March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Svenja » Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:20 pm


Usually I post my Saturday morning weight ... but I will be so busy tomorrow morning. So I'll use todays weight.

I lost one pound this week.

I early off to the hairdresser and then I am off to 25 year wedding anniversary. I was asked to bring some vegan cake for the afternoon coffee and cake reception after church.
It will be interesting if there will be food for me in the evening. It a very traditional countryside restaurant were the evening celebration will be. ... usually all potatoes and vegetables are covered in butter or creamy sauce ... or cheese.
there will surly be bread and salad ...

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:08 am

Sue - Hi Sue, sorry I've been somewhat removed this week. :) I'm so glad to hear that you and your husband are doing so well. It does make this easier to have your partner eating this way, or at least happy to accommodate. I used to bake way more muffins and banana breads too... all great recipes, no added-oils, whole grain whole-wheat and animal products...but once the kids went to bed I would just eat them all up! LOL. I've had to cut way back on the baking and stick to special occasions, like you. With regards to the maintenance section, I'm happy to record your place there, or just keep you in the regular section. What kind of accountability do you think will work best for you? Checking in without weighing in anymore because the up and down fluctuations will negatively nag at you...or... weighing in weekly in order to know that you are staying within a range that you are happy with. They will each be equally motivating depending on your temperament and recent past successes/failures. What do you think?

Ann - Wow, that's a big loss! I hope you are truly feeling back to your old self soon. Your food sounds simple and delicious. Best wishes this week. :)

Landog - Glad to be of service! That quote from Jeff is the perfect summary of how to do this right. Have a good travel day. How do you eat this way while on the road? Any tips?

Kelly - Yay! Yes...yes...keep coming back. This is how good it can be. Celebrate and remember so that when its not going as well you have something to aspire to.
Congratulations on a great week.

Chris - I'm glad you're checking in. You'll get back to it when you're ready. The guidelines are simple, but figuring out how to apply them consistently is the tricky part. I know that you know all of this and I'm really just trying to say, I'm with you and completely understand how the tough weeks feel. This is a bumpy path we're travelling, and hopefully we can point out any large rocks on the road to each other to help avoid a fall. Its great that you've been keeping up the exercise.

Moonlight - I'm so pleased that you keep working at it too. I love it, a lovingly stern talk.... tell yourself, I am going to follow the guidelines this week. :) I am going to prepare these dishes (think of 2 or 3 maybe) on Sunday evening and bake some potatoes. I am going to have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I am going to smile while I chop veggies and dance while I make the rice on Tuesday night. If I make a mistake that I regret, I will think through why it happened and see if there is an alternative way to approach that situation in the future. I will persevere, I will rise above my historic habits! I will just keep working at it. XO

kirsty - Double yay! Feeling positive and husband support...that's a good week if ever I heard one. It's great that you've identified a few areas for attention and improvement. I also used to deal with restaurants the way you did. I would decide I would be fine and order something as close to the guidelines as possible when I wasn't yet hungry. Those were my 2 errors, allowing leniency into my choices before even getting there and assuming I could still make a rational choice when my motivational factors (hunger drive, energy levels) were different than when I had originally contemplated the situation. It was a recipe for failure. Not that you asked, so I hope I'm not overstepping here, the way I navigate restaurants is very different now. I always know what's on the menu before I go somewhere and have an idea of what I can order. We now tend to go to the same types of places over and over (luckily I have found Japanese restaurants that are casual and fancy, so can meet the needs of both business and pleasure dining). I also accept that I am going to pay a high price for something that I could eat much more cheaply at home, but make peace with that and make it about the social interaction. I do not begrudge anyone else eating whatever they want and still managing it be thinner than me either. I accept I don't get to have that freedom (and then I quickly count my blessings if any resentful thoughts start to creep
I wish you so much success this week with your very realistic goals. We are cheering for you Kirsty! For anyone who is interested in how the McDougalls recommend navigating restaurants here is Mary McDougall in Dining Out When You Must.

olalka - Great loss! I had to pack food for the last wedding that I went to, but out of the last 3 weddings, 2 of them accommodated quite nicely. Sometimes talking to your server can help. It's a fixed plate usually, but I always ask if they can remove dressings...or ask if they have fresh fruit. Is there any chance of veggies or potatoes before they oil them? I always get the answer no, at first. So if I notice any sort of kindness in the body language of my server I will tell them why..something like I appreciate them checking with the kitchen, I totally understand why you wouldn't be able, it's not allergies, or a health condition, I just lost this huge amount of weight and I am so scared to gain it all back that I don't want to take any chances. [small half smile]...then I say don't worry about bringing me out anything...and again I say I just don't want to chance it. Invariably I end up with a plate with something on it...sometimes its only steamed veggies and a potato or rice, but I am always so lifted up by the way a stranger will rise to help you when they know you really appreciate it and need it. Here's a cool Tedtalk about this guy who wanted to explore the idea of rejection and what would happen if he asked some pretty crazy things of strangers with kindness and no expectations. What I Learned from my 100 days of Rejection: Jia Jiang. Have a fun night tomorrow!

