Anyone up for Another MARY'S MINI CHALLENGE?

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Postby seallen711 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:17 pm

Hey everyone!

Im checking in. Today was not a good day, so Im restarting tomorrow, but i'm not beating myself up over it because I started my cycle and i'm under a ton of stress with it being the end of the semester in nursing school for me (not that that is an excuse). I'm so glad to hear that you all are doing so well! Potatoes are my choice of starch, im starting tomorrow like I said, and will probably continue on for awhile with MM.

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Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:44 pm

Jackie J wrote:So far, I've lost 1 1/2 pounds since I started on saturday

That's wonderful. I'm down another pound since last week. I thought I would not have lost anything because I wasn't completely following the program; I was muching on things that I shouldn't have been near.

I was glad about my one-pound lost. It helped me get out of my blah mood about food, and it helped me recommit myself to the program. I did 60 minutes of cardio, burning about 500 calories in all. Here's what I ate today, and what I think I'll be eating for the next couple of weeks.

B - oatmeal covered with strawberries (Yum!)
(I was too busy to eat a snack in the morning, but I didn't miss it)
L - brown rice, romaine lettuce, salsa, and 1/2 cup of refried beans diluted with oatmeal to cut down on some of the sodium.
S - creamy spinach soup and two carrots
D - the same as lunch
D - thinly sliced pieces of apple and tea with about 1/4 cup of rice milk and a tablespoon of honey (this is such a treat!)

What has everyone else been eating?
Last edited by proverbs31woman on Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:00 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Kelly's Mary's mini

Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:46 pm

kkrichar wrote:Hi Everyone. This is exactly what I need. I read your call for participants yesterday and decided I would start today. My starch is potatoes. I'm going to try 10 days and reassess after that. I don't have a specific weight loss goal. I just want to follow the plan and see what happens. My main motivation is to kick start my weight loss and renew my enthusiasm for the McDougall program. My long term goals are, of course, better health, ideal body weight/fitness, more energy, and longevity.

I am training for a half-marathon in October so I will be running 4-5 days a week and Bikram yoga 1-2 days a week. I want to add weight training twice a week as well.

I weighed-in this morning at 175.4.

This is going to be great. I need accountability and camaraderie.


Hello Kelly,

I've added you to the list! Thanks for joining us. Keep us updated on your progress.
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Postby stephanie » Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:56 pm

Well, I had started on Sunday and got through to this afternoon alright. But then I let some emotional stresses get to me and had a less-than-stellar evening, to say the least. :-( But Wednesday morning will be a fresh start, and I think how lousy I'm feeling right now will be a good motivator to get and stay back on track. So add me to the roll-call as of Wednesday. :)
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:43 am

Welcome, stephanie! I'm glad that you've decided to get back up. Keep us updated.
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Postby star » Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:51 pm

Dido Piper. Nothing has ever controlled my cravings like this. I am amazed with each passing day.

It might sound strange but I never "got it" when the guru's would say eat low fat whole foods. I thought eating 75% whole food and 25% processed for lunch, followed by 100% processed food for snack, followed by 50% processed and 50% whole for dinner that that was enough. I had no idea that eating 100% lowfat whole foods starches until fully satisfied, would eliminate my cravings in a single day. I am still afraid they will return but I have gone through one full menstrual cycle and still no cravings. I just love the food and I am SATISFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby marlie » Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:19 pm

Well yesterday we were out all day long with no car.. Things took way longer than I had planned, so I of course didn't plan well for myself.
I was stuck with what snacks I brought my kids and nothing else.
I ended up eating chex mix. Later in the early evening, we finally passed a subway and I was too hungry to pass it up.
So I had an all veggie sandwich on wheat bread. I felt horrible for not having planned bettr for myself.

