I've lost 10 lbs.

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Postby talkingmountain » Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:37 pm

Dale, omg, 10 lbs in ONE month, and you think that's just "plodding along"????


Here is a fun way to put that in perspective:

1. Go buy ten 1-lb boxes of butter.

2. Open up each box.

3. Stack up all 40 STICKS of butter on the table.

4. Look at it.

5. No, REALLY LOOK at it.

6. That is 40 sticks of butter that is no longer on your body. Or more importantly, clogging up your heart & arteries.

7. Now give your self a humongous hug & pat on the back.

8. Now, very quickly take those sticks of butter and either melt them & throw the melted stuff in the trash, or run them over to a food bank or friend that will use them... just in case temptation ever hits (not that it will, by why tempt fate. LOL).
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Postby Dale Jackson » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:20 pm


Thanks for the encouraging reply. I am going to print your post and tape it to my frig.! I need that kind of visualization. I had never thought about weight loss that way before. It does make me stop and think. I hope to lose another 10 boxes of butter in October. :D
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Postby asahmof5 » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:07 am

Way to go. Keep up the good work!

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Postby Mandy_Sav » Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:54 am

Way to go Dale! You've inspired me to get back on the wagon - full force!
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Postby fulenn » Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:21 am

Congratulations! 10 lbs rocks! :D

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