Svenja - Have a lovely time tomorrow! Congratulations on the loss this week. :)
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Suey51 » Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:59 am

Hello everyone,

Thanks Ann. Yes, I've got a few more things on my list now - mostly not food - and I've re-categorised some activities as treats, like buying myself a newspaper or going to a yoga class! So we'll see how that goes. Your food sounds yummy! Congrats on your loss this week :-D

Thanks Amy. I'm worried that stopping weighing-in = going 'off the rails' = slipping outside my ideal weight range, so would prefer to keep weighing in if that's OK with you. That might change over time, but I'm very conscious of my newbie status / those probationary McDougall plates at the moment!

I stumbled across this thread in The Lounge What helped you make a permanent change? and thought it might be of interest to this group, particularly anyone struggling with motivation or the practicalities of staying compliant. That certainly includes me on my 'off' days!

Best wishes to everyone - keep working at it!

Best wishes, Sue
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Sundog » Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:16 pm

Weight 228.9 released 1.0 lbs

Hi everyone! Slow and steady brings healthy changes! :D

Haven’t had time to read all of your entries and have to go do taxes today,
Have a healthy nutritious week feeding your body a colorful rainbow of health!
Best, Sundog
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:12 am

Hello All!

Thank you so much for checking in this week. Lately, its been a tight little group and I'm so thrilled with the support that we are providing for each other. By helping ourselves, we help each other...just as by helping each other we help ourselves. Each of you has been teaching a lesson to the group, whether you realize it or not. :)
Moonlight, Sundog and Olalka have shown us how consistent effort will produce consistent results. They inspire me each and every week with their dedication. Landog, Kirsty and Kelly have been eating this way for quite awhile and teach that one can have much success by persistence over time, each with great successes behind them and looking to continue that growth. The lesson that Ann, Svenja and I teach is to never give up! Losses don't always occur immediately, but as lessons are learned those experiences lead to the wisdom that one must Know Themselves in order to keep motivated while making big changes. It doesn't end once the big changes have been made, either, as Sue and Chris exemplify. Maintaining a weight loss takes just that...maintenance, which is continued effort to repeat the patterns that got you there in the first place.
Thank you for all of your efforts! XO

Sue posted an interesting discussion that's going on in The Lounge right now, What helped you to make a permanent change?. The entire McDougall community is a great resource of experience, wisdom, friendship, debate and help. Tap into all of those minds when you think you need just a little bit more to keep your motivation high.
On that train of thought, I'll leave you with the words of Dr. McDougall on Overcoming Four Greatest Obstacles to Following the McDougall Diet:
Dr McDougall wrote: I don’t know how we attract so many interesting, intelligent, and pleasant people.” Typically, our clients are well educated and successful. They also demand the best life can offer. Soon after they discover the importance of food, they make efforts to switch to a starch-centered diet. That’s where the McDougall Programs and Trips help. My final words of reassurance are: Our principles of diet and exercise are simple and basic—no gimmicks. The Program always works. But your success may require overcoming the common obstacles...

Best wishes to all of you this week working on your obstacles to success. Continue to be a ray of light in your own and someone else's life!


PS. Last week I mentioned how proud I was of getting out of the house and starting to walk regularly again - something I had been procrastinating on because its been cold and rainy and I was a little uncomfortable about possible run-ins with local wildlife. I had begun to feel silly about my months-long worries as I marched up the hill and back each day without seeing a single squirrel or even a deer, much less any animals that may actually pose a threat. Then, I got this email on Friday...and all of my caution doesn't feel quite so crazy anymore...even as I realize it is probably quite safe to still go walking. (Those of you who live rurally and are used to occupying space safely and peacefully with the forest animals have my permission to laugh or roll your eyes at all of my silliness :roll: ). I have a feeling its going to take a bit of courage to get me out again anytime soon. :shock: :eek:

Here are the results for the second week in March:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, March 16th, 2018

