August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:09 pm

Thank you everyone for your kind words!

Sounds like an amazing week for everyone. Lots of good food choices are showing up on the scale.

I weighed myself this morning, for a starting weight of 126 lbs. Last time I weighed myself the scale read 154, so losing 28 lbs in less than 6 weeks isn’t half bad, but 8+ lbs was a tiny human. Only 16 lbs to go!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:15 pm

victw wrote:Hi all,

I'm down 2.6 for the week.
I like to look back a month - it was 4.2 for the last 4 weeks. This week was a bit of a swoosh week.

Well here's the deal. I hit my goal. BMI of 22.


I'm still not sure about moving from what has been mostly MWL to regular maintenance. I'm intrigued by the phrase "right size body" that I have heard via Bright Line Eating. For me that might actually mean my college or high school weight.

Vic - what about just continuing to eat what you’ve been eating? If you’re happy with the food, there is no need to stop. Sounds like you are still losing at a steady pace.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:10 am

Mark - I'm glad to hear it's improving, those kind of injuries can take quite a bit of time and rest to heal. I hope the physio is helpful. Great loss this week, I look forward to seeing what 100% compliance can do as well, best wishes.

Addicttofood - Welcome, it's great to have you join us for the weigh-ins! Jeff's link does indicate how helpful a tool it can be to stay on track over the long term. If weighing yourself daily will be motivating then go for it, whatever you find works best for your temperament. Great loss this week.

Idgie - I love your chart. Good loss this week, and here's hoping next week will be even better considering you may be holding onto a bit of extra water due to your antibiotics or the added sodium. I hope you heal quickly and glad your feeling great already. Boiled potatoes sound devine!

Hatsie2012 - Hi and welcome to the group. The 10-day program is an amazing way to learn all of the program fundamentals quickly while enjoying some really delicious food. I hope we can help support you while you work towards your goal. Those high fat food s can be very easy to overeat and add a lot of extra calories. Removing them would be a great place to start. Additionally removing any added fats too (If you've got any left in your diet) Easy-peasy! LOL.

Rosey - I totally agree, I was just commenting to the kids how the summer is slipping away so quickly. :) Another thing slipping away quickly is your weight! (Corny, I know LOL) Great loss this's hula time!

Jobet - Hi :) and glad to have you back. I get a smile out of picturing your family get-togethers where everyone is eating similarly, or supportive of it. It sounds like you got through a particularly festive and busy month spectacularly from an eating-well perspective. Congratulations! Ah-ha moments are the best. You've discovered a way to make eating this way easier, more affordable and more palatable to you. Less salads and chopping for you and more veggie soups; find what works for you! PS. Long posts are always welcome.

Vic - You certainly did just do it this week. Swoosh! A huge congratulations on reaching your goal. XO. Please don't feel you have to transition away from MWL back to the regular program if you don't wish to. There are many people who eat this way for life and get the potential health and satiety benefits of a very low calorie density diet. I'm admittedly not familiar with how Bright Line uses the phrase "right size body", but logically speaking our body's right size is dependant on the long term calorie density of your diet. I personally think that you will know when you're there based on a variety of feelings. You will feel like you are receiving appropriate esteem from friends, family and strangers alike (my take on this, from experience, is the best subtle feedback comes from strangers who have no preconceived notion of you and thus their cues reflect present value). You will feel like you are satisfied with the food you are eating, both in amount and selection. Finally, you will feel like you are doing enough and will no longer be searching for tweaks or new strategies. When you feel all of those things you are the right size. It does seem to come down to just repeating the habits that you have developed for yourself that led to the success in the first place. I visualize this habituation like a well worn path through a meadow; at first the grass is just bent down when walked upon, ready to pop back up in the wind or for any old reason at all. Pretty soon, with enough (repetitions) people wandering through, there is less grass and now a hint of a trail going very far into the distance. Finally, after months or years of steady use, no grass grows there at all, all that's left is hard-packed dirt that's very easy to travel and very resistant to the encroachment of the surrounding flora. I totally understand the panicky feeling when you're forced off the path, but once it's really established, you will be able to see it from the distance and find your way back quickly.

Lizzy - Awesome. I'm most happy to hear how great you're feeling. 8 days in...woo hoo!

Stephanie - :nod: :) I'm just trying to do exactly what you are doing and have written so clearly: to proceed as I intend to continue. Best wishes this week.

