January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby KatieLovesPotatoes » Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:50 am

3rd Weigh-In 1/17/2020:
+1 lbs (147 lbs)

19 out of 21 compliant main meals. But, snacking was a problem for me this week. I had tortilla chips twice and two slices of fruit cake from my neighbor. :shock:
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby knt » Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:48 pm

1/3: 257 lbs (change: 0)
1/9: 255.5 lbs (change: -1.5)
1/17: 254 lbs (change: -1.5)

It was difficult for me to be compliant this week so I am surprised to have lost weight. I had a very busy week at work and that made it difficult to prepare my meals the night before. As a results, I snacked a lot at work and resorted to eating out - neither of which leads to good eating. Getting enough sleep was also a struggle this week and being tired/sleepy was another trigger for going to bad foods.

My plan is to prioritize meal prep this weekend and have all my meals ready to go. Long weekend will definitely help.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:29 pm

Abe - Way to go! Not feeling deprived is such an important piece of the puzzle, and in my personal experience, the sensitivity to fullness develops gradually over time. I can really identify with that "panic" eating in preparation for some chaotic situation; as you become more and more confident in how to manage things I would expect it will begin to fade out. I have always wanted to try Name, but never have; it is neat to know it was enjoyable. Stay safe in that wintery weather!

Wild4Stars - Your consistent follow-through on your steps is awesome! 87.3 miles! Definitely go with the number of meals that work best for you, and keeping things simple almost always helps.

Monica - Kudos for a nice, steady downward trend. I wish you the best in fulfilling your exercise goals. :)

BlackBeanSoup - Way to go with the checklist! Exercise is definitely easier once it is integrated into your daily routine. I applaud your planning for your "party challenge," so you can maintain the deep groove you have established.

RosieLB - Great thought to focus on behaviors! Does your broth include some fibrous vegetables? If not, you might consider including some to help with satiety.

Jocewally - :thumbsup: Awesome follow-through on the checklist! When I eat sweet potatoes as a breakfast, I often top them with blueberries - it is surprisingly delicious. Sweet Potato Beginnings is also a very yummy recipe.

Leah Bell - Glad you did well this week! Nice cream can be easy to go overboard on sometimes, can't it? I feel your intuition to focus on the food and adherence is astute.

Marsha - I wish you a very happy birthday! You are SO right, those salty indulgences can really cause a reaction in the short-term, can't they? I'm wishing you the VERY best for your upcoming surgery (and relieved to hear it is not too concerning). :D

Stormy - I applaud your taking stock of how you feel foods affect you and adjusting accordingly, we all can be a bit different and it takes some time to learn how to build a plan that works for our specific situation.

LynnStarr - Slow and steady, FTW! Awesome job making those lunches work, and I again commend you on kicking that soda out.

rukaspooka - :) Slow and steady is the right direction - how has the MWL checklist been working for you?

Lynn Fox - The specific weight on any given day can tend to bounce around, and being so close to your goal weight it can be a bit more challenging. Do you feel like you have been benefiting from the MWL principles?

Kirsty - I totally agree, slow and steady wins the race! Congratulations on your continued commitment to abstaining from alcohol. It's great, too, that recognizing the signals your body is sending is seeming easier. Restaurants can be challenging, particularly depending on one's level of comfort and confidence in navigating that situation - kudos for making the best of your available options and not letting yourself get knocked completely off track. :thumbsup:

KathyS - I couldn't find a post for you last week, either, Kathy - it maybe that it was "previewed" rather than "submitted." I'll add you to last week's tally - no apology necessary.
KathyS wrote:No longer obese BMI!
Big congratulations on this, that must feel excellent! Way to integrate those points into your routine!

Amy Princess - Onward and downward, indeed! Awesome attitude and analysis.

Rachel - So glad you are succeeding in breaking through that plateau! I applaud you for your adherence! Events like birthday parties can be really challenging, especially when accounting for other people's feelings. :thumbsup:

Annette - Kudos! :D

Vee - I'm glad your week went well! From my personal experience, after a long enough period of adherence, and when the principles are integrated into routines it can get very easy. But, it does take time - way to go staying on track! Hopefully, you'll see better weather this week.

