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Postby Twinkle » Sun May 03, 2009 11:47 am

I have been gone a long time...I was seriously Mcdoughalling since January..I lost 10 three months and then lost track..but now I am back and want to finish what I started in I am in ( a bit late but in..)
It is really nice to see that so manyof you are still in this together.(Leetha,Laura,toadface and anyone else I missed) feels like I am home again and not alone...Keep up the good work guys..
Also want to add I big thing hen I left this forum...the one thing i missed the most is the "never say die" attitude....
I am on my way to spend 45 mins on my eliptical followed by some weight training...more u all..
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Postby Letha. » Sun May 03, 2009 12:10 pm

Checking in. I’ve not been sleeping well and I’m not feeling very chatty. I’m still on plan and planning to stay that way. I’ll check back tomorrow.
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Sunday Exercise Report

Postby beanie » Sun May 03, 2009 4:12 pm

Here's my exercise report for the week past.
Monday through Saturday, I walked some, but not any serious distances. I walked up the stairs and escalators but other than that, I was fairly inactive. Today, I ran a 1/2 marathon. I definitely didn't break any speed records, but I finished. I'm a little bit sore, but happy and proud to have reached my goal. I can't wait until I lose more weight, the less of me there is to move around, the easier the running will be.

I hope you all had a great weekend. Best of luck in the upcoming week!
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Postby Starchyme » Sun May 03, 2009 4:25 pm

Congrats on the 1/2 marathon, Beanie. That's awesome! We'll celebrate next week at Vegetable Garden!
Happy McDougalling!
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Exercise Report

Postby LauraA » Sun May 03, 2009 8:19 pm

Hi all - this was not a great week for exercise, but I'm now in New York City, and plan to really be on track here. I went to Curves on Monday and Wednesday, and walked some (but not as much as usual) on the other days. My day off was today - it was very rainy in Baltimore where I was. This afternoon I took the train to New York. This is a great place for long, long walks! Tae care, LauraA
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Re: Extra Motivation

Postby LauraA » Sun May 03, 2009 8:58 pm

Losing Linda wrote:I decided to pay myself for each day I am faithful to MWL program. So far I have 2 days. I figure I will need some clothes at the end which I will save for as I lose. 8) Do we tell weight lost on Thursdays in this thread?

How or how much are you paying yourself? Tell us more about your plan! Take care, LauraA
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Postby LauraA » Sun May 03, 2009 9:01 pm

Eppy wrote:Hi,

I would like to join. I am a former McDougaller who lost 100 pounds back in 2002-2003. I kept it off for a few years and then became bad and little by little have let my weigh creep up again and now need to lose about 84 pounds of it again. Very depressing! :( I am at 226 and would like to get back to 140. I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing in your experiences!
Welcome, your great experience in losing so much weight before will help you and help us all. Then, to keep it off this time, we will just have to continue to support each other. I am convinced that will make the difference. I've lost weight lots of times in the past (though not as much as you) and I have to feel that our group support and a really good understanding of McDougalling and The Pleasure Trap will make the difference this time! We're glad to have you, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Re: I want to join!

Postby LauraA » Sun May 03, 2009 9:03 pm

healthymonster wrote:Hi, I'm Jenni, new to McDougalling (but have used the cookbooks off and on for years). I'm here to make a real committment. The maximum weight loss is just more veggies and no bread, is that right? I'm somewhere between regular McDougall and MWLP, so if it's weird for me to post here, let me know!

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

Jenni :D

Welcome, MWL program leaves out flour, leaes out unprocessed foods that are higher in oil (nuts, avocado etc) Welcome, we're glad to have you! Take care, LauraA
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Re: Will you take me back?

Postby LauraA » Sun May 03, 2009 9:09 pm

Mommylut wrote:I really was going through a lot in April (which ended with my 61st birthday). Although I can't say I have been totally faithful, I did spend the month re-reading the MWL book and the Digestive tune-up book. The second book is becoming my bible because it really speaks to me about the health issues I suffer when I wander away. I was so happy to realize that this is the start of a new month and that I will be able to re-join this group.

