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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:21 pm

Thank you Yogini girl.

I know I'm thankful that my Mother finally started watching me, and seeing how good I was doing, and started take my advice. She's feeling so good, and has lost 25lbs.

We can't make anyone change, but maybe some will catch on with observing us.
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Postby f1jim » Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:20 am

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. What can you say after experiencing something like that? Your sharing will clearly help others to spur their loved ones into action. Whether it helps shake someone into action or not is always a roll of the dice but at least the effort is made.
Some of this is a "guy" thing. Long after we leave adolescence we seem to hang on to that "I'm invincible" mentality. I personally didn't intervene in my own health till I had chest pain. I shudder to think what would be my situation if I hadn't got a warning sign. I know this isn't much comfort, but there are worse fates than suddenly passing away from a massive heart attack or stroke. My uncle spent the last 5 years of his life 1/2 paralyzed with a stroke. He finally, mercifully, died. I saw those 5 years and I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
Keep sounding the alarm. It's stories like this that keep me moving in the right direction.
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Postby xetaprime » Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:54 am

I'm sorry too Faith .

Why do some folks want to end their life young (56) because food more important?

My entire Family has weight issues. As far as I know I'm the only one with the Bulimia disorder, but my Sister at 53 is morbidly obese and as a Christian often says she's ready to go to Heaven. Which of course I don't want to hear...

I think some of us are just a little more broken than others. From will power to self harm to say a lack of hope that it's even possible to change things around for the better... UGH!

Best wishes to you,
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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:06 pm

thank you both. Yes, some folks are more broken, and food abuse is just as strong as alcohol or drugs.

It's funny how some folks are open to searching out better ways for health and some just want to ignore.

And f1jim - You are doing wonderful. I figured it was a guy thing to feel invincible since usually it's guys who do all the daredevil things like jumping off buildings :-)
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Postby dundas » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:27 pm

Dear Faith,

My sincerest sympathies with your loss. I am so glad you posted this for it brings home the importance of eating correctly and looking out for ourselves. I, too, live with a SAD husband who has spent the last year going through 7 surgical procedures including open heart surgery, but he will NOT read any of McD's books or The China Study or any vegan or even vegetarian books. This is not an unintelligent man.. this is a man who is an Oxford graduate. The only thing I can do is prepare good foods (McD's) at home. I now having him eating vegan 3 to 4 times a week so I consider that a huge step for him.

May your loss continue to give you inspiration and determination.
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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:01 am

thanks Barb. God Bless you. With as much as I loved this man, I knew he was going to go the path he did. Why some of us get it, and some don't is beyond me. I know I love feeling good, and moving better than I did eating the crap food. But you know what, every once in a while I can find myself backslide. I wonder why.

Just be prepared. I know mentally I had started preparing.
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Postby dundas » Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:49 pm

[quote="Faith in DC"]I know I love feeling good, and moving better than I did eating the crap food. /quote]

Yes! Yess!! Yesssss!!! That's it in a nutshell. That feeling of feeling good!
After having years of pain, feeling good is such a gift!!

[quote="Faith in DC"] But you know what, every once in a while I can find myself backslide. I wonder why. /quote]

In my case I blame the backsliding on 67 years of SAD living... with a few months here and there during the last 15 yrs as a Vegetarian and Vegan... and being tired, depressed, un-organized and not being prepared!

Hopefully I've learned how to handle all of that now and will know what to do next time any of those things creep into my being!

Cheers, BarbAU
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:06 pm

Yeah all the years of training to eat SAD is hard to erase all at once. Especially if you are around others. Boy all the crap I've dodged this month. I feel like I'm inside a video game dodging flying truffles, choc. chip cookies, cakes, and cheese.
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Postby dundas » Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:37 pm

Faith in DC - And you've dodged them successfully!! You are the winner!!

And the reason to stick with it? Health, appearance, health, health, health.

I had my one prawn for Christmas dinner and you know what? I didn't like the taste of it at all. I thought it was going to taste soooooo good but I can live without it!

We're going to friends for drinks this morning and I'm going to have 1/2 glass of wine... that and the prawn is it for the holidays... no more.

Rich foods just don't do it for me when I'm on MWLP... and I'm pleasantly surprised and happy about that!

Happy Holidays everyone!
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