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Postby toadfood » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:49 am

Letha, I love your turtle theme! It's a message I need to remind myself of. The last time I lost a really substantial amount of weight, I got off track when I became impatient and wanted faster results. I ended up gaining all of it back and then some, and now I'm losing again.

Wow, it's February 1 and we are already on page 2 of the thread! Today I'll be food shopping, cooking, and doing laundry. Last night I baked a butternut squash and a bunch of sweet potatoes. Today I'm making baked beans, sloppy lentils, and a big pot of steel cut oats. That and some green veggies will get me through the week.


I have to stay with my turtle energy. Slow and steady wins the race. -- Letha
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Postby BatGrrl » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:08 am

I've been following the McD plan off and on for three years, but religiously for the last 13 months. The food has been relatively easy for me, the exercise, not so much. Oh, I have plenty of excuses, like multiple injuries and surgeries, but they are just that - excuses! In the month of January, I re-introduced exercise into my daily routine and am feeling fantastic. I'm not losing weight, but am definitely losing inches and feeling and looking better.

Slow and steady, slow and steady - my goals for February are to stay on MWL, exercise daily, attend the 3-day McD weekend and enjoy life!

Yesterday - 100min on the treadmill; today - weight training and maybe some treadmill later.

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Postby Clary » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:47 am

Mild Oats wrote:Last night I dreamt I was "frying" potatoes in the oven and they kept multiplying. I was scooping pounds and pounds of potato slices out of the oven. Strange.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby mairead11 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:18 pm

Have been doing well this week. Went and visited a friends house, and luckily she offered that we could order in chinese. secretly I was doing the "happy dance" that I could get exactly what I wanted [steamed broccoli with brown rice, and brown sauce on the side...no oil of course]. It was a little embarrassing as it was from the "DIETERS SPECIALS" [it was set in bold and large type...why? I don't know!]. Anyway, I had my lovely dinner, with lovely company, and they never questioned my order [being a big girl, I'm sure they knew why!].

Not into the Superbowl, so I'm getting lots prepared for the week. And catching up on some threads here...usually I only have time to check out this MWL thread!

Hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend.
Mairead :-D
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I'm in

Postby walker1 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:11 pm

I'd like to join as well.

My small victory for January aside from staying on the regular plan was giving up coffee.

For February, I'd like to concentrate on MWL. I've created a menu for this week -- same basic breakfast and lunch each day and three dinner options to switch around. My challenge for the month will be to avoid the pitas, bread, or tortillas. I know it's slowing my losses.

Have a nice evening everyone,
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Postby wendysmiling » Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:26 am

I understand the turtle very well and am glad to see it addressed here. It took me 4 years to lose 112 lbs, which I didn't gain anyback until being put on cortisone. 25 pounds a year sometimes makes it hard to keep your focus. :( I'm turtling here too and it helps here when my attitude needs adjusting! :D :D

toadfood wrote:Letha, I love your turtle theme! It's a message I need to remind myself of. The last time I lost a really substantial amount of weight, I got off track when I became impatient and wanted faster results. I ended up gaining all of it back and then some, and now I'm losing again.

WendySmiling :-)
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Postby bigdoglover » Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:48 am

I'm bad in too! WE were on a week long driving trip form WV to KS and back so I ate at restaurants but only gained 5 lbs. Thought that wasn't really too bad since I did order pan cakes everyday. Now back on the plan.... I MUST stick with this. I am going to my son's wedding in Sept. so I need to be smaller. I've lost 29 lbs so far (started last Sept)
I love the turtle idea too. I have always loved turtles and the Indian symbolism.
I'll hang in there with all of you. Deanna in WV
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Postby Letha » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:10 am

Happy Groundhog Day. I am soooooo ready for spring!

I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I purchased a couple of DVD’s from McDougall based on an enthusiastic recommendation from Steve in another discussion thread. I bought ‘The Pleasure Trap’ & ‘Losing Weight without Losing Your Mind’. I had read the book, ‘The Pleasure Trap’ and was already a big fan, but I’m now looking forward to watching both DVD’s so I can absorb even more reinforcing wisdom to keep me on the right path.

Speaking of spending money, I also bought some new spices on-line from Rani Spices & Penzeys Spices. I’m looking forward to getting those in the mail. And since I haven’t totally blown my mad money for the month of February, I’m thinking I might also pick up some exercise bands so I can do a little light resistance work.
Later Gators :cool:
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Postby MelissaB » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:34 am

I'm joining in for February!
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Postby topview1 » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:44 am

Good morning and welcome to a new beginning... we can do this!

