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Postby Faith in DC » Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:10 pm

I check my local one and it did still have sweet taters. Gosh I love them with a light sprinkle of sugar. I don't like them too sweet. the natural flavor is just so yummy on their own.
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Postby Cindee » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:22 pm

Reeally??? Hmmm. I'll check.

"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby Cindee » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:11 am

I hope it is okay to post this here. On my MWL quest, I find myself frequenting sites of guest speakers to Dr. McDougall's program. Also, I hope I haven't infringed on any copyright laws. If I have, I will immediately delete this. But, this was quite helpful to me to read, it might be to you as well. I left Weight Watchers about a month ago. I just couldn't get with the program. Too crazy and unrealistic. You can only lose 1-2 lbs. a week and no more or you will have health problems. One reason I had to go. Then upon reading this below I felt much better. As of today I am keeping up to about a one pound a day weight loss because I am eating like the doc has suggested.

I hope this will help someone as it has helped me. :-D

This is my first question to you, so forgive me if this question has already been asked. I have always been told, and read in many books, that a safe amount of weight loss would be 1-2 pounds a week. I know in your book you mentioned that many people lose a pound a day at first with Eat to Live. I am about 9 days into my 6 week trial and so far, I have lost about 8 pounds, so I am very happy about that. I hope it will continue because I have a lot to lose, and I know your main goal is to get people healthy (which is my goal in doing this too), so can you calm my fears about the weight loss being so fast?
What is funny is that I just had a patient in my office this week that lost 50 pounds in the last two months and I am not exaggerating. She went from 377 to 324. The point is that you or I did not control the amount of weight she lost, her body did it on its own, just from eating healthy for the first time in her life, and with eating as much as she desired. Crash dieting has a bad rep, because people maintain a diet that is unhealthy and that they can’t sustain long-term and it has a dismal tract record for maintaining long-term weight loss. My approach is the opposite of a unbalanced crash diet, like a pink drink or semi-fast. For example, this individual lost lots of weight fast, but she lost the weight in the context of a healthy diet with all the nutrients she needs for superior health. She is educated so she knows healthy eating is a lifetime commitment. Would the advocates of slow weight loss recommend I tell this person to eat more candy bars and Ring Dings to slow it down? The bottom line is that when you eat in a healthy manner, your body does what is best. You cannot lose weight or heal too fast. You cannot save a person's life too quickly. We must remove life-threatening habits and eating patterns fully if we want to make sure someone does not die needlessly. How many of those compromised portion control diets like weight watchers have people drop dead of heart attacks or strokes continuing to eat the death-causing American diet, but just a little less of it. Let them remove their risks gradually, for me; I want to assure people they are eating in an ideal way to maximally protect themselves from a medical tragedy. By the way, look on the front of the home page click on articles and read the last article on “Why lose it fast.” In summary, I do not advocate fast or slow weight loss, rather I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. When you do that, your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion.
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby Cindee » Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:22 pm

Well Today has been an interesting day. As I am on Day 7 of MWL, I caved and had 2 pieces of sour dough oil. But, I needed it. I also chopped up an avocado ( Not allowed) and had an avocado sandwich. Just felt like I needed it. That's about it. Well, I did make a stir fry rice and veggie dish and had some manzanita/pimento olives last night. Just felt like I needed a little lift to carry me through. I fell a little, but I'm still veggie and as good as I can be on this program.

Day 7 and counting with a little bit of the treats from up above.

How is everyone else doing?

Cindee :)
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby KareninTN » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:06 pm

I'm still here, turtle-plodding along. The weekend weight is coming back off. A game I play at times like this is to wait and see what poundage is still on me a week after the crime was committed, and figure that's how much I really gained.

Cindee, I really crave bread also, frequently, so I understand where that's coming from. That's the main reason why I wouldn't go MWL in the past: I didn't think I could stand giving up bread! It's really easy to eat too much of, for me anyway.