Lyndzie - I love how you congratulated everyone, such a true statement: Lots of good food choices are showing up on the scale. 16 pounds to go, 5 weeks post pregnancy is a good place to be and reflects your good food choices during the pregnancy too!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Svenja » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:44 am

Good morning!

woww ... what an active start to the month for our little group here! Fantastic!

I'll start with a big disclaimer ... fasting is not part of MWL program !!!
But I do this every now and then ... so I finished a 8 day water fast this morning.
I lost 15 lbs. I wasn't even planning for 8 days ... but it went so well this time. It's very warm here at the moment and that helped me to drink tons of water.

Amanda, it's totally fine if you put me down with '0' since this is not MWL!!!

I am just having some watered down apple juice .... wowww, it's like a feast :)

Since I am having a crazy work week ahead of me ... I am planing for a slow weekend :)
Won't be able to weigh in next week. I will be at another fascia-release-training-weekend ... I am looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Jobet » Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:45 am

amandamechele wrote:
Jobet - Hi :) and glad to have you back. I get a smile out of picturing your family get-togethers where everyone is eating similarly, or supportive of it. It sounds like you got through a particularly festive and busy month spectacularly from an eating-well perspective. Congratulations! Ah-ha moments are the best. You've discovered a way to make eating this way easier, more affordable and more palatable to you. Less salads and chopping for you and more veggie soups; find what works for you! PS. Long posts are always welcome.

Thanks, Amy. You are always so encouraging and supportive in this thread, how could I stay away? If we only lived closer, we'd invite you to the next family do!

Congrats everyone for another successful week! :)

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Cherrydale » Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:19 am

Hello! Is am new to this group and looking forward to joining the journey. I have multiple health problems due to my weight- diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. I am taking megs for my blood sugar and high blood pressure but I know these are food related diseases and changing my food is the real cure. Funny thing is, I am a nurse and work in a long term nursing facility and have seen the problems caused by poor diet choices. The SAD has been my past with no vegetables some days, but I want to eat WFPB. Any encouragement and suggestions are welcome. I am 5'2" and weigh 184.5 lbs.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonspirit » Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:35 am

Hi everyone, and welcome to the new people! (I was new a few weeks ago myself).

Today I broke into the 160s. OMG. Been flirting with it all week. I weighed 169.8 today, down 2.4 from last week.

So far, that's a 15.2 lb total loss since 6/16, when I started. And I even took a week off from strictness when I traveled in early July (I was 80% compliant). I have also lost 3 inches in my waist, 1 inch hips, 1.5 inches bust, and .75 inches in my thigh. This stuff works!

Meanwhile, most importantly, I am able to go for long hikes in the mountain that were inaccessible to me a few months ago. Last weekend we hiked for about 7 hours, from 9000 ft to 13000 ft, mostly up, then mostly down. It was a little nuts (we were both bone tired before we got halfway down), but it would have been unthinkable before due to asthma and the feeling of being weighed down. My asthma is feeling more manageable, and I'm sure I'm sleeping better. And I'm keeping up with my skinny husband.

It's easy to get focused just on weight, but NSVs (non-scale victories) can be even sweeter.

Yay, it's August!

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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Moonchild » Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:56 am

I have been a vegan off and on for 9 years. Sometimes health eating, sometimes not so much.... my weight has fluctuated over a 60 pound range in the last 8 years (largely due to emotional eating or not). I had been making a concerted effort after talking with my new primary care provider to eat well, lose weight. Then last weekend I was fortunate enough to attend a talk by ChefAJ, and boy did everything just seem to click between the two. I'm committing to me, my health and well being emotionally, spiritually, and physically!!! Super excited for this journey.

My starting weight today 221. :D
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby squealcat » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:48 pm

It is so fun to read what everyone else is doing and doing SO well ! Since I am restarting, I am starting at zero for this week but hope to have a loss next week Friday. I guess I need to check in every day to read with others are posting ! I was a few days behind so it took me a while to read what everyone was doing !

I have tried plant based eating many times and sometimes got discouraged, sometime thought "I've got it now !"....and then falling again. Each time I restart though, I get better at it and now I can imagine myself doing this forever ! Even with the back and forth in compliance I have managed to lose 60 pounds in the last year. The best weight losses were when I was plant based. This past Spring I had lab work done and it all came back so good ! I talked to my doctor and he took me off all my meds (for type II diabetes and a statin drug ) and he told me to cut my blood pressure pill in half ! I was so pleased !

