10 Day Mary's Mini

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Postby desertwind56 » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:25 am

:D Checking in.

I stuck to Mary's mini 100%. It went better. Seems I quit fighting with myself. And worried less about number of calories. I'm slowly seeing the simplicity of it.

Still hanging in there.

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Postby sksamboots » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:49 am

Hope everyone has a good day...I'm feeling really bloated, wondering if anyone else ever felt this way doing Mary's mini? I'm hoping it goes away soon....Eh....Hope everyone has a good day :)
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Postby Letha.. » Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:05 am

Sksamboots, Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Debbie, Sounds like you need to make a pot of kitchen sink soup. Just toss everything that needs to be used up into a pot, cover with water, cook until tender and call it soup. :D

Jan, Great job of recruiting a new McDougaller.

Silvafox, I liked your exit analogy.

Kirstykay, Congrats on the 4 pounds lost. That’s Super!

Same old same old thing for me. By my calculations we’re on day 8 of the 10 day Mary’s Mini. It’s been fun.
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Checking In

Postby kirstykay » Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:26 pm

Hi! Great to hear that everyone is doing well. Today is day 6 for me.

Deb, you said,
"I am going to make curried cauliflower from the pcrm website for my veggies today."
What is the pcrm website?

(That reminds me, can anyone tell me how to capture a quote from someone else to reply to it? I've seen it done, but the only way I can figure how to do it is like I did above.)

Yesterday was good:
Bkfs: apple b4 my workout then hasbrowns with cabbage after (this is becoming my new favorite.)
Snk: banana
Lnch: leftover soup and an apple
Din: oven fries and a large mixed green salad.

I feel like Friday night was a big accomplishment for me because for years now Friday night is Pizza night. We always order pizza and watch a movie as a family. It goes together, you know? Pizza, movies, Friday? So I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and sad that I "can't" have pizza anymore. My husband was so sweet. He said he wouldn't have it if I couldn't. So I made a sort of pizza sauce to dip the oven fries in, and that's what we had while the kids ate pizza. And by the time I was in the middle of it, I didn't even miss the pizza! When I was done eating, I was totally satisfied and felt a lot less sorry for myself. :)

I am coming to realize that this isn't so much about what I "can't" have, but about the choices that I "get" to make to live a healthier life. It feels good, and that's how I'm approaching all the candy tonight, too. It's not that I "can't" have my favorite snickers bar, it's that I'd rather have my health.

Happy Halloween!
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Postby janluvs2heel » Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:03 pm

Letha, by my calculations, tomorrow is day 10. I started on Friday, 10-23.
I am not sure I recruited someone, but we'll see. At least she is going to check it out.

Kirstykay-It isn't on MM but you can do pizza. It is even in the MWL book. Just order it without the cheese & meat. I used to do when I did McD before. It is amazing how good it tastes, even without cheese. I dont know if Papa Murphy is nation wide but he makes a really super thin crust so not that many calories, then pile on the tomato sauce & veggies. Or you could make one of your own.

sksamboots-I haven't felt bloated. I wonder what would cause that? Today I have had hash browns for breakfast & 1 potato. I got up really early & went to a workshop, a practice for obedience trials. I brought my potato with me, & an apple but wasnt hungry so ate it when I got home, around 2.

Debbie-remember, the girls will have fun without all that candy. Give them a few pieces, then throw the rest away. Send pictures. Me, I am not buying candy. I am putting my car in the garage & not answering the door. I never get that many kids anyway.

Desertwind-that is great that you are doing well. I am going back on MWL on Monday, well, I will just add some stuff, like some beans, etc. But mainly I like the simpicity of it as well. It doesn't take too much thought.
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Postby sksamboots » Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:59 pm

Thanks everyone

I'm feeling better. Got a nice fruit smoothie in me and that cured me being bloated. So that's good...

I just had a nice meal of potatoes and put home-made marinara sauce over them. Very good. Hit the spot

Hope everyone has a relaxing night :-D
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Postby Letha.. » Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:28 am

janluvs2heel wrote:Letha, by my calculations, tomorrow is day 10. I started on Friday, 10-23.

Thanks Jan. Well then, today is my tenth day posting in this Mary’s Mini thread. It’s working well for me and I think I’m going to be doing this long term. I would like to add that I don’t think I could have done this a year ago. I believe it was sticking to MWL for an entire year without cheating that enabled me to successfully simplify my diet to a Mary’s Mini style of eating.

