How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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A latecomer to the party!

Postby Baidarka » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:35 am

Here by invitation of, I believe, LauraA (still not good at finding my old posts), and kind of late in the month, but I'm the one some of you have met as I move from Fuhrman to McDougall. It's not awfully hard, as there is so much more encouragement to eat grains here, but I had, I admit, begun to do my Fuhrman program with just enough small indulgences to maintain my weight....instead of lose it. But I'm way healthier than I was when I started, and I'm definitely a believer, so I just need to clean things up. I hope that there is a thread like this in December, because when could we need it more?! And we are in the process of moving from one house to another, so that's always a good time to slip into eating SAD food for convenience (especially in this rural village where the Chinese restaurant is about all there is by way of healthy eating, and we all know that the American version of Chinese is NOT..... So we don't eat out much, but the temptation when in a hurry at home is to eat more frozen vegan pizza than usual, etc., but we're holding our own, so far. That huge salad daily is a must, although I've fallen off on my greens. It's also helpful for me to make a VAST pot of bean soup of some kind weekly, with lots of greens and other veggies in it. I've dubbed it my "Tuscan White Bean" soup, but really it's just the Southern version of beans and hamhocks, minus the hamhocks! I guess that tells you we live in the South....

I think my hardest challenge is staying away from comfort foods....even healthier versions of them, which I tend to eat too much of. But the terrific thing is that the aforementioned bean soup is becoming, for me, a comfort food, as is my morning oatmeal and other great things. It really is possible to change! And I have seen, both here and on the other site, that it's the foods we're eating that make us want to change. I truly believe it's a matter of getting good nutrition that satisfies the body and changes our tastes. Clearly, most of us start these programs malnourished, whether we're overweight or not, and just getting good food in us for the first time makes such a difference.....

So let's keep keeping on!
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new name

Postby McManiac » Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:52 am

LauraA...xetaprime was the winner ... but it was sooooooooooooo hard; I had to put 3 names on a piece of paper and pull the winner out of a hat!
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Re: new name

Postby Baidarka » Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:54 pm

McManiac wrote:LauraA...xetaprime was the winner ... but it was sooooooooooooo hard; I had to put 3 names on a piece of paper and pull the winner out of a hat!

I'm a bit puzzled here....I hadn't realized this was a competition? Maybe I don't understand what this thread is about.....
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Re: new name

Postby Letha » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:40 pm

Baidarka wrote:
McManiac wrote:LauraA...xetaprime was the winner ... but it was sooooooooooooo hard; I had to put 3 names on a piece of paper and pull the winner out of a hat!

I'm a bit puzzled here....I hadn't realized this was a competition? Maybe I don't understand what this thread is about.....

Hi Baidarka,
Not to worry. You are in the right place. McManiac is referring to another thread where she held a competition to select her new user name. She’s letting us know she had a hard time picking McManiac from all the wonderful suggestions.
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Postby Baidarka » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:43 pm

Ah ha! Does this mean this person is a Mac user? If so, I'm in her camp....
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Postby Baidarka » Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:44 pm

Er, um......well, Macintosh, McDougall....well, that does put a different twist on things, doesn't it? Must not be so quick to assume.....
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Postby LauraA » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:02 pm

Love the Lorax - Keep packing those potatoes! How funny!
Baidarka - welcome! You did have a special invitation, but everyone is welcome. I'm also a Mac user, and I'm so sorry that I confused you about what this thread was about. I saw a post here from McManiac, and then realized that she was using her new name from a contest that she held on another thread in the Lounge section. I'm also a southerner, I live in south Georgia - south of Savannah. Anyway, we all welcome you. Once November is over, we'll definitely start a new December thread. You're so right that we'll need extra support in Dec. Also, moving is really hard! It sounds like you've got some good recipes, and you're doing well. Take care, LauraA
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Postby Letha » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:44 am

McManiac, love the new name.

LauraA, So happy you want to do this again in December.

