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Postby luvdachiess » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:01 am

Awww ..... Letha hang in there it will get better. I should probably do the no salt thing too. I have never had a blood pressure issue so I use probably to much salt.

Which brings us to my weigh I am up .4 this week. I am sure it is to much salt. I have been putting quite a bit on my potatoes at lunch. So I am going to back it down some and see what happens.
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:47 am

Letha - it isn't pleasant. The only good thing about it is it makes you feel better. Also the food is so boring that you don't want to eat too much, so you lose weight.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby 141 by 41 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:14 am

Down 0.8 pounds since last week.
Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
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Postby New Dawn » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:22 pm

Hello All!

I've been reading this forum for about four weeks and have been on MWL for approximately three weeks. I finally decided to join the group officially today. You all have already been so much help to me. (And you didn't even know it! LOL) So, a great big hearty thanks for all the info and encouragement.

Just a brief introduction of myself: I live in VA with my husband and two adolescent step-children (although I hesitate to say "step" because I love them like I gave birth to them). I'm a high school teacher, a BSA Venture Crew leader, an avid reader, and I love to cook. . . and eat!

I've struggled with my weight all my life. I can remember being four years old and telling my mom that I wanted cottage cheese and tomatoes for lunch because I wanted to go on a diet because I was fat. About five or six years ago a joined WW and lost over 55 lbs; I had started the program weighing over 200 lbs. Then I decided to quit smoking and gained quite a bit back--over 35lbs? At the same time I passed the 40 year old mark. It seemed like no matter what I did the weight would not come off. Then I found McDougall. I love it because I'm not hungry! My DH has been supportive, but I still fix him and the kids their normal meals. However, I don't mind because I am losing weight and I'm so excited about it. I feel like there is hope!

I'll be posting my weight on Thursday. Everyone have a great day!

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Postby Letha. » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:15 pm

Welcome aboard New Dawn!

The more the merrier. :-D
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Postby LauraA » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:15 pm

Welcome New Dawn - I like your screen name. We're glad that you could join us! Probably over time you'll adjust the stuff that you cook for your family a little - especially since you like to cook! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby LauraA » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:21 pm

Hi again from Down Under. I'm having a great time, and this is the prettiest city that I've ever seen! I'm having some trouble finding the right foods, but I'm getting by. I'm eating way too many nuts - I haven't seen a bean since I got here, and no place seems to have regular baked potatoes or rice. I'm ok with breakfast oatmeal, and with salads. Veggies seem to all be soaked in something. They aren't as used to making substitutions here as they are in the US. If I say "can I have this without that" they always have to go check. I'm eating in the most touristy parts of Sydney, and I know that there are some wonderful veggie restaurants, but I'm no where near them, I did have great sushi one meal. Anyway, I'm having fun, not over-eating, and it's just a few days. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Sorry, no progress this week!

Postby JessNZ » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:59 pm

During the week I was very stable (sadly, even when I thought I had done
well). And yesterday was super feast day so I don't even want to get on the scales!
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Postby Letha. » Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:49 pm

April 09 MWL Group
UPDATED Weekly Weigh-In Results

(Added 3 participants and corrected some math calculations) :)

Total group loss reported in 2009: 553.3 pounds

Total group loss reported in April 2009: 74.85 pounds
Week ending 04/16/09: 23 participants reported a total loss of 28.95 pounds
Week ending 04/09/09: 18 participants reported a total loss of 25.0 pounds
Week ending 04/02/09: 23 participants reported a total loss of 20.9 pounds

Participants reporting for week ending 04/16/09. If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

Beanie: 0
Catherine1305: 0
Cynthiak: 0
Faith in DC: 0
HealthE1: 0
JessNZ: 0
LauraA: 0
Luvdachiess: 0
Mairead11: 0
Marlie: 0
Felini: 0.6
141 by 41: 0.8
Cowgirrlup: 1
Slugmom: 1.2
Txveggie: 1.25
Topview1: 1.5
Terry in FL: 1.6
MelissaB: 2
Riva: 2
ZenJen: 2
Letha.: 4.4
MaryW: 5
Txjack: 5.4
Total: 28.75


