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Postby MaryW » Tue May 26, 2009 8:46 pm

I hear you, Droxine! I'm being stalked by a jar of peanut butter. It's natural PB I got a Trader Joe's ages ago. I was on a pb kick for a while (pre-McD). I bought a jar almost every time I went. i still have 2 jars hanging around. They are about to expire. I opened one last week. Why? WHY?? I've already eaten about a third of it. On crackers, on rice cakes, on a spoon. :) But it, and it's unopened brother, needs to go in the trash!
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Postby Calantha » Wed May 27, 2009 8:59 am

I didn't gain any weight from the Memorial Day festivities!--that surprised me because I had two hefty slices of cake, and margaritas and wine. The rest of the time, though, I was pretty much on plan. I rode bikes and walked on the beach. Meanwhile, I just saw a not-very-flattering picture of myself from the other day--it felt like a wake up call. I am going to use it to inspire myself to stay strictly on plan this week. Turtle power, yes!

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Postby droxine » Wed May 27, 2009 9:08 am

Mary, I'm glad I'm not the only one with food haunting me. :) This morning I did a search and destroy of my kitchen and threw out everything that wasn't on the plan. I was nervous at first, but then felt a great sense of relief. I don't have to worry about eating the wrong foods if they aren't there to tempt me.

I had a sweet potato for breakfast, is that weird? It tasted really good! I put a little vanilla on it.

I dug out my exercise dvds today and did a 3-mile walk with Leslie Sansone. I had more stamina than I expected. It's been a long while since I did these walking workouts.

I have a question - If I want to add a ticker like many of you have, do I put it in my signature? Thanks,

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Postby Starchyme » Wed May 27, 2009 9:20 am

Yes, you do put the ticker in your signature section.

I'm happy you are on your way to a health-supporting lifestyle. I had to McD-proof my house, also. Bad enough I eat out alot and don't always make the wisest choices!

You may begin to start liking to eat home more, like I have come to do.
When I'm out I think I could be making the same thing and it'll be much healthier. So, my once 'hobby' turned now into being something I try to avoid. Except, of course, if I'm with people of like mind who understand why I eat the way I do.

Keep on keeping on. Happy McDougalling!
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed May 27, 2009 11:24 am

Droxine - I always eat my sweet taters for breakfast. That's my preferred time.

Sorry some of you had problems after you got home this weekend. Kind of odd. I guess that's where we feel safe to pig out. I know I use to be a closet eater (well bedroom eater) so others wouldn't see.

You know it's fun trying to work on oneself, and improve upon it.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby Letha. » Wed May 27, 2009 3:37 pm

Checking in. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I guess I’d say I’m following the regular plan at the moment. I’m eating 1 packet of McDougall’s light oatmeal for breakfast, 1 McDougall soup cup for lunch & 1 McDougall soup cup for dinner. I’m also eating two plain rice cakes mid morning and mid afternoon so I’m not putting medication on an empty stomach. Looks like it comes in under 700 calories per day. I’m just nuking hot water & eating it with a plastic spoon/fork. I know it’s not very green behavior but it’s temporary.

I’ve eaten McDougall soup cups on occasion in the past but I’ve never thought they were cost effective. Until I lost my appetite I could easily have eaten 3 or 4 soup cups at a meal. It’s a lot cheaper to cook your own food. But not feeling well, not wanting to plan meals, cook, or do dishes, the soup cups are working for me at the moment. When my appetite comes back I’ll go back to cooking MWL meals. On the plus side, I should have another good weigh in tomorrow.
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Postby Starchyme » Wed May 27, 2009 5:15 pm

Letha, my thoughts are with you. Hope you'll soon be reporting you are feeling tip-top.
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby droxine » Wed May 27, 2009 5:45 pm

Wow Letha, that's not many calories. I hope you feel better soon.

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Postby BertinHouston » Wed May 27, 2009 8:47 pm

Early weigh-in, due to very early meeting tomorrow morning. Bit of a setback due to the Memorial Day weekend, up 1.4 lbs. It was nearly impossible to find any MWL options at restaurants on Anna Maria Island, FL, or for that matter in Bradenton and Sarasota. We went to the ONLY vegan restaurant within 60 miles on the Sunday, and they were in the middle of some private potluck party... So had to settle for mostly Italian (standby pasta with fresh tomato or marinara sauce...) and some Cuban/Mexican foods such as black beans and rice, vegetable burrito, etc. Needless to say none of this stuff was MWL-approved.

I did get quite a bit of exercise in, and came in 5th in my age group (21:44) in the very competitive Sammy's 5K Run in Sarasota Saturday morning. My wife ended 6th in her age group too. Also ran along beautiful Bradenton Beach. Today, I am back on the straight and narrow and will hopefully be back to <160 by next Thursday.

Good luck and best wishes to everybody else - hope your results are better than mine!

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Postby MaryW » Wed May 27, 2009 11:03 pm

Droxine, sweet potatoes are great for breakfast! Check out McD's sweet potato beginnings. Actually, Letha was the one who turned me on to it. (Thanks again, Letha!) She has a link on her blog: ... -it-looks/

You can change it to your own tastes. I don't like bananas, so I always leave it out. And I try out different spice combinations. It's very satisfying.
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Postby droxine » Thu May 28, 2009 4:43 am

Mary, thanks for the recipe. I don't like putting bananas in recipes, either, but will eat them occasionally as a snack. This page has a lot of great links to other sites which will keep me busy for a while. Thanks!

On another subject, my dog is very happy that I changed my eating habits. He's mad for sweet potatoes or any kind of squash. When I cook them up, he sits as though he's waiting for a biscuit!

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Weigh in

Postby txjack » Thu May 28, 2009 5:41 am

Hi everyone,
This week I am down to 248.4, a weight loss for this week of 9.6 lbs.
My total weight loss is 35.1 lbs.

I have not seen my scales in the 240's since about 1990 when I was injured on the job in a wreck. My back was goofed up and was not able to much of anything. Still not able to do things like I did before, I am getting my energy back and able to do the things that I can do so much easier.

05/28/2009 248.4
05/14/2009 258.0
05/07/2009 262.0
04/30/2009 269.0
04/23/2009 274.8
04/16/2009 271.6
04/09/2009 277.0
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Postby New Dawn » Thu May 28, 2009 6:19 am

I'm down only .2 this week. I guess I should be happy that I have lost any at all. If I don't lose more than this next week, I'm going to try Mary's Mini.

I didn't report exercise on Sunday, but I am currently walking 50 minutes five days a week on the treadmill.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

New Dawn 04.06.09
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Postby MaryW » Thu May 28, 2009 6:33 am

great job, txjack! you're making excellent progress. why do you think this week's weight loss was so big? (just curious)

I'm down .6. Not much, but a loss is a loss. I blame the peanut butter! :-D
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weigh in

Postby LauraA » Thu May 28, 2009 6:41 am

Hi All - I'm down .5 pounds this week. I leave for more travel on Tuesday - I work in an orphanage in Tanzania, so I won't be able to weigh in until the beginning of July. If I can just hold my own with this trip, then I'm planning to really focus all through the rest of the summer. I hope that everyone is doing well. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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