Love the Lorax, How very wise to take those potatoes to the pizza place.

Baidarka, Welcome to the thread. I love bean soup too!

I hope you all are well this morning. I posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I made some cranberry chutney last night. Yes, I know it’s a little rich but it’s a garnish and you only eat tiny amounts. Two tablespoons has 55 calories and 0 grams of fat. But it's mostly sugar. I figure putting a spoonful of chutney on my baked yams or steamed carrots is about the equivalent of putting a spoonful of sugar on my morning oatmeal. Anyway, it looks real pretty but the recipe also makes a lot. 3 pints, or 48 2-tablespoon servings. More than I can eat in a year. So I’ve already designated one pint to a Christmas party and now I’m trying to decide who to gift another pint to. Has to be someone who will give me back my jar. 8)

Until tomorrow.
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Postby LauraA » Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:18 am

Letha wrote: I’m on plan and planning to stay that way.

Hi Everyone - Letha, I love it when you say, "I'm on plan and planning to stay that way." Maybe we have a title for our Dec thread. Something like "MWL - On plan and planning to stay that way." Maybe I'm lazy, but am I correct that if I want to quote such a small part of your post, I have to sit here and delete all of the rest of it?
I get home on Sunday night, and I'm trying to decide what to do about my scale. Any advice? I've been on program since Nov 1 - three weeks, and I'm hoping that I'll be down 5 or 6 pounds. I will weigh on Monday morning, but what should I do after that? Should I try to keep my scale and weigh in weekly, monthly? My problem is this: I feel that I need to keep track, be accountable, but sometimes I really want to weigh in daily or even more often. Then,sometimes, if I'm up a small amount I want to eat something off program out of frustration. If I'm down, I want to eat something off program because I'm doing well. Are any of the rest of you this crazy? I could ditch the scale and weigh in at Curves. I could maybe learn to use the scale as the tool that it is meant to be. Advice??
Oh, one more thing - I mentioned that I never have digestive issues. Well, on Wednesday I ate out with my parents. I ordered a three salad dish which was an appetizer. They salads were pre-made. I had beet salad, couscous salad and lintel salad. There was pretty much oil in them, I guess. Anyway, the whole day Thursday I had an upset stomach! Not awful, but enough to teach me a lesson!
Everyone have a great day. Take care, LauraA
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Postby Letha » Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:30 am

LauraA wrote:
Letha wrote: I’m on plan and planning to stay that way.

Hi Everyone - Letha, I love it when you say, "I'm on plan and planning to stay that way." Maybe we have a title for our Dec thread. Something like "MWL - On plan and planning to stay that way." Maybe I'm lazy, but am I correct that if I want to quote such a small part of your post, I have to sit here and delete all of the rest of it?
I get home on Sunday night, and I'm trying to decide what to do about my scale. Any advice? I've been on program since Nov 1 - three weeks, and I'm hoping that I'll be down 5 or 6 pounds. I will weigh on Monday morning, but what should I do after that? Should I try to keep my scale and weigh in weekly, monthly? My problem is this: I feel that I need to keep track, be accountable, but sometimes I really want to weigh in daily or even more often. Then,sometimes, if I'm up a small amount I want to eat something off program out of frustration. If I'm down, I want to eat something off program because I'm doing well. Are any of the rest of you this crazy? I could ditch the scale and weigh in at Curves. I could maybe learn to use the scale as the tool that it is meant to be. Advice??
Oh, one more thing - I mentioned that I never have digestive issues. Well, on Wednesday I ate out with my parents. I ordered a three salad dish which was an appetizer. They salads were pre-made. I had beet salad, couscous salad and lintel salad. There was pretty much oil in them, I guess. Anyway, the whole day Thursday I had an upset stomach! Not awful, but enough to teach me a lesson!
Everyone have a great day. Take care, LauraA