JTaks - I wish you a speedy recovery! It is awesome that you have such wonderful folks to help you out. Glad you are starting to feel better, take care and be well!

etoirocks - :D Pat yourself on the back! Staying on track while travelling is definitely a win! And now you know how to continue that plan for your next trip. I look forward to seeing your post on January 31.

NomeOslo - It is great that you are feeling so well, and the checklist is working in your daily life! Isn't that adjustment to your palate a great realization? It is worth exclaiming about!

pbnew - Slow but sure! :thumbsup: That seems to be the path for many in the group, and has definite advantages.

Carrieann - Way to go! You seem to have a good handle on assessing things, and that balance will very likely continue to improve. You'll have to let us know how you like your Imperfect Foods shipments.

Chuck - Strong start! Your assessment using the checklist seems solid and should point you in the right direction. One thing to keep in mind is that soup can be very effective as a meal starter (even more so than salad, for many people); Jeff discusses this in more detail here. Fantastic implementation of your exercise rules! Thank you so much for sharing that anecdote, I think it is quite enlightening. Dr. Lisle often talks about one of the key benefits of exercise being a boost to self-esteem, because it is something we can put into practice and build on each day, and I think your story really keys in to that idea.

KatieLovesPotatoes - 19/21 is great! Any ideas for conquering the snack monster? Tortilla chips can be a really temptation for some, especially if they are the super-salty restaurant / store-bought variety.

knt - Your week does sound like it had abundant challenges! Your plan for overcoming those hurdle next week seems sound - preparation can be the secret to success for many of us. I hope you enjoy a lovely and productive weekend.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:49 pm

Hi to the Group!! :-D

Have been so inspired to read about everyone's progress! Thanks, Mark - for the great tips that you have been posting. I also enjoyed reading both of the success stories - and I listened to Cloudy's video - which was powerful.

Weight change +1.6 lbs. :oops:
Start Weight - 146.4
Last Week Weight - 142.6
This Week Weight - 144.2

Not sure what happened here with a gain - but I am not discouraged -- because I know that this Plan works and that that the scale may go up or down with water changes as well. I feel great - with increased energy during the day and better sleep quality at night. I had been considering starting an on-line journal - and I think I will just jump in and do so this weekend.

MWL Checklist Points Where I succeeded this week:
1) Start meals with soup / salad / fruit - did this in most instances.
3) Reduce or eliminate sugar and salt.
4) Eliminate animal foods. Always.
5) Eliminate higher fat plant foods. Didn't eat any so far this year.
6) Eliminate oil. Haven't had oil this year. Checking each food label and have only eaten foods that I prepared this week.
7) Eliminate higher calorie dense foods. Haven't eaten any of these. Stuck to starch, veg, fruit.
8 Do not drink your calories.
9) Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.

MWL Checklist Points Needing greater attention:
2) Follow 50 / 50 plate volume. I have done this sometimes - should apply the concept for all meals or snacks and will work on that over the next week.
10) Exercise 30 minutes or more each day (i.e., brisk walking). I need to fit in a daily regular exercise routine. I have exercised in the past and this shouldn't be an on-going problem. I have to decide what to do - since I would prefer to use my home treadmill for now and it is not working.

I am so impressed by all of the content on this website. I have watched a few of the videos this week. Especially enjoyed the 2016 and 2019 interviews with Spudfit and the 2019 interview with Chef AJ.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby VGuzman » Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:04 pm

Weighing in this week. No weight loss.

124.2 lb.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby alishana » Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:36 pm

I'm down 0,5 lbs !
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby wstokes » Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:48 pm

+5 to 226
too many cheats this week :(
...back to the 10 guidelines
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby ElizabethAdams » Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:57 pm

Weight Change —2.0 lbs

Hi, Mark...

My husband does just like you said...
...he puts "some" beans on his plate...
...and "some" rice and "some" vegetables...
...with a couple of scoops of salsa on top...
...and pops it in a 350° oven for 20 minutes...
...proud of himself for making only one dish dirty!

