The November MMC is here!

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

I'm in

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:34 pm

I'm a carry-over from the last challenge. I'm down 20 pounds since August, the day my Dr. told me I had high blood pressure. I still need to work on the blood pressure. It seems to go up and down a lot. I'm keeping a diary with daily entries about weight, BP, food, exercise, and other stuff that happens that day to see if I can figure out the pattern.

So, what I'm going to do is continue the way I've been eating:

Starch is mostly sweet and white potatoes, with some oatmeal, or corn puffs for breakfast, and occasionally some corn-on-the-cob.
Salad every day with my favorite oil-free caesar dressing, two fruits, and whatever veggies I want.

Walk at lunch when I can get out on work days
Dance at least once a week
Walk on weekend mornings

And, do something to improve my activity and diet when I travel.

I need the support!
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Postby healthyrn » Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:19 pm

My exercise for the weekend is doing a 5K walk tomorrow morning for the American Diabetes Association StepOut Walk to Fight Diabetes.
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Postby busymomof4 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:07 pm

I just got back from a 30-minute brisk walk. Whoa! I felt so out of shape. It's been a while since I've been to the gym, and I desperately need to get back. It's been difficult getting there so I decided to try to walk 30 minutes a day until I can.

I did very well with my eating yesterday, and so far I'm doing well today. I never posted my beginning weight. I weighed in at 168 lbs. I decided to try for 8 lbs. instead of 10. So, my short-term goal is to weigh 160 lbs. by Christmas day. That's 8 weeks away (only 1 lb. per week should be doable). My long-term goal is to weigh 140 lbs. by our beach vacation next summer (in July). Since I know my weight loss will slow down as I get closer to my goal.

Hope you all have a great weekend! It's going to be 70 degrees here over the weekend. Beautiful weather! :)
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Friday, Halloween

Postby dcfit » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:13 pm

I feel like I did much better today--I love how I get to eat when I'm hungry and the starches just tickle my funny bone. I realized I missed a few foods yesterday when I posted, today's list will be more complete:

B: confetti rice, grapes, decaf coffee
S: hummus (without fat) baby carrots and cherry tomatoes
L: salad with honey mustard and vinegar, brown rice
S: finished the humus, carrots and tomatoes; a few grapes
D: salad with oil free ceasar dressing, brown rice!
S: unsweetened applesauce

I skipped exercise again, my knee is feeling better and tomorrow I hope to walk for 15-20 minutes. Low and slow for me!

I must say, the enthusiasm I feel from everyone posting is great--it's really motivating me to stick with it. Thanks everyone! Keep posting!
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Re: Welcome everyone

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:52 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:[I would LOVE that salad dressing recipe! It wasn't me that has it, but I sure wish it was.

I wonder if its on-line? Hmmm I might have to hunt it down...if its available. :D

I posted it on the previous thread, and have copied it here:

I hope I'm not violating copyright laws, and if I am, I hope Millenium would rather have the publicity than my skin (or money). So, here goes:

Oil-free caesar Dressing:

Makes 2 cups

one 12.3-oz package low-fat silken tofu*
3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 clove garlic, mincec, or more to taste
3 tablespoons capers, drained
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
1 cup water**
Sea Salt to taste***

In a blender, puree all the ingredients until smooth. Taste and adjust the seasonings. Thin with more water if needed to reach the desired consistency. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Nutritional information per 1/4 cup dressing:
41 calories (22% from fat), 4g Protien, 4g Carbohydrate, 1g fat, 0 Cholesterol, 302mg Sodium, ,1g Fiber.

*I often use a 16 0z tub of silken tofu, because it's easier to get than the 12.3 oz packages. I don't bother adjusting the other ingredients. It's still good.
**I often skip the water, and add it later or not at all. That way it saves room in the frige, I don't have to bother drying the lettuce after I wash it, and I just use less dressing. Also, this thicker consistency makes a great dip.
***I never add the sea salt. The lemon juice and capers are already intense flavors, and I'm trying to get my blood pressure down by avoiding salt.

Thank you thank you thank you!

It sounds soooo awesome! I am going to make some this weekend...well, hopefully.. :D
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Re: Welcome everyone

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:55 pm

dcfit wrote:Its good to have company in this journey to a Notable November! I'm so excited to be using you as my accountability factor. I think posting daily will help us all.

I was in the finish up mode today too:
breakfast--confetti rice
lunch--left over whole wheat pasta, salad with honey mustard
dinner--left over sweet potatoe, 1/2 c veg. baked beans (yum) and 1 small zucchini squash--the squash was really bitter so I covered with home made spaghetti sauce.

I did have 1/2 c of coffee this afternoon when I was nodding off at my desk--got some teeccino on order for future crashes!

I'm having some knee pain, I think related to working with a chiropracter for my scoliosis (curved spine). We're working on correcting muscle imbalances and my right knee isn't happy so I did not exercise but hope to swim this weekend. Off to make some rice for tomorrow--all my perishable leftovers are gone.
Cowupgirl: do you have that salad dressing recipe you mentioned? I think it was with silken tofu from the Millenium cookbook? I'd appreciate that--need some help in that department, I really cannot tolerate commercial fat free dressings.
Okay Houston, we have lift off! :-P

Did you see that Vanilla Orchid posted the recipe for us?! Yippee!!!

