January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Linda Dorrill » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:08 pm

Okay everyone,

Can we address the "social" situations we try to avoid because of the food, yet want to have because of the people?

I've been considering trying to do a Non-fat vegan potluck here in my home town, maybe in my home, or at my church. Trying to find others who think and eat like I do. I don't know. It's hard to eat this way in the South where fried chicken is king. Has anyone done this in their home town? If so, how did you go about doing it?

I'm looking forward to your input.

Have a great evening!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Artista » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:39 pm

Zero change for me from last week. :)

Well done, everyone, on a super week!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby laurag » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:28 pm

So I gained 3 lbs so sad but I got info thru my head like I really need to plan if I dont I will eat chips :eek: I did walk this week and I was very aware if I was eating after dinner which is my main problem, I only lost weight when I didn't eat any thing at all after dinner. I eat lots of starches durring day, so Im not hungry its just my habit . This week I will eat veggies or soup before meal and I will plan a snack for after dinner... good luck everyone
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:23 pm

Linda Dorrill wrote:Okay everyone,

Can we address the "social" situations we try to avoid because of the food, yet want to have because of the people?

I've been considering trying to do a Non-fat vegan potluck here in my home town, maybe in my home, or at my church. Trying to find others who think and eat like I do. I don't know. It's hard to eat this way in the South where fried chicken is king. Has anyone done this in their home town? If so, how did you go about doing it?

I'm looking forward to your input.

Have a great evening!

Hi Linda! Two years ago I posted a similar question, and found out that another person in my city wanted to start a monthly get-together also. It started slow, but we are having our next pitch in on Sunday, and 47 people have RSVP’d. Our other co-ordinator is a librarian and started regular cooking demos at the library and is doing bi-monthly movies with a health/WFPB theme. It might start small and slow, but with time it will grow.

If you’re in Indianapolis, we’d love to meet you! https://www.meetup.com/indyveggie/events/257093560/
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Dr10or » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:49 pm

Initial 219.6 lbs —> 215.8 lbs —> 217.6
Net loss 2 lbs

Start fresh tomorrow. :-)
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby cena » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:52 pm

Down 2 pounds

From 212 to 210. Most of my "cheating" has been sweets or regular McDougall diet. So I'm not going to worry so much about doing this mwl. But I'm working on the sweets. The journaling has helped me see when I'm having a hard time. Mainly the afternoons. I seem to just want to keep eating until i have something sweet. So trying out having a fruit salad after lunch.

Batch cooking beans, rice, baked potatoes and soups. Very helpful for me.

Have a good week.
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:07 pm

Dr10or wrote:Initial 219.6 lbs —> 215.8 lbs —> 217.6
Net loss 2 lbs

Start fresh tomorrow. :-)

not understanding your numbers. I've messed up and put them wrong so wondering if that's what you did. If so you can go in and edit it.
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Frymom » Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:10 am

Bueno diás from España. This is my second attempt to send in my weigh-in for the week. After typing my message and hitting submit, it registered an error. Maybe I can’t put in my own emojis from my iPad? Or maybe my post was too many words? Not sure. But here goes:
Loss for this week is: 2.6
Total loss since Jan 1: 8.6

Here’s to another week of potatoes, veggies, and fruit, plus stairs and walking everyday.

Keep your eye on the goal everyone. We can do this!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:50 am

Michele - :smile: Thank you too! I can see you are the type of supportive person that reaches out to others in need as well, and that’s what it takes to keep our little village safe. Bloating sucks, but I’m happy to read that you had a loss. I’m also happy to read that a little slip didn’t send you into Dr. Lisle’s Ego Trap. By getting right back to it you can show yourself that you have what it takes for a little bit of success each and every week. You had a great loss this week. If it is 1.6 pounds of fat loss, that represents an approximate 5600 calorie deficit. That’s huge, so you really did do well. With regards to excess food, I still sometimes ending throwing a bit of food away when my week throws me a surprise change of schedule. You’ll get better at anticipating what you need over time, with practice. The others have covered storage and organization strategies quite well, so I don’t have anything to add. Thank you Plumerias, Moonlight and Lindsey...if others have any more novel suggestions, feel free to let us all know how you make enough food to always have some on hand without throwing away too many leftovers.