He has no idea how many pots get washed behind the scenes
so that everything he puts in his food bowls is all ready to go!

From time to time, I mention that I'm thinking of showing him
how to perform all these behind-the-scenes tasks for himself...

...it's good for at least three days of him keeping a very low profile!


As for me...

...well, I've worked out three meals I like enough to repeat:
• a "food bowl" with beans, rice, potatoes and vegetables;
• a "taco plate" with homemade tortillas piled high with
beans and fresh pico sauce (chopped tomatoes, onions,
garlic and jalapeño peppers) and lettuce, etc.; and
• a "barley bowl" with flaked barley and oats
and mashed bananas topped with blueberries

Thank You! for clarifying my weight-vs-volume confusion.
You might like to know that I re-checked everything and found
that I'm approximately 50/50 as to *both* weight *and* volume.

I also had a good chinwag with a friend of mine who's a chef.
Whereas I only feed two people every day, he feeds dozens.
His patrons have no more idea of what's behind the plate
of food in front of them than my husband does, but you
can bet the chef does. He'd lose his shirt if he didn't!

Also also, I made a discovery!

You said awhile back that something called "hominy"
(whole-kernel corn) is MWL-compliant, but not "masa harina"
(ground-corn flour).

I had no idea, at the time, what "hominy" is,
but I dug into it and discovered that it's just
a fork in the road in "nixtamalizing" corn!

That is, first you prepare "culinary lime,"
the clear liquid left after the white powder
is strained out through a coffee filter.

Then you slow-cook either white or yellow corn
(the field-corn or dent-corn type, not sweet)
overnight, drain off the liquid and massage the
kernels gently with your hands under running water
so as to remove the pericarp (aka skins).

If you're going to take the hominy fork in the road,
you remove as many of the skins as feasible to make
the kernels as digestible as possible and then you
either cook them some more right then, or chill or
freeze them for cooking later.

If you're going to take the nixtamal fork in the road,
you remove most of the skins but not all because it's
the soluble fiber in the pericarp that contributes
that lovely flexibility to homemade tortillas which,
if you've never experienced it, is just heavenly.

Once you've massaged away most-but-not-all of the skins,
• you can grind the kernels a bit and make hominy "grits," or
• you can grind them a lot and make nixtamal, the dough
from which fresh, hot, succulent tortillas are made, or
• you can dehydrate the dough into masa harina (aka "instant"
corn flour) and then add water later to make reconstituted
nixtamal from which you can make fresh, hot tortillas
in just a few minutes anytime of the day or night!

Now that I understand where "hominy" fits into the picture,
I'm going to try my hand at making it and replacing the
cooked whole-grain rice in my food bowls with cooked
whole-grain corn that has been soaked and simmered in lime
and, by virtue of that extra step, is now nutritionally
superior to corn that has not. In particular, it has ten
times more available calcium, increased iron and greatly
increased B-3, the B vitamin that prevents pellagra.

When I look back at what a scaredy cat I've been about
learning how to cook corn in this way, I'm embarrassed.
Eight-year-old Native American girls do it all the time!

Anyway, thank you! for bringing it to my attention.
I really appreciate it. Through this MWL program, I've
become aware that rice and wheat are "problematic" for me...
not allergy-inducing, exactly, but somehow I just don't
feel as good after eating them as I'd like to. I've even
switched my oat-n-barley-flakes-hot-cereal meal to evenings
because it makes me feel sleepy...

...and I don't want to feel either sleepy or buzzy.

My goal is what I call "an even keel"...

...a level of energy that holds for a long time.

I don't know if anybody else here has experienced this
as a result of following Dr. McDougall's starch-based program,
but it was one of the first benefits I noticed... and prized.

It's the "gold standard" by which I judge various foods,
both individually and in combination with other foods:

Does it result in a steady, dependable level of energy
that's neither too high nor too low and that sustains itself
through all my waking hours providing I eat regular healthy meals
and don't do any one thing for too long at a time without a break?

For me, corn does a better job of helping me achieve
my sustained-energy goal than any other grain.

