How Will You Reward Yourself When You Reach Your Goal(s)?

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Re: a nice piece of jewelery

Postby star » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:19 am

Vanilla Orchid wrote:I thought and thought about what my reward should be if, er--when I reach my goal, and decided I'd like a nice peice of jewlery...So, I think I'll start shopping. :D .

You have to let us know what type of jewelry you selected. I notice we have the same goal weight. I am 5'2". If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?
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Re: a nice piece of jewelery

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:02 am

star wrote:
Vanilla Orchid wrote:I thought and thought about what my reward should be if, er--when I reach my goal, and decided I'd like a nice peice of jewlery...So, I think I'll start shopping. :D .

You have to let us know what type of jewelry you selected. I notice we have the same goal weight. I am 5'2". If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?

I'm 5'1" tall. The goal weight is just a guess at what I ought to weigh. I haven't been that thin in a looooong time.

Chances are I will have quite some time to decide on the piece of jewlery. :) .
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Postby joyfulmama » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:58 pm

I think that when I get below 250 (25lbs from now) that I will get my nails done. that will be a nice reward every 2 weeks.. to pamper myself..
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My "Rewards"

Postby Dangling Carrots » Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:57 am

I started out thinking about rewards for each goal, then came to realize that this way of eating was a lifestyle, not a diet with end points. Once I shifted my thinking, I starting giving/treating myself to 'rewards' because its the pampering of myself during my entire life that's going to count.

So I didn't wait until I lost the X pounds to start doing my nails, getting my hair cut nicely, finding clothes (no matter what the size) that make me feel gorgeous/wonderful/amazing.

I think that's what kept me doing this -- not only am I taking care of my health daily by what I eat and what exercise I get, I'm taking care of my S/self daily by how I treat myself. I am "good enough" right now and I give that to myself right now.

And another thought > what if you get hit by a bus tomorrow? Will waiting to reward yourself really matter then? Stop putting things off -- TODAY is so very special!! Live life TODAY ... it really is ALL that you've got.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:57 pm

Dangling Carrots,

You've made some very good points. I am going to try to adopt this way of thinking. Life is too short to spend any time waiting on anything if you don't have to.
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Postby fulenn » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:15 pm

Removed post.
Last edited by fulenn on Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Paint your own Pottery

Postby MadcityVegan » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:33 pm


I am rewarding myself with a trip to a "paint your own pottery" store at each 10lb mark.

You can paint mugs, dishes, bowls, vases, coasters etc. Its a non-food treat. Its something I love to do, and wish I could do more often. So now I have good solid reason to go! No feeling guilty about something I love that I don't "need."

Plus this is a great date night, without an unhealthy dinner involved!

Once I reach my goal my reward is ME!
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:44 pm

What a great idea, MadCityVegan!
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Postby Dale Jackson » Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:44 pm

Clothes, clothes and more clothes as I lose weight.

I haven't bought anything flattering or even real feminine in years because of my weight. Right now, I look like a circus tent in dresses, so buying a dress would be one of the first things I want to do.I can't wait to get back into pants that don't have elastic waists ---esp. skinny jeans! Also I want a really nice swimsuit.
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:42 am

Dale keep going. When I started I was down to three pants all elastic waists, that were for work. When I got home it was sweats. The first time I could get into my size 18 zip and button pants I cried. It was only 20 lbs but those 20 lbs I had worked on for years.

Now, I'm trying to get the nerve to tuck in a shirt. I'm in a 12 haivng lost 65 lbs since I started. I still don't feel secure with the looks. So keep reaching for it.

Also for all of you, don't deprive yourself along the way. No I don't have lots of money. I do work at a office during the day, but I got buy with some clothes I had outgrown years ago, mixed with some pieces from Good Will, and a few nice new pieces that I hoped would work for a size or two while losing. It breaks my heart to see folks who won't spend the money on themselves to feel good which helps to promote more weight loss. I guess over a year I spent $200. Now Mom would give me some things too for birthdays and Christmas. Also once word gets around it's amazing the hand me downs that come out. All that together and I have a fairly sharp wardrobe.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:50 am

Faith in DC wrote:
Also for all of you, don't deprive yourself along the way. No I don't have lots of money. I do work at a office during the day, but I got buy with some clothes I had outgrown years ago, mixed with some pieces from Good Will, and a few nice new pieces that I hoped would work for a size or two while losing. It breaks my heart to see folks who won't spend the money on themselves to feel good which helps to promote more weight loss. I guess over a year I spent $200. Now Mom would give me some things too for birthdays and Christmas. Also once word gets around it's amazing the hand me downs that come out. All that together and I have a fairly sharp wardrobe.

Faith in DC,

You sound a lot like me. Probably 90% of my wardrobe consists of hand-me-downs. I grew up on hand-me-downs, and I feel so much better paying $10 for a dress suit that normally would cost $75 - $100 if someone hadn't worn it. I have some really nice pieces from the Salvation Army, and from my family giving me their clothes. I even go as far as going to the SA on half-off days so that I can pay $5 for a nice dress suit rather than $10.

Also, since I know that I'm constantly changing sizes, it doesn't make sense to pay a lot of money on clothes that may not fit next month.

You are right, Faith. It does help to treat oneself along the way. I've learned how not to wait until I lose pounds or reach a certain goal. I deserve to treat myself well every day. My daily gift is to continue eating well and exercising and dress the best I can.
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Postby Dale Jackson » Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:16 am

Faith in DC wrote:Dale keep going. When I started I was down to three pants all elastic waists, that were for work. When I got home it was sweats. The first time I could get into my size 18 zip and button pants I cried. It was only 20 lbs but those 20 lbs I had worked on for years.

Now, I'm trying to get the nerve to tuck in a shirt. I'm in a 12 haivng lost 65 lbs since I started. I still don't feel secure with the looks. So keep reaching for it.

Also for all of you, don't deprive yourself along the way. No I don't have lots of money. I do work at a office during the day, but I got buy with some clothes I had outgrown years ago, mixed with some pieces from Good Will, and a few nice new pieces that I hoped would work for a size or two while losing. It breaks my heart to see folks who won't spend the money on themselves to feel good which helps to promote more weight loss. I guess over a year I spent $200. Now Mom would give me some things too for birthdays and Christmas. Also once word gets around it's amazing the hand me downs that come out. All that together and I have a fairly sharp wardrobe.

Thanks for the encouragment. I am a slow loser anyway because I have hypothyroidism. I also slip up once in awhile, but I am determined to keep trying because I KNOW this way of eating is healthy.
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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:11 pm

Part of the fun of used clothes shopping is finding the best spots. Soon you'll get to know where the 'good' clothes are. I also carry with me my wish list. Items that would help tie in the wardrobe, and it gives me something to hunt out.

Dale - I'm hypo also. My journey started 3 yrs ago. I'm not at all ashamed. I am learning along the way.
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