I feel like I’ve gotten to know the participants in this thread a little better and I’m happy about that. This will be my last post here but I want to wish all of you the best and I know I’ll see you in the MWL thread and elsewhere on the forum. :)

Best Wishes,
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Postby desertwind56 » Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:37 am

janluvs2heel – Thank-you. I was missing the part that it is simple. I was thinking it should be more complicated!

I came to this a little late, so this is my seventh day. And I will continue for the full ten days. After the first two days, I didn’t think I could, but now I know I can.

Letha – Wow. Just wow. I am so not good with words. You are such an inspiration! :)

See you all in the MWL thread.
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Postby Silvafox » Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:08 pm

Nice to feel a tiny part of a "thread" for a few days.

Deb, I think you have a good idea. Can other people read your journaling?

Back to lurking...

The Other Deb
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Postby Silvafox » Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:54 pm

Thank you, Deb, I will lurk some more. I will work on a mondified mini alternating MM days with MWL days...that's about what I ended up doing this time.

I have a freind wiht lupis who is now in the last stages. She and I e-mailed daily, even though I never met her face to face, we were weight-management buddies for five or six years. I miss her terribly as she loved my quirks and oddities. She is no longer strong enough to communicate with anyone but her husband and close family members.

This thread has been the closest to that friendship I've felt in the last three months.

I'll look for your thread and send you lots of encouraging thoughts.

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Postby janluvs2heel » Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:42 pm

I weighed myself today, I am down to 216. I was at 221 on Friday, 10-23. I was aiming for 218, really just wanted to be out of the 220's so either way I won.

I was going to go on MWL but my daughter has started the thread for another 15 day MM so I will start that tomorrow. I made some soup yesterday, the kitchen sink kind, but this am I threw in some beans so will finish that up today & then start tomorrow so I will be one day late.

I think we all did pretty good. It is so nice to have support, to celebrate successes & disappointments.

Hope everyone has a great November.
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Postby Silvafox » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:11 pm

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checking in

Postby kirstykay » Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:20 pm

Day 7 for me. I'll keep going the full 10 days. Today I went out to eat with my family after church, and I ordered plain oatmeal and a fruit cup. I would have ordered the hashbrowns, but they were made with oil, so I thought the oatmeal was a better choice. It was delicious and filling, and I didn't feel deprived not getting what I would have normally ordered in the past (probably a skillet, loaded with cheese!)

I've been doing really well on this, but I think after the 10 days I'm going to start on the regular MWL. My goal is to get out of the 240s. I'll weigh again Wednesday which will be day 10 for me. If I'm not in the 230s, I'll keep on MM until I am. (Actually 235 would be a milestone for me. I haven't been that weight in over 5 years.) If I don't continue to do well, I may go back to this.

This thread has been amazing! Thank you all for your honesty and support. I wish you all the best.

Jan-Congrats on getting out of the 220s!!! That's great!

Deb-I think it's a great idea to start a new thread, I may end up checking in there if that's okay. It sounds like you'll do great.

I'll keep checking in here if anyone else will still be around. I want to finish the 10 days.

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Re: checking in

Postby SactoBob » Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:32 pm

debbie wrote:They look at you kinda funny, but you can ask them to make the hashbrowns with no oil. I do that at denny's whenever we go there. I usually order 4 orders no oil and share them with the kids

Debbie -
One thing that you have to be very careful of is restaurants. A place like Denny's is not used to serving McDougall people. I would bet a lot that they do not maintain a grill without oil just in case they get a McDougall person. That funny look you get from the waitress is the look of somebody who thinks you are a nut and is going to ignore you most likely. I bet the cook gets a chuckle when told to hold the oil - he won't know how to cook them without oil. The grill is already covered in oil - and who knows what else - butter, bacon grease . . . . He is not going to clean the grill for you.

When in restaurants that do not understand McDougall, I have found it best to stick to things that you can verify - like fresh whole fruit or a baked potato that you open yourself, or brown rice that you know is not cooked in broth, or steamed veggies or a salad with vinegar on the side.

I know that you have been working at this for quite some time and not achieved the results you want, and this could be a big part of the problem. Especially when you are trying to down regulate your SAD receptors, it is a good idea to stay away from restaurants. Just because the family insists on meeting at the restaurant does not mean you have to order, or order something marginal.

Postby Silvafox » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:21 am

Deb, I SO wish my friend would have looked into a vegan diet back when she was less sick...now, as you say, the doctors have her so connected with medicines that there's no chance she'd consider changing. She is under "the best medical care money can buy" in Boston...yeah...right.

I am very glad you have changed though...so you'll live long and healthy!

I'll be watching you!

The Other Deb
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