Total group loss reported in 2018: 128.5 pounds

March 2018 Weight Loss Group :: Monthly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss in January 2018: 54.7 pounds
Total group loss in February 2018: 49.3 pounds
Total group loss in March 2018: 24.5 pounds

Week ending 03/09/2018: 11 participants reported a total loss of 13.4 pounds
Galooop - 2.0
Total gains: 2.0
Suey51 - 1.4
BeHealthy - 6.0
Landog - 1.0
Kkrichar - 3.0
Moonlight - 0.0
Kirstykay - 0.0
Olalka - 2.0
Svenja - 1.0
Sundog - 1.0
amandamechele - 0.0
Total losses: 15.4

Total group loss in March 2018: 24.5 pounds
Week ending 03/09/2018: 11 participants reported a total loss of 13.4 pounds
Week ending 03/02/2018: 12 participants reported a total loss of 11.1 pounds
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:15 am

Congratulations to everyone for showing up, being persistent, and sharing the ups and downs with this group. I love checking in here to get inspiration and tips on how to keep motivated.

Amy, I understand your hesitation about walking in the wild woods with the forest animals. A few years ago I visited some friends in Montana. We took a big can of pepper spray just to walk out to the mailbox (cougars and grizzlies). Kudos to you for getting out there! Maybe invest in some pepper spray; we want you to be checking in every week, too!
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:28 am

moonlight wrote:Congratulations to everyone for showing up, being persistent, and sharing the ups and downs with this group. I love checking in here to get inspiration and tips on how to keep motivated.

Amy, I understand your hesitation about walking in the wild woods with the forest animals. A few years ago I visited some friends in Montana. We took a big can of pepper spray just to walk out to the mailbox (cougars and grizzlies). Kudos to you for getting out there! Maybe invest in some pepper spray; we want you to be checking in every week, too!

Hi Moonlight,

Thank you. :o I do want to keep getting out there and checking in every week. Your friends sound like they live really deep in the woods. When I went to purchase my rain coat at the outdoor store recently I had a talk with the salesperson about bear spray - which maybe is the same thing as pepper spray? It was $50 and came in this big can, the size of a can of spray paint, and it was a one use only product. The CSA said that people tend to use the product improperly when in a tense situation (meaning they accidentally spray themselves due to pointing it backwards or forgetting to check which way the wind is blowing while the bear is charging towards them and, again, end up spraying She also said it is really only effective if you get it right into the eyes of the animal, as it will have no effect on their skin due to their thick fur.
I could totally picture myself being that dopey person spraying myself in the eyes, so I went with an air horn instead. I'm sure I can find a way to misuse that one too, but at least I won't have to check the wind before using it. :lol:

How is your week going so far?

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:47 am

Hi Amy, that's great you got a horn! I really didn't like carrying the big can of spray. I would try to "forget it" while walking around during our backpacking trip and a friend would always remind me to get it! I don't think either of them had actually tried to use it. The horn sounds very reasonable. Wild animals don't really want to mess with us. I hike sometimes by myself. I'm not afraid of wild animals too much. We have black bears in the mountains here. Also have wild boars. The boars scare me the most. Maybe a horn would work. I carry a small pepper spray with me because I'm afraid of people who might want to do harm... I've often thought I'd really have to be calm to use it properly and when in a dangerous situation I'm not sure... I love hiking, though, and it's difficult for me to find hiking partners I enjoy spending the day with in the woods.

I'm having a great beginning to my week. I've kind of dropped off exercising, planning and preparing meals, and have given in to overeating. So, last night and this morning I've submerged myself in the wonderful talks of Dr. Lisle. I've written in my home journal (as well as my journal on this site) and given myself some time to contemplate my actions and come up with a plan to turn the ship. It feels good. I watched the Cram Circuit talk again. I'm preparing for the extinction cravings - 3-4 days of intense craving then hopefully some relief. I'm giving up my night time snack of popcorn. I've been having a love affair with it. It's become a little ritual at night.

How is your week going? Glad you found a way to continue walking in the woods.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby olalka » Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:20 pm

Hey all,

quick update on the wedding :-) bride looked stunning and it was a good night! :-D

I got fed melon for starter, veggie curry for main and lemon sorbet for dessert so alls good in the world, it was thanks to my server who said the chef is always ready to cater for various diets :nod: and of course I took your advice about it Amy :-)

Also, thanks for all the words of encouragement and all the helpful advice and links to videos and all, very helpful!