I agree, this has been a totally positive board, which is why I didn't want to post when I was so negative about so many things. So here I am - it's May, it is getting warmer, I am getting nuts about wearing clothes from last year that don't fit as well (Yes, I have gained about 10 lbs during these past two months). Onward and upward and welcome to all.


Hi - and welcome. I just want to let you know that I feel that a positive board doesn't mean that we don't post when we are feeling negative or are having a rough time - that is probably when we need support the most! I think that a positive board means that we don't say negative things about each other's plans or failures. We just to our best to offer or receive positive support. I'll tell you one thing, I'm on the final two weeks of a month of travel. I've gotten off track with some oils, some nuts, and some over eating. I'm planning to get back fully on track with eating and exercise tomorrow. If I'm not successful, then you'll all hear me being down on myself when I finally get home to weigh in at the end of my travels. Anyway, at this point I'm committed to being back on track from now on! Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby mairead11 » Sun May 03, 2009 9:26 pm

Beanie—congrats on the half marathon! That's an incredible achievement.

I've exercised most days this week, although less vigorous yesterday and today. I must be pms'ing because I don't have the drive to do high-intensity exercise AND I have been a bottomless pit since I woke up yesterday. Last week was a great week, and I just hope I've not thrown it all out the window this weekend [I made some good and bad food choices].

I have a half dozen baked potatoes ready to go for my breakfasts, salad fixin's for lunch, and beans soaking tonight, to make chili tomorrow evening for dinners. I am getting back on track 100%—pms'ing or not!

This week's exercise agenda:
M-walk; Tu-spin; W-BodyAttack; Th-kickboxing; F-walk; Sa-BodyAttack; Su-off.

Have a great week everyone! :-D
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My Plan so far

Postby Losing Linda » Sun May 03, 2009 11:12 pm

I hope to pay myself ten dollars a day this month which will come out what I earn as a quilter. That is about two to three large quilts that I finished for a customer. I usually just put it into the business or give to those in need in my family. Everyone is doing fine so now I can spend a little on me. I went shopping with my husband and stocked on yams and potatoes, brown rice and lots of fresh vegetables from farmers market. I plan to eat oatmeal for breakfast with blue berries or strawberries. For lunch I will have yam and salad. Snack will be at 3 or 4 of vegetables with rice and dinner will be soup of some sort. I find that I have more hunger at 3-4 in afternoon this is when I eat wrong. We eat dinner late so soup is enough or small dinner. I hope to walk more and get to the gym which is hard because driving is still painful. My right ankle was the one injured. Thanks for asking.
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Postby Letha. » Mon May 04, 2009 10:07 am

Checking in. I'm still not feeling well. But I'm on plan and planning to stay that way.
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Is it too late to join the May group?

Postby cass » Mon May 04, 2009 10:11 am

Good morning;

I recently joined this forum, and I've figured out that I want to start out with Mary's Mini, and then regular MWL. Right now, I need the simplicity of Mary's Mini, that's for sure.

Here is the only foreseeable exception right now: I will be celebrating my birthday with several family members this week. They were going to take me to a seafood restaurant, but I got a reservation at Millennium, a vegan restaurant in San Francisco, instead. I am very excited to try that restaurant. I don't know if I can and will get a fat-free or very low-fat dinner there, but it WILL be vegan.

I have a lot of weight to lose, and I am VERY excited about starting Mary's Mini. I brought my lunch with me today: boiled red potatoes with sea salt, and mini-carrots. I have a 32-oz. nalgene bottle full of ice water. It's my goal to finish that water before I go home this afternoon.

I'm going to bake a number of potatoes this evening, and then I can use them for several meals.

Best wishes :-)
It's never too late to try again and get it right!

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Postby Faith in DC » Mon May 04, 2009 10:41 am

the nice thing about veggie restaurants is they are more accomodating. So you might be able to find something without added fat there.

Letha sorry you are feeling under the weather.

Eppy welcome back. You did great to not gain all of the weight back. Sometimes it takes us a few times to get how to live after the loss. Notice my saying under my name? That's what I've been working on for three years.
I'm in training for maintaining
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Postby eaufraiche703 » Mon May 04, 2009 10:55 am

Losing Linda,

I've been paying myself 10 bucks a day for a few weeks for on track days! it feels really great to stuff that bill in the $$$ jar!

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