I've been achieving it with tortillas I make myself from nixtamal
(either store-bought or home-made) simply because I didn't understand
why and how corn kernels have to be treated in order to significantly
enhance their nutritional profile...

...but now that I'm hot on hominy's trail (thanks to you!),
that is going to change. I figured out how to presoak and
cook beans on a regular basis, so I know I can figure out
how to presoak (+lime water) and cook (+rinse skins) corn
(+grind it into tortilla dough later if I choose).

The fact that cooked corn can be refrigerated or frozen
just like cooked beans is a huge plus because cooked-ahead
food makes meal preparation go so much more quickly and easily...

...as I'm sure everyone here can attest!

I'm in the 4th month of my 3rd year of my struggle to follow
Dr. McDougall's program, and I'm happy to report that I'm
within shouting distance, now, of the goal weight I set
when I started.


Chapter 12 — Establishing a Healthy Way of Life

Identification-of-Health-Goals Questionnaires, pp 128-131

These questionnaires are great. They're what originally got me wondering
if there was anything I wanted *more* than to lose the weight I'd gained.

I discovered there was.

I wanted to see if I could *reverse* the process of gaining weight;
that is, if one's average weight *gain* over time is .5 lb per week,
is it possible to *lose* .5 lb per week and, if so, what would have
to happen before that could happen?

Next up is what would have to happen before one could *maintain* one's
"ideal" weight and cease to *either* gain *or* lose weight ever again
as long as ye both shall live?!!

The thing is, while a gain of half a pound a week is no big deal,
if it occurs *every* week, in four years you'd be 100 lbs heavier!

And that *is* a big deal!


Hi, Chuck...

You mentioned that you've followed the McDougall plan before,
with great success, but that you've fallen off the wagon recently
and reverted back to your old habits.

That's the secret nightmare of everybody here, isn't it?

Gaining it back... maybe all of it... and more.

I'm so happy to hear that you're "on the wagon" again and making progress
and getting to where you can stand sideways, stick out your tongue and
look like a zipper!


It was the spectre of gaining it all back again that induced me
to conduct a series of eating experiments designed to keep me
steadily losing weight at what to most people would seem like
a snail's pace but at what I figured was probably about the
equivalent of a couple of tablespoons of olive oil a day.

Half a pound of butter is 8 oz.

One week has 7 days.

1 oz a day ±.

2 TBL.


It took me a couple of months to "fine tune" the program to fit my goal;
but, once I was trucking, I stopped at the "weigh station" once a fortnight
and found that I'd lost just about a pound... sometimes a little more,
sometimes a little less, but on average a pound a fortnight...

...until I joined this group and dropped 2 lbs the first week!

...and dropped another 2 lbs last week!

...which is 1.5 lbs more than my weekly target!

I'm not sure, but I suspect it may have something to do with gluten.
Corn is a gluten-free grain, I discovered, and I'm having it now
for two meals out of three in the form of homemade tortillas...

...and as soon as I can master the art of making hominy
(whole-kernel corn with pericarp aka skin removed from kernels),
I'm going to start having a bowl of hominy in the evening instead of
a bowl of oat-n-barley flakes. I'm keen to find out if a bowl of hominy
makes me feel as sleepy as a bowl of oat-n-barley flakes.

If it doesn't, then I'm switching to hominy for my evening meal
so I can see what an all-corn fortnight (two weeks) feels like...
if it does a better job of keeping me on even keel, energy-wise,
than a two-thirds corn fortnight.

That's all I ask...

• a steady, dependable level of energy all day long, and

• a predictable level of weight loss every fortnight, and

• a weight-maintenance plan that's as effortless as it is effective
and which I found on page 59 of Dr. McDougall's MLW book where he says
that, when you get within 10 pounds of your ideal weight, your body
naturally achieves an equilibrium between the calories you take in
and those you expend.

And I seem to recall Dr. Lisle saying, in response to an interview question
as to how best to go about losing those last 10 "vanity" pounds, that
you can do it by increasing the percentage of raw vegetables you eat.

Ain't that a hoot, though!

Once we get where we're going, our bodies are going to just naturally
achieve an equilibrium between the calories we take in and those we expend!

