I'm up for a challenge

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Postby Mom to B and C » Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:57 pm

9 pounds!!! WOW! You both sound like you are doing so well on this plan it inspires me since my scale has not moved in four days (two on Mary mini). This is strange for me since if I focus on what I am eating I usually lose quickly. I usually lose weight by doing a lower fat but egg white and lean ground turkey with veggies diet. I stick to it until it's just too gross and then I go back to vegan and my weight slowly goes back up. I really enjoy a vegan diet and that is not difficult. I just have trouble with portion size and staying away from vegan pancakes, muffins, hummus etc...

This has been easy to stick with. I like potatoes, they are easy to cook and I like fresh salsa, dijon mustard and bbq sauce. I also like green veggies. I hope it starts to show on the scale!!

Breakfast: mashed potatoes (about 1 1/2) with dijon mustard, lettuce greens, piece of broccoli and some strawberries.
Lunch: mashed potatoes with dijon, lettuce greens, raw baby carrots.
Snack: 5 strawberries
Dinner: 1 1/2 baked potatoes with bbq sauce, piece of broccoli, asparagus, raw carrots and cooked mushrooms. two sips of red wine.

No exercise today except following kids around the science museum.

Did it take anyone a few days for the scale to register your weight loss?
Mom to B and C
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:43 pm

Postby golduchi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:47 am

Yes it does take a few days, at least for me. It seems like it would be a good idea to weigh once a week but I don't have the patients. Maybe after this becomes more of a routein.
I keep burning the hash browns! Gotta go!
B: Hash black and ketchup
L: no plans yet.....
Have a good day!
Start each day anew, with no baggage from yesterday. Golduchi
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Location: Tracy, Ca


Postby golduchi » Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:44 pm

Here is a link to a great recipe
http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/03/cr ... atoes.html

It is not perfect in the fatfree catagory, but it can be easily modified. I did not add the soy milk and adjusted the spices to suit my cabinet. At first I thought no way this is gross, but as it cooks, the sauce that is, add some salt, and the fat gooey cheese cravings are gone. I just added the sauce to some boiled potatoes and wa la!
Start each day anew, with no baggage from yesterday. Golduchi
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Location: Tracy, Ca


Postby Mom to B and C » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:17 pm

Lost 1/2 a pound in three days. Frustrating! I will stick with it for the entire 10 days that Dr. McDougall recommends before I pass judgement on it. I do feel a little better and like I said last night, it is not difficult to stick with. Got hungry two hours after lunch.

Breakfast - One and 1/2 baked potatoes, tbsp dijon, tbsp bbq sauce, broccoli, lettuce and carrot sticks and five strawberries

Lunch - 1 medium baked potato, dijon mustard, bbq sauce, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, 4 strawberries.

Snack - 1 1/2 cups of hash browns and tbsp of dijon mustard

Dinner - 2 medium baked potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, dijon mustard and bbq sauce. 1 glass of wine

coffee and water during day.

No exercise.
Mom to B and C
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Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:43 pm

Bad choices morning

Postby golduchi » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:55 pm

We went out this morning for breakfast. I am finding more and more difficult to order food these days. We wnet to IHOP and I thought I might get a baked potato but they do not offer one on the menu. I ended up with an omlet stuffed with vegetariean black bean chili and hash browns. Now you know the hash browns were cooked in fat and the cheese that was all over the omlet was not mentioned on the menu. I should have just asked for a bowl of the chili and a bowl of fruit.
It's almost two and I am not yet hungry for lunch, I guess I ate too much for breakfast. The scale jumped up a bit this morning, I was bummed. I need to stay off that thing.
Start each day anew, with no baggage from yesterday. Golduchi
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Location: Tracy, Ca


Postby Mom to B and C » Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:22 pm

This was the toughest day yet but I stuck to it except for half of a fat free (no oil, eggs or dairy) piece of bread. I am feeling a lot better. Golduchi, it must be difficult to eat out! We don't eat out very often with two small children so it is easier to say no to take-out then to food in the restaurant. I read your other post and I think that it is fine to switch your starch since you've been doing the mini since the 1st right? I think that the idea is to not offer too much variety for ten days. I would think that it would be good to switch to another starch if it means that you stick with it.

