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Postby LauraA » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:00 am

MrsIrishOD wrote:
Is a meal of 3 bean chili with peppers over rice with spinach a good combination?

I think that sounds like a perfect combination. Anytime that you have a starch, beans and green veggies, you are doing great! Take care, LauraA
PS May I come for dinner?
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Postby MrsIrishOD » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:05 am

Very discouraged this morning.

I did an early weigh-in because I had some discouragement over the weekend. I happily report a loss last week which brought me to a total of 5 lb loss over 6 weeks. Slow and steady, right?

Over the weekend I gained 2.5 lb back. The only slip up was my husband made tacos saturday night. He fries corn tortillas in olive oil when he makes them. I used boca meat in mine, stuffed it with lettuce and tomato and no cheese. Monday morning bam! Up 2.5 lb.

I have a difficult time seeing how hard I work at eating right 98% of the time, plus exercise 30 min/day 4-5x week and how this one slip up can put me back 3 weeks!

So at this point, only 2lb loss after 7 weeks.

Here are 2 days of examples of what I eat:

b: sweet potato and apples
l: rice and broccoli
d: 3 bean chili w/ peppers over rice
s: orange

b: oatmeal w/ blueberries
l: veg lentil soup over potatoe
d: brocolli and spinach over rice
s: celery w/ black bean salsa

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Postby Starchyme » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:06 am

"Is a meal of 3 bean chili with peppers over rice with spinach a good combination?"

YOU BETCHA! In fact, I had almost that type of meal the other day with the brown rice, chili, spinach, green pepper; but I also had a piece of vegan corn bread!
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Postby topview1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:19 am

MrsIrishOD wrote:Very discouraged this morning.

I did an early weigh-in because I had some discouragement over the weekend. I happily report a loss last week which brought me to a total of 5 lb loss over 6 weeks. Slow and steady, right?

So at this point, only 2lb loss after 7 weeks.


Don't weigh in until Thursday.

Seriously, the scale is only a tool and it moves up and down based on water, time between washroom visits, actual gain, etc. You will only go crazy if you look at it too much.

You have been doing great. Just sticking with and not giving up is a win situation. I would call what you ate on the weekend a feast, learn how it made you feel and go forward from here (see my post yesterday :oops: ). Another day, another choice. It is about the big picture of healthy choices, not a # on a random day.

Another possible thought, the boca is likely very high in sodium and quite possibly caused some water retention if you haven't been eating processed foods. The oil, yes an issue, but you already knew that. I find that tacos and other "open ended" foods are more of a danger of overeating, just not stopping when the body signals full because they taste so good.

There is my three cents, take it or leave it :) Just keep on keeping on, you are worth doing this!
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Postby topview1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:27 am

On plan and planning to stay that way.

I have contaiiners of cooked millet/squash cassrole in the fridge for my meals (with lots of veggies) and am arming myself against the mindless stuffing with good flour products that I make for the others around here. I still feel a bit "off" from the past, so forward motion is what will cure that :)

oatmeal, banana and honey with peppermint tea for breakfast

The rest of the day is going to be eating up the millet with lots of greens.

Fit 10 this morning. So far, I have missed one day in Feb. I can do this!!!!
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Postby Letha. » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:31 am


If you’d like to participate. Please post your weekly results sometime on Thursday. I’ll roll up the numbers for the group on Friday.
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Postby Letha. » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:57 am

Checking in. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Ran into a couple glitches with my new exercise program. I did a couple of reps of each of my exercises on Saturday when I was making my plan. I was able to do them all (except for the heel stand). Yesterday I attempted to do two sets of 8 and I ran into some problems. The three arm exercises were fine and the toe stands were doable. The heel stands were so difficult for me I’m just thinking of that move kind of like an isometric exercise – hopefully I’ll get some air under the balls of my feet sometime in the next 12 weeks.

The real issue was on the leg exercise. There are three from the Strong Women book. Down the road I’ll be doing them with ankle weights but right now I’m doing them with no weights. I wanted to do the hardest exercise first so I started with the knee extension where you sit in a chair and basically stick your foot out. I did two sets of 8 and found it very challenging, especially for my left knee. So when I got done with that I went on to do the other two leg exercise. Basically you stand up and either swing your leg to the side or swing your leg back. I was able to swing my bad leg around and do two sets of eight but I could not stand on my bad leg to do even one repetition with my good leg. Since I was able to do a few reps on Saturday, I’m thinking I exhausted the knee muscles on my bad leg with the two sets of knee extensions.

So I’ve planned to do these twice a week and the next time will be on Friday. Next time I’m going to change the order of exercise, doing the standing ones first to see if that helps. If necessary I might also reduce the sets or reps

These exercises are really focusing my attention on the specific weakness in my left knee & how it affects my balance. I think strengthening these muscles is really going to increase my confidence in walking around. Plus, doing these exercises will also make my progress more noticeable or observable. I’ve had this belief that my leg has been improving in recent months but it would be good to measure it with an increased ability to do an exercise.

Enough from me today.
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Re: Have my ticker working.....

Postby MrsIrishOD » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:20 am

topview1 wrote:Here is a link to the free "Pleasure Trap" lecture for starters.