How cool izzat?!!


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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby catswcravats » Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:06 pm

1/17 Weight change -1 lbs

Glad I ended up with a loss. There were a few non-compliant days, one planned, two unplanned. Next week will be more compliant.
One thing that is helping is that my hubbie needs veggies added to his (horrible) diet plan so I just make a bunch for both of us so veggie content is pretty good even with some other poor choices.

This coming week I have a draft menu plan so I know what I want to make as one dish gets eaten up. Trying to help hubbie with some tasty veggie sides and then I'll add my starchie goodness.

Exercise is going well.
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby laurag » Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:14 pm

Just weighing in no change 148 lbs

Good at no animal stuff

Work on not drinking calories,

There is other stuff to work on exercise on regular basis I just don't seem to be motivated, I was walking. I did really good on making a plan(inspired by moonlight doing a two day meal plan for the month) I had one in place for when I came back from trip so it was easy to go shopping and cook it up. I actually just did mostly a one day meal plan for week.

Breakfast oatmeal And blueberries or frozen shredded potatoes with lentils and kale

Lunch Baked potato kale and salsa or beans and rice with romAine lettuce and salsa

Dinner a fast food Jeff Novak meal, canned tomatoes with bag frozen veg beans over rice

Today I did a soup for snack also just same thing with water

This is all good but I fail with snacking on treats off program not all the time but usually something like -puffed sugar wheat cereal, lara bars sometimes just a regular cookie or candy -I have a sweet tooth at night after dinner, I hope to hold back from that with bananas and frozen cherries heated up in microwave so yummy
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby nat13 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:47 pm

0 -No change this week but still loving how I’m feeling!
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby BeTrue01 » Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:45 am

Either the weighing machine is wrong or I have put on a pound!
01/03 = 156
01/10 = 154
01/17 = 155 :(

Have a question? I've had it for two nights now. After dinner yesterday night we had left over sweet potato/spinach soup and 2 slices of rye at 6:00pm. Then I'd gone for rehearsals and came back at 9pm. Drank water but by 10:30pm, I was hungry again. I ignored the signals and went to bed.
Tonight, I made Japanese sweet potato noodles water stir fry with lots of vegetables and now it's 10:30pm and I'm hungry again :x

Why doesn't the dinner food keep me going through the night? Do any of you feel hungry 4 hours after dinner? And what do you snack on to assuage the hunger? Tonight I succumbed and took my husband's cheese stick and drank water. ;-)

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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby debsal » Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:19 am

144 up 1 lb Don't know why, I did nothing different from last week
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby pootsy » Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:47 am

lost 2#
I did well this week with 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10 guidelines.
Still struggling with #4, I find giving up dairy so much harder than meat ever was, and that's been decades.... working on it.
#8 still a challenge too; I bought diet soda this week and was mindlessly drinking it until it hit me so I now have a case of water instead.
Became more aware of food as comfort when I had some aggravation with a grocery delivery snafu and reached for the wrong thing. I wasn't successful, but very good observation.
Enjoying my morning routine of cooking oatmeal, just a simple, quiet start to the day. My sister(unknowingly) gave me a loaf of rye/pumpernickel bakery bread yesterday because that was my go to breakfast (with butter!) and I was able to tell her that I wasn't eating bread so we gave it to a neighbor. Small successes for me but they will add up over time. Now , just have to say goodbye to cheese!
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Re: January 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Wild4Stars » Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:23 am

BeTrue01 wrote:
Why doesn't the dinner food keep me going through the night? Do any of you feel hungry 4 hours after dinner? And what do you snack on to assuage the hunger? Tonight I succumbed and took my husband's cheese stick and drank water. ;-)

I am rarely hungry at night, but when I am, I eat a little something. There really is no reason to be hungry on this way of eating. Of course NOT a cheese stick. Have something compliant available. I always have cooked potatoes in the fridge so if I needed a snack at night would warm one up and eat it. Any kind of veggies are good snacks, I love grape tomatoes, cucumbers, celery hearts. Maybe have a little of something that was leftover at supper. If REALLY hungry have a bowl of oatmeal. Being hungry is not required.
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