For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Postby Eppy » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:48 am


This is Eppy of Eppy's Journal. I had an invite to join, so here I am. This is only day four for me so I weighed in at 224 this AM. I think that's actually down a pound or so from where I started 4 days ago. My goal is under 140. I have done this before and was bad and gained most of it back, but this time I am determined. Thanks for the invite to come here. Until next week, I'll be back over at my journal. Good luck to all who weigh in today! :-D

August 27, 2009 Weight: 224 (-2)
Last edited by Eppy on Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Tina » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:53 am

No loss, no gain again this week. On the bright side I finally received my copy of MWL, so I feel empowered to learn more and do better this week.

Keeping up well on the exercise at least; 32 miles of running, 1 hour of hiking and several hours of dog-walking.

Enthusiastic congratulations to all the losers and understanding encouragement to all those on a plateau!
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Postby LauraA » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:35 am

Eppy wrote:Hi,

This is Eppy of Eppy's Journal. I had an invite to join, so here I am. This is only day four for me so I weighed in at 224 this AM. I think that's actually down a pound or so from where I started 4 days ago. My goal is under 140. I have done this before and was bad and gained most of it back, but this time I am determined. Thanks for the invite to come here. Until next week, I'll be back over at my journal. Good luck to all who weigh in today! :-D

Welcome, and try to check in here some during the week also! I'd hate for this to become only a weigh in site. Some people don't have time to check journals (like me when I travel). Anyway, you should count it as 2 pounds down for this week, if you think that is about what it is! Congratulations - you are off to a great start. Take care, LauraA
PS Glad that you took us up on the invitation, all are welcome here - invited or not, MWL or not!
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Letha. » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:41 am

Good morning. Just want to welcome some of our newer folks, Tina, Eppy, Griffin, and anyone else who has recently discovered our wonderful MWL group. We’re happy to have you. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us.

I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I’m down 1.4 pounds for the week. No real exercise this week but I continue to practice walking and standing in the house without my cane and I am getting out of the house to go bird watching (from the car) at the bay or beach and also just sitting out in the sunshine on the deck.

I’m off to change my ticker. I’ll check back here tomorrow.

August 27, 2009: Weight 375.6 ( -1.4 )
August 20th, 2009: Weight 377.0 ( -1.6 )
August 13th, 2009: Weight 377.6 ( -2.0 )
August 6th, 2009: Weight 379.6 ( -1.2 )

July 30th, 2009: Weight 380.8 ( -2.2 )
July 23rd, 2009: Weight 383.0 ( -5.2 )
July 16th, 2009: Weight 388.2 ( -1.4 )
July 9th, 2009: Weight 389.6 ( -2.8 )
July 2nd, 2009: Weight 392.4 ( -5.2 )

June 25th, 2009: Weight 397.6 ( -1.8 )
June 18th, 2009: Weight 399.4 ( -4.0 )
June 11, 2009: Weight 403.4 ( -5.4 )
June 4, 2009: Weight 408.8 ( -8.8 )

May 28th, 2009: Weight 417.6 (-6.0 )
May 21st, 2009: Weight 423.6 (-3.4 )
May 14, 2009: Weight 427.0 (-2.4 )
May 7th, 2009: Weight 429.4 (-11.6 ) Atypical due to illness

April 30th, 2009: Weight 441.0 (-1.2 )
April 23rd, 2009: Weight 442.2 (-1.6 )
April 16th, 2009: Weight 443.8 (-4.4 )
April 9th, 2009: Weight 448.2 (-1.6 )
April 2nd, 2009: Weight 449.8 (-2.0 )

March 26th, 2009: Weight 451.8 (-1.4)
March 19th, 2009: Weight 453.2 (-1.8 )
March 12th, 2009: Weight 455.0 (-1.6 )
March 5th, 2009: Weight 456.6 (-1.2 )

February 26th, 2009: Weight 457.8 (-3.6 )
February 19th, 2009: Weight 461.4 (-1.8 )
February 12th, 2009: Weight 463.2 (-1.4 )
February 5th, 2009: Weight 464.6 (-1.6 )

January 29th , 2009: Weight 466.2 (-3.4 )
January 22nd , 2009: Weight 469.6 (-2.2 )
January 15th , 2009: Weight 471.8 (-1.4 )
January 7th , 2009: Weight 473.2 (-3.4 )
January 1st , 2009: Weight 476.6 (-1.8 )

December 25th , 2008: Weight 478.4 (-1.8 )
December 18th , 2008: Weight 480.2 (-5.0 )
December 11th , 2008: Weight 485.2 (-1.8 )
December 4th , 2008: Weight 487.0 (-2.8 )

November 27th , 2008: Weight 489.8 (-1.8 )
November 20th , 2008: Weight 491.6 (-4.6 )
November 13th , 2008: Weight 496.2 (-2.6 )
November 6th , 2008: Weight = 498.8 (-2.6 )

October 30th , 2008: Weight = 501.4 (-3.4 )
October 23rd , 2008: Weight = 504.8 (-5.2 )
October 16th , 2008: Weight = 510.0 (-1.4 )
October 9th, 2008: Weight = 511.4 (-2.0 )
October 2nd , 2008: Weight = 513.4 (-3.4 )

September 25th , 2008: Weight = 516.8 (-5.8 )
September 18, 2008: Weight = 522.6
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Postby Bambie113 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:54 am

Goodmorning, no lose, no gain. Yesterday.. Well yesterday was my birthday.. I'll just say that.
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Postby sksamboots » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:00 am


I'm down 2 pounds this week. I got 5 hours of exercise in. Keep on keepin on everyone :D
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:35 am

LauraA wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote:
LauraA wrote:
cowgirrlup wrote:On plan, but fell off yesterday.