So onward I go ! Hope to see a loss next week. I am thankful for all the posts here for MWL . So encouraging and positive ! This is a great group !

-Marilyn (squealcat )
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:41 pm

Hi Everybody! This MWL group rocks! :D I'm not up or down - just cruising at 177. I've been out of town. I love the food choices I've made. Some were higher in fat but overall I felt very much in control, made some good choices, and felt that my food was much better than what my husband ate! I wish everyone a MWL compliant week! Amy, thank you for the great links. I hope you are having a good week!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:50 am

Hi All,

Woah...there's some great energy going on this month. Congratulations to all for the effort and perseverance you are putting forth towards your weight loss goals.

Though this isn't the case with everyone, Lizzy's comment about being a serial restarter resonates with me and my experience eating this way. Similarly, so does Marilyn's comments about restarting but getting better at following the guidelines with each new trial. Being able to picture yourself doing this forever is an important, possibly integral, part of your personal long-term success at the weight-loss game.
Those comments had me thinking about a McDougall Webinar called Dare to Be Lousy, from Dr. Lisle, the staff psychologist. In this lecture he discusses the forces that stop us from improving and being inspired referring to a dynamic that goes on between encouragement and expectations.* He identifies 3 major ideas around the notion of what stops us:
Part 1: Fixed or Growth Mindset
The first notion comes Stanford professor, Carol Dweck, and her work on how people think about their ability to do something. She did research with both children and college students and identified that the way a person is reinforced after a task will affect their desire to continue to perform additional tasks. If she indicated she was impressed by their talent or innate ability in the task performed they were less likely to wish to continue onto a more difficult task than if she praised their effort and hard work. She called these The Fixed Mindset (thinking you can either achieve something or you can’t due to innate talent) and The Growth Mindset (being willing to fumble and stumble and learn but that you can get better). She saw 2 problems with the Fixed Mindset:
1) You may not think your effort matters very much and thus won’t take advantage of what happens when people apply themselves.
2) We can sometimes protect our egos by not trying very hard.

Part 2: Self Esteem Theory
The second notion comes from the work of Mark Leary at Duke University about Self Esteem Theory. During lab controlled interactions students were either told they had been accepted or rejected for an additional get together. The people accepted felt good about themselves (high self esteem**) and those rejected felt bad (low self esteem). Leary discovered that feelings of what he refers to as self-esteem are much less fixed than was once believed, even in people identified by others as having very high self esteem or as not caring what others thought of them. He identified a mechanism he called an esteem meter within each of us which seemed to be tracking what other people think of us in order to guide our behaviour. Negative feedback causes us to feel worried, depressed, anxious or embarrassed. Positive feedback gives feelings of happiness, pride and/or confidence. We receive esteem from 3 primary groups: trade partners, friends and mates. This esteem meter is a way to track what we have done right through positive feelings and do it again and again. Humans are different from animals in that we practice what are called competitive displays - athletics, singing, dancing, beauty, art. These displays are our advertisements saying I have good genes. The effort we put into practicing these displays enables us to look fancier than we really are, our efforts can help us outcompete someone with more latent talent. This creates a problem unique to humans: How hard should we try?
We are motivated to act like we’re not trying that hard in order to have our extra efforts appear like natural ability. Since we don’t want to rehearse in front of others there needs to be a mechanism to let us know how we’re doing during these practices. So we have evolved an imaginary audience to give us feedback as if it were real people.

Part 3: The Truth about Potential
In this third section Dr. Lisle describes the myelination process of nerve cells and how it is related to effortful, repetitive practice. No genius is born just having an ability. The brain goes through a set of procedures in order to make an action more and more efficient (guided by the principle of energy conservation discusses in The Pleasure Trap). This myelination process occurs most efficiently if you have to struggle to learn whatever it is you are trying to figure out. Dr. Lisle cites the work of a music educator Gary McPherson who was trying to figure out why some kids ended up great musicians and some did not. He asked them if they planned to play the instrument they were currently learning 10 years from now and if the answer was yes he found when those kids practiced they were serious about it and wrapped the myelin sheath (which makes physical movements quicker and more exact). If they weren’t really focused and were just fiddling around and didn’t have their heart in it then the sheath doesn’t wrap very well. Those kids who decided they were in it for the long term became much better musicians than the fiddlers, latent ability notwithstanding.