The Pleasure Trap is very helpful to figure out what is going on in our bodies and heads... physically, socially, etc. I found/find it very helpful.

I've been doing my fit10 for a week now and am starting to feel results. 10 minutes each day= 70minutes each work, and doesn't even feel like work... I think I have found the exercise program that I need :)

Has been McDougall, but not MWL for a few days, mcdougall pizza on spelt crust Friday night, I took pizza for supper to visit our new nephew/BIL/SIL to see the new baby and to have BIL fix my computer. I ate a lot, easy to see why whole grain bread products are not part of the program. I estimate that it was about 1 1/2c. of flour in the amount of crust I ate (I made it from flour I ground, so I knew there was no oil or anything), that is a lot of calories at a shot, especially compared to rice or potatoes. Dressing with tahini on it one day and a bit of dessert from the McDougall made easy DVD also over the weekend. Not bad, but cuts into my get healthy on the fast track mwl plan. So that finished out last week and month...

On plan and planning to stay that way today (this week, month!)

I feel good, even on day two of my cycle. This is the first complete mwl cycle, and I can't believe the difference. I hardly had any cramps and the grouchy pms stuff didn't happen. No bloating, but a bit of craving for comfort food, hence the regular stuff mentioned above. I can deal with this!!!! Just one more reason to McDougall.
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Postby Anndreak » Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:13 am

Hey Everyone!! I am really excited about the new month! This weekend I strayed off of the MWL diet some but I am back on track today!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a fun Super Bowl Day, if you watched it. I went to a SB party but I think I only watched 10minutes total!

I invited my own little potato skins for the party and they were a big hit!

Nuke potatoes for 10-12minutes till they are soft. Then let them cool down some before you pick them up! (burned my hands a few times yesterday)

Cut them Vertically and scoop out the middle (save the scoops for some mash potatoes later)

I put them all on a cookie sheet, sprinkled pepper and onion flakes on them.

Put them in the oven at 450 for 25-30 mins till crispy.

I made a tomato sauce with chick peas for the fillers.

sauted some onion, garlic and a can of drained diced tomatoes. Added some taco seasoning to it. Blended that up, threw in the chick peas and rushed to the party! Very good no one missed the sour cream and bacon (with a few exceptions but oh well to them)

OOO I lost 3lbs over the weekend! FINALLY! I havent lost weight in 2 weeks!
~ Anndrea
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Joining in Februay

Postby SoulWings » Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:08 am

Good morning....I'm motivated to join in for February. I really do need to move more and although I started to do the eating makeover, I must move MORE.
I believe I have lost just about 8 pounds but the doctor's office scale is the true measure since all scales and times weighed are different. I'll go by my scale at home for the time being.
What was the simple food for this month? Or is it by choice.
I like brown rice and will cook 5-6 cups or in my rice cooker, then portion out 1/2 to1 cup portions and store them in wax paper in a freezer storage bag in the freezer. When I have it (several times a week) i remove it from the freezer and microwave to heat up. Easy and less effort each day.
I also like shredded potatoes with a little green onion for color. I fix pseudo latkes from time to time without the fat and egg. I could make sweet potato pseudo latkes and zucchini pseudo latkes?
Thanks for this forum. Have a happy Monday.
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Postby Bambie113 » Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:11 am

Thats a great weight loss anndreak! Its so motivating to see the numbers drop even when its other peoples! Knowing its going to happen at some point or another helps.
I had a good Super Bowl too.. Other than the game.. Too bad for the cardinals :cry:
But I did make some great potatoe frys and then dumped an awesome bean dip I made on top! My parents had just eaten a whole plate of wings and said they'd wished they'd eaten less to have some of mine! They are super super super slowly coming around to the idea of eating less meat. :-) And I snacked on mini sweet peppers inbetween. Yum!
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I am so in!

Postby auntemmy » Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:57 am

The last time I tried to do this was in November and I had so many personal problems that while I did stay (mostly) McDougal, I could not begin to MWL. I'm really glad there is a new thread for February, it makes me feel like I'm in the loop. I seriously need to lose some weight and I have done it before with MWL. My biggest problem is BREADS. Corn tortillas, ww tortillas. pretzels, ww bread etc. Any thoughts or ideas about staying away from these things for the time being would really be appreciated. I am starting my day with a bowl of Broccoli and "Cheese" soup from the recipe Kai posted in the Recipes forum. Really delicious! Now, anyone know how to "just say no" to bread?

What's taters, precious?
Po-ta-toes? Boil 'em. mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?
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Postby Babstitches » Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:34 am

Count me in too, looking forward to seeing everyone's post.

Linda, I would like to hear about the 10-day program.
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