15 day Mary's mini--Nov.1-Nov. 15

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Postby janluvs2heel » Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:26 pm


If I can't find the small-medium size potatoes, I will buy the larger ones. I make 2-3 at a time. When it comes to serving, I usually cut them in half or even thirds if they are really large. I start with that & I may have 2nds, but usually I find that 1/2 is enough. Especially if I eat it with veggies. I may eat a fruit later. So even though it isn't that big a thing to count calories, I am sure at some point, a person could overeat & thus gain. My breakfast is usually hash browns & I never measure them, just pour them in the pan & cook until crispy. I find if I eat enough in the am, I am not as hungry at lunch.

Also, be sure you are thoroughly reading labels. I was looking for refried beans a while ago & could not believe how many labeled fat free did indeed have fat in them.

Good for you though, that you are still staying on plan even though your scale is not cooperating.
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Postby Potatohead » Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:03 am

Morning...How did everyone do at Thanksgiving Dinner?....I did ok, No Turkey for me, because I'm vegan, but I did overendulge in the sides, and dessert...so back on MM this morning...I cooked up my potatoes last night, this morning I had oatmeal(Dr McDougalls peach and raspberry..its yummy)...rest of the day will be potatoes and greenbeans, maybe some melon....
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Postby Potatohead » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:12 am

Good Saturday Morning, I have to go grocery shopping..(I'm out of potatoes :eek: )still on MM, I really love the simplicity of this plan, I just cook for my hubby, and I eat my taters and greenbeans :D weigh in this am, I'm down 4 lbs...I need to loose about 20, its easy to gain weight on a vegan diet if you don't watch yourself...I need to stick to pure whole foods and leave the junk alone...did you know "oreos" are vegan, see what I mean...vegan junk food :lol:
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Postby DeeAnn » Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:48 pm


I realize you're at the end of this month's thread but I'd love to join in!

1/2 my day has been SAD (relapsed McD'er, now back) and this afternoon I made the committment to take care of my health! I'm having sweet potatoes tonight for dinner.

I have 10 pounds of potatoes that I bought yesterday so I'm good to go!!
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Postby Jackie J » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:31 pm

Hi there,
Just started MM today with oatmeal for breakfast and white potatoes for the rest of the day. Plus 2 pieces of fruit -
Delighted to be joining you all
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Postby EK » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:17 pm

Hi all! I've been reading this message board for a while and both my mom and I are interested in doing MM's....a question I have though is after doing MM's and going back to MWL or just McD has anyone gained the weight back? I'm almost afraid that if I stopped MM's I would gain the weight (and possible more) back. Has anyone had trouble with this??
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Postby Potatohead » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:27 am

Morning Everyone, I have my Potatoes baking in my Nuwave oven, and just finished a bowl of oatmeal. welcome hellos to everyone joining. :D
EK, I'll answer your question from my experience...if you do MM, and go back to MWL...you should not gain weight, I didn't. My problem with gaining weight was when I started to eat alot of the processed food allowed on MWL. like rice cakes, tortilla chips, cereals, food bars...etc, I'm fine when I'm eating good Whole foods, when I start eating alot of processed food I gain. Everyone is different, you'll have to see what will work for you. I'm on MM, because I love the simplicity of the plan..I love potatoes, and my greenbeans, along with my oatmeal and some fruit.
I lost over 100lbs on MWL, but my weight creeps back up(I never let the scale get past a 5lb gain)when I eat junk.
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Postby CarolynA » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:21 pm

I have been gone from this forum for a LONG time (about a year I think). I have been vegetarian during that time, but have definitely had things that were bad - cheese, and fried foods namely. I would love to start a MM, and get myself back on track.

I will read up to be sure I am doing this correctly, and then plan on starting tomorrow, as I have potatoes in the house already. I am really excited about doing this - I have at least 40 lbs to lose, and would love to have a jump-start on it before Christmas gets here. :)

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Postby minirunner » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:58 pm

I am starting MM tommorrow morning. I have been trying to lose the last 5 pounds and I think this will really help me. I also have terrible sugar cravings and I'm hoping this will help me get a handle on that as well. I am really excited. I bought a HUGE bag of hashbrowns from walmart and have tons of potatoes from my inlaws garden so I am ready to start. It's nice to have a little support while going through this as I may have some questions or need someone to talk me off the ledge when I'm craving some sugar :-D
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starting MM tomorrow

Postby kirstykay » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:09 pm

Hi Everyone!
I'm starting MM in the morning (Monday), and I plan on doing it for the month of December. It will be nice to get back to it after indulging a bit over the Thanksgiving weekend. I think it will keep me on track for this busy season.

Are you starting a new thread for December?
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Postby Potatohead » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:31 am

Morning...I'm down 2 lbs this week, still eating my "taters"....Debbie, if you make the thread, I will post. I don't do a weekly weigh in, I've got 7 lbs to lose,( don't hate me, I've lost over 100lbs on MWL..I'm there with you all) so I usually can tell by my clothing if I'm losing or not.
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Postby Della Street » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:15 am

I haven't been around for a few days because I felt like taking a break from MM. The next few days will MWL and then I'll jump back on the MM bandwagon. It's been nice to have chick peas again. :)
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Postby CarolynA » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:27 am

I personally think doing a weigh-in on this thread would help, as it would encourage those of us doing MM by sharing our successes. Had a baked potato this morning with nutritional yeast - need to go to the store today, but I did put potatoes and mushrooms in the crock-pot this morning, so dinner is taken care of! I just need to pick up some potatoes so that I have one for lunch today (and the rest of the week).

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Postby EK » Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:38 am

Thanks for your replies to my weight gain question. They were quite encouraging!

Potatohead-- I saw you're from SWFL! My family and I are also sunny SWFL-ians! It's nice to know there are other Mcdougallers near us!
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Postby minirunner » Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:17 pm

I think a weigh in would help as well, it helps to be accountable.
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