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Postby stormie » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:49 pm

I'm up 2.5 lbs :(

I was so depressed when I got off that scale, that I started feeling sorry for myself..I've said no to donuts, and girlscout cookies, and happy hour with my friends, why o why even bother! BUT I did not go to the gym once last week, I ate ALOT more croutons on my salad than I probably should have, and I drank a 12 pack of beer over 7 days....so....I really only have myself to blame. The thing that has me down the most is that I wanted to at least lose 8lbs in February and now the month is gone I'm exactly where I started at. I think this week I'm gonna do the MM so I can recharge and refocus.

Good job to everyone else!!
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Postby 141 by 41 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:36 pm

Stormie WHY are you beating yourself up?

You didn't eat the donuts! :thumbsup: GOOD JOB!

You didn't eat the Girl Scout cookies! :thumbsup: EXCELLENT CHOICE!

Happy Hour with friends - okay, you shoulda gone! Get some sparkling/seltzer water with a lemon wedge - looks like a cocktail - and enjoy your social time with friends.

Croutons = 2.5 lbs .... no, really REALLY doubt that as a reality.

Blame/credit, punishment/rewards ..... yeah, it falls squarely on each of our shoulders individually. What "we" put in or don't put in our mouths are OUR choices and only WE reap the benefits or consequences of our choices.

Take BETTER care of yourself (eating, exercising, socializing) instead of looking at ways to punish yourself (more restrictive eating, excessive exercising, reclusive behavior).
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Postby stormie » Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:09 pm

You're right, 141 by 41!!

Thanks for snapping me out of it!!!
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Postby topview1 » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:36 pm

On plan and planning to stay that way. It was a really good day, instead of sabotoging myself, I ate 3 organic gala apples, because I was starving with a load of groceries :lol: when my errands took hours longer than planned past lunch. Oh they tasted good :D I fed the two littles that were with me granola bars... millet and squash + big salad when i finally made it home.

For supper I made a brown rice pineapple mushroom pepper stir fryish type thing from fatfreevegan that was super yummy and mr.topview said "good rice" he is picky about rice (eats a lot, likes it just so), so that is a rave review. I wrote it down to do again.
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Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:53 pm

141 by 41 wrote:Stormie WHY are you beating yourself up?

You didn't eat the donuts! :thumbsup: GOOD JOB!

You didn't eat the Girl Scout cookies! :thumbsup: EXCELLENT CHOICE!

Happy Hour with friends - okay, you shoulda gone! Get some sparkling/seltzer water with a lemon wedge - looks like a cocktail - and enjoy your social time with friends.

Croutons = 2.5 lbs .... no, really REALLY doubt that as a reality.

Blame/credit, punishment/rewards ..... yeah, it falls squarely on each of our shoulders individually. What "we" put in or don't put in our mouths are OUR choices and only WE reap the benefits or consequences of our choices.

Take BETTER care of yourself (eating, exercising, socializing) instead of looking at ways to punish yourself (more restrictive eating, excessive exercising, reclusive behavior).

141 by 41, that was such good advice! If only I could get that into my head as well.
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Hello Group

Postby Twinkle » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:19 pm

Hello Everyone..
I am sorry I have been missing in action but work,school and exercise has keping me busy.I am very happy to report that I have been consistent with my exercise.This week was an intersting week..It was my b'day as well as our aniversary mon/wed repectively...so keeping away from food has been a challenge...but I have tried...I am down by 0.4 pounds...not much but slow and steady...I was hoping to be at the 141 mark by end of feb but I am close so no complains...
Once agin ty all for all your suppourt...it helps... 8)

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Postby Birdy » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:40 pm

Hello all. I have no weight loss to report. :( Oh well, maybe next week! Good luck to everyone!
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thur check in

Postby Riva » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:59 pm

Yippee! Lost one pound
Also got major inspiration by the talk over in health forum about NO OIL NO KIDDING
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Postby Bambie113 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:09 am

I lost 1.2lbs, Sounds great to me!
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Postby Letha. » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:25 am

February 09 MWL Group
UPDATED Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in February is 129.95 pounds

Week ending 02/26/09: 24 participants reported a total loss of 18.8 pounds
Week ending 02/19/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 45.45 pounds
Week ending 02/12/09: 27 participants reported a total loss of 28.6 pounds
Week ending 02/05/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds

Participants reporting for week ending 02/26/09. If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.

141 by 41: 0
Anndreak: 0
Birdy: 0
CarolWL: 0
Cowgirrlup: 0
Liam13: 0
Love the Lorax: 0
Mairead11: 0
Mommylut: 0
MrsIrishOD: 0
Potatolicious: 0
Stormie: 0
Topview1: 0
Twinkle: 0.4
Luvdachiess: 0.8
HealthE1: 1
Riva: 1
Bambie113: 1.2
Felini: 1.2
Cynthiak: 2
LauraA: 2
Toadfood: 2.6
Swearbyit: 3
Letha.: 3.6
Total: 18.8


Total group loss reported in January is 238.8
Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 35.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Total Lost in December = 68.26 reported for the group
Week ending January 1, 2008 – 4 participants: 8.2 pounds lost
Week ending December 25th, 2008 - 5 participants: 6.96 pounds lost
Week ending December 18, 2008- 6 participants: 9.6 pounds lost
Week ending December 11, 2008 - 10 participants: 16.5 pounds lost
Week ending December 4, 2008 - 12 participants: 27 pounds lost
Last edited by Letha. on Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Letha. » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:16 am

Good morning everyone. I’m doing well today. On plan and planning to stay that way.

