How about a MWL Challenge for Nov?

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby MadcityVegan » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:39 pm

Hello Everyone!

I have been enjoying everyones posts! I am continuing on the regular plan. I am loosing an average of 1.2lbs per week since September 15th. Down another lb this week as you will see on my ticker.

Letha, I joined the flickr group! Thanks for the tip. I posted 4 pictures already.

I am cooking up some delicous oreida southern style potatoes right now!

Check out my lounge post on dealing with family/general discussion tips. How do you communicate what you are doing to others, how is it recieved, how do you cope?

Thanks! Keep up the hard work!
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Postby Letha » Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:51 pm

MadcityVegan wrote:
Letha, I joined the flickr group! Thanks for the tip. I posted 4 pictures already.

Oh my gosh! Your photo of the veggie pizza is so pretty I think I’m gonna have to frame it and put it on the wall!

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Postby MadcityVegan » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:01 pm

HA! Thanks Letha! I enjoy your pictures too. You must love yogi tea, I saw a ton in a background of one of our pics. :)

Here is a list of toppings:

Hummus: Chicpeas, salt, lemon, garlic
green pepper
trader joes fresh mild salsa
black beans
chicpeas (again! because I love them!)
tofu (this is optional for me)

The crust is a basic ww bread recipe.
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Postby Letha » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:50 pm

MadcityVegan wrote:HA! Thanks Letha! I enjoy your pictures too. You must love yogi tea, I saw a ton in a background of one of our pics. :)

Here is a list of toppings:

Hummus: Chicpeas, salt, lemon, garlic
green pepper
trader joes fresh mild salsa
black beans
chicpeas (again! because I love them!)
tofu (this is optional for me)

The crust is a basic ww bread recipe.

Yes, I love my yogi tea! It will be a few years before I reach a normal weight, but when I do this pizza is going to be one of the first things I make for myself. :-D
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Scaling Down

Postby Baidarka » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:03 pm

Hi All--

We are in the middle of a move this week, and oh, the temptation to eat junk in order to save time!!! So far, not too bad, because I've reached the point where I don't particularly enjoy junk and--marvel of marvels--I DO love the food I eat and have eaten for nearly a year: beans and greens, as they say. And now that I'm McDougalling, I eat that delicious oatmeal in the morning and love that, too. But I'm not getting enough salads. One thing I got in the habit of with Fuhrman was eating at least one VAST salad daily....and when I'm busy, I tend not to do that. So I need to check in and keep hanging out with you all.

Letha, I make what I have termed my "famous" cranberry chutney every year, from a recipe in the old, old "Deaf Smith Cookbook," from my hippie days. It is delicious, but it's sweetened with maple syrup instead of sugar, and has a spoonful of "regular" chutney and curry and nuts in it. It sets up just fine, too, even with the liquid sweetener. I'm sure the calorie count is no different, but as you say, it is a treat, and we could do a lot worse.

About the scale: once upon a time, I lost 140 pounds in a year, and I did it through going to Overeaters Anonymous. They don't really prescribe anything in particular, but most of them said it was best to weigh at least once a month, but no more, because if you did, you got too obsessed. And I can get really obsessed with weighing too often, like all of us; and since our weight fluctuates daily, it can get really annoying and disheartening. So what I do now is weigh once a week, just so I won't go into denial, but no more. I think once a month would not be enough for me. Just my thoughts on the topic!

I will probably be completely insane until the end of the month, so it will be good to try to check in here once a day....

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Postby Letha » Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:50 am

Hi all,
The discussion about the scale has been very interesting. I’m glad you posed the question LauraA. I’m up again way too early. Whenever I cut calories it reduces the amount of sleep I need (but not necessarily want). I have some vague recollection of McDougall saying/writing that he didn’t sleep much. Plus his recommendation for depression is to skip a night of sleep if I’m remembering correctly. I have sleep apnea and I experience a lot of daytime drowsiness which I find quite annoying. When I eat SAD food I have no problem sleeping 8 or 9 hours per night. But on McDougall or other calorie reducing programs I have a hard time sleeping more than six hours. On the plus side I have more time to waste on the internet.

Well, I posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. I’m making Vindaloo Vegetables over white basmati rice. I haven’t had white rice in about six weeks and I’m looking forward to it. Perhaps a little too much? Oh well, I never said my obsession with food went away. Until tomorrow.
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Postby kobfa2 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:01 am

Hi all! I haven't been able to post much this week, with my mom here, and a cold making its rounds in our house. I haven't been doing too badly--down 4.4 for the challenge so far. I'm really happy with that, given the "learning curve" I've been on. Full speed ahead! Letha, I saw Dr. McD's comment about your blog on another thread--great feedback!!
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Postby Letha » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:22 am

Hi Melissa, Congrats on the 4.4 pounds! That’s over 17 cubes of butter. You can tell I’ve attended a few weight watchers meetings in my day. They are big on visual associations of weight loss to help motivate you. If I recall correctly they liked to pass around 2 pound and 5 pound weights so you could feel in your hands what you were no longer carrying around. I thought it was effective. I did see McD’s feedback. That was nice of him to comment on my food blog. I’ve been having fun with the blog and now I just need to learn how to take better photos. One of the things I run into is steam coming off my food. I dish it up on the plate and take a quick snapshot of it before I eat it. Then when I upload the photo & I wonder why it’s not very clear I realize I have steam coming off the plate. Well, I’m not going to let my lunch get cold so I can get a good photo. Eating is more important than good photos. Actually, I find it amazing that I can eat lunch, snap a photo, then have the photo & recipe on the internet an hour later. Remember back in the day when you used to take film to be developed? Perhaps you got double copies so that if one turned out really good you could send it off to grandma? It’s a brave new world my friends.