Hi LauraA,
Sorry about your tummy troubles. I like your suggestion for our December thread title. Deleting unwanted text is easier then typing the html code around a cut and paste quote. Regarding the scale, I think everyone is different. I would approach it as an experiment. Weigh every day for a while, then once a week for a while, then every two weeks for a while, then once a month for a while and take note of how it affects your progress. Then you can make a decision about what works best for you. Take care.
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MWL livin'

Postby McManiac » Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:52 am

Hey everyone and good morning! First of all, sorry for the confusion...I was responding on my new name...but the sad thing is, I had tried to make it a personal message and just send it to that one obviously I'm doing it wrong! :? BUT...that being said, I had thought that the McManiac would refer to McDougall...but a "Mac" computer is cute long as it's not McDonald's, eh???? :lol:

Scale issue...boy, do I have a hangup w/the scale. I know everyone is different, but for me I never use it. I used to refuse to use weights to train because I was afraid of the scale showing a higher number, even tho' it would be good-for-me-muscle-mass! How crazy is that??? Being up would also depress me...making me want to eat out of frustration, as has been expressed...and a loss? Celebration eating! So...I go by my favorite pair of jeans and how they fit.

Some people, however, need the accountability and will go on a more strict version of McD (like Mary's Mini) if they see the scale creeping up, so I guess it's an individual decision. Ask yourself what the worst thing that could happen is if you never about if you do daily? Weekly? Monthly?

Food for thought...

Have a healthy day everyone! :-D
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Postby Mommylut » Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:48 am

Hello everyone. I am so glad you guys want to continue into December. I would really miss this if we didn't. I did quite well yesterday, even though, because of a major leak we had two weeks ago my office looks like a war zone. The best thing is that I have chosen to take time off, starting today until after Thanksgiving. I truly need to do this and am thrilled. I am in my exercise close and am going to the gym. Did I ever mention that my apartment building has a health club in it? No excuse for not going downstairs.

I had oatmeal with oatbrain for breakfast. Lunch will be soup and hashbrowns with carrots. Dinner will be a baked potatoe and vegetables.

As to the weighing question - as I mentioned before, I have chosen not to for now. I know I have lost. My daughter and husband can't get over it. But I also know that the number on the scale will never be the one I am looking for. It would depend on whether it would be motivating for you or not.

Stay well.

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Postby Letha » Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:55 am

Mommylut, Having a health club in the building sounds ideal.

McManiac, I think using a pair of jeans to measure your progress is an excellent idea.

I hope you all are having a wonderful McDougalling weekend. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I’ve posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner.

I got a copy of the book “Greens, Glorious Greens” by Johnna Albi. The first 6 recipes I looked at had olive oil in them. Yea, I’ll bet greens would be more glorious covered in a bit of grease. Back to the library that book goes. I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Postby Love the Lorax » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:36 am

Thank you for posting about the book! I was looking at it on Amazon, but now I won't bother getting it. I need to figure out ways to like eating greens, but so far they just aren't that appealing.

Letha wrote:Mommylut, Having a health club in the building sounds ideal.

McManiac, I think using a pair of jeans to measure your progress is an excellent idea.

I hope you all are having a wonderful McDougalling weekend. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I’ve posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner.

I got a copy of the book “Greens, Glorious Greens” by Johnna Albi. The first 6 recipes I looked at had olive oil in them. Yea, I’ll bet greens would be more glorious covered in a bit of grease. Back to the library that book goes. I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Postby LauraA » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:28 pm

Hi Everyone - I'm glad that everyone is doing so well. Thanks to Letha, McMAniac and Mommylut for the scale ideas. I do have jeans here in NYC, and they are the kind that are a little stretchy. I think that they may be a little looser, but I'm not really sure. That is a good idea, though. I feel like I need the scale for accountability AND I need to stay away from it because, in the past it has made me crazy. I'll see what I weigh on Monday, and make some kind of decision. Everyone have a great weekend. Take care, Laura
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