MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby McDetermined » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:21 pm

Up two pounds this week. I blame myself and my cycle. 75% MWL 25% SAD. I need to reframe for next week. -- Lisa R.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby JamieR » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:16 pm

After my large weight loss early in the month, my weight loss was just a little this week. I knew it would happen...but the big losses were great when they happened.

So...down .6 this week (100% MWL) least it is still heading in the right direction.

Both of my feet are still improving. Had a big day out and about yesterday, and was able to do so much more than I would have been able to do just a month ago with just mild discomfort. And no residual pain today....yeah!

I was able to drop my other blood pressure medication (and keep my BP well in the normal range), but my insulin stayed steady this week (which could definitely account for the slowing weight loss, as I had been able to drop the insulin dramatically--by over half--the previous two weeks). I still hope to be off insulin completely one day, but it could take awhile to get there.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby NatureRabbi » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:33 pm

Down 2.3 this week. About 90% MWL

Enjoying new size finally fitting but saw a photo of myself and remembered that I still have quite a journey ahead -- one pound at a time.

My goal was to lose 10 pounds this month -- unfortunately it is a short month -- didn't our thread want to aim for 8?

I am on plan and planning to stay that way and am thrilled with this program -- few cravings, I feel better and have good energy. Hurray.


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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby JamieR » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:44 pm

dannajeanette wrote:Gosh, the power of this way of eating is tremendous! JamieR - I'll bet no one ever even suggested diet could or would improve your neuropathy (except McD, of course).

Not only was diet never once mentioned in regards to neuropathy, every conventional source that I've ever read has only said that it progresses. The idea that it can improve, through any means, isn't even mentioned!

In fact, at my last appointment with the foot doctor, he admonished me, in those very "doctor-y" tones, that I needed to check my feet every night for cuts and scrapes, because "you will lose sensation in your feet over time--and you WILL lose sensation completely at some point--and that is the point when you are in danger of a small problem leading to losing your feet."

Glad to know that I am not headed down that road any more. Losing toes and feet has been my biggest fear as a diabetic. (It did happen to a good family friend.)
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby amyla51 » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:49 pm

I am down 1 pound for this week. I know I have been doing a lot of between meal eating, and that is the culprit. It's still McD food, but more than I need. I blame it on the weather and time of year.

Amy in NH :)
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby MaryW » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:15 pm

No loss for this week. I still have those 2 pounds I gained earlier in the week...the pounds I gained AFTER several days at the gym and BEFORE my little binge. Don't understand it, but it could be much worse. Still battling the cold too. I haven't exercised since Sunday, so I know that is part of it too.

I've really been enjoying the Olympics. Watching all of those fit people do amazing things makes me want to do amazing things too! Amazing for me anyway. I completed a 5k race a few years ago. I'm getting the hankering to try again.

Congrats to everyone this week! Even if we aren't losing weight, we are improving our health! (and the planet's too!)
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby deelightful » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:02 pm

Thanks Lorax and Vickidau... I am glad to know I'm not crazy thinking this really sucks! I was actually surprised that they wanted to do surg so quickly, but the specialist was telling me that thou I was doing exactly the right thing with my MWL diet, that he thought it was likely chronic inflammation so I'd be better getting it out sooner than just trying to avoid it.

Friday is surg, Sat off, I usually have Sun thru Tue off anyway, and I'm taking Wed too for good measure off work then I'm on light duty until I feel ok. The prob is that I'm a Vet's assistant, so I spend my long work days wrangling dogs and cats. So everyone at work knows I won't be handling the extra wigglies. And I'm set for the laproscopic, I am hoping it goes smoothly and I avoid the open surgery...

I will be sure to hold a pillow to the belly and take my drugs like a good girl, that's for sure. And I think I am to that point too, where I just have a constant ache no matter what I eat bland or not, so I'm looking forward to having this bugger gallbladder out!

Thanks again, congrats to all on your good habits, your perseverance and hard work on your health this week! It WILL pay off for us all! BTW, I am thinking about subtly slipping a hundred to the surgeon, see if he's willing to suck a pound or ten out while they're in there... Laugh...
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby deelightful » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:15 pm

Thank you for the advice! I will walk lots I HATE those side stitch feelings!!! Bleck...

And Debbie, cats can lose hair for all sorts of strange reasons, as I'm sure you have found out some possibilities at the vet's today. And as you have that medical background...

Anemia as someone else mentioned/
Thyroid Concerns/
And my own cat... NEUROTIC! I work at a vet clinic, and my own dang cat Deuce Bigalow Kitty Gigalo will make eye contact with me, mouth a hunk of fur, and RIP IT OUT in front of me and spit it on the ground... I think he does it to freak me out! I've ruled out physical problems BESIDES allergies. So when they say put your cat on a limited ingredient diet, it means NOTHING but the limited ingredient diet.

I can imagine they did skin scrapings, and probably some bloodwork?
I say hang in there, I hope your kitty is doing well!!!!!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Daffodil » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:11 pm

Down 1/2 lb. I credit the steamed potatoes i used as snacks. :)
-Amy in NV
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Lacey » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:53 am

I lost two pounds this week.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:30 am

Yesterday was not such a great day dietwise :-( However, in the past I would have let a bad day give me a reason to have another one, and another, and so on until I had fallen off the wagon, into the ditch, and gained quite a few pounds. I'm NOT going to let that happen this time! One off day does not a healthy lifestyle ruin (Keep repeating to self as needed....). I know that some of you have had your off days, but we are getting ourselves together and planning for a good weigh-in come Friday, right?!

It's hard to believe that this coming Friday is already the last weigh-in for February. Overall it has been a good month, I've tried some new recipes, and feel better. I'm ready to jump in for March!
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby stormie » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:16 pm

I blew the entire weekend :cry: It all started with a party on Friday night and it went down hill from there. But I did prepare all MWL foods for the whole week, so I'm starting fresh this week! I really need to do this...I feel like food has control over me and it's really depressing. :crybaby:
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby starryeyed32 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:47 pm


I have just started reading the mcdougal plan and I am using this website, and message board as tools as well. I started out fasting for spiritual purposes from meat, and stumbled upon a blog that mentioned Dr. McDougall and his diet plan. Since I have stopped eating meat, I sleep much better at night and have tons more energy. I have over 100lbs to lose and I am looking forward to the support of this message board. I see how supportive you have all been to each other. I have a birthday coming up soon, and I want to make this the last birthday I am so overweight and unhealthy. :nod:
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Mommylut » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:34 pm

On the whole, I am doing well. I am working from my daughter's house until Wed -- came last night. Her husband's away and she has the baby blues. I am trying to get everything done I need to for work while still helping out. No matter what I do I don't feel it is the right thing I should be doing at that moment. However, the grandchildren are gorgeous and that is what is important. Anyhow, things are totally nuts - I took all the feedings for the baby last night and am going to do two tonight. I am very tired, which is always a dangerous time for me. The result of all of this is that I am basically doing regular program instead of mwl - I tried bringing everything I needed but it didn't work out that way. Still glad I am meat free.
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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

Postby Vegeloon » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:36 am

Hello everyone,
Just checking in. I've been a bit up and down this week - no good excuses except laziness and not planning well. Friday is looming so I'm staying on track the rest of the week. I've also been hearing SactoBob in my head, "It would probably be more effective to put the time into planning what you are going to do tomorrow than what you already did today. It isn't so much an issue of will power as planning and prioritizing." Sage advice indeed!
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