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Postby BertinHouston » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:41 pm

Hi everybody

I have been MIA - very occupied with work, will be going away for a long stint in August so will have to get everything in place this month... I am the same this week as last, no change. Could have been worse with the stress levels a bit higher than usual, which usually results in me making PBJ sandwiches... At least with WW bread and the good type of PB. But still not even remotely MWL...

Otherwise no complaints: won my age group in a 5K race last Saturday (all the 'really' fast guys were running somewhere else!) and my blood pressure was 100/60 which ain't all bad for a 57-yr old. I've got another 5K coming up on 4th July, trying to get close to my Personal Best of 21:11 but it will be very difficult in this heat.

It is good to read about all of your ongoing triumphs, occasional setbacks and determination to keep at it. Perseverance is the most underrated of all traits.

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Postby Letha. » Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:54 pm

Checking in. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Postby MaryW » Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:56 pm

Bert, that's great about winning in the 5k race. I entered a 5k a few years ago. I power walked the whole way and came in absolutely last, but it was such a great feeling! I definitely need to try to enter a race again.

One of my coworkers told me about her husband going to the hospital this weekend. She said he was having chest pains and they found out he was having kidney problems. He's also diabetic. I couldn't help but tell her about this lifestyle. I'm going to lend her my copy of Esselstyn's book, and there was a copy of Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes at the library. Hopefully this will help! She seemed more positive after we talked.

She said something that really bugged me though, She said she told her husband years ago to cut back on pork, but he refused. She said she herself cut back on pork. But then she got sick and didn't feel well, and she felt like pork had nutrients that she needed, so she started eating it again. I wanted to ask her what nutrients she thought pork has that are so important, but it seemed rude when she was upset. I wonder why she is fixated on pork?? And all other meats are okay?? Hopefully she will educate herself and be able to help her husband.
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Postby LauraA » Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:23 am

I've been very busy with my wonderful family since I got back from Tanzania. I finally remembered this morning to start a new thread for July. I'll see you all over there! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby green jeanne » Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:31 pm

I'm still hanging in there and lost 2 lbs. this week! I am so excited I nearly screamed when I got on the scale.
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