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Postby Jackie J » Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:34 am

stayed the same at 154.5 - I'm happy considering I had to eat out 3X this week. I have 2 dinners out this coming week as well but am aiming for at least a 1 pound loss.
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Stayed the Same

Postby Bambie113 » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:02 am

Good morning everyone! Great job on the losses!
I stayed the same this week. I haven't been preparing anything lately and eating out ALOT! That didn't work out to well for me and the scale. But I prepared today and tomorrows lunch/snacks for work so I'm starting this week off right!
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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:22 am

I was up a pound. I won't be checking in next week. I'm gone tomorrow through next week. I hope everyone has a good week, and makes wise choices.

Mommylut sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope it helps.
Laura glad you made it back. Darn the month went so fast.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:50 am

Letha, you are amazing. How do you do it? You have consistently lost each and every week. And you didn't re-gain the wieght after you got sick.

I'm up one pound.

No big surprise here because last week I was down 2.2, and that was the day after I'd had the sigmoidoscopy that required being "cleaned out". So, last week I was artificially low.

Yesterday I donated blood, so I didn't exercise that day and I ate more than usual, and not all MWL. I had a bagel (plain), and for dinner ate quite a large bowl of buckwheat noodles and veggies. So, that's two flour products. Oh, yeah, then there were the chocolate covered almonds.

So, I know what I need to do to get back on track, and that began today.

Here's where I have a habit of messing up: I ride BART to work. Exit the station and have to walk past all kinds of places that sell goodies I should not eat. The best choice among those places sells freshly baked bagels, and that's the one place I still get sucked into. I can pass on Starbucks, Tully's. Primo's and Peet's, but a freshly baked bagel is heavenly. And fat-free. Yet, when I eat them, I don't lose weight.

Then, there's the stash of candy in the office next door. She only likes dark chocolate, and only the high end stuff--just like me. I only buy it to replentish what I take from her. And it just screams out to me.
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Thursday weigh in

Postby Riva » Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:01 am

No change and happy!
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Postby cowgirrlup » Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:07 am

Stayed the same...kind of surprised, but its OK, I'll take it.
I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn't last long.

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Postby Calantha » Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:21 pm

I didn't lose anything this week but didn't gain, either, so I'm glad for that.

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Postby MelissaB » Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:39 pm

I'm down 0.4 this week.
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Postby slugmom » Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:52 pm

down 2.0 after CT trip

my June Total - down 6.6
my Grand Total - down 16.0
- Kim

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On plan

Postby seestorcoo » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:14 pm

and planning to stay that way. Down 2 lbs this week. My plan today is to:

Feel better.

100% MWL.
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Postby Felini » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:24 pm

I gained two lbs. this week.

I am determined to get back on track.

I hope everyone has a healthy week.


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Postby Letha. » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:31 pm

Vanilla Orchid wrote:Letha, you are amazing. How do you do it? You have consistently lost each and every week. And you didn't re-gain the wieght after you got sick.

I don’t think it’s all that amazing. I only have McDougall food in my house and I seldom go anywhere. My ongoing health issues keep me motivated to stay on plan. My Basal metabolic rate (BMR=the amount of energy expended while at rest) is 2500 calories per day. That’s based on my current weight. It was even higher when I started. 2500 calories per day of McDougall food is a lot of food. It would be almost impossible to maintain a weight of 400-500 pounds only eating McDougall food. As I continue to lose weight my BMR will go down and the weight loss will either slow down or I’ll have to cut back a little bit or start exercising which I’m not doing right now.

Here is a link if you want to check your BMR.

http://health.discovery.com/tools/calcu ... basal.html
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Postby Vanilla Orchid » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:43 pm

Letha. wrote:
Vanilla Orchid wrote:Letha, you are amazing. How do you do it? You have consistently lost each and every week. And you didn't re-gain the wieght after you got sick.

I don’t think it’s all that amazing. I only have McDougall food in my house and I seldom go anywhere. My ongoing health issues keep me motivated to stay on plan. My Basal metabolic rate (BMR=the amount of energy expended while at rest) is 2500 calories per day. That’s based on my current weight. It was even higher when I started. 2500 calories per day of McDougall food is a lot of food. It would be almost impossible to maintain a weight of 400-500 pounds only eating McDougall food. As I continue to lose weight my BMR will go down and the weight loss will either slow down or I’ll have to cut back a little bit or start exercising which I’m not doing right now.

Here is a link if you want to check your BMR.

http://health.discovery.com/tools/calcu ... basal.html

NOT FAIR!!! My BMR is only 1231.4. That's not a whole lot of food. :x
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Postby Shackwacky » Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:39 pm

That's an interesting site. My BMR is 1560, which seems to be a pretty adequate amount of food considering this is the amount of energy you would use if you just laid in bed.

I do 30 minutes each morning on my bike, and either walk my dogs for another 30-60 or garden each night. Plus all the energy you use during the day, up and downstairs, shopping, working, whatever.

Today I ate rice with veggies for breakfast, an apple and a banana for a snack, rice with veggies for lunch (in a rut ha ha) and just finished off a large potato with homemade salsa. I am not sure what the calories are there, but I don't imaging I am going over.

(Yet). My son's birthday today and there is pizza and ice cream in my kitchen. I am avoiding that part of the house altogether.

Congrats and the losses this month and see you in the July thread!
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Postby Love the Lorax » Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:23 am

I forgot to post yesterday. Up .2, but considering that I went out to dinner and didn't behave.. ahem... well, I know WHY my weight went up a bit and I have no one to blame but me. Things will be better this coming week.
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