With these things in mind here is Dr. Lisle’s Process for Human Improvement:
1) Accomplishments of any type look complicated
2) Break them into small parts
3) Practice slowly (errors will occur and we need this struggle while practicing for myelin sheath to form)
4) Practice makes myelin, myelin makes “perfect”
When you witness someone doing something really well this never happens by accident, or natural talent alone, it happens by this slow methodical struggling practice.
5) Learning never ends - whether you’re 6 or 60.
So dare yourself to be lousy and you’re DOOMED to improve. This is how we end up with the life we deserve.

And that is the summary of Dare to Be Lousy summary. :)
Keep up the effort and learning and you will improve at following the MWL program.
Best wishes for the coming week,

Amy XO

PS. Be sure to listen to hear what motivational speaker Jim Rohn said that inspired a young Doug Lisle.

* I'm paraphrasing and outright quoting Dr. Lisle throughout this summary, without identifying the difference. I hope that's okay with everyone...take a listen to the lecture to see what I skipped or had to leave out for space considerations. You won't be disappointed. It's about 40 minutes in length.
** Dr. Lisle's definition of self-esteem is different than Dr. Leary's. What Dr. Leary describes here as self-esteem, Dr. Lisle would call esteem.

Here are the results for the first week in August:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, August 10th, 2018

Total group loss reported in 2018: 358.3 pounds

August 2018 Weight Loss Group :: Monthly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss in January 2018: 54.7 pounds
Total group loss in February 2018: 49.3 pounds
Total group loss in March 2018: 52.5 pounds
Total group loss in April 2018: 26.9 pounds
Total group loss in May 2018: 50.8 pounds
Total group loss in June 2018: 54.3 pounds
Total group loss in July 2018: 50.3 pounds
Total group loss in August 2018: 19.9 pounds

Week ending 08/03/2018: 16 participants reported a total loss of 19.9 pounds

Total gains: 0.0
Jobet - 1.1
Addicttofood - 2.0
Idgie - 2.8
Rosey - 3.6
Mark Cooper - 2.6
Victw - 2.6
Lizzy_F - 2.0
VegSeekingFit - 0.8
Lyndzie - 0.0
Svenja - 0.0*
Cherrydale - 0.0
Moonspirit - 2.4
Moonchild - 0.0
Squealcat - 0.0
Moonlight - 0.0
Amandamechele - 0.0
Total losses: 19.9

Total group loss in August 2018: 19.9 pounds
Week ending 08/03/2018: 16 participants reported a total loss of 19.9 pounds
Last edited by amandamechele on Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:51 am

Welcome Cherrydale and Moonchild, and everyone else joining in. I'll chat more tomorrow. Have a great night. :)
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Svenja » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:52 am

Cherrydale wrote:Hello! Is am new to this group and looking forward to joining the journey. I have multiple health problems due to my weight- diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. I am taking megs for my blood sugar and high blood pressure but I know these are food related diseases and changing my food is the real cure. Funny thing is, I am a nurse and work in a long term nursing facility and have seen the problems caused by poor diet choices. The SAD has been my past with no vegetables some days, but I want to eat WFPB. Any encouragement and suggestions are welcome. I am 5'2" and weigh 184.5 lbs.

Welcome to our little group! The weekly weight in is a great support for me ... hope it will be for you too.
There are so many great books and documentaries that helped me along the way. I would suggest for you (if you haven't) to read 'The Pleasure Trap' and watch 'Forks over Knives'.
This website has tons of resources and free webinars.
Looking forward to seeing you here every week!
All the best!
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:18 am

amandamechele wrote:Rosey - I totally agree, I was just commenting to the kids how the summer is slipping away so quickly. :) Another thing slipping away quickly is your weight! (Corny, I know LOL) Great loss this's hula time!

Laugh... I love Corny. Hopefully I still do good next week I had a slip up on food today. Still Plant based but oily.
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Re: August 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:55 am

Amy - the idea of Fixed/Growth Mindset reminds me of how people approach health issues, too. If you think your weight/cholesterol/hypertension is because of genetics (“fixed mindset”), there isn’t anything you can do to change it, but if you think these issues are because of lifestyle choices, then they can be changed (“growth mindset”).
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