Swimming is such great exercise! We just moved my mom here last Sunday and her senior apartment complex has a great heated pool and spa....I am hoping to go swim once in awhile...she needs the exercise, too, but she needs to gain some weight....

...I will never have that problem... :D
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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:57 pm

MadcityVegan wrote:Hello Everyone!

I just got into the swing of things on the Mcdougall Plan so I don't think I am going to jinx myself and do Mary's Mini. Right now I eat oatmeal for breakfast every day and potatoes and veggies for lunch and dinner so I don't quite qualify. I might join in when I get sick of oatmeal. I can't wait to read all your progress. I'd say 'good luck' but, hard work isn't luck!

Join in any time! We would love to have you..and if its not the right time for you yet, then stick around and chat with us. We love new friends!

I hope to see you here visiting with us often.

Stay safe,
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Re: count me in...

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:02 pm

healthyME wrote:I want to do the Mary's Mini for November. I weigh 286.5, the lowest weight I have seen in over two years... there is hope for me yet.

My starches of choice... potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal.

I commit to stop smoking and take up exercise... aim for 30 minutes a day, but may start at 15 until my body gets used to it.

Eat when hungry

and work the exercises in the "Beck Diet Solution"


Welcome! Wow, great goals you have set for yourself. They are do-able and so good for you. I agree, it might be better to start at 15 minutes and work up to 30 minutes...or even try 15 minutes twice a day. Sometimes that's easier for us.

I think we have a great group here and I know we can do this!

We will succeed!
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Re: Can I join too?

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:06 pm

walker1 wrote:Good morning,

Although I'm not new to McDougall, I just signed up for the site and I'd like to join Mary's Mini.

I am in desparate need of a kickstart because I've been struggling for a long time, so today is day 1 for me. I'll be using rice as my starch.

My goals are pretty simple: Stick to the Mini until 11/27 (when I leave for vacation) and cut out the wine.


Hi Nancy! We are so glad to have you join the November MMC with us.

I'm with you, I totally need a kickstart! I did very well until last weekend ...then life got in the way and I made a few "off plan" choices....not terrible horrible cchoices, but not on the MMC.

We can do this! You are gonna feel so good when you leave for vacation!

stay safe,
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Re: I'm in!

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:16 pm

Goosetracks wrote:Yesterday was my first day back at McDougalling. WAHOOO!!!! I've got a long way to go but, I'm just lookin' at today. And planning for the next 10 days. On Nov. 8th, at the end of my 10th day of MMC, I'll make a decision about continuing on with the MMC or switching to the MWL.

So, here are my goals for the next 9 days (I already did one yesterday! HAPPYDANCING!!!!!)

1. Starch choices - potatoes & brown rice
2. BIG Garden salad daily
3. Move it! 30 min. of walking each day
4. Come here to the forums to read and post
5. Be especially gentle with myself, as I would be for a dear friend walking this path
6. Have a quiet time every day to read, write and meditate

That's it.


Yeah!! Hi and welcome to the November MMC!

I am so happy with your goals and everyone's goals! They are all such good, do-able goals...not the terrible things I used to use to set myself up to fail.

I am so proud of this group! We can do this! We will succeed!

Stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:19 pm

healthyrn wrote:I want to join also!! I'm new to the board but would like to start posting.
My goals:
exercise 5 days a week
my starch is brow rice, potaoes, but I need oatmeal in the morning
losts of green veggies

Good luck to everyone!!

Hi! Yeah! Another Karen!

Personally, I don't see a problem with oatmeal in the morning...I'm probably not as strict...but I love oatmeal! Its a good grain.

I think we are all going to do great with this mini challenge!

We rock!

Stay safe,
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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:21 pm

kpolninja wrote:I made a potato soup last that ok on this? It is totally fat free.

Ya know, being new at this myself, I have no idea...but...if its fat free, I can't see the harm in it...

I know mashed potatos are OK, so why not potato soup?? Its basically just thinner mashed potatos, right?

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Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:23 pm

healthyrn wrote:My exercise for the weekend is doing a 5K walk tomorrow morning for the American Diabetes Association StepOut Walk to Fight Diabetes.

Wow! What a great way to exercise and support such a worthwhile cause at the same time.

Good luck, Karen!
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Re: I'm in

Postby cowgirrlup » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:26 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:I'm a carry-over from the last challenge. I'm down 20 pounds since August, the day my Dr. told me I had high blood pressure. I still need to work on the blood pressure. It seems to go up and down a lot. I'm keeping a diary with daily entries about weight, BP, food, exercise, and other stuff that happens that day to see if I can figure out the pattern.

So, what I'm going to do is continue the way I've been eating:

Starch is mostly sweet and white potatoes, with some oatmeal, or corn puffs for breakfast, and occasionally some corn-on-the-cob.
Salad every day with my favorite oil-free caesar dressing, two fruits, and whatever veggies I want.

Walk at lunch when I can get out on work days
Dance at least once a week
Walk on weekend mornings

And, do something to improve my activity and diet when I travel.

I need the support!

WE are here for you! We will support you every step of the way.

Keeping track of your food and exercise and BP is a great way to see what is going on. Even if you can't spot a patter, your doctor might be able to see one.

We can do this!

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Postby plantlvnveg » Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:24 am

I'm in.
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Eat beans not beings
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