Today is much better.:)
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Postby mistie » Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:23 pm

Hi, I'm new here (just found the forum today) and like the idea of Mary's Mini for starting out. It's all kind of overwhelming for me for 2 reasons. I have high cholesterol and my doctor thinks I should go on medication. After reading about the side effects and possible problems with the various meds, I was horrified into looking for another way. :) The other problem is, my husband thinks a vegan diet is incomplete and doesn't exactly support my decision to try it. I've never been a big meat eater, but dairy is my downfall, so I hope I don't have a lot of cravings. My goal on McDougall is to get my cholesterol under control and lose 18 lbs. My starting weight is 158.

So I'll commit to following Mary's Mini for a month, starting tomorrow. If I can show improvement on my cholesterol tests, I'll be very happy. My exercise is walking my dog for 45 minutes twice a day, but I've been ignoring my stepper machine. So I'll try to spend some time on that each day, too. The starch I choose is brown rice.

I'm glad to be here and hope everyone does well on the plan.

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Postby Aurora 3 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:35 pm

Hi everyone,

I'll start the Mary's Mini tomorrow. My starch of choice is Brown Rice. I'll try this for one month and then switch starchs... hope that's okay. I weigh 164 right now 8) and I am 5' 9". I like weighing 148 - 152. I walk alot and sometimes use a stairmaster at home. My goal is to lose some weight but also try to throw my auto immune into remission... Eager to start.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:22 pm

Welcome to the group, mistie and Aurora 3!

mistie, I'm sure that if you commit to following the program for at least a week, you'll see incredible results as well, and maybe you'll eventually prove that the McDougall program is a complete diet. I have several carnivores around me who are amazed by my progress. For instance, my sister has been on Weight Watchers for about 6 months now, and she has lost 10 lbs. I've been on Mary's Mini for about 6 weeks now, and I've lost 12 lbs. Of course, she has gotten side-tracked at times, but ultimately, it seems like her falls are far more severe than my minor setbacks. I think it's partly because I can eat as much as I want.
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Re: MM

Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:23 pm

Aurora 3 wrote:Hi everyone,

I'll start the Mary's Mini tomorrow. My starch of choice is Brown Rice. I'll try this for one month and then switch starchs... hope that's okay. I weigh 164 right now 8) and I am 5' 9". I like weighing 148 - 152. I walk alot and sometimes use a stairmaster at home. My goal is to lose some weight but also try to throw my auto immune into remission... Eager to start.

Of course it's okayt to switch starches. I started out eating potatoes, then I got tired of them after about a week, so I've been eating brown rice ever since.
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Postby mistie » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:06 am

hasanismom wrote:Welcome to the group, mistie and Aurora 3!

mistie, I'm sure that if you commit to following the program for at least a week, you'll see incredible results as well, and maybe you'll eventually prove that the McDougall program is a complete diet. I have several carnivores around me who are amazed by my progress. For instance, my sister has been on Weight Watchers for about 6 months now, and she has lost 10 lbs. I've been on Mary's Mini for about 6 weeks now, and I've lost 12 lbs. Of course, she has gotten side-tracked at times, but ultimately, it seems like her falls are far more severe than my minor setbacks. I think it's partly because I can eat as much as I want.

Thanks for the encouragement, hasanismom!
I think any diet that has strict guidelines about quantities of foods is bound to make someone fail in a big way. I know from experience that it's hard to stick with it, and when you eat something off the list, it seems as though you've failed and there's no point in continuing.
I didn't make a big deal to my husband about changing some of the foods I eat, so he won't be watching to see if I get tired or bored. Can you tell I've been married for a long time? :-) I just have my rice cooking for breakfast (I like it with a sprinkle of ginger), and will take it one meal at a time.