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Postby Faith in DC » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:05 pm

Bread is a hard one to give up. I've been trying to divert my attention to other things that I can have. This weekend is my end, so will take that off. I think I'll try and stay with it during the week though. I do have some bread standing by for my first off the vine tomato from my garden. Sorry but only a tomato sandwich will do. hehe

Fuhrman's answer above was interesting. Never thought of it in that manner. Gosh, I just keep thinking about my 49 yo skin and what would happen if I lose too quick. Just think a pound a day, for two months almost. The first week I can understand. But two months, that means that person consummed so much that she/he has cut 3500 calories each day. That is a lot of food or fat they were consuming.

I'm plodding along too Karen. My rapid days are over. I've been losing since Jan 06.
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Postby Cindee » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:58 pm

Well, I asked about that. Due to the fact we are eating nutrient dense foods constantly and losing weight and hopefully exercising, we won't experience that sagging skin.

I have several and I do mean several friends who have had that bi-pass surgery and they lost their weight so fast ( in a matter of just a couple of months) because their stomachs are the size of a golf ball, and their skin IS sagging and I hate to say this, they look 30 years older and have greying skin. They get dehydrated quickly and can only take sips of water. They have shared this with me, this isn't a personal attack or unkindly saying how awful they look. They would rather look this way then to have the burden of the added weight due to the health problems it causes. Scary.

So, choosing to lose this way and MWL and Fuhrman are that close..we will be fine. I'm 43 and have carried this excess for about 11 years now. I never had a weight problem until after the babies. I just never got the in between added weight off before I got pregnant again. It's been interesting...I've lost 18 lbs so far and not enought to notice really, but I see no sagging of the skin whatsoever. I am trying to keep up walking a a little exercise and weight bearing exercises going. Nothing major but enough to keep the skin as firm as possible. The nutrient dense foods not only help us to lose the weight, but heal and strengthen tissues in the body.

Day 8 and counting.

Cindee :-)
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:15 am

well sagging skin besides age, and fastness of losing, etc. also happens when you've carried a large load, a long time. I carried a large load (started at 220) for a long time (20 yrs).

Anyway, I was just thinking about fuhrman's answer. Coming from a doctor it makes sense. Get them well, quick. But myself, I'd be off in a corner downing ho'ho's after two days. It would really set me up for binging. I'm having to be careful these past two weeks. My mind has said binge a couple times. I've talked myself out of it, because really except for bread and pasta, I'm eating the same as I usually do. Losing slowly has helped me manage my mental demons of dieting. It has also taught me that this does have to be lifelong. I basically have the fear of spending six months to get 5 lbs off that I put on because of a weekend binge or whatever. Maybe it's me. The slowness I've been doing has helped me. I don't get impatient and want to throw in the towel, even though I only lose a pound a month. I didn't binge last summer this time, when I went 5 months not losing at all. I just kept with it. That is a MAJOR accomplishment. Much bigger than even losing the weight. I've lost large sums of weight before. I've never 'dieted' five months without a loss and not said heck with it.
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Postby mollyfisher » Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:25 am

Faith, kudos! Your posts give me so much inspiration and this one especially. I really like your approach and your attitude. My last 10 is going at a pound-a-month rate. It's the right for me now. I think of your sig line when I weigh in. :)
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Postby Cindee » Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:39 pm

Yeah, and when you get close to goal, it will come off a lot slower.

And as it is mentioned by Fuhrman himself, if you stick to his program for 6 weeks faithfully the weight will just drop off if you do have a lot to lose.

I just like the fact (wheter one chooses to go it slow or whatever) that the body is in control when we control it.

Love it.

Happy weekend everyone!
Cindee :-D

Looking forward to a good weigh in on the 20th. That's my weigh in goal date. Can't wait to see the weight!! :-)
"I advocate eating in the healthiest manner possible. Your body will naturally move to a healthier weight, at the speed it chooses, not some predetermined rate set by someone’s opinion." Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD
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