Anne - You and Linda have chosen a wonderful soundtrack for the month of January. When you fall down just Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off and Start all over Again!. I’m glad you’ve managed to make enough good choices to come out even for the week.

JoJo - If you love corn tortillas, and want some, I say go for it; they are a healthy and tasty choice. They may slow down weight loss depending on how often you eat them due to their higher calorie density, that is all... still way better than many many other choices. Jeff has a few pasta recipes that are quite delicious and totally adaptable to personal preferences. Here is a copy of the Healthy Cooking Made Easy Handout from one of the ASW weekends, with one of them. My favourite recipe on this particular handout are his Sweet Potato Curry Burgers....they have me missing the Ezekial buns that I used to eat them on. My sister once made a sliced-potato burger for me by thickly slicing big round yellow potatoes and baking them a bit crispy and then using those as the bun to go with Jeff’s burgers. It was an interesting and filling meal...LOL.

Agissell - When I’m struggling I tend to go through the webinar/video/lecture section of the website, and a few other sources for inspiration... and while watching start getting my food prep done - chopping, baking and making a couple of soups/stews. I personally gravitate towards Dr. Lisle’s talks and lectures because I struggle with staying on track by cycling in and out of the Pleasure Trap/Ego Trap dynamic...like all the time! I’ve managed to accept that about myself over the past few years and don’t lament over my own ineptitude as much anymore...LOL... it just is what it is and I struggle my way back on track. I’ve watched/listened to so many of Dr. Lisle’s talks that just hearing his voice now calms me down. Some people meditate, I listen to The Story of Willpower or Secrets to Positive Change for my zen. Another talk that you may like is Mary McDougall’s Planning Meals.

Alishana - Yay! Great loss.
I feel the same way as you do about the tastiness of healthy food!

Anne57 - Great courage this week! XO

ChasingHappy - You have lost 4 pounds so far this month. That is darn good! This week may not have gone as well as you had hoped, but there is ever-more time to do better. I have found that to break stress-eating habits, it may take some time because a variety of situations may bring on that craving feeling and when I am surprised by it, there is a higher probability of falling prey to it (through not having appropriate strategies in place). If I anticipate potential issues, then I can come prepared with appropriate food available or strategies for avoiding tempting situations. Keep watching out for problem situations, reflect on how to deal with them better and catalogue that potential strategy for future use. I used to work in emergency services, and as a new recruit was advised it would take about 18 months to come across all of the general categories of problems that we would face and that I would still feel new or make mistakes at the job until I had faced those situations a few times and understood how to best react. Making major lifestyle changes is exactly the same for those of us without exceptionally motivating circumstances. You just have to find all of the little lifehacks that works for you.

Moonlight - Awesome loss! Go girl!

Merwoman - Good loss and best of eating to you too, my friend. :) Experiment a bit and see what amount of food leaves you feeling comfortably full.

Humberto - Hola! Nice loss. If I recall correctly you are just getting started on your workweek, while the rest of us chill for the weekend. Best wishes!

Rosey - Wonderful loss. Your path has been a little like mine, three steps forward, 2 steps back...but that will still get us there!

Ellen - Very nice. Your losses reflect your dedication to the guidelines overall. One day you can have that homemade vegan pizza again.

Dark Blonde :) :) Every little bit counts!

Hi Belana - Welcome to our little group...every bit of support helps, so take it where you can get it. You sound well versed in a variety of programs, like so many of us in this realm - we’ve tried them all. I highly recommend giving MWL a true try. Here are the guidelines, in case you want to brush up on them. There is also a How to Begin section that I highly recommend going through.
If at all possible, try to have modest expectations for your losses. You are at a weight where you are close to goal, so it may take a bit of time to come off. However, if you follow the guidelines pretty closely, you will lose weight and not feel hungry after the first couple of weeks. I wish you all the best... time and consistent adherence will get you to your goal.