Total group loss reported in March 2009: 109.7
Week ending 03/26/09: 21 participants reported a total loss of 27.4 pounds
Week ending 03/19/09: 22 participants reported a total loss of 18.6 pounds
Week ending 03/12/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds
Week ending 03/05/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 26.6 pounds

Total group loss reported in February 09 is 129.95 pounds
Week ending 02/26/09: 24 participants reported a total loss of 18.8 pounds
Week ending 02/19/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 45.45 pounds
Week ending 02/12/09: 27 participants reported a total loss of 28.6 pounds
Week ending 02/05/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds

Total group loss reported in January 09 is 238.8
Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 35.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Total Lost in December 08 = 68.26 reported for the group
Week ending January 1, 2008 – 4 participants: 8.2 pounds lost
Week ending December 25th, 2008 - 5 participants: 6.96 pounds lost
Week ending December 18, 2008- 6 participants: 9.6 pounds lost
Week ending December 11, 2008 - 10 participants: 16.5 pounds lost
Week ending December 4, 2008 - 12 participants: 27 pounds lost
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Postby Letha. » Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:51 am

Good morning all. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. So it’s day 8 of the initial phase of my elimination diet.

Breakfast: Baked Yam, Sliced Pear, & A Handful Of Blueberries
Lunch: Plain Boiled White Potato, Carrot, Celery, Green Beans, Zucchini & Brown Rice
Afternoon Snack: Baked Yam & Cantaloupe
Dinner: Plain Boiled White Potato, Carrot, Celery, Green Beans, Zucchini, & Brown Rice
Beverages: Water, Mint Tea

Let me tell you this menu is getting old pretty darn fast. I had need to move the contents of one of my cupboards last night and found myself drooling over hominy, Bush’s vegetarian baked beans, & mango salsa. It’s pretty funny when McDougall MWL food sounds like a treat. Still, I’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time and I’m halfway through the hardest part so I’m just going to power through it so I can identify which foods are causing me grief.

Hope you are all having a great weekend. :)
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Postby catherine1305 » Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:21 am

Good Morning all:
On program and loving it. I woke with a headache but feeling better now.

This too shall pass.

I'm pulling for you Letha you can get past this.

Have a great day.
Start March 2007

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Postby New Dawn » Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:42 am

Good Morning Everyone!

Letha hang in there. I know you can make it.

I've been trying some new recipes. I tried the zucchini cherry oats this morning, but I had to make some adjustments. They were still yummy, and I have enough, even with halving the recipe, for several breakfasts. Currently, I'm making Becky's Split Pea Soup. I'm out of thyme, but I'm wondering if I can substitute poultry seasoning since the first ingredient is thyme. I can't wait until it's ready. I've got a cold or either it's allergy from all of this blasted tree pollen. Anyway, I'm cravin' some soup.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


P.S. Letha, I love your blog!
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Postby luvdachiess » Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:57 am

Hello all I am on plan and planning to stay that way!

I am actually back in the saddle. I have had two weeks of having a hard time and up 1 pound because of it. So I committed again yesterday and am back 100%. Had a great day yesterday!

Plan for the day:
Breakfast - Oatmeal and soy milk with a bit of sugar
Lunch - sweet potato and salad
Dinner - beans and vegan cornbread

snack - apple, banana, carrots and cauliflower

Walk 3 miles. =)

By the way does any one know where Toadfood is? Do we know how to contact her ie private e-mail or anything?
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Postby Jackie J » Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:39 pm

down to 155 this morning. Keep gaining and losing the same 6 pounds but at least now I"m on the down turn. Can't wait to get to 151 so I can pass through this plateau phase.
Have a great weekend everyone
:D :P
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Postby Letha. » Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:12 pm

luvdachiess wrote:By the way does any one know where Toadfood is? Do we know how to contact her ie private e-mail or anything?

No, and I miss her too. Hopefully she just got busy and she’ll come back when she gets some free time. :)
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