For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Postby Letha. » Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:47 am

March 09 MWL Group
UPDATED Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in 2009: 471.45 pounds

Total group loss reported in March 2009: 109.7
Week ending 03/26/09: 21 participants reported a total loss of 27.4 pounds
Week ending 03/19/09: 22 participants reported a total loss of 18.6 pounds
Week ending 03/12/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds
Week ending 03/05/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 26.6 pounds

Participants reporting for week ending 03/26/09. If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

CarolWL: 0
HealthE1: 0
Luvdachiess: 0
Mairead11: 0
Mrs. Doodlepunk: 0
Reni: 0
Riva: 0
Stormie: 0
Cynthiak: 0.5
Topview1: 0.5
Love the Lorax: 0.8
Birdy: 1
LauraA: 1
Felini: 1.1
MrsIrishOD: 1.5
Letha.: 1.6
Faith in DC: 1.8
Toadfood: 2.6
Cowgirrlup: 4
Potatolicious: 4
Janluvs2heel: 7
Total: 27.4

Total group loss reported in February 09 is 129.95 pounds
Week ending 02/26/09: 24 participants reported a total loss of 18.8 pounds
Week ending 02/19/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 45.45 pounds
Week ending 02/12/09: 27 participants reported a total loss of 28.6 pounds
Week ending 02/05/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds

Total group loss reported in January 09 is 238.8
Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 35.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Total Lost in December 08 = 68.26 reported for the group
Week ending January 1, 2008 – 4 participants: 8.2 pounds lost
Week ending December 25th, 2008 - 5 participants: 6.96 pounds lost
Week ending December 18, 2008- 6 participants: 9.6 pounds lost
Week ending December 11, 2008 - 10 participants: 16.5 pounds lost
Week ending December 4, 2008 - 12 participants: 27 pounds lost
Last edited by Letha. on Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Letha. » Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:58 am

Good morning all. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. My new powerblock weights came on Thursday & I used them for the first time yesterday. The 18 pound adjustable dumbbell felt heavier to me then using a 10 pound dumbbell with 8 pounds of ankle weights strapped to my wrist.

I’m making a humongous pot of Moroccan Stew this morning. Not much else going on in my world. Hope you all are having a great weekend. I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:05 am


I was invited to join this group by Toadfood when I posted in MWL about Mary's Mini Diet so here I am.

I started my 1st time with McD' in 1998, lost 40 lbs, started a new job, let that be my excuse for stress & slowing regained the weight. Then I started on a path of low carb, doing nothing, gaining weight, feeling miserable, McDng on & off. Anyway, I have struggled with weight issues all my life but I have realized I only dieted to lose weight. I never cared about my health, although I figured if I lost weight, good health would naturally go hand in hand. The problem was I never lost enough weight or kept it off long enough to find out. After reading Mad Cowboy, well, let's just say it has totally changed my persepective. I started about 6 weeks ago or so, but I wasn't quite serious enough. Oh, yes, I can give up meat, chicken, fish, etc. but other stuff proved to be more challenging. Still I lost a few lbs & overall felt better. A little more than a week ago, I decided this was stupid, if I was going to do it, I need to do it right. So I decided to try Mary's Mini as a jump start. I started last Friday, 3-20. I also gave up my cup of coffee in the am. I had 3 days of headaches & just feeling lousy, but I perservered. By Mon, I had lost 4 lbs. I was so excited. My BP dropped to 116/78, previously it had been 130/90, so I experienced a couple days of dizziness when I got up in the am. I decided to start MWL on Thursday. Thurs. am I weighed myself, I had lost 7 lbs, that is over a lb. a day, too fast. So here I am, I am not focusing on weight loss. I am focusing on health. They should go hand in hand.
I am feeling good, more energy, happier.
My daughter is also a McDgougaller & is raising her 2 daughters (one on the way, due in May) as well. We wont talk about her husband, but he tries.

Thanks for allowing me to join this group. I will report my weight loss on 4-2.
I hit new reply & then was interrupted & when I came back, I forgot I had hit new reply so this got into the wrong spot so a little copy & paste & hear it is.
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Postby Letha. » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:46 am

Welcome Jan! Congratulations on your 7 pound loss. You’re off to a fabulous start. It’s great that you have a family member who is McDougalling. That kind of support is invaluable. I look forward to hearing lots more from you. I added you to our updated results for the week. Take care. :)
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Postby luvdachiess » Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:55 am

Hi all~ I am back got to check in everyday. Yesterday did not go quite as planned. Breakfast was great and then got the call my daughter was in labor with our first grand child. So baked a potato and out the door we went. About 6 hours later my son brought me a subway veggie sub no oil no mayo and no cheese. So totally McD, but I was trying to stay away from bread. Then once Christian arrived held him kissed on him and got home at 1:00 am this morning I had a snack of shredded wheat with soy milk, because I was so hungry. Should have made a different choice, but that is that. I did walk 3 miles yesterday right before the call.

So back on track today.

Breakfast - Oatmeal with an apple in it.

Lunch Potato and Broccoli

Dinner Spring Veggie Paella

Snacks - veggie and fruit
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Postby toadfood » Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:53 pm

Congratulations on the new grandbaby, Teresa! It sounds to me like you did really well considering what a crazy day it was.


I have to stay with my turtle energy. Slow and steady wins the race. -- Letha
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Postby LauraA » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:12 pm

Hi Jan, we are thrilled to have you here, and your weight loss so far is wonderful. We welcome everyone - those who are succeeding and those you aren't there yet. Those who do Mary's Mini, those who do MWL, those who do mostly MWL - whatever. We give and receive support here, and we are all very positive and supportive. It is a great group, and I am so thankful for everyone here. Keep posting, and I think you'll enjoy being part of us. In addition to many of us weighing in on Thursdays, some of us post how our exercise is going on Sundays. Welcome!! Take care, LaruaA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:29 pm

Thanks Letha,

Finally I think that I have the right mindset.