Breakfast - baked potato, broccoli, carrots, dijon mustard

Lunch - Three small "tri-colored" potatoes, lettuce, asparagus, dijon and bbq sauce, 1 cup of blueberries, carrots.

snack - two small potatoes, lettuce with balsamic vinegar, dijon.

Dinner - mashed potatoes (about 2.5 medium potatoes), lettuce, broccoli, carrots, dijon, five strawberries, glass of wine, small piece of fat-free bread, small piece of apple.
Mom to B and C
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Postby Mom to B and C » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:39 pm

This was a tough day. I was very hungry mid-afternoon. I think that I am not eating enough potato at my meals since I get sick of them and then it hits me a few hours later. I probably need to eat smaller meals every two hours instead of three bigger meals and a snack.

Exercise today - Longer run in AM and "New York Body Plan" weight and exercise ball workout tonight.

Breakfast - Mashed potatoes (about 1.5 potatoes), broccoli, carrots, dijon mustard, coffee.

Lunch - Three small tri-colored potatoes baked, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, 8 strawberries.

Snack - veggie sushi roll with soy sauce and half a piece of non-fat bread.
carrots and dijon.

Dinner - two small potatoes, broccoli, carrots, dijon and fresh salsa. very small glass of wine, tea.

Saving another small potato for a snack later if I get hungry.
Mom to B and C
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Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:43 pm

Postby Bons52983 » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:00 am

Mom to B & C
Try to eat more veggies when you get hungry, not more potatoes. Eat whenever you get hungry. About 50-75% of what you eat should be veggies, cooked or raw. You don't ever have to be hungry. Eventually you wont be hungry all the time.. In fact eventually you lose your appetite and food becomes... well... a substance used to silence the pangs and not an entertainment. :D

Look at the plates

It works for me. keep on keepin' on, you can do it.
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Postby scottp » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:32 am

Bons52983 wrote:Try to eat more veggies when you get hungry, not more potatoes. Eat whenever you get hungry. About 50-75% of what you eat should be veggies, cooked or raw.

I don't mean to be contrary but... According o the MWL book the green and yellow veggies should only be 1/3 to 1/2 (33-50%) of what you eat. The satisfying part of the meal is the starchy food (e.g. potatoes).

And to agree with you...
Bons52983 wrote:You don't ever have to be hungry.

Some more quotes from the MWL book:

"What everyone who wants to lose weight must first realize is that the hunger drive was not meant to be ignored or suppressed. It was designed by nature to be powerful, sometimes overwelmingly so, in order to keep you alive."

"Eat until you are satisfied ... When you're full, you are not as strongly tempted to eat foods ouside the program."

"Graze. Eat six or more small meals a day and snack frequently on the recommended foods."

Hope this is helpful.

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Postby golduchi » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:55 am

It's funny, I haven't been hungry at all these days. I don't even wake up hungry which is odd, as I usually get up in the middle of the night when my stomach is growling.
I seem to have hit a slowing in the pounds dropping. No change in the scale these past few days. I think I haven't had enough potatoes, too much other good stuff around. Today I will concentrate on the potato. I had some rice yesterday, but I think I prefer the potato.

B: Hash browns and Ketchup
L: Baked potato with something
D: Mashed potato and salad

Everyone have a great day!
Start each day anew, with no baggage from yesterday. Golduchi
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Location: Tracy, Ca

Starting a new month

Postby golduchi » Tue May 01, 2007 9:35 am

I think I'm going to keep going on the mini. I like the simplicity and if I feel the need for something else I can just make a quick switch at a meal.
I lost about 8 lbs the first month. I noticed a slow down the last week. I wasn't on plan totally so I hope to get back on track this week. I have a kitchen full of good vegan food and loads of potatoes, so no excuses!
I am at the point now where I generally go back to my old ways because the weight loss has slowed down. I have very little patients. I think I need to start exercising, walking at least. It may help with my motivation.
I plan to make some hummis today. I am also going to a breakfast tea this morning. Stick to the fruit this morning as I know any potatos will be smothered in cheese and soup. Such a waste...
I hope some of you will stay with me. I'll try to post more regularly, God Bless!
Start each day anew, with no baggage from yesterday. Golduchi
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