January Mary's Mini Challenge: SIMPLY Losing Weight

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:37 pm

rondy wrote:
My hardest day so far? Eating at the Rainforest Cafe. Man.....I don't want just a salad.....lol

I understand what you mean, Rondy. It seems like when people find out that I'm a vegetarian they immediately think of fixing me a huge salad, and I don't like salads...at least not to eat alone. Bring on the starches!
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Postby scdgpd » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:03 pm

I would love to join the challenge. I've McDougalled off and on for 13 years and have been unsuccesful off. I would love to do MM because it seems so clean and simple. I'm almost 40 and have been trying to get the weight off since my son was born 12 1/2 years ago. I know in my heart that McDougall is the healthy way to go. I need to go shopping but I'm ready to go.

I'm a terrible sugar addict and will not give up sugar all at once. It has to be slowly or I'll go insane. I have made some changes in that area I switched to tea at work because I use less sugar than I do in coffee (huge difference by the way - 4 packets vs. 10-12). I've been consistant with that and eventually I will switch to tea at home. I only have one cup a day at home and usually only drink half. Slowly working my way to no sugar at all.

I have to give up my wine too. Love red wine. As good as it may be for my heart it's not good for the rest of me. This will be a hard one. Sugar again.

I have 40-50 lbs to lose and would love to do that as quickly and as healthfully as possible. Suggestions are always welcome
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Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:31 pm


Welcome to the group! You've made some incredible changes thus far, and I'm sure that you overcome your sugar addiction in due time. The only thing that I would suggest for you is that you have some clear short-term and long-term goals set. I've lost 25 lbs. in 3 months by giving myself goals and revamping those goals when they didn't seem realistic.

So, what are your goals? Do you want to lose 3 lbs. this week? Do you want to lose inches? Do you want to get more energy?

Also, I would say that if you're going to do the McDougall plan, then do the McDougall plan. In other words, cling to the principles of this plan and do not get sidetracked by listening to advice from other plans. That will only confuse you and make you get less than stellar results.

That's my 2 cents.
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Re: MM

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:26 pm

scdgpd wrote:I would love to join the challenge. I've McDougalled off and on for 13 years and have been unsuccesful off. I would love to do MM because it seems so clean and simple. I'm almost 40 and have been trying to get the weight off since my son was born 12 1/2 years ago. I know in my heart that McDougall is the healthy way to go. I need to go shopping but I'm ready to go.

I'm a terrible sugar addict and will not give up sugar all at once. It has to be slowly or I'll go insane. I have made some changes in that area I switched to tea at work because I use less sugar than I do in coffee (huge difference by the way - 4 packets vs. 10-12). I've been consistant with that and eventually I will switch to tea at home. I only have one cup a day at home and usually only drink half. Slowly working my way to no sugar at all.

I have to give up my wine too. Love red wine. As good as it may be for my heart it's not good for the rest of me. This will be a hard one. Sugar again.

I have 40-50 lbs to lose and would love to do that as quickly and as healthfully as possible. Suggestions are always welcome


My addictions are chocolate (the darker, the more bitter the better), and ice cream (the richer, the better). I only like sweets to the extent that they show up in foods containing chocolate and cream filled stuff. I also like red wine, especially when served with dark chocolate. I also like coffee if it's in ice cream or anything chocolate.

So, I feel for you. I find that I do my best on this program when I follow it exactly. In the beginning I needed to do that not just one day at a time but one hour at a time. The first few days were really hard. To get to work I have to pass by a Starbucks, a Tully's and a Primo's, and not walk in any of those doors. Around 3 pm when my co-workers are going out for coffee, I need to decline because I cannot be trusted in any of those places, or places like them.

I started out on Mary's Mini eating sweet potatoes as my only starch. I had a basket of sweet potatoes on my desk and whenever I felt like eating, I nuked one. I did that a lot. I started losing weight almost immediately, and that gave me something to look forward to.

I messed up big time over the holidays, and tried to get back on track, but had a little taste of this and that here and there so I've gained and lost the same few pounds over and over the last few weeks. Now I'm done. I'm back to one day at a time. Or one hour at a time. Or whatever it takes.

Another thing that helps me is a diary where I record absolutely everything I eat, along with my weight, BP, exercise, and anything unusual that happened that day. It helps me see patters over time when I'd rather deny them.

So, climb up on our wagon. You can do this!
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Re: MM

Postby proverbs31woman » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:40 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:I started out on Mary's Mini eating sweet potatoes as my only starch. I had a basket of sweet potatoes on my desk and whenever I felt like eating, I nuked one. I did that a lot. I started losing weight almost immediately, and that gave me something to look forward to.

This is a good idea! How long does it take to nuke a sweet potato in the microwave?

I have a lot of them in my house, so I could bring them to work and do the same thing. That would be so convenient.
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Postby rondy » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:53 pm

Hi guys.
I was just wondering if anyone had a problem with eating "too little" when starting Mary's Mini?
I'm not having a problem with the taste of the foods, I just don't feel as hungry as I would eating the usual junk I was used to.
And I don't think I should be forcing myself to eat when I don't feel hungry.