My own fault and I have forgiven myself. I was having a very bad day with my Mom (Alzheimer's) and I had a minor pity party and ate some not MWL things. They actually were McD allowed foods, just not MWL and that's still no excuse.

I am back on plan today and will work on not using that excuse (my mom) any more since that can only get worse.

WE can do this. :D

You are wise cowgirlup, my mom's alzheimer's is really getting bad, and there is no way to fix that! The only way that I can feel better is to take care of myself!! Take care, LauraA

Thank you, LauraA. My gosh, I truly didn't realize what a terrible disease it is. Its got to be 100% worse than what I thought it was. I wish you and your Mom and your family all the best. You will all be in my prayers.

We can do this!

Thanks so much - I'll be thinking of you and yours also. There are two really good books - The 36 Hour Day, and one about Validation Therapy. I don't have them with me, so I don't know authors. Anyway, you are right - so awful. It doesn't help that my mom's primary caregiver is my step Dad, 93, and not doing well himself. We (my siblings and I) have a hard time taking charge of anything, because they don't want us telling them what do do! Anyway, as we said, we can take care of ourselves!! Take care, LauraA

I am going to have the library here get those books for me. Thank you!

You have double the load that I do as my father passed away a few years ago.

My Mom uses her own definitions for words now because she never can remember the words, but the definitions really never make any sense even to me. I am still trying to figure out what "obumboo" is...she apparently needs it for something. :D

You're right, we can take care of ourselves.

stay safe,
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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:36 am

Bambie you are mid way through. Laura congrats on hitting 45.

I'm down .8 this week. I'm happy.

It was hot here, I got walks in Thursday, Monday and Tuesday. Only core day was Thursday :? I did work hard physcially around home over the weekend though.

I'm just happy it's down.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:36 am

I stayed the same again this week.. :oops: ....I guess from my one meal pity party.. :lol:

I will be extra diligent this week.

WE can do this.
I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long.

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Postby LauraA » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:30 am

Bambie113 wrote:Goodmorning, no lose, no gain. Yesterday.. Well yesterday was my birthday.. I'll just say that.

Well, Happy Birthday! take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:44 am

June 21, 2009 - 488 (-31 from Dec. 2007 lifetime high)
June 28 - 488 (unchanged due to quitting 3 daily doses of diuretics)

July 5 - 485 ( -3 )
July 12 - 478 ( -7 )
July 19 - 476 ( -2 )
July 26 - 475 ( -1 )

August 2 - 456 ( -19 ) ** (resumed diuretic and diabetic meds)
August 9 - 449 ( -7 )
August 16 - 454 ( +5 )
August 23 - 444 ( -10 ) (tried stopping lasix again -- no go)

Please put me down for a -5 this week. I don't want to take credit for any weight I've had to lose more than once.

It became apparent after less than a week that when I'm off lasix, any water I retain goes straight to my bad left leg. Since that's the worst possible thing that could happen, it's become quite clear to me that for the time being I have to keep taking the pills regardless of how much I'd rather not.

We're starting on making and eating lots of soup now, so that should also help out a lot with weight loss.
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Postby mlk58 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:32 pm

I'm on plan and planning to stay that way! No loss or gain this week -- just holding steady after a big loss last week. Hopefully the "Whoosh Fairy" will come again soon and "whoosh" some more weight off!
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Postby LauraA » Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:38 pm

Faith in DC wrote: Laura congrats on hitting 45

Thanks for noticing, Faith! I've still got 5 more to lose to be down by 50 pounds by my birthday, which is at the beginning of Oct. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby MaryW » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:07 pm

I'm down 2.2 pounds this week. Woo hoo!

LauraA--you're beating me by two tenths of a pound! But no, I'm not competitive at all. :-D

My only exercise this week has been my yoga class at work. I love it though! I'm so excited by the things I am able to do, and the things I am able to do better now that I have lost weight.

I'm taking my mom out for the day tomorrow for her birthday. We're going to a botanical garden and then out to dinner. I had thought about doing some kind of cake for her. Cuz you gotta have cake on your birthday, right? But I think it will be better for both of us if we DON'T have cake--even a McDougall approved one.
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Postby Anna Green » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:37 pm

Hello. I down .8 lb today.

Exercise: 5 days this week from 15 min of intense exercise to 40 min.
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