January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Juni » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:16 pm

Down 0

Last week 135.5
Today 135.5

I was sure that I at least lost .5lbs :? before I weighed in.

I haven't been real successful with the 30 min of exercise so will focus on that next week
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:27 pm

WholePlanetBased - :thumbsup: Having a stock of already cooked starches to draw on from day to day is a great way to be prepared. You may also be interested in this thread on chocolate from Jeff's subforum.

Abe - Glad to hear you are enjoying SNAP meals (to give credit where it is due, SNAP is Jeff's creation). I love calisthenics! I have a whole bodyweight resistance routine I do 3 times each week, but any exercise that you find enjoyable ought to pay dividends.

BlackBeanSoup - Kudos! I've enjoyed seeing your journal.

Monica - Looser clothes is such a nice feeling! I've updated the previous tally with your correction. Thanks!

Jocewally - :thumbsup:

Amy - What wonderful realizations!
Aprincess wrote:I don’t feel deprived.
It seems to me this is a key point in making this WOE work for you.
Aprincess wrote:Have a great week of healthy food and a healthy mindset! :) :-) :-D :D
I second that sentiment!

NomeOslo - Great to hear your breathing and joints have improved! That has to be a nice change. I applaud your preparation.

Leah Bell - Sounds like a pretty successful week - I think you might find that your awareness of being full gets a bit more accurate over the long term.

fiddler - Slow and steady has its benefits. :) There are a few different Asian-flavored dressings in the recipe section of the site.

Stephanie - :thumbsup: What sort of exercise have you enjoyed in the past?

Kirsty - Finding food / recipes you enjoy and can integrate in your routine is SO important. Glad your spouse has been so supportive. Pat yourself on the back for abstaining from alcohol, I've found it to be really worth it.

Debsal - Kudos!

rukaspooka - :thumbsup: Glad you are excited by your results!

moonlight - Woot! Awesome execution on your planning! And in a challenging food environment, as well. :thumbsup:

Vee - Cheers to a week that felt good! Like you, I've learned that I'm one of the people who also has to be 100% adherent to achieve what I want. Be gentle with yourself if deviations do arise. :)

Wild4Stars - Those cravings can be tough, for awhile. Way to go on the steps!

Jlowe - Kudos!

AnnetteW - Hang in there, Annette; you had a challenging week, but I know you understand where to go from here.

Marsha - Way to go! Those mashed potatoes sound so yummy!

Stormy - :thumbsup: Wow! Normal BMI is a sensible signpost to use on your journey, it seems to me. If salads are difficult, cooked non-starchy vegetables are another great option for making up that 50/50 plate. Enjoying the food is SO important.

Catswcravats - Kudos!

Butterfly043 - Kudos!

LeahMT - That is a substantial overall loss! (Just to confirm, down 2.2lbs for just this past week, correct?) Way to go resisting that beer!

alishana - I imagine you feel a bit frustrated. Do you have any intuition why you didn't see the progress you wanted? The checklist can be really helpful to narrow in on areas where there are opportunities to pursue. Hang in there.

JTaks - Better this week than the past is progress, for sure. Your focus on planning is a great idea.

KatieLovesPotatoes - Tracking compliance often proves to be useful, it shows us where we are making progress. Best wishes for increasing that ratio and getting active - life does get in the way sometimes, doesn't it? :)

Lynn Fox - Kudos to you & your husband! I bet the "space coast" is beautiful!

TurtleDove - Congrats on breaking a plateau! I'm sorry you are finding the forum difficult to navigate. It does become easier as one gets a bit more familiar with where everything is located. Let me know if you have specific questions and I'll try to point you in the right direction.

Bruce1223 - Ugh! The flu is the WORST! I'm so sorry you are ill - best wishes for a speedy recovery and take care.

troypohl - Kudos!

cmh1305 - Well done! Building those health-supporting habits is a commendable focus. Way to go with those steps!

pbnew - Kudos.
Mark Cooper wrote:
pbnew wrote:Jan. 10. Down 2 lb.

Questions: how do I respond to a specific post and how do I post items within my post such as an article or recipe? Thank you.

Using the “quote” button at the top of the post to which you want to respond is probably the easiest method. For links, once you have started a post, there is a “URL” button in the top menu for the post which will give you a tag that looks like [u r l][l/u r l], if you place the url address you want to share in between those brackets it creates a link. Like this


Larrke - Hang in there! A review of the 10-Point Checklist may point you toward some opportunities you can focus toward. Do you have any intuition about how your eating patterns have been over the past week?

Rachel - Kudos on feeling a win! You definitely don't want to feel deprived. I would say that some added fruit is a good trade for avoiding more calorie dense baked goods and higher-fat foods. Some people prefer more variety than others, so maybe consider switching up what you are eating, within the guidelines.

symbas - I would encourage you to stick with us! I'll just log you as no change for now, and we can go back and modify the report once you know your weight next time. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling some improvement in flexibility and aches and pains.

VGuzman - Congrats on feeling great! It definitely can take some time to adjust to less or no added salt, but it does help with "passive overconsumption" doesn't it? :D

BeTrue01 - Kudos to you!

MaryP - :thumbsup: 100%! Glad you are feeling good!

wstokes - Congrats on a substantial loss! Do be careful not to overdo things, or let yourself go hungry, as that can sometimes lead to a binge. That strong motivation is useful, and it can be valuable to focus on process (adherence) that we can control, vs. outcome (weight change) that isn't directly under our control. Something to think about as you continue to dial-in new habits. :D

gj1310 - Kudos!