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Postby star » Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:49 am

mistie wrote:I have high cholesterol and my doctor thinks I should go on medication. After reading about the side effects and possible problems with the various meds, I was horrified into looking for another way. :) The other problem is, my husband thinks a vegan diet is incomplete and doesn't exactly support my decision to try it. I've never been a big meat eater, but dairy is my downfall, so I hope I don't have a lot of cravings. My goal on McDougall is to get my cholesterol under control and lose 18 lbs. My starting weight is 158. mistie

Hi Mistie,
I know you have come to right place, so now you've got to prove it to yourself. For starters, just remember that your body was not designed such that you must take meds in order to prevent high cholesterol. That’s basically what the doctor is telling you. Really think about it. Your doctor did not say how you got this way, so he must thinks that’s how the body works and he wants to give you something to help you live longer in spite of the huge flaw. But in actuality, something is the CAUSE and you've got to address the cause not just the symptoms. You will be putting medicine on top of the problem and steadily making the problem worse if you don’t make a significant dietary change.

Also remember that what you have been doing has not worked, so how can it possibly hurt to try something that is so natural. Thirdly, remember that people never question their nutritional content when they are eating the SAD even though many are sick with so many life threatening diseases. But as soon as they are told to eat things like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, then they wonder where will their calcium, protein, etc. come from. It's just mind boggling when we really think about it.

But you do this for yourself and watch what happens. I was listening to an audio from Doctor McDougall on yesterday. If you're a drunk and you stop the alcohol, YOU ABSOLUTELY will get better (drugs won't help). If you're a smoker and you stop the cigarettes, YOU ABSOLUTELY will get better (drugs won't help). If you fill your body with junk (high fat, excess animal proteins, processed foods, etc...) and you stop eating that junk, then your body will respond by getting better. It's almost impossible for it not to respond if you're eating a low fat, wholes food, plant based diet.
Try not to worry about what others think because at the end of the day, you will have to live with the consequences of your actions. Your husband will come around when he sees the results. But I wonder what your husband would say if you asked “is my current diet healthy”? And if he says yes, then of course the next obvious question is “Then why is my cholesterol so high? Why do I need medicine if it’s complete?” But you know he means well.

I didn't mean to type so much but I just want you know that you deserve the chance to do this for you. I always try to remember the great saying that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". That's what I did with fasting and rawfoods. I've tried over and over and over again so now I am trying something different. I got results with the others but it was always temporary so I am trying something different. And I expect different results.

You can do it Mistie :D .
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Postby mistie » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:38 pm

Star, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I'm doing fine, and just knowing that I'm not adding cholesterol-containing foods into meals today has made a big difference in my attitude. I won't be able to follow Mary's Mini exactly because I started out with brown rice for my starch, then found 2 sweet potatoes I forgot I had. So I'll stick with McDougall guidelines otherwise. I'm happy to say that I'm not hungry and feel fine.
My husband's just watching out for me and wants me to be healthy. He'll approve of anything that keeps me around a long time, so I hope my cholesterol numbers improve.
As far as doctors go, I think they are so used to treating symptoms, as you said, and handing out medications, that it's hard for them to see a holistic view. Also, I think a lot of people would rather take meds than change their way of eating.

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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:57 pm

mistie wrote:Star, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I'm doing fine, and just knowing that I'm not adding cholesterol-containing foods into meals today has made a big difference in my attitude. I won't be able to follow Mary's Mini exactly because I started out with brown rice for my starch, then found 2 sweet potatoes I forgot I had. So I'll stick with McDougall guidelines otherwise. I'm happy to say that I'm not hungry and feel fine.
My husband's just watching out for me and wants me to be healthy. He'll approve of anything that keeps me around a long time, so I hope my cholesterol numbers improve.
As far as doctors go, I think they are so used to treating symptoms, as you said, and handing out medications, that it's hard for them to see a holistic view. Also, I think a lot of people would rather take meds than change their way of eating.


Hello mistie,

Don't worry about completely following the guidelines of Mary's Mini. I believe most of us are doing a variation of it. For instance, I believe Mary's Mini is just about eating starches, vegetables, and fruits, but I add 1 cup of beans to that every day because I love beans. I just try to limit variety in order to follow MM.

Ultimately, this forum is all about supporting each other and finding out what works for you and making things simple in order to easily stay on track.
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