I have also noticed that my skin is becoming slightly bit loose in the tummy area from all the weight loss so I need to really kick off with the old exercising.... thankfully I have few dvd's I can follow and I take my dogs for 3 mile walks a couple of times a week, perhaps I'll take up running.. I was never into it but who knows, 3 months ago I ate meat and had difficulty climbing a flight of stairs that all changed now so maybe...

till Friday! ;-)
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby ANNAUK » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:27 am

Stayed the same for the second eeek now am super happy as o normally go up and down here to a hopefully loss next week !! Xx
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby olalka » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:38 pm

Reporting 0 loss this week, ah sure at least I am not up after the party and the after party :-D

Started exercising, I find the Pilates for weight loss by Brooke Siler is a great one, not too difficult to follow for a beginner, I got the DVD off Amazon. Also got a rebounder and I started jumping, geeez it's hard going but at least it's fun :)

Fingers crossed I'll be reporting a loss next week.

Cheers everyone and happy St. Patrick's day! :mrgreen:
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Suey51 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:54 am

Greetings group mates!

A gain of 0.6 pounds this week. Still within my target weight range so I’m happy.

My husband lost 1.6 pounds this week. He also had the results of last week’s blood test which measured his overall cholesterol as 4. (I think that’s equal to 155 in the US. It had been 4.9 (189) in December 2016 and 5.9 (228) in May 2013.) He's happy with both numbers :-)

Amy - thanks for your support again and the link to that McDougall newsletter – just what I needed! You are so right: Maintaining a weight loss takes just that...maintenance, which is continued effort to repeat the patterns that got you there in the first place. Re: local wildlife. Yikes! Take care out there xx

Olalka Happy St Patrick's Day!

As Moonlight said so beautifully: Congratulations to everyone for showing up, being persistent, and sharing the ups and downs with this group. I love checking in here to get inspiration and tips on how to keep motivated.

Love Sue xx
Last edited by Suey51 on Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby landog » Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:36 am

Happy Friday! Halfway through our March.

I am down one pound to 161. Will I make it to the 150's this month? Stay tuned!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, olalka!

...stay away from cougars!

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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby kkrichar » Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:59 am

I'm up 0.4 today. Not going to worry about it since I know I stayed on plan.

I think this is the first time I've ever participated in the weigh-in and admitted a weight gain. I usually just avoid weighing-in or I would say no change. So, this is positive personal growth. Thank you all for showing me how to show up no matter what and keep participating in the group. Right now sticking with my food plan isn't hard but I know this won't always be the case. I'll need a solid support system in place when that happens. Consistently showing up and being a part of this group lays the foundation for future success.


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Re: March 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:35 am

This is my first time posting about my weight in this thread, although I’ve been reading a lot here in the past few days. I love the way everyone is so supportive of each other and encouraging, but my progress has been so pitiful, I’ve felt embarrassed to post.

I got really brave though and started a personal journal this past week, it’s called Real and Simple if anyone is interested. Since I shared “about me” in the journal, I won’t repeat every little detail here.

I started the MWL plan December 19, 2017. In the beginning, I gained weight, then I lost a little, then gained again. Through reading this message board and a McDougall Facebook forum I belong to, I realized others had weight gains in the beginning too. I assumed my age, 71, and not so much activity might also have contributed. Years ago, in my forties, I lost around fifty pounds on Weight Watchers, in a matter of a few months. I gradually gained that weight back through the years, plus more.

Before McDougall’s, I went raw for three months, lost about 6 pounds but thought I was going to starve to death. I was cold, craving and hungry all day long, never could get enough smoothies, green or otherwise.

Then I tried Dr. Fuhrman’s plan for a while, but still going crazy with cravings (especially for sweet chocolate thingies) and hungry most of the time.

From day one on the MWL plan the cravings were gone! Even if my weight loss is slow, it’s worth it to me to continue eating this way simply for the peace of mind that comes when I’m not craving food every minute and hour of the day.

I’m learning more and more about the MWL program daily, so I’ve been tweaking here and there as I learn new things, and now the weight is gradually moving downwards. I think in the beginning I felt I had this huge OK to eat all the starchy foods I wanted, so I did!

I also thought I could have maple syrup and other “natural” sweeteners several times daily. I now know, that for me personally, I simply cannot do that if I want to get down to my healthy weight.

On Dec. 19, 2017, I weighed 179 lbs. A lot of extra pounds for my 5’ 2” little frame! Last week I was down to 171.5. Today, Friday, March 16, 2018, I’m down to 170.6.

Please, I beg of you, don’t tell me I’m the slowest loser you’ve ever had in this thread!! :)

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