I find it very interesting to look at the group results from week to week. Just like individuals the group seems to get enthusiastic at the beginning of the month or the beginning of the year. I’m going to keep adding the monthly results to the end of these reports. I think we’ll find over the course of the year that despite the highs and lows the accumulated totals over time will be impressive.

I’d like to congratulate everyone who participated with the group this past week for all of the choices that you made to eat healthy and to exercise. For every time you ate oatmeal and veggie soup instead of hamburgers and fries – WELL DONE!!

I’d particularly like to speak to several of you whose posts inspired me yesterday.

Bambie113 wrote:But geuss what?!! I'm eating BBQ Stew instead!!!(Letha's recipe) And geuss what else?! I really like it!! And I'm going to go have 2nds, and maybe even 3rds and geuss what will happen if I have 3rds?! I wont be sick, I wont feel gross, I wont want to go to sleep, I wont gain weight, AND I wont be guilty the REST of the week!! I'm sooo lucky!

I love your enthusiasm. It helps to remind me why I choose to do McDougall.

Felini wrote:I lost 1.2 lbs. this week and I feel fantastic! My goal for the week is to do some more exercise.

I am losing weight and can honestly say am rarely hungry. Oh, I get hungry enough to know when to eat again, but it's not "dieting" hunger.

It's been 57 days Vegan and it's second nature now. Everything is easier. Looking forward to March challenge.

Hang in there everyone!


I’m with you Felini. I am also rarely hungry, a big improvement for me from weight watchers or the raw food diet I was following before.

LauraA wrote:Good morning all - I have good news to report! I'm down two pounds this week, and I exercised 6 days. One day, I even exercised twice. I feel great, and I'm loving the way that I'm eating. When I lose one more pound I will have lost 30 pounds!! 35 pounds will be half way to my goal!!

I so appreciate your consistency LauraA. You’re doing wonderful and you have inspired me to push myself to exercise.

cynthiak wrote:Very excited to report a 2 pound loss this week!!!! I've lost a total of 12 pounds since the first of the year and I feel fabulous!!!
Keep up the good work everyone. Cynthia

I’m so excited for you Cynthia. 12 pounds is equivalent to 48 cubes of butter that you’ve melted off your body. Thanks for being part of the group.

toadfood wrote:I've lost a total of 15 lbs since the first of the year. That feels really good. I'm doing this. I really am.

Yes you are really doing this! We both are. Thanks for walking down this path with me.
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Postby 141 by 41 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:28 am

Weight didn't change this week. This month has been a loss week, then a no-change week, then a loss week (repeat). I'm happy to not be reporting any gains, although I'm getting less and less interested in what numbers the scale shows. Why??

Because this month, I lost 4.25 inches!!! :D Heck, THAT is more important/impressive to me than what number the scale shows. :lol:

That means since I started January 8th, I've lost 9.75 inches off my body!! :D :cool: :nod: That ROCKS!!
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Feb. 26 weight in

Postby luvdachiess » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:26 am

Hi all I am down .8 this week. Slow be sure! I upped my exercise some this week and plan to up it more next week. Thank you for being here and all the support.
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Postby Faith in DC » Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:45 pm

MrsIrishOD wrote:
toadfood wrote:Hang in there, Mrs. Irish. Do you write down what you eat every day? That might help.

I have kept a journal in an Excel spreadsheet of everything I eat, exercise, vitamins and blood pressure for 7 weeks. I even write down when I cheat so I can see what the results might be.

Interestingly, when I had a 2.5 weight loss is when I didn't exercise for 5 days. What's up with that?

You know what, just for the fun of it, don't exercise next week. I know with me personally I have get this feeling, I've exercised I can eat a little more. Or I haven't exercised I better watch what I eat closely.

Maybe I'm off base.
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Postby swearbyit » Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:52 pm

well all i think i already sabotaged my 3 pound weight loss. such a shame. i stress ate yesterday and this morning. emotional eating is definitely something i need to work on... found out at my interview that i still need at least 3 more months volunteer experience to be reconsidered for eligibility for the peace corps and after that i still may not be eligible for a 2010 nomination (major budget cuts going on my recruiter said, so there's a lot less opportunities to for involvement). since i graduate in december, i'd have to put off a year of my life to wait around for a nomination that may never come. so my dreams of the peace corps are definitely crushed and i drowned my sorrows in an excess of baked potatoes (haha).

so i'm sure i gained a few pounds back already... what a difference a couple days makes! but i'm going to take this weekend to clear my mind of all the negative stuff, focus on exercising (since i haven't in the past couple days) and get myself back on track. hopefully by next weigh in i will have lost the couple pounds gained back so i don't have to move my weight ticker! take care all
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