - I would weigh using your old scale for this week for gain/loss then just start next week with the new scale from now on. I would count those 2 pounds as make believe pounds, they won't matter much when you reach your goal! My wii fit weighs me about 10 pounds lighter than my real scale - I wish that was reality!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Vegeloon » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:24 pm

Love the Lorax wrote:I'm doing much better now - not 100% perfect, but way improved and continuing to strive to do better.

Lorax, thanks for the empathy!!
I have made it through the first 2 days of February staying on plan. For me this is MAJOR!! My head is back in the right place and I'm planning to keep it there.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby comingtotrue » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:46 pm

After a difficult day yesterday, I am on plan today and planning to stay that way. Being on plan means all meals and snacks today are MWL and I am making sure I don't allow myself to get too hungry.

Being on plan also means I need to be very kind to myself rather than beating me up. Harshness gets me nowhere, gentleness and compassion towards myself keeps me motivated.

I am on plan and planning to stay that way!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby MaryW » Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:44 pm

Lentil surprise? I love lentils! What is the surprise?
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Darleha » Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:09 am

I had to weigh myself early this week since I won't be near my scale tomorrow. I'm down one pound and a half to 240 1/2. Yay! Just imagine what would happen if I gave up my candy habit.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby sigma957 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:37 pm

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to jump in here this month. I'm on day 6 of 100% McDougall, the regular program not MWL.

I weigh on Thursdays, so I'll put up my loss this week. 6.2 pounds in 6 days. I'm hoping that continues for a while!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby desertwind56 » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:02 pm

Checking in. :D It is so hard to not weigh myself! :shock: I'm so obsessed with the stupid scales. Not weighing till Mar. 1. I hope. lol

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