Talk to you all next week.
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re: Introduction

Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:32 pm

Thanks Laura A. I am really looking forward to this group.

I dont know if I can report on Sunday about exercise. I know I am moving more though, so that is good.

Maybe next Sunday.
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Postby Letha. » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:13 am

Good morning. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Time for my weekly exercise report. I just completed the 5th week of my 12 week plan and I haven’t missed a single session yet.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday: Off
Monday: Physical Therapy
Tuesday: Resistance Training
Wednesday: Physical Therapy
Thursday: Off
Friday: Resistance Training
Saturday: Physical Therapy

Weekly Reporting

Physical Therapy for Osteoarthritis in Knees

Knee Extension Stretch
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Supine Straight Leg Raises
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Short Arc Quad Extension
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Modified Partial Lunge
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Step Ups
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Left Knee Side Rise
Week 1, Session 1/2/3: 1 rep/1 rep/1 rep
Week 2, Session 1/2/3: 2 reps/2 reps/2 reps
Week 3, Session 1/2/3: 3 reps/3 reps/3 reps
Week 4, Session 1/2/3: 4 reps/4 reps/4 reps
Week 5, Session 1/2/3: 6 reps/6 reps/6 reps

Resistance Training
8 Reps, 2 Sets

Knee Extension
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs
Week 2, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/3 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 3 lbs/4 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 5 lbs/5 lbs

Side Hip Raise:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs (Ses. 1 could only do right leg, Ses. 2, only 1 set left leg)
Week 2, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/3 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 3 lbs/4 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 5 lbs/5 lbs

Hip Extension:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs (Ses. 1 could only do right leg)
Week 2, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/0 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 0 lbs/3 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 3 lbs/4 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 5 lbs/5 lbs

Biceps Curl:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/5 lbs
Week 2, Session 1/2: 8 lbs/10 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 10 lbs/13 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 15 lbs/15 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 18 lbs/18 lbs

Overhead Triceps:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/2 lbs
Week 2, Session 1/2: 3 lbs/5 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 5 lbs/8 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 8 lbs/10 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 10 lbs/10 lbs

Upward Row:
Week 1, Session 1/2: 2 lbs/5 lbs
Week 2, Session 1/2: 3 lbs/5 lbs
Week 3, Session 1/2: 10 lbs/10 lbs
Week 4, Session 1/2: 10 lbs/10 lbs
Week 5, Session 1/2: 10 lbs/12 lbs

8 Reps, 1 Set

Toe Stand:
Week 1, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 2, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 3, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 4, Session 1/2: Level 2/Level 2

Heel Stand:
Week 1, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 2, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 3, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1
Week 4, Session 1/2: Level 1/Level 1

I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Exercise Report

Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:53 am

Hi all - My daughter and her family left, and now another daughter is visiting. We are at the beach, about an hour from where I live, and it is a beautiful day. Here's my exercise report:
Monday - Curves and stretching - 40 minutes
Tuesday - walked the baby - 30 minutes
Wednesday - bike ride - 1 hour
Thursday - Curves and stretching - 40 minutes
Friday - walked the baby - 30 minutes
Sat - day off
Sunday - walked - 30 minutes, plan to walk again on the beach

I hope that everyone is having a great day! My daughter wanted to go to a very southern restaurant here - all veggies have lots of added oil, butter etc. I watched her eat, then came back to where we are staying, and had sloppy lentils, brown rice and a salad!! I'm proud of myself!! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Starchyme » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:57 am

Gee, Laura, I'm proud of you also. I don't know that I could have passed up good Southern! Did you give yourself two hugs, kisses, and pats on the back? Happy McDougalling.
Happy McDougalling!
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Postby LauraA » Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:18 pm

HealthE1 wrote:Gee, Laura, I'm proud of you also. I don't know that I could have passed up good Southern! Did you give yourself two hugs, kisses, and pats on the back? Happy McDougalling.

Thanks so much, HealthE1 - I feel so much like I'm in a good groove of doing what I need to do. I'm sure that there are many challenges to come, but for now all is going well! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby Letha. » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:25 pm

LauraA wrote:
HealthE1 wrote:Gee, Laura, I'm proud of you also. I don't know that I could have passed up good Southern! Did you give yourself two hugs, kisses, and pats on the back? Happy McDougalling.

Thanks so much, HealthE1 - I feel so much like I'm in a good groove of doing what I need to do. I'm sure that there are many challenges to come, but for now all is going well! Take care, LauraA

That's exactly how I feel. I'm sure I'll face challenges down the road, but right now I'm in the zone and very happy about it.
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Postby toadfood » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:56 pm

It's great to hear so many people are in the zone! Welcome, Jan!

My exercise for the week:

Monday: 30-minute WATP Walk and Kick video
Tuesday: 30-minute walk outside (about 1.5 miles)
Wednesday: 15 laps in pool, 1 hour Pilates class
Thursday: WATP 4-mile Super Challenge
Friday: Off
Saturday: WATP 3-mile Weight Loss Walk with 2-lb weights
Sunday: WATP Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles

Usually I go to Pilates on Monday but I just wasn't feeling up to it yet this time (I stayed home from work, too). Got there on Wednesday and discovered the Wednesday class starts an hour later than the Monday class. I did some laps in the pool to fill in the time. Next time I'd rather do Pilates first, though, because it gets me all hot and sweaty and the pool would feel great after that. Tomorrow I'll be back at my regular Pilates class.


I have to stay with my turtle energy. Slow and steady wins the race. -- Letha
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