Thanks for the encouragement topview! The one thing that keeps me going even if I don't lose like I want to, is the fact that this is such a healthy, healthy way of eating. Why would someone want to quit that?

Are there other links to other video programs? I see you can buy the DVD's in the mcdougall store, but I wanted to see if there are others that are posted.

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Postby cowgirrlup » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:31 am

Wow, I made the mistake of getting on the scale today, but I think in my case it has taught me a lesson.

I cannot add little bites of this and that thinking they will not hurt me. Mainly because my little bites stay little bites, but I do a LOT of them. A small handful of trail mix is no big deal...but 10 of them spread out over the day is a HUGE deal.

So, I am going to be super strict again. Not cheating. No little bites or tastes of anything just because its vegan.

Today is my restart day...restart and be true to myself. :D
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Postby LauraA » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:37 am

Hi everyone - I'm on plan, and went grocery shopping after Curves. Brown rice is always on sale. I buy bags of it that always have coupons, and i buy the little brown rice minute containers for if I'm in a hurry or traveling. They also always contain a dollar off coupon! Maybe not many people like brown rice -I love it!

Letha- You are smart to do less reps if you need to. The improvement you'll see with those exercises is very speedy - I kept having to go out and buy heavier weights! You can do more with the arms for awhile. You'll still be building muscle and getting great exercise. Good luck! Take care, LauraA
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Postby Anndreak » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:42 am

Hi Everyone! Sorry I've vanished this past week. Life has been insane. My diet hasn't been the best but it hasn't been as terrible as last week. I've been making some improvements. I've decided to keep a food journal and track everything I eat. I also have been working on a monthly menu, along with grocery lists. This way I don't have to think about what to eat, Ill already have it written down. I am hoping to have all of this done on Friday and get shopping on Saturday.

I will admitt I will be having a tiny cheat on March 7th. I am throwing my bf a birthday party and I will be making an R2D2 cake for him! Shhh its my big surprise for him! I've never made anything like it before, so I am hoping it turns out! I'll be using a vegan cake receipe and I'm on the search for a vegan frosting that holds up for what I need it to do. If I can't thats where my cheat will be.
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Postby Anndreak » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:59 am

B: Bare Naked Hot Cereal with water (very tasty - reccomend if you havent tried)

L: 1 potato, peals, s&p, chopped and nuked, mixed with a can of green beans, spoon full of rice and a 1/2 cup of salsa

D: Not sure yet.. probably the same as lunch
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Re: Have my ticker working.....

Postby topview1 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:06 am

MrsIrishOD wrote:Are there other links to other video programs? I see you can buy the DVD's in the mcdougall store, but I wanted to see if there are others that are posted.

Here is Dr McD's VSH ones:

http://vsh.voip-info.org/McDougall3.html (this is the one I'm watching today)

If you scroll down on the electure page where you can buy some of the dvd segments on line, there is a 45 minute lecture by Dr. McDougall to the ACLM that can be downloaded for free.
Last edited by topview1 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Faith in DC » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:03 pm

I love the Bare naked Granola but it's probably not a good Mcd food.

Letha - great exercises, it will help stregthen your knee. Don't push, slow and steady my dear. You are making so many improvements to yourself. Hugs to you.

Mrs Irish, hate to tell ya but yeah one little meal like that can set a person back. Normally that weight doesn't stick as long thank Goodness. I had to weigh in early as I'm out tomorrow. I gained 1.2. Like yours it was quick and I'm not at all bothered. The night before weigh in I had a soft pretzel w/salt and a couple beers. That day I walked or stood for 11 hours. I missed meals, and had a heavy snack and a normal dinner. Caloric wise I know there is no way possible that I gained that much but between fluid, and probably being clogged by the white flour and processed soy in my snack, I got clogged also. It's amazing you get off your routine how messed up the body gets.

FYI - taco's use to be a signature dish. Look up those shells, and with hubby hand doing them they probably had even more fat since they were fresh out of the oil. I do soft or better yet, a taco salad.
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Postby Anndreak » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:37 pm

Faith you should check out the Bare Naked Hot Cereal. It's just oats nothing else. It comes in a big bag not like the bags that granola comes in. I love that stuff too, but this hot cereal is very tasty, very similar to oatmeal.

Faith in DC wrote:I love the Bare naked Granola but it's probably not a good Mcd food.

Letha - great exercises, it will help stregthen your knee. Don't push, slow and steady my dear. You are making so many improvements to yourself. Hugs to you.

Mrs Irish, hate to tell ya but yeah one little meal like that can set a person back. Normally that weight doesn't stick as long thank Goodness. I had to weigh in early as I'm out tomorrow. I gained 1.2. Like yours it was quick and I'm not at all bothered. The night before weigh in I had a soft pretzel w/salt and a couple beers. That day I walked or stood for 11 hours. I missed meals, and had a heavy snack and a normal dinner. Caloric wise I know there is no way possible that I gained that much but between fluid, and probably being clogged by the white flour and processed soy in my snack, I got clogged also. It's amazing you get off your routine how messed up the body gets.

FYI - taco's use to be a signature dish. Look up those shells, and with hubby hand doing them they probably had even more fat since they were fresh out of the oil. I do soft or better yet, a taco salad.
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