I’m doing well today. On plan and planning to stay that way. I’m experimenting with a couple new things today. I’m going to throw a few radishes from the garden into my roasted veggies for dinner. I tried cooking some of those huge Chinese radishes in a stir-fry a few months back and they were good so I thought, why not? I’m also making a split pea and mushroom soup for dinner. It will be interesting to see if that combo works. I hope all of you are having a good day.
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Postby Baidarka » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:35 am

Can you tell me more about radishes? All I know are those little red ones that used to be in restaurant salad. I never thought they were worth eating, but are there others that are more interesting? These Chinese ones you mention sound interesting.

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Postby kobfa2 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:38 am

Ooh...roasted radishes--interesting--let me know how they turn out, Letha. I've really been enjoying your blog also, Letha--I'm anxious to try some of your recipes. 17 cubes of butter, huh? I'll take it! I'm not quite awake yet, but I am anticipating a good day, on plan.
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Postby LauraA » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:51 am

Good Morning! Well, I'm finally home in Georgia, ready to start cooking, and to welcome home part of our huge family for Thanksgiving! I have great news. I'm down SEVEN pounds for the three weeks that we've been on MWL together!! It may even be slightly more, because I'm not sure of my exact weight for the week or two before that. Anyway, today I'm happy with the scale. I may try to do every week for awhile, on Monday, and see how that goes. If I step on the scale on any other day, then I'll just have to tell myself that it doesn't count. Thanks to everyone for all of the scale ideas. Another great thing - the last few days that I was in New York I felt very much like this was my normal way of eating - not a diet, and not a short term plan. I do so much better without bread!
That whole flickr thing is neat, and Letha, where did Dr Mc comment on your blog? By the way, your blog is great, and I love your pictures. One of my "jobs" today is to decide on two or three soups to make, and a couple of veggie dishes that I can put over rice. Letha, how was your veggie dish with the white rice? Do you make extras of your dishes to freeze? Also, what is Yoga Tea? I love Tazo herbal teas.
Melissa, congratulations on your weight loss - that is great! I hope that the germs have left your house!
Baidarka, it sounds like you are doing well in spite of the move. Keep checking in with us, we love to keep our group going strong.
Everybody have a great day. Mine will really be busy, but I love Thanksgiving. I haven't eaten the regular feast for years, because I've been a vegetarian, but I love having everyone gather without quite the confusion of Christmas. Take care, LauraA
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Postby kpolninja » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:48 pm

Back on track after a bit of backslide, but after two weeks I've averaged 3.1 lbs per week!

I need to get some good recipies though, I'm a little bored food wise.
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After saying I wouldn't weigh myself......

Postby Mommylut » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:21 pm

I slept over my daughter's house yesterday and went to nursery school with my grandaughter today. That was wonderful. However, I needed to come home and was starving (my daughter never has what I can eat in the house. I ate a potatoe with salad last night and some oatmeal this morning and was starving) I knowing grabbed a whole wheat bagel to eat on the drive home. Well to make sure I didn't do anymore damage, I decided to get on the scale. Mind you when I got home I ate couscous and string beans. Well, I LOST 8 POUNDS SINCE NOVEMBER 1!!!!!! I couldn't be more thrilled. Now its back to program. Except for Thanksgiving, I have nothing more planned for the rest of the week.
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Postby Letha » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:03 am

Baidarka & Kobfa, Yes, it was just those common red radishes that you normally put into a salad. They were OK roasted. The red color faded when roasted and they had a pretty strong cabbage taste.

Laura, The topic was titled Dealing with family and do you cope? The Vindaloo veggies over rice turned out very good. I haven’t been freezing dishes since I’ve been back to McDougall this time but I’m home so I can cook so it’s easier for me. Yogi Teais just a brand name. They have lots of flavors. Ginger and Egyptian Licorice are my favorites. I like Tazo Zen tea too.

Kpolninja, 3.1 pounds per week is pretty darn good for a backslider. 8)

Mommylut, I’m so happy for you. Your success with the program is inspiring.

I’m having a good morning. On plan and planning to stay that way. I posted my menu over in Roberta’s corner. Eating leftovers mostly. Plus I’m conducting an experiment by cooking my steel-cut oats in a thermos overnight. I’m going to go crack it open here in a few minutes and see if they are cooked and still hot. Not much else going on with me today. Hope you all have a good McDougall Tuesday.
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Postby LauraA » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:57 am

Well, I've no signed on to the exercise thread, and I've decided on 30 minutes 5 times per week. I know that I was walking at least that much in NY. I'll try to do some biking, walking, Curves, elliptical. I just had to step on the scale again this morning, and I'm now down one more pound, so my total so far for Nov is at least EIGHT pounds. This last pound won't really count until my official weigh in next Monday, though. I'd love to be down 8 - 10 pounds per month. I know that it will slow down after a while though. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a great day. Take care, LauraA
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