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Postby Starchyme » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:40 am

Hi, all. Are we posting our exercise here or on Roberta's Corner?

Mine today is to do a housecleaning marathon! Really needed a snowstorm to keep me in a full day and it's like a blizzard out there right now.

As for my menu, I commit to 100% McDougall's regular program today. Not posting my foods cause I tend to change it from minute to minute.

Enjoy your McDougalling day!
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Postby LauraA » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:52 am

HealthE1 wrote:Hi, all. Are we posting our exercise here or on Roberta's Corner?

Mine today is to do a housecleaning marathon! Really needed a snowstorm to keep me in a full day and it's like a blizzard out there right now.

As for my menu, I commit to 100% McDougall's regular program today. Not posting my foods cause I tend to change it from minute to minute.

Enjoy your McDougalling day!

Several of us are going to post our weekly exercise successes here on Sunday - kind of like posting our weight loss on Thursday, but there will be nothing to add up! It helps me to report to our group how I'm doing. Join us! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby MrsIrishOD » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:07 am

I'm in for March.

Though I am not seeing the results I would hope to, I am certain this is a healthy eating style. So, I'm just hoping the pounds decide to jump ship at some point.

I did lose 3 in. from my waist which I think is fabulous!

I have a doctor visit today. I met with him 6 months ago and discussed losing weight and lowering my blood pressure. Well, I've only lost a few pounds since I met with him and my blood pressure has not come down. I guess I'll be starting a low dose med based on his recommendation. I've tried several herbal remedies and nothing has worked.

I do want to get bloodwork done to see where my cholesterol is. Hopefully that's gone down.
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Postby Letha. » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:10 am

LauraA, I’ve got “Paul’s Two Cup Veggie Soup” on the menu this week. If all goes according to plan, I’ll be making that up tomorrow. This will be my first time to try okra. :)

Bambie113 wrote:Goodmorning! I'm in for March. I went window shopping yesterday and fit into a size 6 for the first time in almost 3 years! I'm very happy!

Congratulations on your excellent results. I know you’ll reach your goal lickity split! :nod:

Riva, I think I’m going to have to add plum vinegar to my weekly grocery list. I’ve never tried it before.

Mairead11, You are really hitting the exercise hard. I’m impressed. I agree with you that March is going to be the best month yet!!

Welcome Tam, Hang in there with us for March and I know you’ll be pleased with the results.

Karen, I’m hoping to score some stickers this week. I’ll report back on that front.

I’m doing well today. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Got my menu and shopping list for the week done yesterday. Things are moving along nicely. I love this group!
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Postby potatolicious » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:11 am

Just checking in this morning. I wanted to share some things I did (old news to all of you, I'm sure) to make things go more smoothly. This weekend I made extra brown rice and froze it in portion-size bags. I also baked lots of sweet and regular potatoes to keep on hand. I mentioned my frustration last week with trying new recipes that didn't go so well, so I'm limiting (not eliminating) the new stuff, and having lots of "convenience food" around. I'm hoping for an easier week both with food prep and mentally, and a successful weight-loss week as well.

Happy Monday!
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I'm in for March

Postby walker1 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:41 am

Good morning!

I started MWL in February but really struggled with bread. I think I'm doing better with those cravings. I recently read The Beck Diet Solution -- not a diet book but a book to help you diet -- and there was good info. in there on how I can deal with cravings.

My exercise goal for the day is to do 3 miles on the treadmill and walk the dogs at the lake.

Have a nice day everyone,
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I'd like to try again!

Postby busymomof4 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:59 am

I think I'm at my highest weight ever, and I've got to do something now. I've always eaten lots of salads & veggies, but bread & sweets are a BIG weakness for me. So, starting today, my goal is 100% McDougall. I may try a few days of MM, we'll see how that goes. I'd really like to lose 16 lbs. in the next 4 months (beach vacation). I think that should be pretty doable. I just feel like I need some accountability.

I'm having trouble with sciatica right now, but hopefully once I heal I'll be able to exercise again. I really miss the gym. :-(
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Postby potatolicious » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:54 am


I hope your sciatica heals quickly. I just got over a short bout of it myself. Hope this isn't TMI, but it came with Aunt Flo, and left with her. I hope this won't happen every month. :shock:

Do you do any exercises for it?

Take care,
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Postby MelissaB » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:16 am

I'm in again!
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Postby LauraA » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:30 am

walker1 and busymomof4 - I think that you were the two who recently posted about cravings. My best information on cravings came from The Pleasure Trap - book and video. What has worked for me is to totally eliminate everything that I might overeat. That's really why I'm doing MWL. If I have any bread, then I'm gone. Same goes for nuts. Once a few years ago, I bought a big bag of nuts, got some snack size zip lock bags, and counted out nut servings. Pretty soon I had opened up all of the bags, and eaten all of the nuts - even the frozen ones! Now, I really, really have no cravings! It is great! Take care, LauraA
Last edited by LauraA on Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Take care, LauraA

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I'm In!

Postby 141 by 41 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:54 pm

March Goals:

1. 45-60 minutes of cardio, 5-6 times per week
2. Eating healthy, real (unprocessed) foods
3. Water, water, water :D

Looking forward to measuring the inches lost at the end of the month!!!! :cool:
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Postby topview1 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:48 pm

I'll check in with exercise on Mondays, as I stay off the computer on Sundays...

Has a feast weekend, so likely won't see much loss on Thursday, but it was a blessed time with people that we haven't see in a while and who tried really hard to make food we could enjoy.

I bought my stickers in the toy section of a dollar store. It is a little book with 700 small smile and stars in it.

On plan and planning to stay that way today.

Did a ton of fast house cleaning today, my helper came in this morning and she keeps me hopping. Fit 10 too.
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Postby busymomof4 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:05 pm

potatolicious wrote:busymom,

I hope your sciatica heals quickly. I just got over a short bout of it myself. Hope this isn't TMI, but it came with Aunt Flo, and left with her. I hope this won't happen every month. :shock:

Do you do any exercises for it?

Take care,

Thanks for the well wishes. :) I do have exercises to do for it, but I'm just now able to do them. For 2-3 days, I could barely walk & most of the time I was lying down. It would definitely be worse if it were that time of the month. I have really bad cramps some months into my back. NOT fun. :(
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Postby amyrn » Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:39 pm

Hello Everyone!

I am new to the MWL, just started it today! I have done McDougall in the past. Now, I want to get my energetic, healthy self back...For Good! This support group is a wonderful idea.

Workout Plan: 3 x Week
30-40 minutes brisk walking on incline

Weight Goal: 145 lbs.
Current Weight: 170 lbs.

Self Goal: To be the healthiest nurse around!

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Postby LauraA » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:19 pm

Welcome Amyrn - We're glad to have you join us! Your goals look great. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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