What do you think? Is it just getting used to all the changes?
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Postby spud » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:07 am

Having only vegies, potatoes and fruit, I am missing beans, rice, corn and soy. But the weight is melting off. I plan to go on regular MWL in February. And to cheat on my birthday!
Meltin my behind in 2009!
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Re: MM

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:50 am

proverbs31woman wrote:
Vanilla Orchid wrote:I started out on Mary's Mini eating sweet potatoes as my only starch. I had a basket of sweet potatoes on my desk and whenever I felt like eating, I nuked one. I did that a lot. I started losing weight almost immediately, and that gave me something to look forward to.

This is a good idea! How long does it take to nuke a sweet potato in the microwave?

I have a lot of them in my house, so I could bring them to work and do the same thing. That would be so convenient.

It depends on the size of the sweet potato, and the kind of microwave you have. A medium one takes about 7 minutes, more or less. But, you sort of have to experiment.
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:01 pm

spud wrote:Having only vegies, potatoes and fruit, I am missing beans, rice, corn and soy. But the weight is melting off. I plan to go on regular MWL in February. And to cheat on my birthday!

Just a suggestion--it looks as if you are fairly new on McDougall. You have seen 10 pounds "melt off" in a fairly short time. That's really exciting, and now you deserve a reward, and not only that, but a birthday present. This is all true. You do deserve a reward, and you do deserve a birthday present. Let it be the fun you get looking at the new you in the mirror.

If you are like me (and probably most of humankind) you celebrate with food. Don't do it now. You will lose your momentum. I find it's a lot harder to re-start once that happens.
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Postby stormie » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:44 pm

Happy Monday everyone!

Today ends my first week of doing MM and I have lost a total of 30lbs!! Um yeah..and then I woke up... but it was an awesome dream! :P

Seriously though...I have lost in my first week..drum roll please....6 pounds!! whoo hoo! Even tho it's not my dream come true, I am way happy with it!

Now I just need to keep up the commitment and momentum. I know the first week I usually drop the greatest amount of weight, so I have to keep that in mind and not get discouraged if I lose a lesser amount this week.
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Postby Jackie J » Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:05 pm

Lost another 1/2 pound this weekend so a total of 1 1/2 pounds in four days on a modified MM
current weight 159
healthy weight 115
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Postby spud » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:36 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:You do deserve a reward, and you do deserve a birthday present. Let it be the fun you get looking at the new you in the mirror.

I don't want it to be, but I think you are right. But I just want a vegan burrito with guacamole near the beginning of February. I thought I would then go less strict and do MWL. Whatcha think?
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Postby bigdoglover » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:14 am

I wouldn't do it if I were you. I was really strict for the first 6 months on the plan then the holidays and I started reasoning with myself and talking myself into just ONE something and just a TASTE something etc you get the drift. So, I restarted Jan 1 and it was WAAAAAYYYYYY harder this time and I am still 'treating' myself. We are going on a road trip for a week. YEIKS !!! Starting on Saturday. I just hate to think about it.
So, today I am recommiting to doing this. Even though I didn't gain any weight back I didn't loose and I really lost 2 months of messing around and if I had stayed on this I would have been thinner.. So, I wouldn't do it if you can possibly keep from it. Go to a movie, take a walk, call a friend, write here, do anything to keep from messing with this.
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Postby bigdoglover » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:15 am

I wouldn't do it if I were you. I was really strict for the first 6 months on the plan then the holidays and I started reasoning with myself and talking myself into just ONE something and just a TASTE something etc you get the drift. So, I restarted Jan 1 and it was WAAAAAYYYYYY harder this time and I am still 'treating' myself. We are going on a road trip for a week. YEIKS !!! Starting on Saturday. I just hate to think about it.
So, today I am recommiting to doing this. Even though I didn't gain any weight back I didn't loose and I really lost 2 months of messing around and if I had stayed on this I would have been thinner.. So, I wouldn't do it if you can possibly keep from it. Go to a movie, take a walk, call a friend, write here, do anything to keep from messing with this.
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Postby spud » Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:57 am

bigdoglover wrote:Go to a movie, take a walk, call a friend, write here, do anything to keep from messing with this.

You are so right. I guess I heard that a planned cheat was easier to come back from. Your story is almost identical to mine. I started at 265 and was down to 203 when I broke my leg. I was already at a stand still with my weight due to fats and bread and sweets. Once I was dependent on others to provide my food, they got me vegetarian taco bell, soy ice cream and someone even made me a cheeseless lasagna. I started eating tons of pasta, soy, sweets and I was cheating on bags of m&m's when my spirits were down. I didn't dare get on that scale...Until I found I was 240. :( So, I think you are right! I will not cheat, even on my birthday. I will give myself another treat that is not food. Thanks for talking me through that.
Meltin my behind in 2009!
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