ElizabethAdams - That is why I think the MWL 10-Point Checklist is so valuable, it can really help us to identify and hone in on areas in need of "tweaking." Thanks for sharing your process for those oats, very interesting! Finding palatable foods that fit the guidelines and your tastes and lifestyle is definitely a key. Cheers to not "finding" those banished pounds! :D

Sunshine88 - It's great that your exercise routine is having a beneficial effect on your sleep. You saw a 1 lb loss this week, as well, if I'm not mistaken. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Vic - Kudos! Glad this week was easier, and the workplace was JUNK free. I love cabbage! Enjoy!

Juni - Exercise can sometimes be the missing piece. If the other areas of the checklist aren't an issue, I would be surprised if you didn't see a loss next time. Sometimes it just takes a bit.
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Mark Cooper
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby RosieLB » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:36 pm

Friday weigh in:

1/3/2020 -- 155.7
1/10/2020 -- 153.0
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby wildgoose » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:36 pm

ElizabethAdams wrote:'
I came across a video on YouTube that explained why some people
find that oatmeal in the morning makes them feel sleepy. It seems that
it's high in tryptophan and that this leads to melatonin production which
can make you feel sleepy, so why not have oatmeal in the evening, instead?

Why not, indeed!

So I tried it and slept like a baby all night long and woke up refreshed
and ready, willing and able to face a breakfast of champions
including but not limited to steamed kale!


@ElizabethAdams, if I have oatmeal (steel cut oats with golden flax meal), I always have it in the evening. I found the same thing that you did — better sleep and a more relaxed evening. I was always sleepy and extra hungry when I had oatmeal in the morning, and I think my "hunger" was from being tired, not from being hungry. So I switched to oatmeal for dinner. Everybody is different, so this won’t be true across the board. Nice discovery!

My story: MWL works!
How I determined my "goal weight"
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby LynnStarr » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:55 pm

Lost .4 lbs this week

Jan 1: 208.2
Jan3: 207.6
Jan 10: 207.2

I was not 100% this week due to going out of town and not planning ahead of time. I have not had any diet soda in 10 days though!
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby squealcat » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:22 pm

last week 194.6
This week 196.8
Weight went up by 2.2 pounds

The first part of the week went well and then the next fell into the pits :crybaby: ! I didn't have food prepped well ahead and no food around that I could use when I had cravings.

I now have those little yellow potatoes all cooked and made my own hummus. This will be a big help in the coming week.

Good luck to everone !

-Marilyn (squealcat)
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Juni » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:39 pm

Mark Cooper wrote:Juni - Exercise can sometimes be the missing piece. If the other areas of the checklist aren't an issue, I would be surprised if you didn't see a loss next time. Sometimes it just takes a bit.

Yes, probably eating too much higher calorie density starches rice/beans and not filling my plate with 1/2 veggies.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby FoodisFuel » Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:03 pm

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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby LennieP » Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:40 pm

Friday weigh in

before: 157

today: 155

lost: 2#
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Denise46 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:06 pm

Beginning weight 152.4
Current weight 149
Goal weight 135

Very pleased with week one. Cutting out processed foods is working! :D was
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Drew* » Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:08 am

Overall, I've pursued the MWL approach during this week. I love the recipe shared by Mark that adapts Jeff's recipe (veggies, canned tomato, starch, etc.) and the "fried" rice recipe from Dr. McDougall is also filling. I have a big salad before the starch once or twice a day. Could I be more MWL? Yes. I have managed to be mainly MWL and lost a little weight. Here is the summary:

1/10/20 ... Wt: 180.6 lb ... -1.7 lb
1/3/20 ... Wt: 182.3 lb ... -3.1 lb
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby alishana » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:04 am

Mark Cooper wrote:alishana - I imagine you feel a bit frustrated. Do you have any intuition why you didn't see the progress you wanted? The checklist can be really helpful to narrow in on areas where there are opportunities to pursue. Hang in there.

I'm really not that frustrated ! I'm at the end of my weight loss journey (I've already lost 30lbs and I want to lose 10 more) and I haven't been 100% compliant this week so I already knew that I won't see changes this week! (Also in my country we use kilograms and 1kg = 2.2lbs. So I'm not able to see tiny changes on my scale). But I'm back on track now :D Thank you for your sweet help Mark ! You are a real sunshine here.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Bee175 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:03 am

Friday 1/10/20
191 lbs
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:12 am

alishana wrote:I'm really not that frustrated ! I'm at the end of my weight loss journey (I've already lost 30lbs and I want to lose 10 more) and I haven't been 100% compliant this week so I already knew that I won't see changes this week! (Also in my country we use kilograms and 1kg = 2.2lbs. So I'm not able to see tiny changes on my scale). But I'm back on track now :D Thank you for your sweet help Mark ! You are a real sunshine here.

Ah! That makes sense, Alishana. Thanks for clarifying and congratulations on all the progress you've already achieved.
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Mark Cooper
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Jocewally » Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:19 am

As I look at the Calorie Density groups I noticed quite a variety of Calorie Density within each group. I wanted to know which of the beans, lentils, legumes were on the higher end of the scale and make sure that I enjoyed them more sparingly even though they're still under 600 cal/lb.

Since my body is pretty resistant to losing fat I thought I would help as much as possible.

Here's a chart I found that breaks down a list of common WFPB foods:
https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/ed ... torfh3.png

I searched online for the formula to figure out calorie density or a more thorough WFPB Calorie Density chart but haven't found one that didn't include lots of animal based products.

Learning how to eat with a 50/50 plate, preloading with low Calorie Dense foods, etc is really making these past 2 weeks feel different than the entire 5 years I've been working on losing weight. Yay! Very thankful to have had this Jan 2020 WeighIn opportunity pop up in my facebook wall.
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