Kerrilyn2 - Wonderful loss!

fiftysix - Thank you for still checking-in. Hopefully you will face less of those situations this week, so it will feel a bit easier for you to try to eat on plan. Best wishes.

Angela - As expected. :) With some good effort you definitely could have a loss this coming week. Good luck.

Linda Hi! Every loss is a good loss...you will see that other pound come off in a future week. Your oops choices were not terrible, just high-ish in calorie density and sodium. I wish someone would devise a McDougall tater-tot recipe...LOL. How yummy would that be? Best wishes this coming week. You can totally do better this week if that is what you wish.
With regards to starting a potluck, like Lindsey and Spiral, about 3.5 years ago myself and a few other McDougallers started one in our city. First step - one of the ladies (either Yomom or JudyNew or Judy58 - I can’t remember which) did a search for our city on the McDougall site (it was Toronto at the time) and then sent a private message to everyone who had mentioned living in the area to see if they wanted to meet for a tea. We met a couple of times and then decided to host rotating potlucks in our homes. Eventually we wanted to reach out to others so we set up a group on the Meetup website/Facebook and found a place willing to let us use their kitchen and common room once a month. Then we just kept putting them on, each and every month ad they grew. I have since moved away and miss them very much!

Artista - Thank you for checking in. Best wishes for the coming week.

LauraG - Yep! LOL.. that may be a lesson you learn a few times, if my experience is any sort of guide. It sound’s like Dr. Lisle’s Cram Circuit. Keep trying every night not to give into those after dinner cravings and eventually they will fade down to a manageable level. I promise! Great job with the walking and it sounds like you have a solid plan for the coming week.

Dr10or - Yes, keep coming back and course correcting whenever you begin to notice going astray. Thank you for still checking in; this coming week has the potential to be a very good one.

Cena - Good loss. I agree, just focus on sticking to healthy foods, no matter which iteration of the plan they fall under. As long as the weight is coming off and you are happy with the rate of progress, you are having success in a sustainable way.

Chris - Your dietary and technical diligence has done you well this week. Wonderful loss!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Gina Marie » Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:09 am

I wAs 146.7 last week, and am now 145.3
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Michele613 » Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:44 am


Thanks Moonlight...testing to see if your suggestion works.....and the answer is......it did ...
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby AnneG » Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:05 pm

Checking in for the week - I am down 0.2 pounds.

Not a lot but movement in the right direction!
Last edited by AnneG on Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:24 pm

Hi everyone! I am so impressed with the positive energy that this group has. Lots of successful habits were put I place this week, and learning from the missteps. No one does this perfectly from day one, it’s those that learn from what works and what doesn’t yet keep moving forward that succede. And, it’s not just about dropping pounds, but gaining health. Looking forward to another successful week McDougalling!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby ForestGoddess » Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:50 pm

Argggh, I almost forgot to post! I am down 1 lb (124.2) this week. Still didn't do stellar but I am making good small changes!
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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Linda Dorrill » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:53 pm

Lyndzie wrote:Hi Linda! Two years ago I posted a similar question, and found out that another person in my city wanted to start a monthly get-together also. It started slow, but we are having our next pitch in on Sunday, and 47 people have RSVP’d. Our other co-ordinator is a librarian and started regular cooking demos at the library and is doing bi-monthly movies with a health/WFPB theme. It might start small and slow, but with time it will grow.

If you’re in Indianapolis, we’d love to meet you! https://www.meetup.com/indyveggie/events/257093560/

Good to know. I'm getting together with a friend here to see if she's interested. I'm near Chattanooga, but have a friend in Indianapolis. She's a runner...can't get past the thought of needing more protein.

My local library would be open to the video's but not the food. But, I have a friend that works in the Chattanooga Library...I'll pick her brain tomorrow. :nod:

Linda Dorrill
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