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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:59 pm

Interesting, I thought we couldn't go under. I am hoping to totally maintain it with Mcdougalling. I too like the meetings. Really I have always done a lot of speaking up of whole foods. There is a few of us in my class that eat healthy and express it.

Keep doing what your doing!!
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Re: WW has made a recent change

Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:40 pm

Charlie wrote:Hi JP,

I went to my last ww meeting the week before Christmas. They gave me new material which included a new book with the points that different foods have, foods from A-Z. It is interesting to note that they now advise us to eat more satisfying food that has a low point value. e.g. potatoes, rice etc. These filling foods have a green diamond mark beside them. However, I don't agree that all of these marked foods are filling foods that will keep you satisfied. They even had beef marked. :cry: This may satisfy one's taste buds bud it will not fill you for very long. You can have as many potatoes as you want in WW, as long as you keep it within the points you are allowed for the day. They do tell you to keep a balance by using all of the various foods. However, they recommend foods that are not healthy. :eek: McD's starch based diet is the best.

That is interesting that they are now recommending potatoes. Potatoes have such a bad reputation in the diet world. I'm glad to see that one of my favorite foods is finally getting it's due respect.
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WW Lifetime- We can go under

Postby thebeakeeper » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:47 pm

I set my WW goal weight at 154 and I now weigh 135. You can keep going under your goal weight, just not below their set low BMI weight (unless you get a Dr.s note)

I set it higher than I needed because it was still in WW range but I wasn't sure if i would want to keep losing. This way I can keep losing weight without weighing in every week and it still forces me to stay below the 154.
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ww goal

Postby luvdachiess » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:08 pm

Hi Charlie~

I work for ww and they have now started enforcing the 2 pounds below goal also. For years we have said as long as you are not more then 2 pounds above goal you are good to go. We recently received an email from corporate that said we are to enforce the 2 pounds below goal also. Now depending on weather you current meeting is part of international or not weather you will have to adhere to that. So don't be surprise if when you go in to weigh in January that they say something to you. Just wanted you to have a heads up.
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Seems Crazy!

Postby Charlie » Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:31 am

Good Morning. Teresa

Thanks for the heads up. :shock: This doesn't make any sense to me. Are you saying ... if I am more than 2 lbs under my goal...I must pay? :mad: I'm sure our group is part of international WW.

If so, I will no longer go to WW. I plan to lose another 20 pounds and I'm certainly not going to pay WW for the loss under my goal. It would be there loss, because I am often asked to speak to the group and tell them of my story of losing. I am also an active participant and offer suggestions that I feel might be helpful to those in attendance. When I tell them about the drugs I have been able to stop, since my weight loss, it helps motivate them to keep working to lose. (I think)

I will have both barrels loaded when I go to WW this month. Thanks, again, Teresa.

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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:44 am

Thanks Teresa, that was my understanding when I joined a couple years ago.

Funny that is more of a fear to me, than going over. Especially if I get weight lifting and stop, or mcdougalling etc. All of these can affect my weight. It's also not that big of a span to stay in.

Anyway that is why I hadn't picked a job weight yet.
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WW Goal

Postby Charlie » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:40 pm

I started ww at 280 lb. in March of 2005. The week before Christmas in 2005, I had dropped 70 lbs and was at 210 lbs. I had a note from the Dr., otherwise I would go by WW goal. At 6' WW goal would have been from a minimum of 147 lbs to a maximum of 184 lbs. This can be found on page 44 of the new WW pocket guide. The weights provided in this chart are provided for informational purposes only. WW uses them to determine eligibilty, and to award Lifwtime Membership. If the goal that makes sense for you is outside of the range for your height, that's fine - just get a doctor's note to qualify for Lifetime Membership. At the time, I thought 210 lbs was fine for me. Six months later I read "The China Study" and found Dr. McDougall and I now realize I need to lose more weight to become more healthy. I weighed in today at 197 lbs. The truth is, :lol: I'm about 5'11' tall and plan to reach the WW goal which would be anything within the range of 143 to 179. I plan to get to 180 lbs. I could then go under as many lbs as I wanted to as long as I don't go more than 2 lbs under 143 lbs. In other words, I want have anything to worry about. :D the beakeeper was absolutely correct. (not more than 2lbs under WW goal)

Teresa, this is my understanding...I don't know if you knew I had brought in a dr's note. Let me know If I'm wrong. Are you a WW Leader?

I will be using Dr. McDougall's directions to get to the 180 lbs. I'll be serious about changing the composites of food and use the proper composites.
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Check ranges

Postby Charlie » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:46 pm

Faith, I meant to suggest :) that you check the ww range for your height and you may find that you may indeed lose more, as long as you don't go more than 2 lbs below WW minimum.

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Postby Faith in DC » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:45 am

WW sets the range up to be in the Healthy BMI range.

I am pretty sure you have to pick a specific number as your goal and stay within 2 lbs up or down. The range, is suggested, the lower end is for the younger folks.

Hopefully Teresa will check in.
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